barrelselick · 5 years
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barrelselick · 5 years
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barrelselick · 5 years
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What is your character’s full name? Daniel Selick How is it pronounced? Dan-yel Sell-ick Is there a meaning behind it? The name ‘Daniel’ means ‘God is my judge’. Does your character have any nicknames? Daniel is mainly known by his moniker ‘Barrel’, a nickname which corresponds with his siblings’ nicknames Lock and Shock, derived from the figure of speech ‘lock, stock & barrel’ meaning ‘all’, ‘everything’, ‘complete’. When and where were they born? August 20th, 2000 in Carthay,  What’s their zodiac sign and what traits do they most relate to? Leo. Charismatic, attention-seeking, fun, inflexible  What’s their nationality? American What’s their occupation? Unemployed recent high school grad. ( Illegitimately employed by Oogie Boogie... shh! ) What gender do they identify themselves as? Demiboy ( uses both he and they! )
What’s their eye color? Green-ish hazel Do they wear glasses or contacts? No Hair color? Brown. Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to? He can often be seen sporting some pink and purple streaks whenever he can be bothered to keep on top of it. Height? 5′9″. Body build? Average / on the skinny side Do they have any birthmarks? A few moles scattered about here and there. Do they have any piercings or tattoos? He has a couple of stick and poke tattoos that are faded, bad quality and mostly meaningless. If not, do they want to get some? He’d definitely like to get some more tattoos (maybe professionally done this time, but he can’t currently afford it) and would consider getting piercings. Do they have a healthy life style? Surprisingly, yeah. When he drinks alcohol he does go pretty over his limits, but he only does that at parties. How easy do they get sick? Barrel’s convinced he’s got nine lives, at this point. Like a cat. Any marks on their body ( injuries, … )? He has a small scar on his hand from playing with a knife ( idiot ) What’s their personal style/how do they like to dress? Barrel has a very distinct punky, alternative style, influenced by both 70s/80s punk and early 2000s emo. Mainly wears black, purple, grey and pops of bright pink. Very androgynous, can be seen rocking a dress as often as he rocks a pair of ripped jeans. Lots of mish-mashed patterns and textures. A lot of his clothes are thrifted or hand-me-downs from his siblings. Staples are punk/rock/alt band tees, black nail polish, messy hair, platform creepers and messily-applied eyeliner. What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves? His style is his favorite and his least favorite would have to be his smile. It’s adorable, but he can’t see that.
Positive traits? He’s funny, individual, effervescent & can make the best out of a bad situation. Negative traits? He’s also sly, disloyal, dimwitted & irritating. What do they consider to be the best and the worst part of their personality? He loves his upbeat, fiery energy and loud existence. He struggles with how he feels about his level of intelligence – he feels like compared to his brother & sister, people think he’s the ‘dumb one’ – which he gets very defensive about. Are they more extroverted or introverted? Extroverted as hell! Any talents?  Scheming / plotting. Batting those liner-slicked eyes and giving people a soft spot for him. What are their fears? Ever losing his siblings. Do they have any phobias? None! What is their soft spot? Jack Skellington, since he has a hunch that he was the anonymous donor who bailed him out of jail a few years back when Lock got him into trouble. He knows it’s risky to idolize the man, since by Oogie Boogie’s orders, he should be plotting against him. But secretly, he wishes Jack were his father figure instead of Oogie. List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand? Being called the dumb one, people looking down their noses at him/his siblings, people judging the way he looks/dresses.
How far did they go in school? Are they still studying? He just graduated from Carthay High, and has no plans to go to college — at least not this coming semester. Maybe next year. Do/Did they like school? Aside from setting stuff on fire in chemistry class, no.  What type of student are/were they? Straight D grades, constantly in detention but a class clown. Some of the popular kids tried to pick on him but quickly left him alone when they realized he could fill their locker with bugs or sneak itching powder into their backpacks, or worse. What is/was their favorite subject? Chemistry and music class. And their least favorite? Everything else. What were they/would they have been voted as “most likely to…” in the yearbook? Most Likely to Break Every Bone in their Body
Who are your character’s parents? Two deadbeats who aren’t really around much. How would your character describe them? They’re a sore subject for Barrel, so he doesn’t really talk about them. Do they have any siblings? Paul (better known as Lock) and Cath (better known as Shock)! Are they close with their family? With his siblings, yes. They’re a package deal, no matter how much they may fight.
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation? Pansexual/panromantic with a slight preference for men/male-aligned people Are they seeing anyone right now? No, but he has his eye on someone. Have they ever been in an relationship? Not anything serious, no. Have they ever been in love? Not yet. Love shmove. How easy do they fall for someone? See previous. In their view, why didn’t any past relationships work out? N/A What do they look for in someone? Someone as interesting as he thinks himself to be. Do they believe in love at first sight and fate? Nope. What’s their views on romance? Do they go after it or avoid it? He doesn’t really care for it, at least, not yet. The person he has his eye on may be starting to change his view. Did they have their first time already? How was it in their point of view? Not yet! What is their view on sex? It’s no big deal. Were they ever cheated on or have they cheated on someone? N/A Do they want to get married in the future? He can’t really see that ever happening, but who knows, right? Have kids? See previous.
