bathalang-emre · 5 years
Encantadia: Rise Of Dark Pirena (Part 1/5)
Encantadia Season 2 FanFiction Subplot
Note: The timeline of this fanfiction story are started from where Encantadia 2016 left off..It's my first time doing this kind of stuff but I tried my best to make it consistent from the original story..I also made my own depiction about the concept of a creature's "suppressed darkness", including the idea of dark side and good side of one's soul..It's a fanfiction story with non-linear storytelling.
After her relative absence during the remaining part of the TV Series, Amihan is back to save the Encantadia from advancing apocalypse.
"My dedication to protect and save anyone would always give me enough strength and motivation to fight" - Sang'gre Amihan!
"If my pre-written fate is to die today..Well, I have to rewrite it" - Sang'gre Danaya!
"Once a Sang'gre always a Sang'gre and we put ourselves on the line to protect all things valuable to us" - Sang'gre Alena!
"If you really wish to have my body and soul, you must take it by force" - Sang'gre Pirena!
"Though you found vindication, you always have a stink from the past" - Celestia!
Part 1
Chapter 1 - Celestia's Awakening
Chapter 2 - Goddess Cassiopea's Vision
Chapter 3 - Unknown Encounter: Pirena's Strange Feelings
Part 2
Chapter 4 - Revelation: The Dark One
Chapter 5 - Tears In Battle: Sang'gres In Trouble
Part 3
Chapter 6 - The Return Of Amihan
Chapter 7 - The Savior Of Encantadia
Part 4
Chapter 8 - Bending Reality: The Power Of Imagination
Part 5
Chapter 9 - Redemption: Battle Of The Goddess
Disclaimer: Encantadia and its characters is a television property owned by GMA Network..Also, the conceived battle scenarios and dialogues of this Encantadia Season 2 Fanfiction subplot story are heavily inspired from various video games and anime series.
Time after Hagorn’s death together with the downfall of evil God and Goddess..Was the time where peace and harmony has been restored, and inhabitants of Encantadia could live without the rolling wave of war and conflict..The bond between Cassiopea, Emre and their champions – the Sang’gres of Lireo are indestructible and light seems to shine over the realm for a long time..But force of evil will do everything to destroy the current order of their existence.
Arde, God of underworld named Balaak regained his power after returning to his place, and absorb the thousands Ivtre of good Encantados that he acquired during the time of Adhara’s quest..Now he needed someone who can bring more Ivtres off that kind to replenish what he consumed.
Celestia, the manifestation of Pirena’s suppressed darkness, a renounced evil version of herself when she returned to good side, now hunting her..She has been manifested and took a breath when Arde uses his power to extract her from Pirena’s soul..The prophecy had told of her coming - banisher of light, bringer of death, destroyer of all things..She’d come with serious threat to wipe the whole Encantadia.
Emre, God of Devas brought Amihan back to life and she been told that her premature death was not her preordained fate or a mistake, as she meant to live much longer alongside with her Apwes, Ybrahim, Lira and all precious diwata whom she protect with her life..He also found it more reasonable to resurrect her because Encantadia needed its legendary heroine in upcoming war as well as to face the very recent threat..Given her life anew, Amihan has embraced the role of formidable Savior who descend from Devas for a sacred task.
Celestia is arguably the strongest creature who ever exist in Encantadia because of the exceptional power of darkness within herself..What’s more terrifying is, that power are still not absolute until she can successfully absorb the whole part of Pirena’s soul and takeover her body..If that happen, she could have a power comparable to a Goddess or herself become one of them, and the future of Encantadia can be consumed by chaos and terror which may lead to extinction..But Amihan will do everything she can to stop this from happening..As the Savior of the realm and vanquisher of darkness, she will arrive in time to save everyone.
Chapter 1
Celestia’s Awakening
Pirena had a really really bad dream about the creature with a face concealed by a mask who save her from danger, but then turn to kill all her loved ones including Mira and destroy everything important to them..She tried to help them but she can’t move like she was restraint by a chains..Then that mysterious being called her name and told her that I’m coming for you soon to have our union..Suddenly woke her up in nervous, coincided with Mira entering the room and asked her what happened..Pirena told her daughter that she had a nightmare she thought was real, a sort of premonition but she was confused about it..She quickly hugged Mira and thanking Emre because it was just a dream..Later on, Pirena suddenly feels like something missing to herself but she don’t know what and things are begin to act weirdly for her..She approach Hara Alena and Danaya at the main hall and ask them what happened when she fell asleep early..They told her that nothing as everything is in normal.
Meanwhile in Balaak, Arde is done of giving evil Pirena’s soul her own vessel, assuming the name and sacrificed body of Ice Kingdom’s tough female warrior called Celestia..This new creature was spiritually and physically revamped by Arde, who were given an innocent pretty looks and mischievous personality to counterbalance her roles and motives as a Bringer of Death.
Without a question, Celestia has possessed old Pirena’s way of thinking, desires, and strong will to own everything that give her so much power..But Arde corrupted this soul and made her a complete masterpiece of pure evil who without any positive feelings and emotion..The only nice thing about Celestia is her outside appearance but so hideous overall.
The power she possessed seems no limit and she also have her own Brilyante called Gem of Dark Flames given by Arde, which is more powerful than any of the Brilyante owned by the Sang’gres..Equipped with devastating power, Celestia begin her journey to fulfill the given tasks which include of tracking down her other self Pirena..However, she only unveil her true identity to the target victims so that she can easily convey them to its demise, while uses different semblance every time she crosses path with the Sang'gres.
Chapter 2
Goddess Cassiopea’s Vision
Cassiopea went to Lireo and informed the Sang’gres about this mysterious creature in her vision who will bring more deaths in Encantadia..She told them that this creature’s presence is more disturbing than a threat pose by Ice Kingdom’s impending invasion..The incoming enemy are much stronger compared to all enemies they had faced before, so they must be prepared.
Pirena asked Cassiopea if the creature in her vision are similar to what appeared in her dream? She answered - maybe, because the said creature are related to one of the sang'gres..Then Pirena's started to worry about what happened in her dream, while the others got confused on what Cassiopea was talking about..Imaw, the old mage from Adamya raised a question on how it become related to one of them, but she replied - the sang'gres will know if they can meet the creature.
And Cassiopea told the Sang’gres to find the creature before it found them..She has a premonition that worst thing will happen if they won’t address it properly..The future will defend on them because if they failed to stop this creature from achieving what it came for - the prophecy come true and Encantadia will face its oblivion..That's why, eliminating the threat is very important than anything else..She also warned the Sang’gres to be careful and more cautious to interact with other creatures along their journey because the one they looking for has a tricky identity..They must be together to have a chance or survive against this enemy.
The Sang'gres have requested Cassiopea to accompany them in their mission..But she refused and explained the role she has, as Goddess of Vision - the shepherd of all creatures and guide them to the path they chosen..Moreover, the deities except those evil ones are bound in a sacred rule to not personally intervene the creature’s act of fate..And it forbid her to fight alongside with the diwata anymore..The only thing she can do is to warn them and share the vision seen by her eyes.
She also said - the three Sang’gres may not be able to defeat this enemy but the savior can, barring all fate-altering event capably caused by evil god’s intervention..But doing their best are much needed nonetheless to distrupt the creature from forfeiting more lives until the savior has arrived..Cassiopea drop some hint about the Savior which is someone they knew from Devas..It offered everyone some glimpse of hope and sigh of relief, they are guessing that it would be Amihan but who knows?
Chapter 3
Unknown Encounter: Pirena’s Strange Feelings
The three Sang’gres – Pirena, Danaya, and Hara Alena are started to embark their very important mission to find the mysterious creature told by Cassiopea..They first decided to visit the Creek of Truth to know whose this creature they searching for, so that they are aware if they will crosses path with her.
Pirena: Creek of truth, show us the identity of this creature who may come from Cassiopea’s vision.
The Creek of truth shows the picture of the creature that they were looking for..Her overall identity was not revealed but she is a girl with athletic body and long hair with a sword at her right hand while her face are concealed by darkness..But Danaya have some compliment about the creature’s figure.
Danaya: In fairness, she got a better shape for a villain.
Pirena: Ssheda for that Danaya!
Alena: But I’m just wondering, why does the creek of truth do not show her full identity?
Danaya: That’s what I wondered too.
Pirena: Seems that there’s something who restraint it to display the whole truth, maybe it’s another, one of the evil god or goddess doing.
Nonetheless, what was shown in the Creek of truth is right but the Sang’gres didn't know that Celestia like Pirena, has the ability to “shift face” so that no one could track her down after killing her victims..From the Creek of truth, the Sang’gres resume their journey and now they are headed to Hathoria where they see a woman attack by an unknown thief..Pirena fight him and the thief opted to run away and never comeback.
Danaya: It wouldn’t be safe for you to walk here alone because there’s so many bad creatures who wander around this place.
Alena: Do you want us to accompany you back home?
Woman: It’s not necessary my dear Sang’gre, because my companion is already here.
Pirena: That’s good..If that is.
Alena: I hope that you can reach your preferred destination safe.
Danaya: Divine Emre, may guide you.
Woman: Avisala Eshma for everything, Sang’gres.
Then both parties walk separately, but less than a hundred steps away, the Sang’gres heard voices of the Encantados that has been attacked..They quickly headed to the location of the voices but what they saw was the fresh dead body of the two creatures that they were met few moments ago..In a nearby area, they saw a burning village and the Sang’gres use evictus to quickly reach the place..In the area, they find out that they are bit too late because the attackers are already gone and all they left behind was the dead bodies of their victims.
Danaya: Tanakreshna! Who did this very horrific incident?
Alena: Whoever do this, they were all cursed creatures.
Pirena: What is this feeling?
Alena: What do you mean, Pirena?
Pirena: Seems that there is a strange creature who watching and following us since we leave the creek of truth..Sometimes I can feel her presence just ahead of us.
Danaya: But I can’t sense anyone else except us and these dead bodies.
Alena: Even me, I couldn’t felt what you perceived, Pirena.
Pirena: Trust me, we are not alone.
Danaya: But it’s weird, there is no retre who come to fetch these dead bodies and bring them to Devas.
Pirena: That’s what I noticed too because normally they supposed to be here to rendezvous these corpses.
Alena: And there’s also something strange of their remains..But wait, what is this? Instead of, they just fade like a slain Hathor in the past when they were still under the curse of the Brilyante?
Pirena: If they gone like this, they surely bound to Balaak instead of Devas.
Danaya: Maybe they don’t have a place in Devas because of their ill-doing when they were alive.
Alena: Perhaps, you’re right.
Pirena: Let’s go, before we caught up by some unwanted enemy here.
The Sang'gres leave the area as they travel to the Cliff near the territory of the Ascano where they encounter their new enemy, carrying the insignia of Ice Kingdom who spying the area.
Pirena: Ssheda!
Alena: What's the problem, Pirena?
Pirena: We’ve got some company.
The enemies appeared and call themselves Blizzaga – an elite group of high-skilled warriors under the command of Astra – the strongest Mashna of the Ice Queen.
Danaya: Estasectu! They’re coming.
Astra: Avisala Sang’gres, we’ve finally met each other.
Pirena: Pashnea, who are you and where you came from?
Alena: You’re armor, weaponry, and the insignia printed at your shoulder are all signs that you are not from the three kingdoms of Encantadia.
Astra: I’m Astra, Mashna of the Ice Kingdom’s Special Commando Unit - the Blizzaga.
Pirena: Blizzaga?
Danaya: Former Hara Amihan and I were accidentally encountered them before at the borderline of Lireo, but without him..They were tough, some of them can cast ice magic with a power almost comparable to our Brilyante..As I remember, we forced to pull back because most of the warriors who with us were seriously wounded..We'd back in the place immediately to confront them again but they already leave and never return.
Pirena: We surely have an upperhand over them now, what’s the fight of their power against our four Brilyante? Alright, why are you here and why did you killed more innocent Encantados, and some of them are my precious Hathor?
Astra: What have you say? We didn’t do that, we just here to enjoy the view and we have nothing to do with your accusation.
Pirena: Liar! You are here to enjoy the view in how the lives of our same race end through your swords! (Summon her Brilyante ng Apoy)
Danaya: Ssheda Pirena, you must control yourself.
Alena: Don’t do it Pirena, that’s a request from your co-hara.
Pirena: If you can afford to stand here and let them get away for their crime..I’m different!
Then Pirena aggressively attack Astra and company while leaving her two sisters standing.
Astra: This hot-headed one should learn how to cool down (then cast his ice magic with incantation).."Avalance of destiny, freeze the flesh of my enemy, Ice Blizzard, I summon thee!"
With so much aggression and out of control, Astra are easily knock off Pirena with Ice Blizzard that risen beneath her feet and frozen her body from toe to shoulder, basically stunned her, prompted Danaya and Alena to approach Pirena and try to protect her.
Alena: Tanakreshna! What you have done to her..You must pay for it!
Astra: tssssk!
Danaya: Let’s do it, Alena.
Alena: Alright!
But before unleashing their Brilyante and attempting to fuse its power..They already caught by Astra’s Ice Blizzard, freezing their bodies and served the similar fate with Pirena.
Astra: You should not step on the area with ice shards because that’s the extension of my power, so when you does, it was like excavating your own grave..I never thought that a Sang’gre are reckless enough to be fell into a trap easily.
Pirena: You must kill us when you have a chance because if I can escape here..I will burn you, pashnea!
Astra: Hold on to that hatred.
Alena: Tanakreshna! What you needed to us?
Astra: Nothing, but we have to clean up ourselves from your accusation regarding all the killing incidents that recently happened in Encantadia..We did not killed anyone here especially innocent because just like you we also live with honor..Doing such thing is truly against my principle because as a warrior, I preferred to follow the path of least bloodshed if possible.
Danaya: But if it wasn’t you, who?
Astra: We don’t know but one thing is certain, it wasn’t us because we never had a planned to do some pre-emptive attack.
Pirena: What’s your proof to convince us that what you tell us are true?
Astra: We did not ambush you when we had a chance but instead we opted to met you in front and tried to interact with you in friendly manner..And we shouldn’t be in this situation if you weren’t attack us first.
Danaya: Maybe, he's right.
