basil-shipping · 4 years
hello again!! i promise i haven’t disappeared completely, school just kind of swamped me for a solid three weeks straight. but i think i have it under control now! (i dropped one ap class, now i just have the two to contend with… and a smattering of whatever i can do for my electives anymore.)
i’ve been feeling rather unhappy with this blog for a while, and i figured i was due for a fresh start, so i’ve moved over to @satyr-selfshipping! it’s connected to my main, @mossy-satyr, so if you happen to see that url pop up it’s just me going around and re-following folks ^^
i’ll queue this to reblog for a bit, since my posts seem to like hiding in the algorithms, and if anyone could possibly reblog this that would be greatly appreciated!!!
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basil-shipping · 4 years
hello again!! i promise i haven’t disappeared completely, school just kind of swamped me for a solid three weeks straight. but i think i have it under control now! (i dropped one ap class, now i just have the two to contend with… and a smattering of whatever i can do for my electives anymore.)
i’ve been feeling rather unhappy with this blog for a while, and i figured i was due for a fresh start, so i’ve moved over to @satyr-selfshipping! it’s connected to my main, @mossy-satyr, so if you happen to see that url pop up it’s just me going around and re-following folks ^^
i’ll queue this to reblog for a bit, since my posts seem to like hiding in the algorithms, and if anyone could possibly reblog this that would be greatly appreciated!!!
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basil-shipping · 4 years
hello again!! i promise i haven’t disappeared completely, school just kind of swamped me for a solid three weeks straight. but i think i have it under control now! (i dropped one ap class, now i just have the two to contend with… and a smattering of whatever i can do for my electives anymore.)
i’ve been feeling rather unhappy with this blog for a while, and i figured i was due for a fresh start, so i’ve moved over to @satyr-selfshipping! it’s connected to my main, @mossy-satyr, so if you happen to see that url pop up it’s just me going around and re-following folks ^^
i’ll queue this to reblog for a bit, since my posts seem to like hiding in the algorithms, and if anyone could possibly reblog this that would be greatly appreciated!!!
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basil-shipping · 4 years
hello again!! i promise i haven’t disappeared completely, school just kind of swamped me for a solid three weeks straight. but i think i have it under control now! (i dropped one ap class, now i just have the two to contend with… and a smattering of whatever i can do for my electives anymore.)
i’ve been feeling rather unhappy with this blog for a while, and i figured i was due for a fresh start, so i’ve moved over to @satyr-selfshipping! it’s connected to my main, @mossy-satyr, so if you happen to see that url pop up it’s just me going around and re-following folks ^^
i’ll queue this to reblog for a bit, since my posts seem to like hiding in the algorithms, and if anyone could possibly reblog this that would be greatly appreciated!!!
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basil-shipping · 4 years
hello again!! i promise i haven’t disappeared completely, school just kind of swamped me for a solid three weeks straight. but i think i have it under control now! (i dropped one ap class, now i just have the two to contend with... and a smattering of whatever i can do for my electives anymore.)
i’ve been feeling rather unhappy with this blog for a while, and i figured i was due for a fresh start, so i’ve moved over to @satyr-selfshipping! it’s connected to my main, @mossy-satyr, so if you happen to see that url pop up it’s just me going around and re-following folks ^^
i’ll queue this to reblog for a bit, since my posts seem to like hiding in the algorithms, and if anyone could possibly reblog this that would be greatly appreciated!!!
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basil-shipping · 4 years
birthday takeover!
[running from 9/11 -> 9/13!]
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Hello! With school starting up Avonne's been a little distressed about not being able to post on here as much as fae would like, so we figured we would give faer a hand and take over here for tomorrow and the weekend while fae's off enjoying faer birthday festivities!
- Avonne's F/Os
[everyone on the above linked carrd page is available for questions! feel free to send some in today but they probably won't be answered until tomorrow, and please make sure they don't get into too much mischief while i'm gone ^^]
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basil-shipping · 4 years
aaaaa i’m sorry for being kind of absent lately, trying to balance school with everything else has been way harder than i thought it would be @^@ hopefully i’ll have time tomorrow to answer the asks that have been slowly accumulating in my inbox bc i have the day off for most of my classes 
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basil-shipping · 4 years
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These froggies… just love being gay and trans!
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basil-shipping · 4 years
The Wardrobe - Imagine
It was a cliche; a giant bloody cliche, but it happened. The house wasn’t even that old. The wardrobe sure as hell wasn’t any sort of heirloom. It wasn’t made from any special wood. It was just a plain old wardrobe. You’d bought it from a generic furniture store. And yet, you knew there was something special about it.
That’s the cliche. Sitting in your bedroom, looking at your wardrobe and thinking to yourself, ‘this is something special’, and why? Well, you had pictures of your FO stuck to the doors for a start, so that helped, but mainly because you could feel it.
You knew the story of Narnia. You weren’t going to be fooled. The movie was clearly on your mind. You had this whole lore in your head now: ‘Maybe I’ll open the door, and I’ll see a portal to the other side and’- “Y/N”.
The voice came from the other side of the wardrobe door and you frowned. Oh great, now your brain was getting in on the action. Ha-de-bloody-hah! You aren’t going to fall for this. Taking out your phone, you click on the flashlight app, then the camera app, and you place your hand on the door.
“Hey guys,” you say to no one in particular, “I’m about to open this here wardrobe door and show you the good solid backboard. If somehow I don’t, then you are going to see…well you’ll probably see nothing because I’ll run from the room screaming, but that isn’t going to happen.”
“Y/N.” You heard the voice again, and turn to look at the camera. Was it caught on tape? You aren’t going to wait and find out, instead you reach out for the handle, pulling the door open.
