basement-critics · 1 month
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New profile again
Edit: it looks like he deleted the mountains of images of AI women. There were so many. They’re still on his likes.
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Censored cuz I’m not getting banned 😂
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basement-critics · 1 month
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New Twitter profile stuff
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basement-critics · 6 months
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Onision and Lucas' chapter 13 plan was rejected. A lot of information came out about their current financial situation. I really don't know anything about bankruptcy so I have no clue what's going on or what's going to happen.
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basement-critics · 6 months
I think it's great you are still doing it. Like you said, we aren't really consistent or even an active community anymore. Someone needs to keep documenting what he's doing
I hate onion boy just as much as the next person but his predatory behaviour is already heavily documented, why do you still put so much of you time and energy into this blog after over 10 years? It’s a little odd to dedicate this much time and this much of your life towards someone who’s so vile
Idk, I don't have an interesting answer for you. I'm weird I guess.
From my perspective, it's never documented enough. There is a lot of overlooked information and persistent (anti and pro onision) misinformation that has stuck like glue. If I leave, my website goes too and no one else is really consistently doing this kind of thing anymore.
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basement-critics · 6 months
You know the wild thing about all these tweets? Is that even someone like myself, who's been in this community for over a decade and saw all this stuff happen, I could almost be convinced he was telling the truth. I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't know the situation who are coming across these tweets and believing him.
I think if Greg ever decided to make a comeback, now would be the time. He's been off the radar for so long if he really dedicated himself on Tiktok I could see him growing a decent following again
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Shiloh Tweets 3
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basement-critics · 6 months
It's hilarious that he goes on about the photos being "YouTube appropriate" because back in the day when he was doing this series, there was actual porn on YouTube
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Tweets about his rating videos/forums
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basement-critics · 6 months
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"Onision Documentary (Blackmailed, Slandered, Framed, Cancelled, Robbed & Falsely Persecuted)" Onision, October 2, 2023
Onision was blackmailed, slandered, framed, canceled, robbed & falsely persecuted... and now it appears the same people who wrongfully hurt Onision, are committing perjury & fraud to simultaneously con Google/YouTube out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Sarah & Regina's victims have real, measurable/verifiable/proven wrongful damages as proven in this video. "Money is the root of all evil." For legal reasons all content within this video and associated with the publisher of this video is to be considered a perspective &/or alleged. Decide for yourself what to think based on the facts/evidence.
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"Onision DESTROYS Documentary Fraud: "Onision In Real Life" by Discovery + (confessions & receipts)" Onision, November 6, 2023
Onision was framed and socially executed - they got away with destroying an innocent man's life... but unfortunately for them, crimes tend to have trails, and they left a big, painfully obvious one. #fyp #onision #discoveryplus #chrishansen #scam #fraud #liar #lawsuit #conman #max #hbo #netflix #hulu #movie #documentary #appleplus #amazonprime #wtf #fubar The Onision: In Real Life documentary was originally launched, in big part, by Chris Hansen. He had been recovering from getting fired over cheating on his wife, the mugshot thing involving a bounced check, the whole scamming his fans thing, the whole being associated with a dude's suicide that lead to losing a wrongful death lawsuit... you know... tons of dirtbag crap --- so the guy neeeded a refresh on his career. What did he do? He molded three women to create a narrative that could help him generate profit - destroying innocent peoples lives? Exploiting/abusing/defrauding #MeToo? No problem for Chris Hansen considering his past - If you can sleep with another wom... TWO other women behind your family's back - of course you don't mind screwing over total strangers. So! Introduce Shiloh, dumped by Onision, and Sarah, a woman who forced Onision into a relationship with her via self-admitted sexual extortion who... that's right, Onision also rejected. Oh yeah, and Regina... a literal stranger to Onision who I guess just wanted to promote her sex worker sites. Not even joking. What happens when Chris Hansen goes after you? Everyone immediately calls you a "pedophile" regardless of what the context is. You would think Hansen would get sued a lot as a result, but apparently, if you search his history, he's a broke man. The context here? Onision slept with an adult who blackmailed him into sleeping with them. That's the boring facts. Her own admission, she blackmailed him with threat of destroying his life. A quote along the lines of "I could destroy you guys" --- which coincidentally is what Shiloh also said on camera, only it was in reference to just Onision after he dumped her (she was hauled away by police shortly after) - things