Pirena: But how did you possess so much power since you don’t have any of the Brilyante?
Astra: Knowledge Sang’gre, as we studied all your moves including your instinct in battle, the way how you use your Brilyante, and the limitation of your powers.
Pirena: Pashnea! You mean you’re spying on us for the long time?
Astra: From Ice Kingdom, we watched your every battle while we still gathering our strength that we can use against you..Now we almost completed our long preparation.
Alena: So you have a plan to invade Encantadia?
Astra: The Winter War..Now could you please excuse us Sang’gres because we still have some task to catch up.
Alena: What do you know about the Winter War?
Astra: You will going to learn everything about it when the right time comes..Avisala Meiste!
Pirena: Wait, if you don’t have a plan of killing us and if you don’t mind, could you please release us?
Astra: No, we just let your destiny to decide, if you can survive here, we will meet again (and the Blizzaga leave).
Pirena: Pashnea!
Alena: What he supposed to meant by all he said?
Danaya: This is not the time to worry about that Alena because we have this problem in front of us now, in how can we free ourselves here?
Left behind while frozen, the Sang’gres can do nothing but wait until the ice on their body going to melt..But due to water composition of the ice, Pirena can’t afford to be exposed by it for a long time or else she continue to weaken and she could die..Alena and Danaya tells Pirena to be strong but seems she couldn’t hear them anymore..On the brinks of very worst situation, a strange warrior has arrived and free them up.
Danaya: Who are you and why did you help us?
Mysterious Warrior: It’s not necessary for you to know my name..The most important thing is Pirena must be saved.
Alena: Who you really are, why do you know the name of our sister?
Mysterious Man: You will be able to find out very soon (and he leave).
Danaya: What? Wait!
Alena: He’s already gone..So many strange things are recently happened here.
Danaya: You are right (while she heal Pirena).
Alena: Are Pirena okay?
Danaya: She’s okay now and we just need to wait until she fully recover her strength.
Alena: Thanks to Divine Emre.
Later on, Pirena has completely recovered and woke up
Pirena: What happened?
Alena: We were saved by a Mysterious Warrior who didn’t give his name, but there’s something about him.
Pirena: It’s not necessary who he was, most importantly he helped us and I must thanked him..Otherwise, sorry to two of you, because of my aggression I put your life in danger..Ì’m your older Apwe so it should be me who protect you and keep away from risk not the opposite.
Alena: It’s okay Pirena, no need for you to say sorry because you didn’t make a mistake..We are sisters and it’s our responsibility to help and protect each other regardless whose younger or older..All we need to do is to face it together no matter what happen.
Danaya: She's right, and you don’t have to feel guilty of yourself..We’re not just a sisters or family here, in battlefield we are also a comrades and the true comrades must protect and don’t leave each other behind.
Pirena: Avisala Eshma, my sisters.
The three Sang’gres hugged and smiled with each other then they suddenly remember their long gone sister Amihan.
Danaya: I remember our other sister Amihan..Her presence, love and embrace of belongingness like what you offered to me.
Alena: I’m longing for her too, I hope she’s happy in Devas.
Pirena: I know that wherever she is now, she’s happy and I missed her like you did.
Danaya: If Amihan is here, she would ease things up and make us comfortable because we know everything is gonna be fine.
Pirena: I have a feeling that we can see her again..I hope she’s the one chosen by Emre to help us because we really need her presence and strength to face this heavy challenge.
Alena: That will happen for sure but what we can do now is to believe and pursue the task we have.
Pirena: But after all what happened and we encountered here, I have a growing worry about Lireo and all the Sang’gres that we left there.
Danaya: You don’t have to worry about them because we leave the Lireo to a very capable hands of Lira and Mira with the younger Sang’gres..Also, Paopao is there with his Brilyante ng Diwa.
Alena: And the Lireo are heavily protected by impenetrable shield from our Brilyante that won’t allowed any creatures with a bad motives to enter the palace..It also have a capability to repel any outside attack..That’s why there’s no need to worry.
Pirena: Still, you can’t take away my worry especially we both know how strong and dangerous our new enemies are.
Danaya: Yeah, but all we can do now is to believe and trust the younger Sang’gres ability to lead and protect Lireo during our absence.
Alena: Also, don't forget that we're in the middle of this very valuable mission to preserve the future of Encantadia.
Danaya: And we should not lost our faith and courage until we can go through this together.
Pirena: I understand..Thanks for the reminder..Now we must move on and resume our journey to find that mysterious creature.
They continue to travel North and again they encountered more dead bodies everywhere with similar scenarios to the other places they passed by..Now they were convinced that what happened to the dead bodies and why they couldn’t see a retre is an irregularity.
Pirena: It’s getting worse.
Alena: Yeah, the longer we travel, the more Encantados we seen dead.
Danaya: What’s more disturbing is the fate of these Encantados where their body is cannot be taken to Devas due to the absence of retre..Now, I'm no longer convince that they were all bad creatures who deserved to be in Balaak.
Alena: Take a look at this on what is shown by Brilyante ng Tubig, I think it can explain everything in why there’s no retre who going to fetch these corpses, because even if they are already dead, the presence of their ivtre are still remain.
Pirena: Because normally, the body can only be attracted by a Retre if its ivtre are already leave it and departed for Devas..In this case, retre are fooled to think that these creatures are still alive..And these corpses like those we seen before them are all cursed and their Ivtre has been sealed inside their dead body until they will fade together and transported elsewhere.
Danaya: What could be the reason behind all of this?
Pirena: No one knows but only the cursed god or goddess who has a capability to maneuver this kind of Phenomina.
Danaya: But Ether and Arde were both defeated and lost its power after the last battle.
Pirena: They may lost its might and cursed again..However, they were still a god and goddess who can easily make any impossible things possible.
Alena: You're right, but whatever type of logical explaination it has, we must be careful.
Pirena: Another thing, it’s been a puzzled for me to think that every time I feel this creature who I told you watching and following us..I mean before we arrive this place, I felt her presence here but when we arrived, her presence are relocated or lost, then we found fresh corpses..I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or what but it’s always been the case since we started to see dead bodies..Seems like every time I feel her presence in that particular area, death for all Encantados there are inevitable.
Alena: Maybe it’s time to rely your strange feeling and intuition Apwe, so that we can track this creature down quickly.
Danaya: Very suitable suggestion and it’s only be you who can lead us to this creature Pirena.
Pirena: As of now, it’s just a theory but I believe it will work.
They continue their journey and they foresee a village ahead of them..Pirena told her sisters that she couldn’t feel strange presence at the area and they check it out, and yes, there are Encantados in that place located at the Northeast of Adamya, where they peacefully live, thankfully they are safe and the Sang’gres interact with them.
Their next destination was the Adjantao with hope that they can find the mysterious creature there..When they got away from the village, Alena suggested them to used evictus since they already know where’s that place..But Pirena feels the strange things back and she perceived her presence near the forest of Adamya..The Sang’gres rushed their way to the place pinpointed by Pirena’s sense of feeling, but what they see is a little girl who cried because according to her, she lost her way back home..Then Alena talk to her while Pirena and Danaya talking to each other.
Danaya: This is just a little girl Pirena, are you sure about it?
Pirena: I can feel the extreme evil inside that creature and I can’t be wrong.
Danaya: Alena, stay away from her, quickly!
Alena: Why?
Celestia unsheath her sword and try to impale Alena.
Celestia: You die!
Alena: Water Shield!
Luckily, Alena could timely protect herself using the Brilyante ng Tubig that prompted Celestia to playfully pulled back and disappeared while laughing maniacally.
Celestia: hahahahaha..chase me if you can Sang’gres, we play.
Danaya: Seems that she’s toying with us all along, pashnea!
Pirena: For once, our theory was true and now we know how to find her..And chances are great that this creature, whoever she is, was the responsible for slaughtering so many Encantados including the overall irregularities that happened..And probably, she’s the one we’re looking for.
Danaya: Right, that’s also what I think, but Alena are you okay? Don’t move I going to heal you.
Alena: I’m just okay Danaya.
Pirena: Are you sure? You should be careful next time.
Alena: Avisala Eshma!
Danaya: Do you still feel her?
Pirena: She’s gone, for now.
Alena: We must follow her as soon as possible to prevent her from causing more deaths.
Danaya: That’s exactly what we have to do.
The Sang’gres pursue Celestia to stop her from taking the life of so many Encantados, and find the answers on why she did all of this?
To be Continue….
Up Next - Part 2 of 5 > Click the image below!
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bathalang-emre · 5 years
Encantadia: Rise Of Dark Pirena (Part 2/5)
Encantadia Season 2 FanFiction Subplot
Previously - Part 1 of 5 > https://bathalang-emre.tumblr.com/post/188826225323/
Chapter 4
Revelation: The Dark One
The Sang’gres pursuit to find the mysterious creature are continue and the truth is about to be revealed..They went to different places across the realm of Encantadia to find an answer and now they are going to face its greatest challenge..Meanwhile, Celestia are going to invade another village which located near the Central Sapiro but the Sang’gres are approaching to stop her..But when they reached the area, Celestia are already slain the villagers and the Sang’gres are appeared behind her..They saw Celestia holding her life slayer sword called vinar which is stained by the blood of her innocent victims, and its tip pointing to the ground.
Celestia: You're finally arrived but late again to save these poor creatures..hahahaha.
Pirena: Face us, Warka!
Danaya: Why did you do all of this?
Celestia: Doing it.....(She disappeared then appeared behind near the Sang’gres and continue her dialogue).....just for fun.
Prompted the three angered Sang’gres to aggregately swing their weapons and tried to hit Celestia all at once, but she blink again and reappeared in front of the Sang’gres, now facing them from her original spot.
Danaya: Ashtadi!
Celestia: hahahaha..Such anger and hatred makes you flail your weapons like an idiots.
Pirena: Pashnea! She's faster than I expected, and I felt that this creature and the one who trying to killed Alena were the same.
Alena: But why her physical appearance are different as we knew that except you, only Hagorn and Avria have a face shifting ability?
Pirena: I don’t know because I’m also confuse about myself now.
Danaya: In that case, why we don't ask her?
Alena: Identify yourself creature and tell us where you came from?
Celestia: hmm..maybe it’s a perfect time to disclose myself.
Then Celestia face shifted back to her true form with a mask just like what Pirena seen on her dream, and her physical figure are similar to what was revealed in the creek of truth, much to the Sang’gres surprised..They easily recognized her as the one from Cassiopea’s vision, and for Pirena as the one from her nightmare who came into reality..But not just that, she also wear a battle armor similar to Blizzaga and the insignia of Ice Kingdom patched on her shoulder.
Celestia: I'm Celestia and this is my true semblance.
Pirena: This can’t be (mark on her face the great worry for what possibly happen on her two sisters as what concieved in her dream).
Alena: You're the one from Cassiopea’s vision.
Danaya: There’s no doubt, and to make it worst, she’s working in Ice Kingdom or one of the Blizzaga..We got fooled by Astra and his honor thing as opposed to what he said they already sent this Pashnea to slaughter our race..By the way, why don't you remove your mask so that we can see your whole face?
Celestia: This mask is part of my identity, so don't ask.
Danaya: Don't bother anyway, but you're an Ice Warrior working for the Ice Queen, am I right?
Celestia: Not at all..I’m just working for a mighty God of Balaak..However, the original owner of this body were used to work as an Ice Warrior.
Danaya: Pashnea! What the hell you talking about?
Celestia: This body is a vessel and the whole story behind it is so complicated, likewise my origin is quite cryptic to understand.
Alena: A vessel you say, means you're an Ivtre who took someone else's body so that you can live again like a sarkosi.
Celestia: You aren't so dumb but still naive..How can I become an Ivtre if my original body wasn't dead?
Alena: What the....What are you!?
Celestia: The truth is, I was part of someone’s soul, a dark fragment of it, but she cut away me as part of her and forgotten somewhere inside herself..Then one day, a powerful god named Arde came, used his power to awaken me and free from within, he gave this vessel, created my identity and shared his great power to me..In exchange, he asks me to killed more innocent Encantados while I'd cursed their body and soul, so that I can bring them to Balaak soon.
Pirena: Pashnea! You indeed responsible for all what happened?! (About to unleash her power to attack but Danaya and Alena stop her).
Celestia: ?????
Danaya: Ssheda Pirena! There’s a right time for that.
Alena: You must cool down if you wanted to know the truth.
Pirena: And you believe this creature, and how can you attempt to listened her own narratives of foolishness?
Alena: We must give her a chance to talk.
Danaya: Agapi avi, but what you revealed to us are truly hard to believe..However, if what you tell us are all true, then you will be the living proof of your story..If that so, how does Arde made that things possible?
Celestia: Arde, as god of death and underworld, has the power to manifest all intangible dark force, renew life and shape matter to create new material thing..But though how great that power, he can’t create soul and spirit nor can he mold them from raw matter..That’s why, he needed a dark fragment from the existing soul with evil spirit in it..The fragment were remade, enhanced, and remolded to make it a standalone soul before being transplanted to the new vessel..And the product of such power and effort was – me.
Alena: Unbelievable! But how could he able to enter the domain of the creature’s soul?
Celestia: Darkness, as long as you totally embrace it in some point of your life, this will open the door for Arde to invade one of the two domain of soul – the light and the dark..If your soul is pure, the dark domain are close and empty..Otherwise, Arde can’t enter the good side or light domain because he did not possess a divine power of light..When you excessively taken the wrong path in the past, no matter what you did to atone your sin, that won’t completely wipe out the darkness within who just waiting to be awaken again..But my fate as a suppressed one has changed when I was materialized and brought into existence, and now I am here to hunt someone who abandoned me.
Piena: Whose that someone you always referred to?
Celestia: You wanna know whose that someone who cut me away? It was you Pirena.
Leave Alena and Danaya in extreme shock while Pirena to overreact.
Danaya: What?
Alena: ????
Pirena: Ridiculous! How could you came from me, since it was all Arde's doing on why you have been created and became his evil puppet?
