barefootchaos · 5 hours
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Photos of the Zagato Zele 1000 “Electric Car”.
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barefootchaos · 5 hours
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Before work
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barefootchaos · 5 hours
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James Goldman, The Lion in Winter.  
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barefootchaos · 6 hours
tw: religion, unserious religious discussion
gang was jesus born in 0 or did he die in 0 cus like. BC implies that he was born in 0 but AD implies that he died in 0. /genq
idk i never read the bible man i took five years of religion classes and not once did they go over this
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barefootchaos · 6 hours
The best crochet creation
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barefootchaos · 6 hours
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giving someone a lilac meant that the giver is trying to remind the receiver of a first love.
lilacs are often the first flowers to bloom when temperatures rise and only last a couple of weeks, so lilacs often symbolise spring.
the common lilac produces nectar, favoured by bees and butterflies.
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barefootchaos · 7 hours
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barefootchaos · 7 hours
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Change my meme (a replacement 'Change my mind' template) - template post - Imgur
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barefootchaos · 7 hours
“Shaving for men is not the same as makeup for women, you know, even though they are similar rituals on the face of it, so to speak. Shaving is a revelation, a paring off of layers of dirt, dead skin, and unwanted bristle. It lays bare the man, and he can’t hide from himself. But makeup is a pasting over of the cracks, a concealment— not a conceit, because makeup can only work with what you’ve got in the first place. It’s a guessing game, but one that intrigues me. I love women in makeup. I want to know what’s underneath but without removing the pancake, mascara, lipstick. No, they’re not dolls. They are actors in an ancient theatre, real people playing fantasies, actors playing characters wearing comic or tragic masks. I am as fascinated by the mask as I am curious to remove it. So I stroll up to that unisex hairdresser someone recommended. I want a short back and sides like my dad; I want it really short, so short that no one will be able to resist running her hands over my hair, against the direction of growth, to feel it bristle busily under her palms. No one, thank god, can resist that bristle. Yeah, I want it to cut and bristle; I want clean straight lines. Then up the West End. Oxford Street, New Bond Street, Knightsbridge? Yeah, let’s go to the posh places, get good clothes with a good cut, dole out a bit more dosh because it’s going to be worth the extra. I want to cut a clean straight line. I want a suit, a nice tailored sharp man’s suit, and a smooth pair of boots I can see my face in. I want a crisp shirt that feels like it crackles when I move. Listen to me: sharp, cut, bristle, crisp, crackle; like breakfast cereal. I’ll make so much noise that they’ll hear me coming before I arrive. I want to cut a clean straight line.”
— Barbara Smith
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barefootchaos · 8 hours
I really do miss back when it was considered fucking weird to ask trans people(or anyone who is even a little gnc/has a label you don't understand/is giving you queer vibes)* what their assigned sex at birth is. Like we literally used to roast cis people for this shit, that's legit why the "what's in your pants" meme exists, but somehow we've reached a point where a very vocal portion of the online trans community genuinely thinks you owe people this information so they can make insane generalizations about you and your life and if you refuse that's cause for suspicion and I really shouldn't have to explain how fucked that is.
Interrogating people about what's in their pants is transphobe/terf/transmed shit. "If you have nothing to fear you have nothing to hide" is fed shit. Tbh "you owe me personal information about your body and medical history" is ableist and intersexist shit. Sex and/or gender tells you literally nothing concrete about a person and there is no world where you are owed this information. Can we cut this shit out and go back to judging people by their words and actions instead of what some random doctor decided their body looks like when they were a squishy baby, you know, like normal people? Please??
*It's also wildly intersexist but unfortunately I don't think we've ever reached a point of collectively accepting that it's horrid to ask intersex people unprompted questions about their bodies and medical histories. You are absolutely not owed any of that information for any reason, especially given that medical history typically goes hand in hand with profound trauma due to how normalized medical abuse against intersex people is, and everyone needs to get that through their heads yesterday. If they want to share they can and will, aside from that it's none-ya.
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barefootchaos · 8 hours
FYI: In the US, if you've been kicked from registration even though you're eligible to vote, you can report it to the DOJ:
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In fact, if anyone tries to bar or intimidate you from voting, you can report it, because that shit's a federal offence. 🗳️
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barefootchaos · 8 hours
remembering the scene in arrival when our linguist protagonist talks about how language is what separates humans from animals. and then a scientist she's talking to says hmm personally I think it's science that separates humans from animals. and I really wanted that scene to just keep going with experts from more fields weighing in on how their field of study is the most fundamental thing about humanity. just showing all their perspectives
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barefootchaos · 9 hours
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barefootchaos · 9 hours
“Well, it would confuse the kids if trans people were teachers.”
You know what else is confusing? Being told my entire life that I would be exclusively attracted to men when in fact I am a raging queer. And you’re not giving kids enough credit, if they can handle topics like ‘you have a set of earthly parents and a set of Heavenly Parents and both are real parents to you’ then they should understand the concept of being trans.
Also, I’m not sure if they’ll care. God knows me and my friends were only in primary for the songs and the fruit snacks.
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barefootchaos · 11 hours
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- David Duchovny
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barefootchaos · 11 hours
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i wish he would come down from heaven & kill every instagram fitness liquid diet ozempic green juice low calorie food blogger
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barefootchaos · 11 hours
How the heck do you bake with cold butter? Doesn’t it just sit there and not mix with anything? I can never get it to do what I think the recipe wants it to do.
Cold butter DOESN't incorporate fully into the batter, and that's the point.
Unmelted, hard butter creates little layers and pockets throughout the dough, and those pockets of butter create steam when it melts in the oven to make fluffy moist pockets of air. It's used often in scones, flaky pie crust, biscuits, and especially croissants.
Those recipes often also recommend you put the dough into the fridge, to really cool it off and KEEP the butter cold before baking it. This firms up the dough's texture, and it's less likely to spread out as much, compared to a dough that's baked starting at room temp.
Pie doughs particularly, may even ask for freezer-cold dough. This is essential for very fine flakes that are defined enough to HOLD UP to a filling being put on top of it.
Croissants are very well-known for their super flaky interiors.
This is achieved by rolling dough flat, making a sheet of cold butter and then folding the dough and sheet several times, rolling it out so it forms many thin layers of cold butter, between the dough. It can become a multi-day process because you have to regularly chill the dough to keep the butter from warming up too much.
Most recipes will say you need to dice the cold butter, slice it into sheets, or warm it to just barely cooler than room temp so you can smush into a shape (like the croissant's butter-sheet), then chill again to be cold.
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