starting to make sense? Two psychotic criminal peas on a pod? So two crazy human beings (Shiloh and Sarah) who are crazy evil and... their little weird irrelevant minion Regina - Join forces to, yes, make money, and yes, get tons of attention, to get back at the people who rejected Sarah/Shiloh - or in Regina's case, she's pissed because when she was a homeless minor, Onision's spouse refused to fly her up and just said something along the lines of "that sucks" in response to this random person online complaining about being homeless... and expecting Onision's spouse, to just be like "Sure danger creep, I'll fly you up!" - nope - and now Regina is mad! But of course Regina claims she was sex trafficked on legal documents to defraud Google/YouTube now... WEIRD STRETCH BUT OK. "They didn't fly me up because I was a stranger to Onision and his spouse was creeped out by me/had no interest in flying some random person up, so... pay me!" Long story short Regina and Sarah are now part of a plot to get Google to settle (pay them tons of undeserved money) over their horribly concocted shit agenda against Onision/his awesome spouse. They're evil, vile and disgusting human beings, as is proven in this video, and the other video posted weeks ago on the Onision channel. What's awesome is it's actually mostly THEIR OWN ACTIONS, WORDS & VIDEOS that destroy their narrative. Much of it isn't Onision destroying their arguments - IT'S THEM! THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T LIE, IDIOTS!
Wanted to document the descriptions and info on these videos. Haven't watched the 2nd one yet.
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basement-critics · 7 months
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(I decided to give up on my written summaries since they were turning into walls of blabber, most of it stuff we already know. Instead I'll post new info and stuff I find interesting while getting clips for my youtube series.)
^ He gave more texts from the NDA flirting conversation shown in the Discovery+ doc. Still don't have an exact date, but this is from January 2019.
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We never got a lot of context for the fight/conversation they had when Sarah allegedly said "sorry for raping you guys" to him. Neither of them have publicly gone into detail about it. He said this tweet is about around that time. I don't know if he meant exactly when she said it, but we get a little new context.
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I believe these are new. I believe these are from when Kai/Lucas was publicly dealing with grooming allegations and behind the scenes he began openly flirting with Sarah.
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He made a chart of Sarah's alleged story changes. I believe this is the first time he acknowledged the fact that she did not randomly start publicly attacking him, but she was responding to a series of Onision Patreon video she believed were about her. He claims they were not.
Also, Sarah never said in the fall of 2019 that she was not groomed. She explicitly said Onision groomed her in her October 2019 interview with Chris Hansen. I believe he is referring to the fact that she said nothing illegal happened before she was 18.
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I believe this is when he first heard from Sarah and Regina's lawyer (Cease and desist).
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basement-critics · 7 months
I didn't sit through the whole video because ew but based on the bits I skipped through this is probably Onision's most unhinged video yet, he keeps jumping between different topics and people to attack (most of which aren't even connected or relevant to each other) and then repeating himself over and over again for over 3 hours. It genuinely feels like the manic breakdown of a guy who knows he fucked up big time.
Yeah no exaggeration, this is his worst video quality/editing wise. Even my summary notes were starting to look unhinged. I might restructure the whole thing to be organized by person so it’s at least a little easier to read through.
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basement-critics · 7 months
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Damn it he comes back with a 3 hour video 😭😭 I’ll start working on a summary… it was a peaceful 7 months while it lasted.
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basement-critics · 8 months
Onision sharing his 'side' of things didn't just make things worse because of how he painted himself and Kai is an even worse light and actually admitted to doing some of the thing Sarah accused them of, but he kept changing certain aspects of his story. Like why they pursued a physical relationship with Sarah, why he asked her to be his girlfriend, why he cheated on Kai with Sarah, and his overall involvement in trying to make some sort of arrangement between the three of them. Comparing his initial videos from 2020 up until early 2023, they're very different (heck, there was even a shift in tone throughout 2020 alone, possibly because Onision realised he'd messed up). At least Sarah has stayed fairly consistant.
Agreed, that’s one of the main things I wanted to highlight in the video series and wiki article. His telling of events is so different after mid 2020. Sarah is extremely consistent. The only things that aren’t consistent is if you compare some of the things she said while she was staying there on and off vs after the final breakup, but I feel like all of those inconsistencies are understandable considering the circumstances. She also slipped a couple times when she was younger and that helped her story a lot later on, like when she was 16 and she said on livestream that there was confusion earlier about whether or not she and Kai were going to be in a relationship.