Celestia: No, it wasn’t god’s doing but it was you who created me Pirena..When you wanted to have more power to own everything, do you still remember what you did? You tried to kill and betrayed your own sisters, despises your own mother or even killed more innocent Diwata for your ambition..It was the time when you let the darkness to consumed yourself, and it was also the time of my conception as a portion of your soul that became dark and represent the sum total of your wickedness..However, when time has passed, you were convinced to change for good and opted to be weak while leaving me in a limbo of dark domain, waiting you to embrace me again..But you completely renounced me.
Pirena: Pashnea! I already forgot the past and the wound it caused are already healed..Who are you to re-opened it?
Celestia: I am your past, the consequence of your wickedness, a little bit of your soul which you don't want to accept anymore but it's still haunting you..There’s nowhere to run because no matter what you do we’re always connected as one..The reason why it was only you who felt my presence from everywhere, it’s because of that connection.
Pirena: Ssheda! I don’t want to hear anything from you anymore! (Pirena uses evictus toward Celestia to attack her using sword but the latter dodged and counter it by spin kick that sent Pirena backward)
Celestia: God made a wise choice of giving me this agile and quite strong body, but this isn’t good enough to hold such great power..That’s why, I needed to take yours including the remaining part of your soul.
Pirena: What are you talking about?
Celestia: What do you think why I saved you from dying? (Celestia shifted herself into a mysterious warrior)
Alena: So it was you?
Celestia: Right..
Alena: But if you think that you can do whatever you want because you saved her..You are wrong and we can’t allow you to do that.
Danaya: You will have to go through me before you can touch Pirena.
Celestia: If I can have my emotions back maybe I’m touch with the way how you cared each other but I can’t feel anything like that..Nevertheless, you always let yourselves to be fooled by that emotion.
Alena: Stop playing around with us because we’re not amused for what you did nor said.
Celestia: Yeah, I’m serious now and no one are going to stop me..You are here but not you, (pointing to Alena) and definitely not her! (pointing to Danaya)
Danaya: Answer me, what you wanted to tell us all along that you are Pirena’s suppressed darkness but what you did are more than what an old Pirena capable of doing.
Celestia: Because unlike the old Pirena, most of my feelings and emotion, or even my conscience was removed so that nothing could make me weak inside.
Alena: And you are fool to think that living in emptiness will satisfied yourself.
Celestia: No, but it only makes me strong! Now you must already know who I am and you know what I want..(raise her aura into a very intimidating level that prompted Pirena to tell her sisters to leave)
Pirena: Alena, Danaya you must leave because fighting her will only put yourself in danger..Beside, she’s only after me and I don’t want you to get involved with this.
Danaya: Ssheda Pirena! What makes you think that my conscience can afford to leave you here? Not against this top tier opponent.
Alena: You don’t have to face her alone, as what Cassiopea said, we must be together to give ourselves a chance against this enemy..If we fight as one we can stand, but if we go separately, we fall.
Pirena: But I must admit that she’s not just a creature from Cassiopea’s vision, but also the one who appeared in my dream where she came to saved me but then turn to killed you..And I’m afraid that she will destined to kill you in this battle and I can’t accept that, so please leave.
Danaya: If my pre-written fate is to die today, well I have to re-write it..And it would be the first time in my life that I’m gonna fight to change my destiny..Therefore, I’m not afraid.
Alena: That’s also my sentiment because it’s a great lost to my reputation as a Sang’gre if I’m going to give up or run away from the battle..But don’t worry Pirena like Danaya I have no plan of dying now.
Pirena: It seems that you'd already well-decided and there’s nothing I can do to stop you..So just be careful my sisters and Divine Emre may guide us.
Celestia: Are you ready to fight me and seal your fate? But before that I have to offer you a truce Pirena and I will let your sisters survive if you accept it..Just embrace me and back to darkness again..Then as whole, we can take everyting we want and be the most powerful creature have ever seen in Encantadia.
Pirena: It's already been decided by all of us..We are going to fight you and retrieve the missing piece of myself..(while pointing her sword to Celestia)
Celestia: Interesting! Though you found vindication, you always have a stink from the past.
Pirena: Stop turning me around because no matter what you do, you can't claim me that way..(Everyone is in silence, then)..If you really wish to have my body and soul..You must take it by force! (while showing off their Brilyante)
The Sang’gres attack Celestia together and their battle are ensued.
Chapter 5
Tears In Battle: Sang’gres In Trouble
Danaya used her Brilyante ng Lupa's Planetary Displacement ability to move the land and boulder of rocks from the nearby mountain, and used Brilyante ng Hangin to make it float above as she created an Earth projectiles, then fire it using the force of air together with Pirena and Alena sending fire and water blasts from the ground that hit Celestia all at once..The dust covered the whole area where Celestia standing.
Danaya: That's a massive and well-synchronized attack.
Alena: I think we had already destroyed her totally.
Pirena: Don’t be so sure because I can still feel her strong presence.
But when the dust was settled, it appears that Celestia are still alive unscathed while stretching her neck.
Celestia: That’s all what you’ve got?
Alena: Tanakreshna! She don't even have a scratch.
Danaya: What kind of creature you are?
Celestia: I am the Bringer of Death..Now it’s my turn.
With speed and agility, she attack the Sang’gres using her special move, the Cyclone of Madness - a series of speedy attack with tremendous spin kicks and slash combo..Struggle to catch up her quickness, she easily knock off the three Sang’gres into the ground using just her raw strength..But she didn’t completely startled the Sang’gres as they could easily recovered from her attack.
Danaya: Bringer of Death, huh? That’s well-suited to a shameless being like you who killed so many innocent creatures.
Celestia: hmm..I will make you beg for mercy soon enough..Now, catch this! (while sending dark energy ball to the Sang'gres)
Pirena: Alena, Water Shield!
Alena: Got it.."Preserve us from enemy assault, I called you, Protectaga!”
*Protectaga – is a third level of Alena’s protect ability.
Celestia’s attack was successfully repelled by Alena’s shield that leave the former to get impressed but also to get her more fired up.
Pirena: It was a very devastating attack but excellent Alena, where did you learned that?
Alena: Through mastery of my Brilyante and constant training.
Celestia: You made me impressed Sang’gre but how about this! "Power of Darkness, compressed your strength and destroy them"..(then throw her fortified dark energy ball, but when it reach above the target, Celestia commanded it to…)
Celestia: “Disperse!”
The stronger type of dark energy ball fired up by Celestia are split itself into multiple mini bolts scattered around the Protectaga shield and hit it in all direction that eventually broke it..And the explosion impact hurt the Sang’gres and made them fell into the ground.
Celestia: hahahaha
Alena: Pashnea! Even protectaga can’t withstood that attack..Are you okay?
Danaya: Yeah, but don’t worry "Brilyante ng Lupa, heal our wounds"
Pirena: She’s really tough and we have to think a better way to fight her.
Celestia: You are all tough to remain standing but for how long? (while she prepare to cast her wrecking dark energy ball which is greater and different than the first two variants)
Pirena: We have to try our newly learned "Trinity Formation" so that we can use Elemental Spirit Blast.
Alena: I’m agree.
Danaya: Okay, let’s do it!
Now the Sang’gres form a triangular alignment facing to Celestia and combine the power of air, water, fire and earth to generate Elemental Spirit Blast - the powerful magic attack that possessed a combine strength of four Brilyantes..Then, it was able to defeat the wrecking dark energy ball and successfully landed a very solid hit to Celestia, sending her backward and had her mask broken.
Alena: We finally got her.
Pirena: Pashnea! She’s more durable than I thought.
Celestia: Damn you, Sang'gres! Did you really think you could messed me up with that attack?
Danaya: Your face are finally shown, and you're so pretty than I could imagine.
Pirena: Sadly, your beautiful face can’t compliment your inner personality.
Celestia: Enough! Let’s finish this.."Avalance of destiny, freeze the flesh of my enemy, Ice Blizzard, I summon thee!"
Celestia tried to caught the Sang’gres with the Ice Blizzard as what Astra did but they are so aware now to be fell into this magic.
Danaya: We already saw that one, so we knew how to avoid.
Alena: By using identical magic attack, did Astra and you are one creature?
Celestia: Astra is a prodigy of war and he's totally different creature..Casting ice magic is an innate ability of this Ice Relic in my arm which only given to the well-deserved and elite Ice Warriors..Celestia, the true owner of my body was one of them..But I can also use this Ice Magic into its fullest extent.
Pirena: But how could you defeat us if you are already at the peak of your power, and all you can do now is to cast such useless magic?
Alena: Enough Pirena, don't be so complacent.
Pirena: I’m just telling the truth.
Celestia: Really? Hold on, I’ll show you the extended level (Punching her left palm with her right fist and cast the ice magic again) "Show off your ultimate strength, Ice Blizzard's Absolute Zero!"
Now the upgraded Ice Blizzard which become more destructive hit the extended whole area that frozen Alena and Danaya while Pirena luckily escape from it using her evictus.
Celestia: You're all reckless as always, but Pirena was able to avoid it? Of course.
Meanwhile, Pirena from the distant area are worry about her two sisters who were trapped and frozen while thinking a way to save them.
Pirena: Pashnea! I have to rescue my sisters..But I really need help from the twin spirit of my Brilyante.
Then Pirena called on the spirit of her Brilyante ng apoy to help her.
Pirena: "Turn our enemy into burning debris, Alipato manifest!" (while pointing her brilyante at the right side)
Alipato: Master, what’s your command?
Pirena: I need your help..You must attack and distract that creature over there so that I can have a chance to free my sisters.
Alipato: Yes, Master
And Alipato quickly attack Celestia with multiple fireballs while Pirena rush to rescue her sisters by melting the ice that covered their whole body..After she successfully rescued Alena and Danaya, Pirena uses her Brilyante’s Lava Flow ability to remove all the ice shards within the whole affected area, much to Celestia’s dismay..Meanwhile, Alipato launch a Fire Punch to hit Celestia, but the latter are able to stop it with her left hand and uses ice to freeze Alipato’s right arm that prompted Pirena to command him.
Pirena: Pashnea! Alipato it’s time to go back (then Alipato response quickly and return to his home, Brilyante ng Apoy)..Avisala Eshma for your help.
Celestia: You avoided it last time but...
Celestia attempted to use ice blizzard again but Alena quickly use her Brilyante before she does.
Alena: "Advent of the Water Mermaid, Splash your brilliant power, Hydrora, raise your strength and neutralize her!"
Hydrora or sending a concentrated water blast to Celestia before she completely cast the ice magic which made her entire body frozen by her own power.
Danaya: Brilliant moves Alena, you amazed us with your power again.
Pirena: Impressive my Apwe, but how could he became a victim of her own power?
Alena: Because Ice is not her innate power but it’s only bestowed by the Ice Relic she wear, so there’s no way her body got protected from it all the time..When I timely hit her with hydrora while she’s in the state of casting Blizzard, the ice element she cast has conquered the whole part of her body which is wet by water, and eventually freeze those parts.
Pirena: Very Nice, but the Pashnea is still alive, we have to finish her before she could have a chance to recover.
Danaya: Why not use the Elemental Spirit Blast to completely send that Pashnea to whence she came.
Alena: That’s the perfect thing to do.
Pirena: But what happened?!
The dark energy has come out from the frozen body of Celestia and shattered all the Ice on it and set her free.
Celestia: I must admit, you're not a least worthy opponents..Now Sang’gres prove your worth again.."Spirit of the ice that guarded this relic, lend me your strength and channel your power into this life slayer sword"
The power of Ice has come out from Celestia’s ice Relic and fuses itself into her sword when she touches the blade run through its tip, and now she's able to use Ice Mega Flare..With one swing, she will be able to hit even a distant enemy thru her hugely extended sword of ice travel like a flash of light..The contraction of Celestia's sword after the Ice Mega Flare hit the target are so devastating as it leave an ice shards which 2x more deadly than the Ice blizzard..Meanwhile, the Sang’gres are prepare to launch "Elemental Spirit Blast" by using its Trinity Formation.
Celestia: So you're all going to hit me with similar attack..Well, come and try.
The Sang’gres fired its Elemental Spirit Blast but Celestia counter it with Ice Mega Flare that dispersed the underway attack..Then swing her sword again, prompted Alena to use protectaga inside the protectaga to make it a three layers shield..However, Celestia repeatedly use her Ice Mega Flare to crush the shield but it’s getting anew every time the top layers get broken, and the Sang’gres are able to avoid the direct hit.
Alena: We must think a way to counter, before I can’t able to hold this relentless assault which getting stronger and stronger..We surely die if we can't find a haste.
Pirena: I know what to do, we have to combine everything that we have.
Danaya: That will be the best way to fight her one on one with our combine form and power.
Alena: Yeah, our ultimate ploy to escape from this position so that we can fight her fairly.
They decided to draw its trump card which is to do a physical fusion so that they become one creature who will fight Celestia..Inside the Protectaga shield, the Sang’gres bring their four Brilyante out then Danaya cast the incantation to combine all their bodies and power.
Danaya: "We ask our Brilyantes that represent the four great elements of zodiac, shower us with your powers, combine all our strength and turn us into one"
Then the four Brilyante levitate above them and cast its power to envelope the Sang’gres, then Alperia has emerged..Prompted Celestia to amaze and get seduced by the power of the Brilyante.
Celestia: That’s amazing in what a Brilyante can do..It rouse my interest to get them and add to the one at my disposal.
Alperia: You're the punchline of a bad joke..Now, just fight us, Warka! (while pointing her sword to Celestia)
Celestia uses her Ice Mega Flare to attack Alperia, who keep on dodging while avoiding the ice shards after every contraction so that she can find a perfect chance to counterattack..And it makes Celestia to be much irritated by the Sang’gres for what they do.
Celestia: What a shame, you are just good in dodging and avoiding my attack..You can’t live up with my expectation.
Alperia: Dodging is a basic instinct in battle and the flawless form of defense..Don’t tell us, you get irritated because you couldn’t land even a single hit?
Celestia: Nonsense!
Pissed and irritated, Celestia uses Blink - (a form of evictus that instantly moves the user from one point to another across a short distance), and she appeared behind to launch Ice Mega Flare..However, Alperia is able to catch and hold it with her bare hand and shatter the sword's extension called the Mega Flare before its contraction..Then Alperia used air blast to push Celestia backward while she gain a momentum to launch an earth-based attack.
