barnes-and-melody · 22 days
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barnes-and-melody · 22 days
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1997)
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barnes-and-melody · 22 days
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barnes-and-melody · 22 days
new room decoration :D
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barnes-and-melody · 22 days
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barnes-and-melody · 23 days
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i look at the moon and see you
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barnes-and-melody · 23 days
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Sylvia Plath
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barnes-and-melody · 2 months
“Brat summer,” I whisper to myself as I kidnap my crush’s little brother and threaten to set him on fire because said crush didn’t want to come to my party.
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barnes-and-melody · 7 months
When he’d been told by adults to do great things when he grew up, Steve suspected that probable fugitive harbouring was not what they meant. He was doing it anyway.
The dead boy at his door wasn’t the best start to the week. Billy Hargrove was bleeding heavily from his chest, had yellow eyes and was still rapidly switching from normal to flayed. Not something Steve found himself feeling particularly prepared to tackle.
He’d briefly considered involving the party before making the decision to never tell them about this. They’d suspected he was flayed based of fairly circumstantial evidence then locked him in a sauna. Steve might not have been particularly fond of the guy but he didn’t want them to actually kill him.
So he now just had a man in his basement. Who Steve was fairly certain wanted to murder him. Not that Steve would blame him, in that particular circumstance, Steve would be pissed too. The floating floorboards, he was distinctly less sympathetic to.
Billy definitely had powers. None of which Steve was very good at handling. There was telekinesis and shape shifting and what Steve was fairly sure was some type of x-ray vision. It was somewhat manageable when Billy was just Billy, but when he was flayed, it was slightly more complicated.
He was definitely more human than he’d been at Starcourt. And he actually recognised Steve 90% of the time rather than 60%. The real problem was trying to stop him from leaving the house.
Steve didn’t know all the details about Neil but he knew enough. Enough to understand that locked doors and barred windows were a supremely bad idea. So Steve sacrificed his sleep instead. Not that he’d been sleeping before.
Distraction seemed to work fairly well on Billy when the telltale signs of the flayer took over. He’d throw a basketball at Billy, wait for him to throw it back even harder. Sometimes he even brought paints out of the loft and let Billy create high, dark thunderclouds over a golden beach. Mostly he just tried to start a conversation, make Billy feel like they were both in Hawkins high.
Something like “Hargrove! You hear about that party on Tuesday?”
It seemed to reach into some core part of Billy, the one that was still keeping him human, and pull out the highschool senior who just wanted to make it back to California. And every time Steve did it, he saw the ghost of the mindflayer getting weaker and weaker.
The bad news was that Billy remembered everything Steve told him. So he was going to have hold one last King Steve party, on a random Tuesday, with the guy everyone thought was dead as the guest of honour.
He picked his party guests very carefully. Robin and Carol, he would trust with pretty much any secret, regardless of what it was. Tommy, even if he was Tommy, knew when to shut it. And Patrick, Chance and Tina knew how to have a good time without the cops getting involved. Hopper did not need to know about this.
It was a pretty quiet affair, mostly just fucking with his dads decor for the kitchen. Billy almost had one of his freak outs, as Steve had taken to calling them, but mostly he seemed pretty alright. Definitely the closest to his old self since July. And they only broke four antiques.
Billy had mostly been incoherent before, flipping between before the lifeguard gig and full on flayed, never quite getting to the point where Steve could tell him what was going on. After the “party”, Billy seemed to remember.
He’d snuck out after being pronounced dead. Still didn’t know how he’d survived but he was alive regardless. The powers were some kind of fucked up parting gift, like Will’s. Only some of the black goo had stayed as well, fucking with his head.
Billy was a good dude. Steve knew that by now. He was also pretty sure that they were friends. So he came to the (unfortunately completely unironic) conclusion that Billy could finally be free of the upside down through the power of friendship. Which also included having to tell Hopper and Joyce what he’d been doing for the past two months. He was just grateful not to be arrested.
Being around El and Max did genuinely seem to help. Even if Steve was eternally scared that Billy and Max’s “friendly banter” was them about to kill each other. Joyce’s presence definitely had a positive effect, with Billy’s mom being out the picture for at least 10 years. Even Hop seemed to soften the edges a little. And gradually the black veins drained completely.
