baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
    so im still adding/organizing muses and revamping on here but like this post for a starter. comment with which muse you want, even somebody from my test muses list!
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
    so im still adding/organizing muses and revamping on here but like this post for a starter. comment with which muse you want, even somebody from my test muses list!
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
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    THE  SIGNS  WERE  ALL  THERE.   that  song.   those  hastygram  posts.   the  weird  messages.   the  world’s  biggest  idiot  could’ve  caught  on  to  the  fact  that  something  about  maya  matlin  wasn’t  right  &  yet  zig  was  able  to  sit  idly  by,  oblivious  while  his  best  friend  suffered.   what  kind  of  man  did  that  make  him?   TRICK  QUESTION:   it  didn’t.   it  made  him  a  kid.   a  stupid,  self-involved  kid.   as  he  sits  at  maya’s  bedside  after  a  long,  java-fueled  night  of  making  a  home  of  the  open  heart  memorial  hospital  waiting  room,  he  has  to  remind  himself  that  this  isn’t  about  him  —  which,  in  turn,  makes  him  feel  even  crappier,  but  he  chooses  to  ignore  it.   even  still,  he  can’t  help  but  let  his  GUILT  get  the  best  of  him  as  he  looks  into  maya’s  glossy,  exhausted  eyes.   ❝   i  should’ve  been  there  for  you,  but  instead  i  was  a  jerk  &  told  you  to  go  away.   ❞   a  sigh  falls  from  remorseful  lips.   ❝   maya,  i’m  so  sorry.   ❞
CLOSED.  @baskedsunlight  (  maya  matlin  )  |  post  finale  /  canon  divergent.
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      despondent blue hues gazed numbly at the dark haired boy rambling by her bedside, the only thing going through   her head besides that the BRIGHT HOSPITAL LIGHTS were killing her, (  poor choice of words? she didn’t care. )  was that SHE COULDN’’T DO ANYTHING RIGHT.  the senior had been ecstatic, she’d finally found a way out. a   way out  of the numbness and constant feeling like she was drowning. maya didn’t blame anybody for not noticing,  they were  all too busy hoping that the old maya would return to them after therapy sessions or a diagnosis. THAT SHE COULD BE FIXED. “ no, “ a weak moan tried to interrupt him ---- to tell zig it was her fault, not his , but the apology continued. she was the one who ruined everything. she made grace hate her, she was the one who kissed her ex- boyfriend while he was unavailable. she was doing everyone a favor, including herself. “ it’s not your fault,”  she  attempts a tired, humorless laugh. “ you’re not the only one who wanted me gone. “
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
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Maya Matlin’s fashion in Next Class season 3.
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
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Look, she’s not gonna get away with this again, okay?
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
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“And Regina and I totally bonded! She was like I want Danny! and I was like You can have him. and she was like I’ll pass him to you after, sharing is caring!!!”
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
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chimera werewolf
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
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     she had never remembered feeling so much PAIN in her life, every bone in her body felt stiff, making it hard to move. even fluttering her eyelids open was a difficult task, it took several tries just to open them. however, they immediately closed again because the light was so bright, maya wondered if she was dead. but if she was dead, she shouldn’t be able to feel anything, right? there was an awful choking sound, and she realized it was coming from her, trying to gasp but couldn’t - nothing was coming out but coughs. it finally made her eyes snap open in shock, a blurry face coming into vision as the tiny blonde forced herself to adjust to the surroundings, where was she? 
 X  ( canesvenatiici ) . 
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
﹠ ﹔ ᵀᴼᴮʸ ᶜᴬⱽᴬᴺᵁᴬᴳᴴ⋅ ⁾
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               it’s with his back leaned against a tree that he waits for HER to show up. an alarming text asking for an urgent meeting with minimal details got him lurking back into familiar dark woods. this all could’ve been avoided. he knows that and he hopes she knows too. if not, he’ll make it a point to remind her just how DEEP she’s now in. annoyance fills his whole being when complaints & warnings falls from aria’s furious mouth. does she really get to take it all out on him? when it was HER mistake in the first place? no, but he still lets her. though, not without putting his two cents in. he’s been in this with her ever since she came back from iceland, ever since SHE came to HIM seeking a quiet acolyte to do some of the dirty work in the shadows. so it’s without any shame that he allows himself to speak out his mind when situations turn into a MESSY disaster. ❛ that’s what happens when you don’t take in my advice. ❜ he can perfectly remember how many times he’s told her that she shouldn’t trust rollins, how many times he came to her saying he would screw them over. he’s seen his fair share of additions to this team. most were useful, others ——— not so much. spotting an ally from a nuisance is something his eyes became skilled at. ❛ i told you he was useless. though, i did not think he would be stupid enough to get himself killed. ❜ ( he doesn’t ADD more, she’s already PISSED. ) ❛ there’s little i can do here. erasing evidence is a thing, but taking all the responsibility off of you, i don’t know. ❜
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       she is livid. in their confined area of the woods, her CRIPPLING anxiety sneaks back up, closing off the oxygen supply. ANGER OUTBURSTS were a typical aria reaction, like when she’d trashed her father’s apartment after she’d been forced to lie about his cheating. or when ezra had lied about not knowing who she was when they met and used her for research , got close to her so he could get information on her dead best friend. though too infuriated to admit it, toby was right ---- it was aria’s mistake letting rollins in. but it was easier to blame hanna for driving into him and elliot for being an imbecile, going against her orders that had been keeping this game going.  “ i’m going to jail , “  she breathed , voice changing from anger to terror, at the thought of being locked away in a small space again , her worst fear. “ no, those damn liars are ruining the plan and they’re taking me down with them, i will not let that happen toby. this is MY GAME, and these are MY RULES, “ she growled, hoping she sounded more threatening and less like she was about to have a panic attack or MELTDOWN. a sinister thought crossed her mind, if aria was gonna go to prison, no way was toby gonna get off scott free. they would all have to go down.
