barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
♪:  three songs that remind me of my muse
Supermassive Black Hole by Muse
bury a friend by billie elish
Vanilla Twilight by Owl City.
★:  a wish my muse has
To get invited to TwitchCon and be able to do a plane.
▲:  my muse’s happiest memory
The day that Barrel adopted Wanda and brought her home. Also, the day he and Stitch got matching tattoos. 
♉:  is my muse prone to jealousy?
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
♉ & ☻
♉:  is my muse prone to jealousy?
honestly, yeah he is. Barrel doesn’t always like to come off as the jealous type, but he can’t help it. 
☻:  three things that make my muse sad
Wanda when she starts whining for food. 
The movie Up.
When he has to leave his best friends house. 
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
♈:  the most daring thing your muse has ever done
Took and then proceeded to post a picture of his sister without any makeup on. It’s really a surprise that Barrel is still alive to talk about this day. And since he has his sister blocked on most social media, she can’t see that he hasn’t taken it down yet. 
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
☺:  three things that make my muse happy
His dog, Wanda.
His best friends: @spacestitch @olliefox @wcndrlnd @girlrags
a good burrito from Chipotle.
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
☂: what my muse does on a rainy day
Honestly, Barrel goes outside and runs around in the rain. Usually in jeans and a t-shirt, and just don’t care for a little while. He’s always loved the rain. 
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
★:  a wish my muse has
Barrel wishes he could move away from Carthay. Maybe into a big house somewhere with just his closest friends and his dog. Away from all the drama and trouble that can be easily stirred up in the kind of small city. He also wishes that he could afford to buy a motorcycle. 
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
♏:  something my muse obsesses over
As of right now, Barrel obsesses over Wanda. He loves his dog more than he could put into words. He constantly worries when he can’t find her, and he’s always on edge when he takes her for a walk. More worried that the little thing is doing to hurt herself when she jumps off a ledge or picks up a stick that is too big to fit in her mouth. Wanda is basically his child, and he’d do anything for the pup. 
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
“Thai food! Maybe next time I’ll do it with Thai, a good spicy shrimp soup, chicken with curry and fried rice“, Sally’s mouth watered, thinking about the dishes. “Pizza was the quick and easy option, plus, it was in a heart shape because of Valentine’s”.
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Tilting his head slightly Barrel laughed a bit. “Have you ever seen Mukbangs on YouTube? With your appetite I feel like you’d be really good at doing something like that.” That would have to be an idea he ran by Stitch one of these days for the channel.
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
“It’s fake vodka, but it has the effect of real vodka,” he explained. “Of course… I think the point is that you don’t know that it’s fake… I’m really not sure,” Ritchie sighed. “I never said you can’t, I’m just saying that I’d rather not be the one responsible for your underage drinkery. My record is squeaky clean, gotta keep it that way.”
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Looking from the bottle back to Ritchie, the boy just rolled his eyes. Setting the bottle back on the table he just folded his arms over his chest. Really not in the mood for drinking anymore. “But, I do know that it’s fake. Since you told me. Kind of ruins the whole appeal don’t you think?”
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
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       ❝  CAN I ASK YOU SOMETHING ?   it’s–  it’s a little weird ,  but …  i don’t know ,  ❞   the redhead chuckles ,  somewhat embarrassed by how poorly planned the question is in itself .  what kind of person even thought about asking this ,  what if it was too person ?  still ,  she couldn’t help her curiosity  —  &  hearing someone else’s answer would make up for the fact that she herself didn’t have one .  ❝  do you have a  favorite memory ?  of all the things you remember about your life …  do you have one that makes you the happiest ,  one you always go back to ?  ❞
Barrel looked up from where he lay with his head in Sally’s lap. Furrowing his brow at her question, he had to think. There were quite a few memories he would have rather forgotten. Not one that immediately that came to the forefront of his mind but, there were ones there. But, that wasn’t the question that was posed to him. Taking in a deep breath, he shrugged a bit before looking up at her. “Probably the day that I met you.” 
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
@spacestitch @olliefox where in Barrel is Joey: and Ollie and Stitch are Chandler
This is pretty much how Barrel acts whenever the boys leave his house. Even if he’s gonna go see them the next day.
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#too pure for this world
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
Guns can kill. Knives can kill. So can small children if you launch them hard enough.
Maki Harukawa, probably (via komaedanagitotrash1)
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barrel-isanightmare · 6 years
Barrel furrowed his brow in confusion more than anything. Not really that the question that was posed to him was confusing. More so he was wondering why there was a stack of craft supplies infront of him. Instantly reaching for the scissors he started to spin them around his fingers with a smirk on his lips. “Can I ask why you need to know this before I give you my answer.” 
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Planting down a stack of construction paper, two pairs of scissors, three glue sticks, two pencils, a ruler and a small sketchbook onto the table, Miguel grinned. “Question,” he began, glancing at the person before him as he took a seat across from them. “If you can come up with the first mythical animal like creature—one that is of your pure imagination and not something that is already made up like a werewolf, unless like that’s what you connect with, what would it be?”
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