Billy post flaying was definitely a different person to Billy before. He spent most of his time with Joyce, helping her with food or chores. He never flirted with anyone, just hid inside and smoked a lot. Sometimes Steve would get a call late at night when he was pretty baked and Billy would tell him about surfing, sharks, stars. All the things beginning with S.
His powers had definitely became more controlled as well. Usually he used them to help or hinder Max in equal measure. Or El who he also seemed to have taken on as a sibling. Mostly, for Steve, he’d only use them to call when there was a power cut. Which was a frequent occurrence after Starcourt.
It was only when Billy told Steve he was going back to California, Steve actually realised that he had a crush at least. Love at most. Something about not knowing what you wanted until it was gone. But Billy had gone through absolutely hell in Hawkins. Steve wasn’t gonna keep him there. He’d suck it up and cry into his pillow.
The last night before he was due to go, Billy managed to sneak into Steve’s house. Either through powers or lock picking. He kneeled above Steves bed and cackled when Steve almost shit himself, opening his eyes to a looming figure above him.
He told Steve to come with him. Not asked. Told. He needed Steve to be with him, had loved him since they first met. That’s why he’d come to Steve’s first. He’d known, subconsciously, that it was a safe space, Steve would take care of him.
Steve rolled his eyes and told Billy that was a shitty leavers prank before Billy kissed him. And kissing Billy did not feel like kissing girls. At all.
So he went to California with Billy.
And they fought about who chose the music all the way. But lovingly though. Because they loved each other. Billy’s music taste was just shit.
@hargrove-mayfields @shieldofiron @ratbastardbilly @dragonflylady77
This is the result of my attempt to write harringrove while sick whoops
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barnes-and-melody · 7 months
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He lived and he woke up. Post season 3!AU
🔪🔪🔪 в вк не репостить🔪🔪🔪  
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barnes-and-melody · 7 months
genuinely one of the worst things that’s happened to television in the last few years (exacerbated by streaming services) is death of Filler. going from 20 episodes to 8 because “we didn’t really need that episode where the main characters went to the beach right? it had no long lasting effect” but we DID!!! we needed to see how they act without the Big Bad Plot and to establish the dynamics between the characters and lay in the sun (do they forget sunscreen? how do they react to a thieving seagull? do they get buried in the sand or do they do the burying?). the plot isn’t everything. the action doesn’t hit as hard without the quiet moments. give us character development and our little scenes back
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barnes-and-melody · 7 months
It’s so crazy that Lorde read The Dream Thieves and decided to write Homemade Dynamite about Ronan and Kavinsky
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barnes-and-melody · 10 months
one night, Kavinsky dreams up an ornate little box that has a tiny galaxy in it, glowing spring-grass-green and cold-sea-blue, that beats in sync with Ronan Lynch’s heart.
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barnes-and-melody · 10 months
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Μου ήρθε αναλαμπή. Είναι κάτι σαν τον Ντιν και τον Κας της Ελλάδας ig.
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(blank εκδώσει κάτω από το κατ για όποιον θέλει να οικειοποιήσουμε το supernatural meme)
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barnes-and-melody · 1 year
Σόρι κυριολεκτικά δεν σημαίνει τίποτα στην πραγματικότητα αλλά ο Σπύρος αποκάλεσε τον Ανδρέα με το όνομα του αντί να τον πει ο τύπος με τα μαύρα. Το οποίο τον κάνει τον μόνο χαρακτήρα πέρα από τον Νίκο και την Ζάνα που έχει ακτουαλι χρησιμοποιήσει το όνομα του χιχιχι.
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barnes-and-melody · 1 year
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Το Pinterest τυχαία μου έδειξε αυτό το thread και ήταν υπερβολικά σποτ ον για να μην κάνω κάτι. Το pfp της Ντάλιας είναι από την @iveneverbeenmorestressedinmylife !
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barnes-and-melody · 1 year
He is thirty years old, he is babygirl, he has killed an unspecified amount of people, he is god's favourite punching bag, he is a whore. He has a weird homoerotic relationship with his one and only friend. He uses pop songs as his ringtone, he watches romantic comedies in his free time, he doesn't have a social life, he has a ridiculous amount of ex girlfriends. He is divorced, he is a monster, he is my poor little meow meow. His mother is dead, his boss tried to get him killed, he is bisexual. I didn't say his name but he popped into your head didn't he.
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