Inside you can see your clothes. And just your clothes. Phew, test one passed. You aren’t seeing crazy lights behind your jackets.
“See, what did I tell you, it’s just a stupid wardrobe,” you tell yourself, through the camera. Reaching out, you brush aside your clothes, freezing because you felt something.
“Shit,” you whisper, as you pull your hand away, staring at it. The flesh is tingling were you felt the warmth of another person’s hand. It gripped you. It really fucking gripped you.
“Are you going to put the camera down, or do I have to kiss you in public?” the voice spoke again, and this time you drop the phone.
It is coming from behind your clothes, but your wardrobe isn’t that big. How can you hear and touch your FO? Where exactly could they be hiding?
“I read this book,” your FO continues, though they remain invisible, “about a gate in the back of a wardrobe. It gave me an idea.”
You are screaming now. It’s unsightly, but how could you not? You were having a full blown mental breakdown, right here, in this damned wardrobe.
“I…have to admit I didn’t expect this sort of reaction,” your FO managed, before they reached out their hand, grabbing yours and pulling you into the clothing, “I sort of need you to walk forwards. I can pull you this far, but you have to take the final step. The portal won’t last much longer though. It was hard to make it last this long. So, well, are you going to join me?”
The answer is an obvious yes, after all, this is everything you’d dreamed of, but still you hesitate. What if this is all a dream? What if that hand you feel is just your own, somehow? And yet, what have you got to lose? This could be a trap; a figment of your imagination, a cliche come to life, but you don’t care. Taking a deep breath you stretch a foot towards the back of the wardrobe feeling nothing.
It really was a portal, and with a smile you take the final leap; straight into the arms of your FO.
They wanted to be with you as much as you wanted to be with them, and they have made it happen. You might not live happily ever after - after all, the cliche can’t continue endlessly, can it? - but you are together now and you grin, kissing them, or simply watching them as they hold you close.
“It worked, it really worked,” they whisper, as the scene fades to black.
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basil-shipping · 4 years
Hey fellas here’s a fun reminder: You can fluster your f/o.
Some f/os may be harder to fluster than others but if anyone can do it, you can.
You have the power to make them go red-faced, to make fuzzy feelings explode into their stomach, to make them stammer and trip over their words because gosh dangit why do you have to be so cute/handsome/beautiful??? 
Use your power wisely, friends uwu
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basil-shipping · 4 years
Lazy Day F/O imagines
-Imagine spending a rainy spring day inside with your F/O, and building a blanket fort to snuggle in! Afterward, you can take a walk in the scenic forest wearing rainboots when everything is fresh and beautiful.
-Imagine staying in bed late with your f/o. You say it’s about time to get up, but they want to cuddle more. 
-Imagine binge-watching a TV show with your f/o, and they’re absolutely engaged for about the first half of it. afterward they get tired and want to snuggle. 
-Imagine cooking for your f/o and they absolutely love your cooking.
-alternatively: Imagine your f/o cooking for you and you absolutely love their cooking.
-alternatively: consider that you are both terrible cooks, and you order pizza or takeout instead. 
-Imagine hiking up to the perfect picnic spot to watch the sunset over a cliff, only to find that you accidentally arrived a few hours early. You end up staying and talking and playing games so late that you get to watch the stars together. (Optional: You also get bored and drink the entire bottle of fancy expensive wine you brought along.)
-Imagine being on a long car ride one or more of your f/o’s, and you listen to music, tell jokes, and one of you falls asleep in the backseat. 
-Imagine spending a lazy day at the beach with your f/o. imagine your f/o relaxing on a beach chair with sunglasses and a tropical drink, or maybe imagine them building an insanely impressive sandcastle, or maybe just swimming around in the clear beautiful ocean with them. maybe imagine 3 different f/o’s doing all of those things at once. 
-Imagine comforting your f/o all day with a case of the sniffles. the second they feel better, you start to catch the cold, and they have to take care of you. 
-Imagine building a snowman with your f/o and having a snowball fight. If you prefer to stay inside during the cold, stay inside and have a hot cup of cocoa or tea with your f/o.
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basil-shipping · 4 years
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by Yulya Lapteva
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basil-shipping · 4 years
hey scout!! if you want to, ❤️ + one of the haikyuu boys? i watched the first few episodes *ages* ago and i've been meaning to pick it back up and i'm curious 👀
HELLO BASIL!!!!! back for another round i see >:3c OFC I WILL GIVE U A VOLLEYBOYF!!!!
i assign you...AKAASHI!!!
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akaashi is fukuro.dani’s setter!! he keeps a v cool and serious exterior most of the time, but he’ll sometimes poke fun at bokuto for missing a spike or whatever he did this time......he also can get v excited if he or one of his teammates pulls off a super cool point!! he’s also v analytical and understanding! just sayin, if u were to massage his shoulders/head after a match.......he would become putty.......just saying........
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basil-shipping · 4 years
aaaaa i've been doing pretty horribly in my online pre-calculus class this week since it finally unlocked because the online format is so weird and i really wish denki was here for Bad At Math solidarity/so i could vent to someone in the same level of math who is equally as frustrated with it + so i have someone else in the zooms other than just me and the teacher hdnnskshdgfj
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basil-shipping · 4 years
the calendar on my phone: your birthday is in one week! 🎉
me: my WHAT is WHEN NOW???
i did not. entirely grasp the fact that it's september until this morning wow
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basil-shipping · 4 years
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basil-shipping · 4 years
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Original Cottagecore Textile Designs by Jane Carkill
Part ½
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