So like,
animal crossing has turned me into both a furry and a scalie and I ain’t even mad. Like, sign me tf up to be an anthropremorphic crested geko, I’m vibin with that shit!
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thinking about Them
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Time to hit the beach ☀️⛱🌴
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Concept a new Island Visitor like Flick and CJ who likes to buy Fossils for more money than Timmy or Tommy. His name is Rathers and he is very clearly just Blathers wearing a fake mustache
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Shang’s journey to self discovery as told by me
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Oliver: Are you two dating?
Barry and Hal: No.
Dinah: Oh double negative.So thats a yes!
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jon: were you dropped on your head as a baby?
damian: bold of you to assume i was even held.
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somewhere at the resistance base.
rose: and now for the gayness update with finn.
finn: getting gayer.
poe: *smiles in the background*
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Disney: poe & finn arent gay
John & Oscar:
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no one:
absolutely no one:
Oscar Isaac: Finnpoe should’ve been canon. cowards be dammed :/
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General? General.
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On LGBTQ+ Representation in Blockbusters   Or: An Open Letter to the Straights in Charge of Disney
Minor spoilers for The Rise of Skywalker I guess
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When I saw this headline, it made my blood boil. I got genuinely angry that the tiny snippet of a kiss between two women in Star Wars is being call historic. None of this is historic, it’s just frustrating. In this so-called historic moment, two women are seen kissing for a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it instant in the middle of a crowd before the camera quickly pans away to something else. It’s barely a breadcrumb. As a community, LQBTQ+ people cannot be sustained on breadcrumbs. And not only that, we’re no longer satisfied by your breadcrumbs. In fact, we never were.
It felt like the director was just saying “here, I’ll throw you a bone. Let me do this one little favor for you.” But seeing representation in the media should feel good, not disappointing and frustrating. When I see queer people in films I want to feel elated, not think “oh, that’s it?” And I certainly don’t want to get to a point where I’m not even optimistic enough to allow myself to hope for more than a tiny morsel of representation, which is how I felt going into Star Wars.
When headlines came out before Avengers: Endgame’s release saying that it would have the MCU’s first openly gay character that’s exactly what I was expecting. A character. I knew it wasn’t going to be any of the main characters, but I thought it would at least be someone who moved the story forward. Instead we got a scene that could have easily been cut from the movie without hurting the plot at all. If your “characters” or, in the case of Star Wars, their queerness, can be cut from a film without a second thought, then it’s not representation.
We are not background actors in straight people’s stories. We are people with stories of our own that deserve to be told. And by relegating us to the sidelines and the background, you’re telling us the opposite. You’re telling us that we don’t deserve for our stories to be told. You’re telling us that we aren’t worthy of the spotlight. You’re not doing us a favor, you’re making it worse. And it makes you just as bad as the people who stand outside pride with signs telling us to go to hell.
When J.J. Abrams said Finn and Poe’s relationship is “far deeper than a romantic one,” he was just making excuses and trying to justify the fact that he has let a huge group of people down. Sure, love between friends can run very deep, I’m not saying it can’t. But what we have is two characters with very clear chemistry having their relationship sidelined, once again, for the sake of heteronormativity. The studio execs are clearly more concerned with making sure the Conservative People of AmericaTM feel comfortable, than representing and standing up for a community that has long been oppressed.
When I sat down to write this I thought to myself “what can I say that hasn’t already been said before.” Because we’ve been begging you for so long. Articles and letters and essays like this come out every time something like this happens. And it still keeps happening. Over and over again. And we’re all tired. We are all exhausted by this repetitive cycle. So please just stop, and give us some actual representation. 
Please and Thanks, 
A Frustrated Queer Person
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What should happen...
Ok so I know that rise of Skywalker is the last movie [for now in the star wars saga] but honestly if [when] they decide to continue it [it's a mega franchise, give in time it will show up again] the next movie should have Poe in charge of all the rebel forces. There should be talk of his partner but no clear distinction on who this person is. This is brought up the whole movie and he responds with a dumb excuse for this person's adsense every single time. Never seen just brought up and asked questions about. Then at the end we get clip of everyone on base freaking out saying shit like "Holy f*ck General Dameron's partner is back!". Chaos everyone's running to see this person who is the most talked about thing on base. A large crowd has gathered, poe is in front looking chill, confused on why everyone is more hyped than he is. Everyone on base is on the edge of their seats. Out of the ship comes FINN the fucking ESTABLISHED partner of GENERAL DAMERON. He walks off the ship we finally get a kiss between Finn and Poe. All is well with the world. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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we did it!
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J.J.: finnpoe isn’t real, you saw something that wasn’t there Oscar Isaac: 
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hello yes if oscar and john could just get finn and poe costumes from party city and give us like a 2 minute video filmed on an iphone of poe confessing his love to finn that would be really great-
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