Alperia: "Cast your force to the living, shatter the ground beneath its feet, Erosyon, loose your strength and bury her!" (while touching the ground with brilyante ng lupa)
The area where Celestia currently at has eroded and the earth swallowed her after she got hit by Erosyon..But she used her powerful energy to create a floating dark barrier to protect herself and bring her back to the surface..Upon her ascension from below, Alperia uses her evictus to blink and appeared in front of Celestia to punch her stomach while breaking the barrier..Without much ado, Alperia followed it by holding Celestia’s two shoulders and used her knee to hit the latter's body and initiate her special move, the Might of Justice - a bunch of successive heavy punches that stunt an opponent and finish it with a powerful spin kick..The attack combinatbion has inflicted enough damage to Celestia that sent her backward, but still able to recover her body midair and backflip to land in the ground backpedaling..Then she has struggled to stand firmly and limping a bit.
Celestia: It’s funny in how you drag me into this condition..hahahaha..But the sun is still too young for you to celebrate.
Alperia: Come on then, but how could you fight effectively if you can’t stand firmly?
Celestia: You have to find out.
Celestia summoned her dispersing dark energy ball to attack Alperia who run too fast, and trying to dodge all the locked on mini bolts that will explode everytime it collided with any solid things in the ground..Then due to tremendous explosion, Alperia’s space to avoid them are narrowed and she was eventually caught by it..When the dust was cleared, Celestia watch the whole area but she couldn’t see Alperia.
Celestia: Where’s that insect going?
From unseen location, Alperia used Planetary Displacement ability to bring the gigantic rock from beneath the earth to the surface, then she used the Brilyante ng Apoy to create a transcending fireball and throw it using the power of air that also magnified its blazing flames..And this prompted Celestia to unleash her Ice Mega Flare to shatter the incoming fireball right after she noticed it.
Celestia: Did you really think it can startle me? Get serious! (while smashing the fireball when it nearly hit her)
The Ice Mega Flare has shattered the transcending fireball and had its debris frozen caused by ice shards from sword's contraction before they start falling to the ground..Then Alperia suddenly appeared behind the preoccupied Celestia to closely fire the Elemental Spirit Blast.
Alperia: Time for you to die!
But Celestia's reflexes enable her left arm to swing and instantly cast ice magic to block the ESB.
Celestia: You wish! So this is really what you up to for attacking me using your transcending fireball..(while holding and trying to repel the ESB using the power of ice)
Even though the sneak attack is blocked, Alperia’s Elemental Spirit Blast has still managed to destroy Celestia’s Ice Relic which made her lost control over the power of ice..That’s why, she can successfully hit Celestia’s body with ESB and sent her into the rubbles, seriously wounded while having her left arm injured.
Alperia: You are done, Warka!
Celestia: How sure you are that you already defeated me?..hahahahaha.
Alperia: Pashnea! What happened?
The fusion of the three Sang'gres has abruptly been canceled, and they are physically separated because of Pirena, who endured similar damage as what Celestia’s get..And like Celestia, Pirena can barely stand too because of exhaustion and severe injuries.
Danaya: Pirena, how did you get that wound?
Pirena: I don’t know but I suspected that Celestia have done something with it.
Alena: How could this be? Why both of you have endured the same amount of damage?
Celestia: hahahaha..did you really think you can kill me without killing her? As I said, Pirena and I shared with one soul..Consequently, we always get connected by all means as our bodies became a reflection of each other.
Alena: What you’d like to point out exactly?
Celestia: This is my quick explaination!
Celestia draw her sword and impale her injured arm and endure the great pain while Pirena has been inflicted with the same wound.
Pirena: aaahh...Pashnea!
Danaya: Ssheda! Don’t do that again because you also hurt Pirena.
Celestia: hmmm
Alena: Danaya, you must healed Pirena quickly.
Danaya: I’m working on it.
But Pirena stop Danaya……
Pirena: Ssheda! Danaya, if you do that, you will probably healed her too and turn all our effort to nothing.
Danaya: But what you want us to do?
Alena: We can’t afford to see you suffered.
Pirena: I rather want to die or suffer than seeing the life of many Encantados become miserable because of me.
Alena: What did you say, Pirena?
Danaya: We can’t afford to see that, another one of our sister will gone too..And we will lose our chance to save the whole Encantadia if you die.
Pirena: No Danaya, the least we can do now is letting me die along with her, then Encantadia can be saved.
Alena: Please Pirena don’t do it, we beg you..Let Danaya to heal you, and if ever she get healed too, then we have to fight her again.
Pirena: That’s useless Alena because it will only get the cycle of battle anew, and what if one of you dies next time? Do you think I can live with that? No, I don't.
Danaya: Pirena, this is not the right time for your stubborness.
Pirena: Danaya, I won’t do it because I just want to, but both of us have no choice except for doing what’s the best for the many..Maybe it’s my turn to sacrifice my own life after Amihan did the same..This is our destiny as a Sang'gre to die for Encantadia if necessary, and now this is my call of duty..It’s also a privilege to completely redeem myself from what I’ve done in the past..Beside, I was responsible for that creature’s existence, and whatever damage she inflict in Encantadia is also a burden of my conscience, and it’s getting heavy as long as she can roam freely and continue to slay everyone she come across.
Alena: Don't crush yourself with guilt, Pirena..Maybe there’s another way to defeat that creature without sacrificing your own life.
Danaya: That's right, and we were told by Cassiopea that a Savior will come to help us.
Pirena: The savior, who did not arrived until now..Besides, even if she arrive and killed that creature, my fate is always the same..So we must execute my plan now before we put everyone in danger, as the possible way to kill that creature is to kill me..Because, if that creature will succeed to merge with me, everyone will doom and I can’t let that to happen..Please Alena, Danaya use your weapons to kill me and end this nightmare..This is our only chance.
Both Sang’gres are so emotional and their tears are keep in falling.
Danaya: No Pirena, I can’t do that.
Alena: We can find another way Pirena, not like this.
Pirena: If you can’t, let me finish my own....(but suddenly interrupted by Celestia's incoming attack)
Danaya: Watch out!
Alena: Protectaga!
Celestia's dispersing dark energy ball was able to broke Alena's shield, and asking her Brilyante, the Gem of Dark Flames to teleport her to Pirena and she quickly take her..After the smoke was cleared, Pirena was held captured by Celestia and imprisoned her inside the unbreakable barrier.
Celestia: Sorry for some interference there Sang’gres..I simply saved your sister’s life from her suicide attempt..One thing that you must thank me..hahahaha.
Danaya: Pashnea! You do that just to save yourself.
Celestia: Oh well, maybe you’re right..hehe.
Alena: Tanakreshna! What have you done to her, we can’t forgive you.
Celestia: Oh, I’d just take her conciousness and remaining energy to regenerate myself and make my body fully healed again.
Alena: Tanakreshna! Danaya, we must do this together to save Pirena.
Danaya: I know, agtu!
The two remaining Sang’gres aggressively attack Celestia but the latter used her Brilyante and activate its Aging ability to repel them.
Celestia: Now, it’s time to use it.."Cast your fury overall, Gem of Dark Flames!"
And the shockwaves of dark energy from Gem of Dark Flames hit the attacking Sang’gres and stunned them..Then Celestia's Aging power protect her entire body so that no one can inflict damage to her.
Danaya: Pashnea! It was a strange energy that has been unleashed by her.
Alena: Is that a Brilyante?
Celestia: What you have seen is right, it’s a Brilyante given to me by Arde.
Alena: Tanakreshna! When did Arde able to create his own Brilyante?
Celestia: When he manifested me..And it’s more powerful than any of the Brilyante you have because it contained the power of Keros, a former god of destruction who were treacherously defeated by Arde..Due to Celestia’s body incapability to handle such godly power, he made a replica of Brilyante ng apoy which also served as the container of Keros’ power and he called it – Gem of Dark Flames.
Danaya: We don’t care how powerful the Brilyante you possessed, we won’t stop to fight you until we rescued Pirena.
Alena: This is just who we are, not easy to intimidate because once a Sang’gre always a Sang’gre, and we put our lives on the line every time we take the battlefield to protect all things valuable to us.
Celestia: I really admired your passion and resiliency but I only have one request – hand your Brilyante to me and I will let you leave.
Danaya: So you have no difference to our previous enemies, cunning and greedy if comes to power.
Celestia: It seems you already forgot where I came from..hahahahaha.
Danaya: No, you're totally different creature because your wickedness is second to none.
Alena: This time, even things straying beyond our control, pulling off such improbable victory here will set us free from brinks of annihilation.
Celestia: Pointless..All your potential and possibilities will gone, history will end, and the future will fade.
Danaya: You have to kill us first! (while both of them has re-started to attack Celestia)
Alena and Danaya did everything they could to defeat Celestia but for no avail because of the aging power that engulfed her..In a very hopeless situation, someone will arrive to save the day.
To be contunue.....
Up Next - Part 3 of 5 > https://bathalang-emre.tumblr.com/post/188819128788/
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bathalang-emre · 5 years
Encantadia: Rise Of Dark Pirena (Part 3/5)
Previously - Part 2 of 5 > Click the image below!
Chapter 6
The Return Of Amihan
After Pirena held captured by Celestia, Hara Alena and Danaya continue to fight her but they are totally outmatched and exhausted..And Celestia begin her final act to end their battle but the Savior promised by Cassiopea has arrived.
Alena: Goddess Cassiopea was right that we not bound to beat this creature, she's very strong for us.
Danaya: Don't give up, there's no shame in falling down! But if we die here, we die in battle together and we should have no regret for that.
Alena: I'm agree with you, and the true shame is not to stand up again, evictus don't failed us now because we really need your help.
Danaya: We can't use our innate evictus because we're so exhausted, even if I already healed our wounds, we still need enough time to recover our strength, time that we don't have now..But we can still able to use our Brilyante, so no excuse for us to quit fighting.
Then the two Sang’gres trying to stand firmly after picking themselves up to resume the battle.
Celestia: Let me repeat myself, surrender your brilyante or perish?
Danaya: Do what you want but we won't give up anything..Now, we have to finish this!
Celestia: Foolishness! As you wished, your pain and struggle will ends here.."Thrust of the Raining Blades, come forth and destroy them!"
As a result, multiple swords are appeared above Danaya and Alena, then it falls toward them all at once..And dust covered the whole area where a two Sang'gres standing..But when it cleared, Celestia saw nothing but a rubbles in the ground.
Celestia: What the....!
It was Amihan who rescued Alena and Danaya using her evictus before the falling swords hit them, and take her sisters to the nearby safe place while being recognized by Celestia.
Celestia: The Savior! She arrived just in time..Very well then, I have new creature to play with.
Then Amihan who held her sisters, use evictus again going to the distant place that cannot be seen by Celestia to have a little chat with them.
Celestia: The coward Sang'gres are hiding somewhere but they will coming back for sure to save Pirena..For a meantime, it's better to have a little break before to start a new bloody battle.
Amihan: Alena, Danaya are you two okay?
Alena: Amihan! It is real?
Amihan: Yes Alena, you're not dreaming..It's me.
Alena: Thanks for Divine Emre, he really heard our prayer (They hugged each other then Amihan turn to hug Danaya too).
Amihan: Danaya…
Danaya: Amihan, we really missed you, our Apwe.
Amihan: Me too.
Alena: So you're the Savior Cassiopea was talking about..And you don’t know how happy we are to see you again.
Amihan: Thanks to Divine Emre as he granted me a new life, and sent me here for a very important task as a Savior.
Danaya: I hope you won’t leave us again when everything will be okay, though after you completed the task.
Amihan: Of course, I’ll stay here..In Encantadia where I belong now.
Alena: Nice..I'm sure King Ybrahim, Lira and even Cassandra will be so glad if they learn that you're finally here as you are, not an ivtre or sarkosi but as a living diwata.
Amihan: I know, so do I..But I still have something to do first before I'm going to see them..Now I have to fulfill my promise to repel the Bringer of Death and save Pirena from her suppressed darkness.
Alena: How do you know about that Amihan?
Amihan: From Devas we can see everything.
Danaya: And now that you are here, we can save Pirena together and the whole Encantadia as well.
Amihan: No, I don’t want you to get involved with this battle anymore..I buy it now and go back there to face Celestia alone while you have to recover your full strength.
Alena: What did you say Amihan, are you kidding us?
Amihan: No, Alena.
Danaya: Your concieved plan seems not ideal because how can you beat her alone when even the three of us, who initially fight her could not eventually made it?
Amihan: It because you're not bound to defeat her no matter what you do, it was predefined..However, It was me who were given a right to make my own fate..That’s why, I’m the only one who can probably defeat her.
Alena: Probably? So you are not sure.
Amihan: Yes, but as long as the outcome of our upcoming fight are not predetermined..I can change things into my favor.
Danaya: What will happen to Pirena if you can manage to kill Celestia?
Amihan: She will also die..But, what Celestia told you that their bodies were reflection of each other was partly untrue..The fact is, they were like a creature and the one in the mirror where Celestia is a creature and Pirena is the one in the mirror.
Alena: What it means by that Amihan?
Amihan: If the Creature is hurt similar things will happen to the one in the mirror..But if the one in the mirror are broken, the creature is cannot be affected.
Danaya: To make it short, if Celestia dies Pirena will die too but if the opposite will happen, Celestia will still alive.
Amihan: Exactly!
Alena: Pashnea! That’s very unfair.
Amihan: The god of Balaak are so clever and made it sure that whatever happens shall goes to its favor.
Alena: That’s why when Pirena got hurt, Celestia was never affected.
Danaya: Well, atleast Celestia did a little favor for us when she interfered to prevent Pirena from sacrificing her own life.
Amihan: It’s because Celestia can’t allow Pirena to die as she needed her body and soul.
Alena: So that she can have an absolute control over her great power?
Amihan: Yes, but it’s also beyond that because Arde’s plan was to use Celestia as gatherer of good Ivtres and bring them to Balaak, give her an irremovable mindset to after Pirena’s body and soul to gain her absolute power, and take Keros’ place as new Goddess of Destruction..Unlike the late god, she won’t view her power as a curse but instead, she will tolerate herself to destroy everything if befits her own will..Then Arde going to make Celestia his new ally Goddess who will challenge Emre and his beloved Encantados more than what Ether’s did.