I wasn’t cherry picking or anything either while editing. I went through every interview and statement they both made and clipped every topic they covered and included the most coherent version of every version of every story they told.
The next videos are going to be about how they each handled each others accusations publicly. Editing it is going to be a pain the the ass because even his retellings of that time period are a mess of inconsistent stories.
I can’t help but think lawsuit wise, Onision fucked up so bad with those early 2020 videos. Kai was right to tell him to stay off the internet.
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basement-critics · 1 year
I've always felt that Onision and Kai have given BDSM and polyamory relationships a bad image, because they use these things to justify and mask their own abusive and toxic tendencies. Since Sarah and the others have come forward with their own perspectives, that's become more apparent. Sarah legitimately thought she had to put up with Onision in order to be with Kai, and that she had to go along with whatever they wanted to do regardless of whether she wanted to do it. They groomed her to believe these expectations were normal or just what poly relationships and BDSM were about, when in reality they were using and abusing her. They've pulled the same move with their other partners (Shiloh, Billie, etc.) as well. It's just another pattern of abuse.
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basement-critics · 1 year
What utter delusion
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basement-critics · 1 year
I know that a lot of people talk about how Kai sexually/emotionally exploited his fans, but people forget he also financially exploited his fans too. Especially during the time he had YouNow and was launching his YouTube channel (2017-2019). A good number of his fans were kids using their parents' credit card to buy gifts and support his Patreon/YouNow, and Kai was fully aware he had fans who were underage but was more concerned about getting gifts and money from them.
Yes, Kai was well aware his YouNow fanbase was mostly underage. He discussed it with Onision in this live: (8:59-13:00)
I didn't keep up much with his YouNow streams, but from what I've read, he grew a culture where young fans would pressure each other to donate. When he would speak about something he was upset about, people would donate and tell others to donate to cheer him up. I remember reading something about a time a top donator's card declined and Kai's mods told them to call their bank so they could donate more.
I feel like it got worse during the Patreon era because fans believed they had a chance of being the next third if they got Kai's attention enough through donating. I remember Kai would announce on streams if he had a crush or not and I always thought his fans were hoping he was talking about them.
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basement-critics · 1 year
Even if *hypothetically*Kai had never slept with Sarah in the end, his behaviour towards her and other minors was STILL child grooming and was wildly inappropriate. He groomed his fans for validation, attention, and to use them as therapists rather than seeking a real one. He depends on his fans to boost his ego through exchanging nudes/ludes and talks of romance to fulfil his fantasy of running away from his unhappy marriage. Its morally wrong and incredibly illegal, and Kai should be no where NEAR children because of this behaviour.
I totally agree. This is exactly how I see the relationships Kai had with with his young female fans.
Greg likes to say he couldn't have groomed Sarah because he was mean to her when she was underage, but he knew he didn't have to. Kai already was putting in all the work.
When I say Greg pushed Kai into sleeping with Sarah, by no means do I try to absolve Kai of any wrongdoing. I think Kai likes toying with the girls emotionally, sexually, etc and never actually intended on ever getting into a serious relationship with them or sleeping with them. I base that on his actions when he actually has the opportunity to sleep or be in a serious relationship with a girl/woman. It's always Greg who has to force things along and initiate intimacy. Kai pushes back and finds reasons to end things before they start, but Greg was always the one pushing from both sides to make things official. It took Greg 6 months to finally convince Kai to to try to be in a relationship with Sarah.
If it was up to Kai, he'd be playing with them forever, stringing them along. Long night calls, looking at houses on Zillow, exchanging photos, flirting, therapy sessions about his anxiety/marriage issues/gender dysphoria, ghosting and reconnecting, etc. Imo, but who knows.
They both groomed Sarah. As a unit they both took advantage of her, had inappropriate interactions with her while she was underage and slept with her when she was 18.
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basement-critics · 1 year
Onision's logic: "I was scared that Sarah was going to ruin my life by telling everyone that me and my spouse were grooming her and were waiting for her to turn 18 to have sex with her, so after she turned 18 me and my spouse pressured her into signing non-notarised NDAs after having sex with her to keep her quiet"
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basement-critics · 1 year
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