Are they right or left handed? Right. What’s a word that’s always on their lips? Some kind of profanity. Is there a saying they keep on repeating? No, but if he can come up with a cool catch phrase, he’ll get back to you. Do they curse? Yep. Yep yep yep. What’s their worst habit? Pretty much all of his habits. Do they drink or smoke? How frequently? He’ll smoke weed sometimes to seem cool (also maybe to calm him tf down a lil bit) and he drinks on occasion when he’s with his friends.  Are they an early bird or a night owl? A night owl! How tidy is their room? NOT tidy at all, but that’s kind of The Barrel Aesthetic™ How long to they usually take getting ready in the morning? Like an hour to pick what to wear but only 10 minutes to do everything else (including scribbling his eyeliner on)
What’s their favorite color? Purple. Favorite movie? Edward Scissorhands. Music Genre? Punk Food? Candy Book? Barrel? Read a book?  Favorite non-alcoholic drink? Any soda whatsoever. Ice Cream Flavor? Strawberry. Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors.
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barrelselick · 5 years
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barrelselick · 5 years
Jack-Jack laughs and shakes their head at the notion of ping pong roulette. “Nah, nah, it wouldn’t work. They burn up too fa- I’ll show you later.” Jack-Jack wasn’t gonna lie; it was good to be called the smartest guy Barrel knew. Not that Barrel was surrounded by scholars, but Jack-Jack liked Barrel for some reason, so their opinion mattered. “Anything can be scientific if you measure it. Like… how many rubber bands it takes to blow up a watermelon? At what heat? At what stage of ripeness?” Jack-Jack scratches the back of their neck and crosses their arms awkwardly. “You wanna get a watermelon right now?” It always felt so weird to hang out with others, but it had to happen.
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he takes the other’s offer as a serious one, nodding enthusiastically. “got it.” he isn’t the brightest bulb, so he’s definitely willing to bare witness to jack-jack’s bountiful science knowledge so long as something fun can come from it. “you can blow up a watermelon with rubber bands...?!” he’s even more excited now. “yo, i didn’t know like, any of this. let’s do it! we can find some sharpies and draw faces on them. y’know, of people we don’t like.”
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barrelselick · 5 years
favorite people in carthay and why
“i guess i have to say my siblings, because they’re… y’know, the two other musketeers. oogie, too, since he saves me from having to get a regular job. speaking of the ol’ man, he’d hate me for saying this, but there’s something pretty awesome about jack, too, so he’s on the list. sally, because she’s like a sister to me. stitch, because he’s like a brother to me. and i guess… my new friend, slightly— because he’s really somethin’.” @dcvilchild @shxckingg @pvmpkinkiing @girlrags @spacestitch @slightlylcst
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barrelselick · 5 years
“hey—!” barrel calls out, jogging up besides the person who had been walking ahead of them. he should really take more care not to startle people like that, especially in the night time. “miguel, right?! hey, running into you was a pretty lucky move! there’s a rock show in about...” they check their watch. “twenty minutes from now? a couple bands that i really dig are playing. i hear you like music. wanna tag along?” 
he fails to mention the fact that he doesn’t exactly have tickets, but that’s a problem for future barrel to face.
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barrelselick · 5 years
favorite candy?
“oh, don’t make me pick! candy’s my all time favorite food! let’s see… gummy worms, candy corn, airheads, sour patch kids, suckers… anything, really. if it’s candy, i’ll eat that shit!!”
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barrelselick · 5 years
are you interested in anyone? do you think your siblings would like them?
“i suppose i am. don’t even bother telling lock or shock, they’ll never let me live it down. i don’t see why they wouldn’t like him, though. he’s… pretty awesome.” @slightlylcst @dcvilchild @shxckingg
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barrelselick · 5 years
Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?
“…i’d rather… eat human food? sometimes those crunchy little treats for dogs look kinda delicious though, so i guess i’ll go with dog food.”
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barrelselick · 5 years
what's the thing you love most about carthay?
“well, it’s never too grim. almost feels like anythin’ could be possible here. look at me! i’m a fuck up with deadbeat parents who graduated high school with a below average grade… and i’m still pretty happy, and i get by.”
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barrelselick · 5 years
how do you feel about memes?
“when they’re actually funny, they’re fuckin’ great! ‘and i oop—!’… i just wanna say that all the time.”
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barrelselick · 5 years
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barrelselick · 5 years
he’s nearing the brink but he thinks first the parallel universe perhaps could be the perfect scene he’s nearing the brink but he thinks first the parallel— i think you should know, you’re his favourite worst nightmare
D is for Dangerous | Arctic Monkeys
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barrelselick · 5 years
@dcvilchild @shxckingg
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barrelselick · 5 years
“you’re telling me you need a special coin just to play an arcade game?” barrel’s face morphs in disgust. “that’s fuckin’ lame. i’d easily be top scorer. i already am, when it comes to guitar hero.”
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barrelselick · 5 years
“i’m boooored. can we hang out?” barrel asks, sweetening the deal with a persuasive tone. “what does the infamous zarina hendricks do for fun?”
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