Danaya: So it’s more complicated than we thought.
Alena: But, why Pirena?
Amihan: Because of her status as a Sang’gre, and among all of us, she’s the only one who has a fragmented soul which divided by two qualities - the Dark One and the Good One.
Danaya: Now it all make sense, and Emre brought you here to kill the Dark Pirena?
Amihan: Not exactly! My mission as a Savior is to prevent Celestia from fulfilling her quest to become a Goddess of Destruction, and personally to save Pirena.
Alena: In order to fulfill your mission is you need to kill Celestia and eventually Pirena will die too..How can you fulfill both?
Amihan: There is more worthy thing to do than killing Celestia.
Danaya: What is that Amihan?
Amihan: Saving her.
Danaya: What?!
Alena: Then, how could you save someone who contain nothing but darkness? No heart, no emotion, nothing!
Amihan: I can pull her, back to the good side..Just trust me with this because even the darkest creatures can be dragged into the realm of light if someone comes for the redemption of their soul.
Danaya: You really serious, and all I can do now is to believe in you especially for the situation like this.
Alena: Yeah, and who we are to doubt you? You already done a lot of things for us, for Encantadia..So I trusted you and I know that you can do it.
Amihan: Avisala Eshma..And I will promise you that I’ll going to save Pirena whatever it takes.
Danaya: No, you have to promise that both of you will return to us alive.
Alena: Do you really want to do it alone?
Amihan: Yes Alena, and I promise you my sisters that we will return to Lireo safe and sound.
Danaya: That's all what I wanted to hear, and I will hold your promise, Amihan.
Alena: Me too..and best of luck..Divine Emre may guide you.
Amihan: Yeah..by the way Danaya, can I take my Brilyante ng Hangin from you?
Danaya: Of course! “Brilyante ng Hangin you must return to your true keeper”
Amihan: Avisala Eshma
Danaya: That’s okay
Amihan: And Alena, can I borrow your Brilyante ng Tubig?
Alena: Yes, Amihan..“Brilyante ng Tubig I will ask you to temporarily transfer to my Apwe”
Amihan: Avisala Eshma, Alena
Danaya: Mine too Amihan, you must take it.
Amihan: No Danaya, these two are enough and you must keep your own Brilyante so that you still have a power to use just in case, if you encounter some powerful enemies.
Alena: And what you want us to do now, Amihan?
Amihan: You must return to Lireo and protect everyone because the whisper of the air from there are seemingly bad.
Thus, Danaya and Alena return to Lireo while Amihan is going to face the Bringer of Death alone.
Chapter 7
The Savior Of Encantadia
Amihan has arrived in the battlefield to face the Bringer of Death but when she appeared in the area, she's greeted by a dispersed dark energy ball.
Celestia: You finally here and wanted to face me alone?..Well, we have to make it quick! (then she raise her left hand to begin her magic attack)
Upon seeing the incoming attack which comes from above, Amihan quickly cast an incantation to unleash the power of her Brilyante ng Hangin at Tubig.
Amihan: “Whip stroke of the north eastern wind, and the swash of all sadness from the breaking waves, Vortex of Despair, I summon you!"
The vortex of water and air appeared, surrounded Amihan with its current to protect her and pulled all mini bolts into the empty center, and absorb its energy that doubled the power of vortex..Then, Amihan used another incantation to merge the vortex of despair into her sword.
Amihan: "Vortex of Despair, dispense all your collected strength and channel it into this sword"
The Vortex of Despair has slowly dissolved and fuses itself into the sword when Amihan raises it, leveled to her forehead using her right hand and touches its whole blade with her left hand run through its tip..And now ready to send a fortified attack to Celestia.
Celestia: What have you done?
Amihan: Watch me! Vortex of despair, lose yourself in battle and rejoice! (while smashing her sword’s tip into the ground to unleash the attack)
The whole energy from vortex of despair was sent toward Celestia while it shattered everything on its path, and created a huge explosion upon hitting the target and destroy the whole surrounded area..But Celestia, as tough as she is, emerge from explosion and appeared above Amihan to initiate sword attack while shouting her opponent’s name.
Celestia: Sang’gre Amihan..Take this! (while descending too fast toward Amihan and smash her sword)
Amihan: How could you...? (while blocking and holding Celestia’s sword with her own)
Celestia: We will never come to accept each other..We shall always be in conflict!
Then Celestia pushes Amihan’s sword and slash her at the end of her dialogue, but the latter dodge it before using Reverse Air Dash to distance herself.
Amihan: Save your anger.
Celestia: I can take a wild guess, you are here to stop me!
Amihan: Tell me, what have you done to Pirena thus far?
Celestia: Nothing yet until I completely dispatch you.
Amihan: Good that you can wait.
Celestia: You should let me acquire what I want and I will let you live along with your precious diwata in Encantadia peacefully.
Amihan: Don’t try to fool me with your truce of deception because I already know what the future holds if you get what you came for.
Celestia: And don't be so stingy because if you let me, your desire peace shall reign.
Amihan: There’s no peace in your planned out future but only chaos and destruction..That’s why I’m going to stop you with everything I have to preserve the safety of whole Encantadia.
Celestia: Disgusting speech Amihan, your unwavering stubborness would always put your life in danger..You have to make a wise choice to save yourself if you already understand the disparity of our power.
Amihan: No, thanks..Though we all make choices in life, but in the end our choices make us who we are..So you can’t intimidate me with your power because I also have my honor to protect.
Celestia: You’re so funny..You should try to stand in the ashes of trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honor matters, the silence is their answer.
Amihan: My honor to stand proudly and die in battle to protect everyone is always loud as it makes who I am, and define my ancestors who came before me..And there’s no way a creature like you can understand its value because you only dedicate your existence to see the misery of others.
Celestia: Enough for this crap..Now, Warrior Queen, take the honor of your ancestors and we cross swords! (while flailing her weapon and begin to attack)
Celestia rush her way toward Amihan and the two parry their swords, slashing and blocking each other blow by blow..Then Celestia uses evictus to blink and appeared behind Amihan and swing her sword, but it was blocked by the latter who bend and slash then backflip to kick Celestia’s head that slam her in the ground..But Celestia could quickly regained her footing and launch a strong kick from the ground that hit Amihan’s chest and stunned her a bit..Using her speed and agility, Celestia initiate her special move, the Cyclone of Madness to knock off and send Amihan away backpedaling.
Celestia: Are you give up already?
Amihan: Pashnea! I’m just getting started.
Celestia: Very well, don’t blink your eyes.
Celestia used evictus, and appeared out of nowhere to swing her sword trying to hit Amihan’s body..However, it suddenly disappear that resulted her sword to hit nothing but air..Then, Amihan appeared at Celestia’s back to launch a stunning spin kick that sent the latter away..But Celestia stand quickly and roam her sight around while speaking.
Celestia: I must thank you…in these very moments, I have met my finest opponent.
After she finished her dialogue, Amihan appeared behind, above the head, and swing her sword.
Amihan: You’re finished, Celestia!
Celestia: What..?
Amihan successfully hit Celestia, and initiate her special move, the Queenly Strike Monsoon - a combination of multiple kick and slash attack followed by a spinning no shadow kicks to stunned the opponent, and finish it with a devastating whirlwind punch..Then Celestia found herself crawling in the rubbles, coughing.
Amihan: That's what you made of? (while smiling in very unpleasant way)
Celestia: Damn it!
Amihan: Now you realized that you can’t beat me just by sword and raw strength.
Celestia: How ironic, you’d just luckily got me once and all in a sudden you sounds like you're far superior than me?! Well, I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face by showing you my true power..(while picking herself up)
Amihan: The tougher the opponent the more fired up I get! So bring it on.
Celestia: Let’s see if that confidence won’t fade after this.."Cast your fury overall, Gem of Dark Flames!"
Celestia use the power of her Brilyante to activate Aging - a devastating and fearsome ability that will make her impenetrable by any attacks..It also give her the power to destroy everything she touches except her sword that would impose fear to her opponents.
Amihan: You finally use your Brilyante.
Celestia: It’s time for the real fight.
Amihan: Alright!
Celestia: You must be alert, Savior!
Then Celestia use evictus to blink and appeared at Amihan’s side to touch the armor on her shoulder..But Amihan quickly noticed that the portion of her armor touched by Celestia are rots away, prompted her to step back and uses Reverse Air Dash to distance herself.
Amihan: What is that?
Celestia: This is beauty (while raising her left hand)...the beauty of death and destruction.
Amihan: It’s so dangerous to fight her closely but maybe I can use this one (Amihan cast an incantation).."Whip your raging tempest, Dances of Tornado, I summon thee!"
Thus, Dances of Tornado ability has unleashed multiple swirling tornadoes around Celestia and trap her within, but the latter quickly counter it using the power of her own Brilyante.
Celestia: Not bad! "Power of Keros, bend to my will” (while she raised her Brilyante)
Then a devastating shockwave of dark flames are unleashed to vanquish all the tornadoes in the field at once..However, Amihan requested the Brilyante ng Tubig to protect her from the shockwave.
Celestia: The power of air is became harmless as it can only magnify the flames. Well then, we have to make it more exciting.."Bubbles of Destruction, I summon you!"
Then tremendous number of dark bubbles floating above, ready to be released that prompted Amihan to summon her Vortex of Despair, and will try to repeat what she did early..But it didn’t go like it was..The vortex of Despair absorb all the energy from the Bubbles of Destruction but it weaken the vortex instead until it completely disappeared.
Amihan: What happened to my Vortex of Despair?
Celestia: Did you really think, you can repeat what you did early? The Bubbles of Destruction is used not just to destroy but it also has the power to nullify everything.
Without much ado, Celestia summon a new batch of her bubbles of destruction to attack.
Celestia: Hold on Amihan, there’s more and you better run this time because I won’t give you enough time to use your Vortex of Despair again.
Amihan: So you really want to destroy everything?
Celestia: Oblivion is the fate of all things.
Then Celestia quickly unleash the bubbles of destruction that prompted Amihan to use Reverse Air Dash to runaway while Celestia making fun out of it.
Celestia: Run...Amihan...Run...hahahaha.
While air dashing and evading from bubbles of destruction, Amihan asks her Brilyante ng Hangin to help her.
Amihan: “Brilyante ng Hangin, please grant me your power of temporary Invisibility”
Then Amihan has suddenly became imperceptible by eye which prompted Celestia to cancel her relentless attack.
Celestia: And where she is this time?
Meanwhile, Amihan who were concealed herself from Celestia’s vision, prepare to use ere-ga, the ability of Brilyante ng Hangin which transform its keeper into a digging tornado.
Amihan: “Sharp edge of the rolling wind, cast your power into me, Ere-ga!”
Amihan turned herself into a digging tornado who dug and surprisingly emerged beneath Celestia’s feet, but the latter are quickly dodge it and wondering what’s attacking her..The digging tornado appeared out of nowhere to attack her from every direction as fast as possible..However, Amihan's effort and relentless attempts are still incapable of producing any useful result because of aging power that protect Celestia, who eventually able to catch the tip of a spinning tornado, and nullified its strength that causes Amihan to revert back into her original form..The tip of tornado which Celestia’s held are emerged to be Amihan's right hand, but she protect it using the brilyante ng tubig and get loose from Celestia, then used reverse air dash to distance herself.
Celestia: You tricked me with that one but whatever you do, all of your attacks are deemed to be useless.
Amihan: Pashnea! It was so close but I gotta try something to figure it out and won’t give up.
Amihan pull her sword from the ground using the presence of air and uses Air Dash to quickly attack Celestia..However, the fortified shield of Aging broke Amihan’s sword and Celestia launch a powerful spin kick to send her backward and stumbled completely in the ground..Then, Celestia walk toward Amihan while touches everything in her way that caused them to decay..Amihan stand up and step backward to avoid Celestia.
Celestia: The picture of your face could tell me that you are afraid..So embrace the terror of aging as everything will rot, age, and die..With this power I am untouchable.
Amihan: So you can nullify all incoming attack and slowing them down until they lose its power and strength before they landed at you?
Celestia: Exactly! That’s why the odds is totally against you, and pulling this things out to your favor is impossible..And the only thing that you can do now is to accept your own defeat and give up everything to have your life spared.
Amihan: Even in dark times, I cannot relinquish the things that make me who I am as a Sang’gre..If this can be resolved to sacrifice my own life again, I will comply.
Celestia: Such stupidity, did you really think that those who you saved and called you a hero, will going to care and value you, like how you cared and valued them? No, because whatever you do, they will only count your mistakes though how many times you sacrifice your life for them..That’s the reality.
Amihan: You’re wrong, I never do the things I did just to be valued by the others whom I saved..It’s just an incentives if they do..The Encantados regardless its race, are all precious creatures of Encantadia, and to die for anyone of them is an honor for me..But even if they are going to despise you, due to inevitable mistake, what you did right to them will stay in their heart forever..Likewise the mind may forget but the heart won’t..And it's not possible for you to understand my own way as a warrior because you have nothing but an empty shell.
Celestia: I don’t have to comprehend a thing which is not important to me..When I was manifested, the emotional tool of this vessel was redone to sync with my remolded soul, making its material heart to only function as device necessary to provide a vital pulse of life and blood circulation..I don’t have any of heart’s intangible such as love and compassion..That’s why, I am unfettered by pain, grief and sadness but I could feel anger, hatred and any sort of such emotions that can have me never back down..The type of feelings I have is perfect, which is free from all emotional burden and sufferings.
Amihan: What you describing in yourself isn't god creatures, you are puppet which is perfectly created to make you look like us..Otherwise, the absence of love will make you disconnected to others which resulted you to live in solitude and sad, as you can’t feel true happiness if you're afraid to endure the pain and sufferings it may caused..By Contrast to what you implied, love won’t make you weak but it would give you enough strength to overcome different adversities in life, without it you are nothing and helpless.
Celestia: I don’t need such love and anything associated with it, as your lone heart will not change the world..What awaits when you awake…is always...(while casting her dark energy blast)…nothing but despair! (when firing the blast attack)
Amihan was able to dodged the attack and appeared 10 steps from Celestia’s position.
Amihan: With your reasonings and way of perceiving things..Celestia, I pity you.