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baskedsunlight-blog · 8 years
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     for one that has ONLY KNOWN COLD her blood was ( boiling ). this wasn’t part of her plan. she’d almost     gotten away with it, five years aria spent thinking she’d gotten away with the biggest scheme of all. this was her game. it was all her game, ever since that night ali had BLACKMAILED pink haired aria into going to that party. the hatred for the blonde and the GIRLS who all blindly followed like baby ducklings in a straight line. of course, it was mona’s idea to start harassing ali with a messages, but everything else, the whole damn game  was precisely planned in the convenient trip to iceland. she did threaten rollins, and meant it, but she didn’t plan for hanna to stupidly wheel right into him. now they all just buried the body, which they could all go to jail if caught. and they were going to take aria with  them. “ damn it, toby. “ she hissed voice VENOMOUS. boots crunched over the forest leaves, storming up to him after claiming to the girls that she was going to  “fetch coffee”. ( they were all frazzled, cleaning up the DIRT AND  BLOOD tracked through spencer’s house. )  “ .. damn it! this is what happens when you don’t follow orders. ”   
X  ( canesvenatiici ) .
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baskedsunlight-blog · 9 years
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“Hear those silver bells? It’s Christmas time in the city.”
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baskedsunlight-blog · 9 years
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baskedsunlight-blog · 9 years
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baskedsunlight-blog · 9 years
Torture sentence starters
“Oh god.. Oh please, god, no!”
“Please… Please..! I’ll do anything..!!”
“P-please.. Please don’t..”
“Anything but that.. Please, please! Stop!”
“Stop? Why on earth would I do a thing like that for?”
“We’re having so much fun!”
“We’ll have so much fun, you and I…”
“Look at the new toy I got for us to play with!”
“Shut up! Shut up!!”
“Oh please.. Like I haven’t heard that one before…”
“If I had a nickel for every time someone begged me to stop… I’d be fucking rich.”
“Ooh, look at that. Look at all the blood. Amazing, isn’t it?”
“Let’s crack open the hood and see what’s underneath, shall we?”
“You know what I love more than agonized screaming? The sound of people choking on their own blood. Very satisfying.”
“If you beg, I might just stop… Maybe. But only if you’re sincere.”
“Beg me, you stupid whore! Beg me to stop! Come on!!”
“Go ahead – beg for forgiveness. God’s the only friend you’ve got down here. ”
“Shut up or I’ll wrap your intestines around your throat like a scarf.”
“Ha ha! I love it when they scream!”
“Keep going… I love the sound of your voice.”
“Stop praying! There is no God here.”
“Shut the fuck up!!”
“Let’s play a game, shall we? It’s called, ‘how many of your organs can I remove before you die?’“
“Alright, here’s the deal… Since you scream every time you see me – let’s just remove your eyes, hm?”
“Has anyone ever told you how good you look in red?”
“Beautiful… Absolutely beautiful…”
“I’m not going to kill you… But I’m going to make you wish I would.”
“This is what you get! This is what you get for hurting me!”
“Do you like rats? I hope so. Because we’re going to play a little game with one that involves your stomach, a container, and an open flame.”
“Have you ever heard of abacination?”
“You’ve got cavities back there, you know. Why don’t remove those pesky teeth for you, hm?”
“Wake up! Can’t have you passing out on me.”
“I won’t scream.”
“I won’t tell you anything.”
“There’s no way I’m gonna tell you shit.”
“By the time anyone finds your body, they won’t be able to identify it.”
“No one is coming for you.”
“You won’t get away with this!”
“People will notice! They’ll look for me!”
“Stop, oh god, please! Please stop.. The pain..!”
“You’re insane!”
“Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing – I’ve got a medical degree, you know.”
“Shh, don’t cry. Don’t cry.”
“No tears now, okay? Everything will soon be over.”
“Stop! Please, stop! I’ll tell you anything! Just stop!”
“Tell me – how does this feel?”
“I hate you! Oh god, I hate you!”
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck off!”
“Oh, what a mess you’ve made…”
“You look like a mess.”
“Chin up, kid. It’ll be over soon enough.”
“I’m just going to borrow a few fingers, okay?”
“Could you lend me a ‘hand’? Yes? Oh good. I was planning on taking it anyway.”
“Shut up, I’m not going to kill you. You don’t deserve that kind of mercy.”
“You know why you’re here.”
“Own up to what you’ve done and maybe you’ll leave here alive!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?!”
“Please! Someone help! Anyone! Oh god.. PLEASE!”
“Not that – anything but that! P-please! PLEASE, NO!”
“Let me go. Please.. Please let me go…”
“I’ll tell you anything you want! Just please, please stop!”
“I’m not going to break that easy.”
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baskedsunlight-blog · 9 years
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Riley Matthews + Girl Meets Texas Part 1
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baskedsunlight-blog · 9 years
added muses
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beca mitchell ( pitch perfect. )
hayden romero ( teen wolf. )
laurel castillo ( how to get away with murder. )
kara danvers ( supergirl. )
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baskedsunlight-blog · 9 years
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 "When you don’t tell people what’s inside your head, it only gets worse.”
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