barteverts-blog · 5 years
Branded Bio
I am an Dutch student in my third year studying International Business and Languages at the University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam. Through my degree I have developed good analytical and communicational skills, and my work experience so far has included customer service and presentations to management. I am a quick learner and hardworking; I enjoy working with people in a team environment. I am skilled at languages and I enjoy challenges.
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
Personal Brand Logo
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
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This is my Personal Branding Mood Board
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
Value Proposition, Personal Brand Objective and Personal Brand Audience
Personal Brand Objective: To fully develop myself in the business life to gain more knowledge about myself. Gain more knowledge about people as a brand. Personal Brand Audience: I would consider my personal brand audience as young entrepreneurs who enjoy taking on challenges.
Value Propisition: I help young entrepreneurs to better understand their impact on the business life by asking questions about how they see their future company.
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
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This is my Brand Identity Prism about myself :)
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
Brand Identity Prism Heineken
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
Ikigai Assignment
Ikigai is basically answering the question: What gets you up in the morning? “What gets me up in the morning is the notion that every day is a brand new day to grow. I’m one who loves to beat my own personal records. Especially with health and wellness. Being able to wake up, challenge myself and see the rewards of succeeding is extremely satisfying.
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
Define your Purpose Assignment
What do you love? My biggest passion is footbal, not just playing it with friends but also watching. Also here on the University of Rosario in Colombia, I started a football team on school with my friends in order to keep on playing football. What are you good at? I think this is a difficult question because sometimes it can be hard to define your qualities. Therefore, I think I do not have just one quality but a lot of qualities. A few examples are that I am a peoples person, I really like to be amongst people and find it hard to be alone. Furthermore, I think my qualities lay at decisions. I don’t really often regret the decisions I take and I usually take them with ratio. Next to these personal characteristics I think I am good at playing football, a great driver and many more haha! What does the world need from you? To contribute to a better world. I have done volunteering work in Nicaragua and Costa-Rica for 10 weeks. This experience was an eye opener for me and I think I learned about a lot of things during that time. What can you get paid for? The perfect job for me is the serie called "Top Gear”. In my opinion this is the perfect job there is in the world. The serie is basically driving and testing cars and have many adventures with one of your best friends and even getting paid for it very well. Doing roadtrips, races, meeting people and many more things.
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
Define your Vision assignment
So for this assignment we will have to think  about one world problem you would like to see solved or one area of life that you want to see transformed or improved. One of the biggest importance for myself is the climate. As you may know the world climate is changig rapidly. Moreover, things like what is happening now in the Amazone that could be prevented for a long time already. Therefore, I think humans should really make some changes. My vision comes along with my great respect for Tesla cars. I think electric cars are a great innovation not only for the car industry but also for changing the world climate. Driving electric cars should be more actractive to drive. I think organizations and goverments should promote electric driving. In norway they are already doing this, they give subsidies to people who drive electric cars and they even want to fully electrify all the vehicles in Norway by 2030.
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
Favourite brands
Here is my list of my 4 favourite brands:
1. Tesla, I have been fan of Tesla for a long time. I work currently as a student chauffeur which means that I drive really fancy cars. My passion for Tesla was created. I think Tesla has quality, sustainability, comfortable, class and still providing quality cars on the market. I respect this very much.
2. Pull & Bear, I am a reallly big fan of this brand. This brand is almost in evety city in Holland and they sell really cheap clothes and nice quality clothes.
3. Heineken, this dutch pride. They produce really good famous beer that is well known all around the world. It the most famous beer and that is mainly because of their marketing campaign. I drink this quite often and I respect this brand very much.
4. Samsung, I have been using Samsung phones over the past 3 years now and when I made the switch from Apple to Samsung, I immediately was a great fan of this brand!
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
Funeral test
1. I want people to be proud at me about what I have achieved in life. I do not want to have a very sad funeral.
2. I want people to remember me for a really chill/down to earth person.
3. Genuine person
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
My fear!
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So my fear my entire life has been afraid of heights. Last weekend I went with friends a weekendtrip to Medellin and as you may know Guatape is very close. This is a big rock that is on 2160m above sea level. First a big climb of 750 steps on a sketchy stair that is very dangerous I arrived to the top. Here I immediately felt afraid. But yet I have done it and overcome my biggest fear. After this in medellin I also went up with the cable to parque arvi. Going in the cablecar was also quite a big deal because you hang 20 meters above the ground. In the end I managed to keep myself together and overcome my fear!
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barteverts-blog · 5 years
7 emoji's that describe me!
🐶, first of all a dog emoji. I am a big animal lover and myself I have a dog. My entire life I always had a dog, I grew up with it and I think it is part of my life.
🍻, secondly a beer emoji. I really like partying and being with my friends. This is like a hobby for me to enjoy and celebrate the weekend.
🏄‍♂️, a surf emoji. This is one of my biggest hobby's. Surfing is like a way where I can forget everything of the world. All the stress and just to only focus on catching the perfect wave. I think this is the best part about surfing.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, a family emoji. Family plays a big role in my life. I come from quite a big family for dutch terms. Every year we do multiple activities with my family and I really enjoy this a lot.
✈, a airplane emoji. I really like travelling, exploring new countries and cultures. I really like backpacking. This is also a reason why I chose Colombia as my exchange country. I didn't want to stay in Europe but I wanted to explore more of South-America.
🛏, a bed emoji. This may sound stupid but I really love sleeping. I think this is very impirtant for me and my health. I am a sleephead and this is just a big part of me haha!
🍔, lastly a hamburger emoji. I really enjoy eating with friends or family together. I think this is one of the most forfulling moments in life and I really appreciate those moments.
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