Celestia: What?! Considering your situation, you still got a lot of nerves to insult me like that..I will crush every single bit of your hope and confidence.
Amihan: But I swear to you that I won’t go down without a fight.."Brilyante ng Hangin at Tubig grant me my wishes, give me a weapon and extra protection that can be useful against my opponent"
And now, she has a Gunblade, a two-way weapon that can be used as gun or sword and new armor..Using a gun as weapon, Amihan can fire a pulse bullet that made up of air and water elements.
Celestia: As always, the power of the Brilyante are totally amazing, and the logical aspect of the air makes you smarter.
Amihan: My dedication to protect and save anyone would always give me enough strength and motivation to fight.
Celestia: Your strong courage are so remarkable..But if you wanna saved anyone..(she blink and appeared in front of Amihan and smash her sword but it was blocked, then Celestia continue her dialogue)...you must be strong enough to protect them! (while smashing her sword one more time)
Amihan blocked the sword again while Celestia quickly pulled back to her previous spot after.
Celestia: Now it’s your turn to show off some flashes and let’s see if your new stuff can do anything against me.
Amihan: Let’s find out (pointing her Gunblade to Celestia and fire it)
Amihan fired the Gunblade toward Celestia but nullified as always due to her power of Aging.
Celestia: Still pathetic! You need to do better than that or you’d just submitted yourself when I given you a chance..But you always answered me nothing but arrogance.
Amihan: I just stand firmly to my belief and principle.
Celestia: Then your wasting the brightness of your own tomorrow for absurd heroism? So be it!
Amihan: There is no tomorrow for me, unless I beat you today!
Then Amihan quickly use Air Dash to attack Celestia using her Gunblade..But Celestia used blink to meet Amihan midway, and punch the latter's lower chest while pushing her away, then initiate her multiple swords attack that comes from above.
Celestia: “Thrust of the Raining Blades, come forth and destroy her!"
But Amihan used the Auto-Precision Ability of her Gunblade, and she was able to knock down all the falling swords before they hit her.
Amihan: So the pulse bullets didn’t age?
Celestia: That’s because my power of Aging had no control over those blades.
Amihan: A limitation, isn’t it?
Celestia: My power has no limit like this! “Bubbles of Destruction, I summon you!"
Amihan: Gotta make it worst..Have to deal with that over and over again, but let’s the fun begin.
Celestia: What’s wrong Savior, afraid to face it again?
Amihan: tsssssk!
Celestia releases the attack while Amihan can’t do anything but keep using air dash to avoid the bubbles and its explosion..While trying to locate the opening and weak spot of Celestia’s power, Amihan slowly comprehend its pattern..She found out that while Celestia navigate the Bubble of Destruction, the protective shield of Aging are gone..Amihan couldn’t realized it early because she was so worry to get caught by the attack, but now she’s calm and already gained some confidence in dealing with it.
Celestia: What a view of a rattling Sang’gre who keep running for her life..You’re a better runner now than a Savior who wanted to save everyone..hahahahaha.
Amihan: Pashnea!
Amihan rolls and suddenly stopped to wait the bubbles until it nearly hit her.
Amihan: If these bubbles will going to hit me..The hope of whole Encantadia will collapse and I will die again…but..not today! (then she immediately use evictus)
Amihan blink leaving Celestia in belief that she got her and the whole ground are exploded while Amihan surprisingly attack Celestia from the back..But the latter are able to noticed her and block the Gunblade by her sword.
Celestia: Tanakreshna! How did you get here?
Then Amihan quickly used Reverse Air Dash to stay away that frustrate Celestia.
Amihan: Not bad to begin with.
Celestia: You are totally insane.
Amihan: Now I challenge you to use your Bubbles of destruction again (while pointing her sword).
Celestia: Ebi Meshne.."Bubbles of Destruction, I summon you!"
But when Celestia started to navigate the bubbles, Amihan quickly used evictus to attack the off guard Celestia thru smashing her Gunblade with full body strength, but she's able to blocked it again leaving all the bubbles above to explode on its own while she got pushed away backpedaling and Amihan followed it by firing her gun.
Amihan: You're bubbles of destruction has required mental focus and high concentration which leave you defenseless the moment you navigate it..Such limitation can't get away from the instinct of an experienced warrior.
Celestia: That worked for you because I lost my focus at the moment which cannot be happened again..But you are really the best of what you are doing.
Amihan: And you’ve got a better reflexes than I could remember.
Celestia: Enough for complimenting each other..Let’s have continue our fight..(while raising her Brilyante to tease Amihan that she going to use the bubbles of destruction again)
Amihan: You wanna try that again?
Celestia: hmmm, I don’t think so..(while closing her hand to cancel the Brilyante and use “Sound Step” to quickly attack Amihan by sword)
*Sound Step - is a variant of evictus ability that adhered high-speed movement and produces some unique beep tones when used.
But Amihan able to blocked the flash attack, and strongly pushed her Gunblade to bring Celestia's sword down, then she used Air Binding Ability to lockdown the latter for a very short time..And before the binder has rotted away, Amihan blink and instantly appeared above to launch Aerial Ace - an speedy point blank attack powered by devastating flying whirlwind kick which is so effective in knocking down opponent with one hit..The astonishing moves are successfully executed but it was still nullified, making it like a butterfly who landed at the left side of Celestia's neck, basically no effect at all..But Amihan isn't done yet, she uses blink again and try to hit Celestia with aerial ace from another angle but this time, it was playfully blocked by the latter's two fingers..Upon learning the successive futility of her vengeful attacks, Amihan quickly used evictus and appeared 20 steps away from Celestia while stay optimistic in pulling off the improbable.
Celestia: Damn Sang'gre! You've always showed such a promise of unyielding tenacity..But as long as the power of Aging is mine, there’s no one can touch me, and all the resistance you have are cease to exist..Now try to repel this!
And Celestia uses sound step once more, now with lateral movements toward the direction of Amihan while the latter keep on firing her Gunblade..But when Celestia got so close and about to smash her sword, Amihan stop shooting to dodge and counter the attack perfectly in time by retro-firing her gun..Then two bullets are inadvertently able to get through that finally hit Celestia.
Celestia: Impossible!
Amihan: I finally made it..But one more and I will know how to beat you.
Celestia: You may hit me twice but it was because of luck or coincidence..So don’t get cocky and be fooled by your hallucination.
Amihan: I'm not totally believe in twist of fate, but I fully believe that anything just happen for a reason..Now, my turn!
Amihan uses air dash toward Celestia while keep firing her Gunblade, then suddenly use evictus to blink and instantly appeared in front of the latter while shifted her weapon into a sword..She pretend to have her guard down and bait Celestia to slash her and she eventually impaled Amihan but it turned out to be a speed clone, an illusion created by Brilyante ng Tubig to deceived Celestia, at the same time the true Amihan appeared behind and shifted her weapon back to a gun and fired it..Now three bullets are able to get through that push Celestia away..And Amihan finally draw a conclusion that in order to have an opening, Celestia must be in attack mode and should be countered perfectly in time.
Amihan: No more coincidence now..Though your power are so dangerous and terrific, but like the others, it has its own flaws and limitation.
Celestia: You’re such an idiot to believe your own theory as my power knows no limit! (She used evictus to blink)
Celestia emerged near Amihan to attack but the latter block her first swing, dodge the second while summoning two whirlwinds in both hands, and timely countered the third one..Then Amihan successfully hit Celestia and initiate her upgraded special move, the Mythical Strike Monsoon – a combination of multiple whirlwind punches followed by spinning no shadow kicks and finish it with firing the Gunblade from behind the back.
Amihan: It’s over! (while shifting her Gunblade into sword and sheath it at her back, and turn to face Celestia who lying in the ground)
However, Celestia could still recovered from the attack but her aging power are weaken that make her penetrable once again.
Celestia: Who said it’s over, you?..hahahaha..It won’t be over unless only one of us remains standing.
Then, Celestia used Overclocking - the ultimate sound step ability that allow her to move in super fast-paced where even Amihan's line of sight can barely catch up..Thus, Celestia can attack from out of nowhere while Amihan struggling to block and parry the unpredictable sword's swing..However, she resorted to close her eyes, and let the power of air to pinpoint Celestia’s specific location..Now, Amihan can feel the exact direction where the attack come from.
Amihan: Gotcha!
Amihan precisely fire her Gunblade toward Celestia like there’s no tomorrow..And Celestia stumbled in the ground coughed with blood.
Amihan: You can’t hide yourself from Brilyante ng Hangin.
Celestia: I had mistaken of underestimating you..But as I said, it’s far from over.
Amihan: You are weaken already, so it’s over.
Celestia: And what makes you think that you're already victorious?..Get real! Because we've only just begun as I haven't played with my aces yet.
Now Celestia will going to fight Amihan more seriously, and the most intense and conclusive part of their battle will begin.
To be continue.....
Up Next - Part 4 of 5 > Click the image below!
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bathalang-emre · 5 years
Encantadia: Rise Of Dark Pirena (Part 4/5)
Encantadia Season 2 FanFiction Subplot
Previously - Part 3 of 5 > https://bathalang-emre.tumblr.com/post/188819128788/
Chapter 8
Bending Reality: The Power of Imagination
The decisive battle of Amihan and Celestia that will tell the fate of Encantadia are continue..Their rivalry are intensified by its strong will to dominate each other and to be the strongest warrior who remain standing..Now, Celestia are going to unleash the Hadezars from Balaak to use them in battle while Amihan do everything to stop her..The clash of their powers may result to destroy everything that surround them.
Celestia: Don't close your eyes and behold.."I called on for a thousands damned Ivtres, collect your limbs and flesh, rise from the darkness of Balaak to take your vengeance over the creatures who vanished you from this realm, Hadezars come and spread havoc!"
Amihan: What? This cannot be.
Celestia: Why did you look so surprised?
Amihan: I'm just wondering on how could you capably summon that great numbers of Hadezar?
Celestia: My Brilyante is built with all the powers I need to achieve my goal..It also has the ability to absorb and adapt new power.
Amihan: So the power of your Brilyante are almost infinite, but I would like to know the limit of its might by pushing it to its indefinite boundary using my own strength and power.
Celestia: Your lack of potential will define your mediocrity in this battle..However, I will encourage you to do that if you can..Now Hadezar, Atayde....
Hadezar attack Amihan to buy Celestia some time to meditate in preparation for casting her powerful magic..Thus, Amihan fight the Hadezar but just like before, no matter how many times they have been slain, they keep re-raising themselves.
Amihan: Pashnea! Not this again.
Celestia: Tell me Savior, how could you killed the creatures that already been gone and not belong to the living? Well, Unless....
Amihan: Unless I died then became an Ivtre, again.
Celestia: And do you think I am gullible enough to grant you your death wish? No, I just want to see you suffer instead..hahahaha.
Amihan: No need to do that because I will do it myself, but...(she whisper to herself while hesitate to do so)
Emre: Amihan, I want you to know that your enemy will going to unleash the Hadezar from Balaak once again to fight you when you arrive in Encantadia.
Amihan: Divine Emre, what I needed to do if that happen?
Emre: Don't worry I will allow you to fight as an Ivtre in a short period of time if necessary..And you must defeat all of your enemies before the given time expired.
Amihan: How can I shift from being a living diwata to Ivtre?
Emre: You must wish from your Brilyante ng Hangin to momentarily take your life away but return it when your time as an Ivtre is up.
Amihan: I understand.
Emre: But you must remember this Amihan, fighting as an Ivtre will put your life and soul in danger.
Amihan: What it means by that?
Emre: You can't die as an Ivtre because if you does, your Ivtre or soul will fade forever and you can't be found in either Encantadia or Devas anymore..And your soul will be splintered and become a spirit particles that nurture all living things..So you must decide and once you chose to fight as an Ivtre, you must understand that you already step on the road of "no turning back" if you die.
Amihan: This gonna be the most daunting things to do since the cost of it, is not just possibly to lost my life but also my Ivtre..But it leave me no choice as the situation demanded it..I have to make this prudent decision at my own expense..Beside, it’s for the sake of whole Encantadia, so why I hesitate?
Celestia: Hadezar you must attack her relentlessly.
Amihan: Well, I wanna make my own destiny and write my own fate that I cannot lose my whole existence before I can fulfill my mission..So Brilyante ng Hangin grant me my wish.
The Brilyante has temporarily took Amihan’s life away and keep her body out of sight, much to Celestia’s disbelief..Then her Ivtre has emerged for a limited time to defeat all the Hadezar.
Amihan: Now it’s fair enough, Ivtre vs Ivtre, let’s see how long could you last.
Celestia: Come on then..Hadezar go on and finish her.
Amihan go on to fight the Hadezar using her Gunblade to fire holy bullets instead of pulse, and she slain many of them but because of their huge count, she has difficulty to kill them all..But she resort to her new power that granted to her as an Ivtre.
Amihan: Pashnea! I can’t waste much time for slaying these damned Ivtres..I must do something special.
She uses Holy Blast – a cross-like projectile of holy energy that hit multiple enemies in one attack which resulted their bodies to explode..In a few moments she defeated all the Hadezar but Celestia, who timely done her preparation, ready to take her massive move.
Amihan: You’re next (while pointing her Gunblade to Celestia.
Celestia: As always, I’m impressed for your resolve but it doesn’t good enough to beat them all! (while calling another batch of Hadezar that doubled the counts of the first summon)
Amihan: You’d keep calling more antibodies, huh? It doesn't matter, I'll wipe them as fast as possible.
Celestia: And you're fool in believing that they will going to attack you all at once.
Amihan: What do you mean?
Celestia: Just wait and observe.
Then Celestia open her hand to release the Brilyante and cast her incantation.
Celestia: “Gem of Dark Flames, I will ask you to unleash your darkest power to absorb all these damned souls, extract their strength and energy then present it to me..Now get loose and grant me my wish”
Celestia throw her Brilyante above that unleashes multiple dark arrows which hit all the Hadezar at once..The Brilyante are started to absorb the Hadezar and gather all their strength and energy that enhanced its power..Then, Celestia raise her hand to pull the Brilyante back, and fuse it into herself to get new armor and Scythe weapon.
Amihan: Her power is vastly improved and the negative energy that surround her are getting more destructive.
Celestia: It feels like I was reborn with a very dominant force..So get ready Savior, and catch this!
Celestia throw her scythe as boomerang toward Amihan..However, the latter are able to stop it using the power of air and send it back, then blink quickly to attack Celestia from behind but she noticed her..So upon catching the scythe, she redirected it to slash Amihan who sneak behind, leave the latter to block instead.
Celestria: Nice try! (while slashing her scythe)
After blocking the scythe, Amihan use Reverse Air Dash to distance herself while fading away and keep firing her Gunblade, but Celestia spin her scythe to absorb all the holy bullets and fire it back, which prompted Amihan to use shield to avoid being hit by her own ammunition.
Celestia: One-directional attack can easily be absorbed or deflected using my scythe..So you must try harder if you wanted to scratch me this time.
Amihan: Of course, I will
Then Amihan go on to relentlessly attack Celestia, it's either melee or long range..Shortly, she noticed that Celestia are bit slower because of the long handle of her scythe that can be used to her advantage..So she decided to keep attacking Celestia at close range where she dodge, roll, block, and parry until she found a perfect opportunity..It was when she able to dodged one of Celestia’s heavy attack that made her off balance and Amihan successfully impaled her, but it turned out to be an Hadezar not Celestia, a diversionary replacement of her.
Amihan: This is Ninpo Substitution, and where did you learn this janky type of tactic?
Celestia: It’s fun to cheat in battle sometimes to adhere unpredictability, but how comes the finest art of decoy became a janky for you?
Amihan: I’ll going to show you..(while renewing her attack)
Amihan has repeated her tactics in attacking Celestia until she got the similar opportunity to slash her..But this time she uses the power of air to know when Celestia substituted herself and to pinpoint her exact location..And she found a chance to impale Celestia again but she kick the substitute Hadezar to death instead, then she flip her head and swing the sword to throw it like a dart toward the true Celestia..Then, Amihan was able to fatally hit Celestia’s chest that caused her to kneel down.
Celestia: How did you know it after just one try? (while struggling to speak)
Amihan: Seems you forgot what I said early that there’s no way to hide from the power of air..Therefore, it was janky (while pulling her sword from Celestia’s chest using the presence of air).
Celestia: I see (while healing her wound instantly and pick herself up)
Amihan: What happened to your wound? (shocked)
Celestia: This is high-speed regeneration..I may lost my power of aging but it was replaced by this most reliable stuff in battle..It’s the ability to heal myself instantly.
Amihan: Interesting ability, but how could you possessed that since your Brilyante have no power over healing?
Celestia: Nice question, Amihan..When I absorbed the Hadezar, I also able to assumed their power and ability to re-raise instantly when they fall or fatally wounded in battle..But the said ability won’t work against their co-Ivtre..So to make it useful against all type of opponents, I used my Brilyante and simply recreated the role of said ability to healing that give me a high speed power to cure my wound regardless its severity.
Amihan: I must admit, your healing ability are totally incredible..That’s why I needed to pierce your body over and over again until your power can’t able to heal it.
Celestia: That’s a really harsh words after a compliment you know?
Amihan: I have no time for this.."Sharp wind, whip your strength and cut her!" (while swinging her left hand to send multiple wind blades toward Celestia)
The spiraling wind blades cut the different parts of Celestia's body that caused multiple deep wounds..But her new power instantly heal it, prompted Amihan to repeat the attack..But this time, Celestia can able to see the wind blades clearly as she already know what Amihan sent to her..And she rapidly swing her scythe multiple times to knock down all the wind blades before they reaches her.
Celestia: That attack is useless..You experimented a lot of things to beat me, and guess what, your success rate were always turned to zero..Now, I have to take it more seriously..”Power of void from far-flung reaches which control nothingness, come forth here to conquer the strength of my enemy!”
Amihan: Nothing’s happened from your incantation, seems that your Brilyante have had enough for what you asked..But whatever is that, if you won’t attack me, then I will! (then she used Air Dash to attack)
Celestia: Naivety would make you fail and you don’t either have an idea.
When Amihan reached near Celestia, she strongly smash her Gunblade but it was blocked and she was pushed backward when the latter swing her scythe..Then Amihan has combined the power of Brilyante ng Hangin at Tubig to create a lightning-based attack called Lightning Bolt Havoc – a devastating ball of energy which send to the opponent with high voltage of electricity..Amihan uses it to attack Celestia from a distance but she was able to deflect it using her scythe..But when Amihan went to fire it in point blank range after countering the scythe swing, she finally hit Celestia, and fatally burned her whole body after being electrocuted..But Celestia used high speed regeneration to instantly healed herself.
Celestia: You have already taken such a beating but you still want to keep it going?
Amihan: To stop trying isn’t my thing, and I swear to this blade that I will not be dissuaded! (while swinging the Gunblade in front of her)
Celestia: You're such a pitiful creature.
Amihan has attempted to use her Lightning Bolt Havoc again but she was interrupted when she lost her Ivtre power, and drastically turned back to her normal living state that caused her to fall in the ground..Then Celestia quickly slam her scythe’s hilt in the ground that made Amihan’s body to bounce and launch a strong kick midair, sending the latter into a rubble while confused.
Amihan: What happened to me? It’s hard to believe that my time as an Ivtre is up because I did not see the glowing sign at my palm.
Celestia: Are you looking for this? (while tossing the crystal that contain the Ivtre power of Amihan)
Amihan: Pashnea! What have you done to my power, and how did you stole that from me and end up my time as an Ivtre prematurely since every incantation from our Brilyante is cannot be twisted?
Celestia: Using the Hadezar in battle was just a mere intention of tempting you to fight as an Ivtre, so that I can execute the very important phase of the master plan..Then I absorbed the Hadezar to boost myself so that I can use the Power of Void to empty your Ivtre power and ironically transfer it to this crystal..While you fighting with me, the unseen crystal that I cast above which contain the power of void was slowly took your power until it completely drained..And the incantation of your Brilyante ng Hangin was twisted because you lost all your Ivtre power.
Amihan: And what you up to for stealing my Ivtre power?!
Celestia: Your Ivtre has contained a Divine power of light that I needed to cross the void in order to enter the Light Domain of Pirena’s soul, where the good counterpart of me reside..But even if I possessed your divine power, I still not able to enter the domain of light because of my dark identity, so I need to distort my own power and identity to achieve my goal..To do so, it require me to unleash the ultimate ability of my Brilyante to warp reality by merging it with your Ivtre power.
Amihan: Warping the reality? That’s really inconceivable to believe in.
Celestia: Therefore, you must enjoy this rare moment to witness a rare power.
Celestia throw the crystal upward to shatter it midair using her scythe, and summon her Brilyante to absorb the Ivtre power of Amihan, then cast her incantation.
Celestia: “Gem of Dark Flames, give me your well-enhanced power to exile reality so that I am no longer bound by its law, Dawn of Mentifery come at me, and help me bend everything!”
Amihan: Do you think I'm just stay here and keep watching what you intended to do? (while she about to use her Lightning bolt Havoc but…)
Celestia: Time! (she imagine the time to stop)..What a crappy savior..everything is an imagination...now your goal...your hope...(while she walk closely and conceptualize multiple impending arrows midair around Amihan)...your life itself…shall fade..(while immediately release the current of time)
The impending arrows has started to strike Amihan, who then rapidly swing the Gunblade using her super-instinct to knock them one by one, and eventually cast a swirling wind to repel the remaining arrows all at once..But right after her imaginary attack, Celestia visualized a spear that already hit Amihan and forced her to step forward off balance.
Amihan: Tanakreshna! What in the world you did? (while touching the spear at her back and remove it)
Celestia: Dawn of Mentifery is the ability to use the strongest power of all, the Imagination..And it has allowed me to control the time by simply visualizing it to stop and brought those imaginary things into reality.
Amihan: Power of imagination, my ass! So what’s now? (while trying to stand firmly and throw the spear away)
Amihan use her natural self-healing ability as half Sapirian to slowly heal her wounded back while Celestia continue her dialogue.
Celestia: You know what, reality is often disappointing, that is, it was..For awhile, reality can be whatever I want, as Mentifery is the purest form of reality warping..With this power, I can bring the two moons here or forbid the sun to give its light if I desire.
Amihan: If that so, you already have the power which clearly far superior than what any God or Goddess has possessed..Then why did you still want Pirena to get your absolute power since what you already have now are more than just absolute?
Celestia: This power is transcendent and supreme but it's not absolute than how it looked..It has its own share of time limit and exclusion, a reality that cannot be distorted by its own.
Amihan: It means Arde has made it sure that you can’t overpower him even if you become a goddess, so you can always be his little pawn.
Celestia: Do you think I will buy your crap of poisoning the well? Nice try but it doesn't work..hahahaha.
Amihan: What’s funny?
Celestia: You, despite your situation you still have an appetite of taunting me? Nice strategy to hide the obvious.
Amihan: Ssheda!
Celestia: They said it’s not bad to tell your secret to someone who about to die and that’s what I did..This ability is very important so that I can merge the huge portion of Pirena’s soul with me to gain my absolute power, and become the Goddess of Destruction..So I’ll going to seize the opportunity in using Dawn of Mentifery before I lose it..Now Savior, experience the field with super strong gravity.
Amihan was totally pinned down in the ground due to accelerated mass of gravity as imagined by Celestia which 7 times than normal.
Amihan: Stop playing with me, just end my life since I know that you are more than capable of doing it (while catching her breath).
Celestia: We shall arrive in that part Amihan..But for now, I want you to witness in how I fulfill my quest while you feel the resentment of failing to stop it.
Using her power Dawn of Mentifery, Celestia distorted her whole identity and power texture to emulate the divine power of light and turned herself as the fake entity of it..Celestia’s outfit are looking like Amihan when she was fight as an Ivtre and the accomplishment are almost at her hand..Then she penetrate the barrier and touch Pirena’s chest with her hand to begin the process, and yes, she successfully entered to the Light Domain with ease.
Meanwhile at Light Domain of Pirena's soul:
Celestia: I finally here where the good Pirena's soul hiding..It looks familiar to me.
Pirena: You, how did you able to crossed the void and get here?
Celestia: I used my power to warp and distort reality to emulate the divine power of light.
Pirena: You did that, then what are you going to do here?
Celestia: I am here to fetch you so that we can be whole again.
Pirena: No, I will not..Just leave me alone as I rather want to die than become part of you.
Celestia: You have no right to refuse because you like it or not, you have to merge with me now and I should be the one who control this body not you.
Pirena: I won't make it easy for you to give up in your will..(while preparing to use her Brilyante ng Apoy)
Celestia: Restraint! (while imagining Pirena to stop moving and lockdown completely before she walk closer to her)..From now on, the whole proof of your existence will be mine..(when she started to absorb Pirena’s soul)
She has successfully merged with Good Pirena, and took full control over her body while Celestia’s empty vessel have been fused to it as planned..She also took Pirena’s Brilyante ng Apoy and had its power absorbed leaving the whole Encantadia to dim..Then, the blended body has started to morph and Celestia became a Goddess of Destruction who emerged in front of Amihan..However, Celestia lost her dawn of mentifery ability after, that’s why Amihan can able to move again and stand up while facing the new goddess.
Celestia: So this is, what it is, the feelings of being a deity with overwhelming power - destruction incarnate!
Amihan: You already achieved what you want and became a new Goddess of Destruction..But do I need to be scared? hmm..Not really! When I’ve done so many trials, facing despair or even experiencing death was imminent..Hence, I’m no longer afraid for the situation I’m currently at, because the only thing that frightened me is to lose my loved ones.
Celestia: You should have disposed your fantasy and worship me as new goddess..However, I have another favor to ask - runaway and you must leave as I have lost my interest in fighting you.
Amihan: Even if I'm weaker than you, there are miracles I can seize with my hands if I fight on 'til the last ounce of my strength..And this is persistence of invoking our right to live, you bitch! (then she aggressively attack Celestia)
Celestia: You can’t be saved by a miracle..If this despair you want, then I shall provide..and begone.
With one swing of her scythe, Celestia was able to destroyed everything in front of her and sending Amihan away fatally wounded.
Celestia: It wasn’t bad for a quick demonstration of my might..hahahahaha.
Amihan bid farewell and say sorry to all her loved ones and Encantadia by softly speaking to herself while catching breath and dying.
Amihan: I failed....So sorry everyone, to all my Apwe, and sorry Encantadia for disappointing you..I can’t conjure to save you anymore...Ybrahim....Lira....it’s so sad that I couldn’t see you, as I have to say goodbye again even if we didn’t met each other yet in this third life..I hope that we could have another chance, but it’s so blurry now..And I want you to know that my motivation and desire to fight are still here, but my body won’t agree with it as I reached my limit..That’s why sorry...because, I am no longer can.
Then Amihan collapsed and lost her consciousness but the Spirit of Raquim and Ynang Reyna Minea comes inside her dream.
At Amihan’s Dream:
Reyna Minea: Amihan, my daughter wake up!
Amihan: My mother, father you are here but where am I?
Reyna Minea: We are inside your dream.
Amihan: I thought I was dead, but avisala eshma for this opportunity to see the two of you here.
Amihan quickly hug both of them but she feel something strange as she couldn’t feel their emotional connection.
Amihan: Why like this, why I can't feel anything when I hugged any of you?
Raquim: It because we're not the real spirit of Raquim and Minea..We are fake created by Divine Emre.
Reyna Minea: That’s the truth Amihan.
Amihan: But how?
Reyna Minea: Divine Emre molded us based on the form and identity of real Minea and Raquim using the fabric of light to embodies its power.
Amihan: Then why did you called me daughter?
Reyna Minea: I just feel it right because upon our creation, we are built with everything a real one has including the exact copy of their memories, feelings and emotion.
Raquim: Although we are not true, we can feel what they feel now and we can imagine what exactly they would like to tell you, to anyone..But their loved ones couldn’t feel our emotional connection to them and that’s what distinguish us to the real one.
Amihan: I got it..And what's the reason why Divine Emre doing all of this?
Reyna Minea: To help you in your mission.
Amihan: But I already failed my mission as Celestia became a Goddess of Destruction, and no one could stop her..After what happens, I don’t have any guts left to face anyone because I’ve done nothing to save them and I’m a failure now.
Reyna Minea: Don’t say that Amihan, you are not a failure to them..They knew that you did everything you could to save the Encantadia..I’m so proud of you, as you never wavered and change despite all the experiences you had..Remember that there’s no other weapons sharper than love..Your love to your sisters and others, for the Lireo and the whole Encantadia, as long as you have that inside your heart, you are not easy to beat, and you can use it to overcome any adversaries no matter how bizarre the situation it may seem..So you must be strong Amihan because it isn't over yet..And I know deep inside that you really want to save Pirena, everyone and those who relied their future on you..Also don’t forget, you engineered your own fate and made your own rule to not die in battle before you can accomplish your task..Then I have my utmost confidence in you and I always will.
Raquim: What she told you is right and always remember Amihan, you are not alone..All you need to do is stand proudly after you fell and utilize the experience to make you much better and stronger, and you know that already..In every battle, you were uplift the honor of every Diwata and Sapirian aside from saving their lives and belongings..You always take your duty as a Sang’gre first before anything else..Your father is so proud of you because you applied everything what you learned from him, such as not giving your opponents the happiness of your defeat and submission..And he believe that you will always do the same.
Amihan: It’s flattering because even if I couldn’t felt your connection with me but you talk typically like my true mother and father..And there’s no doubt if they were here they would say and advices me the same..So I must thank you for boosting my confidence and encouraging me to continue..But how can I possibly beat a goddess with my current condition and power?
Reyna Minea: That’s why we are here to help you and all of them will going to help you too.
Amihan: Who are they?
Raquim: They are the spirits of your ancestors and like us they all fake..And just like us, they also want to see the bright future of Encantadia, and asks you together with your Apwe and the young generation of Sang’gres to continue the legacy your ancestors had left behind.
Reyna Minea: And that’s also a reason why Emre uses the power of light to create us with a sole purpose of helping you to recreate yourself, and change the prophesized future.
Amihan: Then, why me?
Reyna Minea: Because you are special and Emre had a bigger plan when you returned in Encantadia..In fact, being a savior from Devas was just a first step to carry out the real mission of defeating Celestia and save everyone.
Raquim: And to beat the new Goddess of Destruction, is you have to become a goddess like her..Once you defeated Celestia, our mission will be over.
Amihan: I think I’m not ready for this, but if there is no other way..I will accept..Now, how can I become a goddess?
Reyna Minea: When you wake up in the real world of Encantadia, the power of Brilyante ng Hangin will teach you what to do through your intuition.
Amihan: But can we see each other again?
Reyna Minea: We always be with you until Celestia's presence in Encantadia will not gone..Then you must save Pirena for me and take care, my daughter.
Raquim: Be careful Amihan and now you must wake up and do what you must do.
Amihan: Yes, I will and avisala eshma.
The fake spirits surround Amihan in her dream and coated her with their extreme light..Meanwhile in the real world, Amihan’s body are engulfed with light to fully heal it and restored her..Then, some lights channeled to the Gunblade, which transformed into Ark'rey, Amihan’s original sword given to her by Raquim when they returned to Encantadia from the human world..It was also the sword she broke while attacking Celestia early on in the battle.
To be Continue....
Up Next - Part 5 of 5 > Click the image below!
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bathalang-emre · 5 years
Encantadia: Rise Of Dark Pirena (Part 5/5)
Encantadia Season 2 FanFiction Subplot
Previously - Part 4 of 5 > https://bathalang-emre.tumblr.com/post/188806334138/
Chapter 9
Redemption: Battle Of The Goddess
Sang’gre Amihan has finally woke from a dream and pick up her sword to confront Celestia once again..Now with a great power necessary to beat the Goddess of Destruction..The long battle has finally come to its end.
Celestia: You're like a cat who can't just die easily.
Amihan: As I said: I won’t go down without a fight..Thus, I'm back from supposed death and become much alive to fulfill the God's accord for me.
Celestia: Even if you returned from near death and fully restored, yet I would bury you with your mediocrity, until you can realise that you should have died for real to avoid such excruciating type of demise.
Amihan: That won’t happen because today, I am the hope of this realm, bringer of light and the answer to all living creatures who cry out for peace..And I'm sure now, that I can make a difference! (while swinging the sword at her side)
Celestia: You've always convince yourself with logic, making it sounds rational to believe yourself that you can save everything with your current status..Tell me, what is a Sang’gre strength when measured against the might of a goddess?
Amihan: It's true that my natural power can do nothing and it would be madness to fight you..But...I’m more than just a Sang’gre now because I have been recreated by god, and he made me strong enough to vanquish the evil inside you!
Celestia: Unfortunately, your condescending tone can’t offset your inadequate strength to achieve your desired outcome for this battle..hahahaha.
Amihan: We'll see and you should use your power to build something great not the contrary..Then, maybe I can help you instead of fighting you.
Celestia: The nature of my power is quite simple..Like a lightning, it flashes strength and strike furiously, it can't create, it can only destroy.
Amihan: And what can you get for destroying everything?
Celestia: The creation will lose its meaning without the presence of destruction to stream the balance in everything like a cycle of death and rebirth..What god has created are meant to be destroyed so that it can be remade..And the cycle between these two things in flip side of the coin will continue, generation after generation..That's why a creator needs a destroyer to complete such recurring event.
Amihan: But not like that..What you aim in the future are so abusive and too much for creatures to handle, as you going to strip their life and endeavor..You'll not meant to preserve the balance but wanting to break it, and that is out of bounce from your job description..Hence, there is no place for you here.
Celestia: hahahaha..And what you can do to repress me, Savior? I am inevitable..The force to reckoned with by any gods and creatures.
Amihan: Don't underestimate the spirit of a mere creatures because they may possess a strength which is unknown to you..And I can't allow you to ruin the whole Encantadia.
Celestia: The grandeur of this world must be destroyed before your very eyes and bury those, all Emre’s believers with it..Catastrophe advance to deliver more sufferings and despair that will end the old chapter of history..And I shall burn your insignificant soul into the ocean of flames so that you can’t return to avenge the tragedy..Then, God of Balaak will step in to redo the Encantadia and give its total makeover..After that – a new world will be born with horde of purified denizens who worship under our whims of power.
Amihan: When this world is destroyed, doing it over is a simple thing for Arde because of his power to shape matter and create any material thing..However, he can’t create a denizens who inhabits your new world..So what’s the point of your madness?
Celestia: No need to create them..Those who dies during the apocalyptic event will be given a renewed life but without past memories, own desires and no feelings toward each other..All they know is to worship and follow our wills whenever we pull their strings.
Amihan: Sounds like you’re planning to create a new world full of puppets..But tell me this, what will happen to those Encantados that you were initially killed with your own hands?
Celestia: Once I transported them to Balaak, Arde will use them to fully restore his mighty power that he needed to create a new world.
Amihan: If that so, I have more reasons to fight you now more than before, and retrieve those souls of cursed Encantados to shutdown your whole plan as well.
Celestia: Do you think you can slay a goddess? Why not just accept the reality: if there is a beginning, there should be an end as nothing could last forever.
Amihan: Everything has an end to have a new beginning, all right..But not the way you want..(while pointing her sword to Celestia).
Celestia: hahahahaha
Amihan: You might be a goddess now but you don't have a permission to control our fate and distrupt the nurturing flow of our civilization..That’s why Encantadia needed someone to stop you and send your darkness back to Balaak, a kind of someone who can lead the light and end the horrific curse of your existence, that someone is going to be me! (while lifting her sword vertically using the right hand, leveled to her chest, and its tip pointing to the ground)
Amihan drop her sword to make it stand in the ground and the magic seal appeared beneath her feet..Then the spirits of her fake ancestors including the fake Reyna Minea and Raquim are started to come out from the magic seal, and form a circular alignment around Amihan before they became a hollow of light and envelope her with it..When the extreme light has done fusing to Amihan and vanished, the Goddess of Light emerge with a glowing form that indicate her power.
Celestia: So you became a Goddess of Light and this is Emre’s contingency plan after all.
Amihan: It's really his planned..Now, the extraordinary strength and power within my body are way too strong and I can feel it..I'd never asked or envisioned this but it just bestowed on me..Otherwise, if the Savior can't beat you, the Goddess of Light can and she will do her best to bring you down!
Celestia: You talk too much! (while sending her scythe as boomerang to Amihan but it was shattered by the latter’s bare hand)
Amihan: I am stronger than I look now, and became more powerful than I ever was..So don't take me lightly.
Celestia: You’re not witty, Goddess of Light! You attracting a wrong one to challenge.
Amihan: I don’t think so.
Celestia: Now I’ll show you a glimpse of complete annihilation.."Husk of the roaming Asteroid, I summon thee!" (while unleashing the power of her Brilyante toward the sky)
The magic seal has been drawn in the sky of whole Sapiro..Then, it warp some portion of the asteroid which appeared beyond the magic seal, and began to shower its devastating meteors into the land surface that prompted Amihan to get angry.
Amihan: Sshedaaaa! You’re not just attacking me but you also going to destroy the entire land of Sapiro and all its living things.
Celestia: Well, it goes as planned and I'll make sure that even the smallest bacteria can’t survive the onslaught.
Amihan: Pashneaaaaa! (while avoiding the falling meteors and set up her counterattack)
With so much anger and aggression, Amihan cast her fortified lightning-based attack to subdue Celestia.
Amihan: Ssheda dini luna..(while swaying her right foot backward and charge it with lightning energy from the Brilyantes) "Concentrated..Lightning..Burst!" (then strongly kick her foot forward to unleash the attack which is out of anger and desperation)
The flash of lightning has surged toward the direction of Celestia who try to block it by her newly restored scythe..But she got pushed 50 steps away from her current spot across the pile of bricks and multiple trees before she finally hit the ground..The concentrated lightning burst which contain 1,000,000 volts of electricity has inflicted heavy damage to Celestia and seriously burned her entire body, but it was instantly healed through high-speed regeneration.
Celestia: Though you exert all your strength for one attack to defeat me, do you really think it can stop my meteors?
Amihan: Just calm down Amihan, don't let your anger and anxiety override yourself, stay sharp and focus before these damn meteors can totally ruin the whole Sapiro (while knocking her head).
Few seconds later...she's done fixing herself and ready to overcome the challenge of saving the Sapiro from meteors attack.
Amihan: Okay, I stay calm and do it with more discretion.
Celestia: I see you struggled to control yourself and emotion..Seems you're just a goddess by might, but not by nature because you couldn't behave like the one..That's why, you can't protect this place from the wrath of a real goddess who bring about its end..And as long as the magic seal is still up there, the meteors won't stop from falling until everything will turn into ashes..You cannot save anything after all.
Amihan: Right! Why I couldn't think about that? Pashnea! I could not remembered Pirena as talkative as you are but I must thank you for that.
Celestia: hmm..I really know what you're thinking, but you must bypass me first before you can go for the magic seal.
Amihan: Let's not waste time..(while casting the ice magic for the first time)
She has combined the power of water and air to create an Ice-based attack.
Amihan: "Icicle..Beam..Overflow!" (while sending the ice barrage)
Celestia tried to deflect the ice attack using her scythe but she was denied as multiple Ice shards were able to get through, causing her entire body frozen..Then Amihan fly upward to destroy the magic seal but before she get there, Celestia shattered the ice to free herself and quickly fire her new magic attack called Bolt of Darkness..Amihan uses the power of air to slow down the bolt so that she can avoid the explosion while blocking it using her sword, and redirected the Bolt of Darkness into the center of the magic seal that eventually broke it..The asteroid disappeared, and the meteors has stopped from falling that prompted Celestia to get furious after what happened.
Celestia: I curse you Amihan! (then she attempt to redo the magic seal)
Thus, Amihan use evicta-ga to slip through Celestia’s defense then grab and transported her to the Ruin of Etheria before she even noticed it..When they appeared above the area, Amihan swung her left arm sideward to throw Celestia into the ground full of rubbles..Shortly, she stand and wondering why she end up in the ruin like it was a nightmare..Then, Amihan landed slowly on the surface while looking at her opponent.
*Evicta-ga is the ultimate level of evictus ability that will teleport the user from one place to another with ultra high-speed or an instant transmission.
Celestia: She was able to slip through my senses and swiftly defied my perception..Is that the ability of breaking the barrier between space and time or another form of evictus that only a goddess of light has? Nonetheless, I’m not interested to know the precise answer but just to do it again (while thinking the incident and planning to repeat her meteor attack) “Husk of the roaming aster...” (get interrupted)
While trying to summon the asteroid for a second time, Amihan suddenly pop-up and have her sword’s tip pointed to Celestia’s throat.
Amihan: Ssheda! Repetition of pointless act won’t bailed you out in any battle..We must give ourselves a fair chance to show off what we’ve got without destroying anything by design (then she blink backward after her dialogue).
Celestia: Pashnea! I’m stunned and could not react on time..At this rate, I have no room for recklessness.
Amihan: Keep wondering? Well, nothing in this world can keep up the speed of light..By the way, I welcome you in our new battlefield where I can fight without hesitation.
Celestia: Without hesitation, isn’t it? But your eyes has clearly showed otherwise, you are afraid to kill me, despite all what I did or about to do and even you know what I am, you're still unconditionally loved me, right sis?
Amihan: That ain't true, and you're not my sister, not the one like you.
Celestia: You're not a good pretender, as you always get dictated by the frailty in your heart, that's why you can't beat me.
Amihan: Maybe, but not anymore..I can throw my vulnerabilities away if necessary to defeat you, and free Pirena from your dark power..Now, it has to be done!
Celestia: It’s easy for you to say that but the contradiction within yourself is hard to settled..Likewise inside your head, you wanted to kill me while your heart demand the opposite, because it asks my salvation so that you can save the totality of Pirena’s soul.
Amihan: You’ve come up with brilliant deduction to figure this out..Your essence of intellect is superb as only Pirena could have..And yes, saving you was always a plan and it would never change!
Celestia laugh off Amihan for what she considered as the latter’s crap without knowing that she disposed some softness.
Celestia: Very well, do your best, savior of Encantadia, cleave the evil from me and save us if you can.
Amihan: Howsoever, her merger with Pirena has soften the evil inside Celestia a little bit and it shows some small opening to cleanse her soul..It means, she is eligible for salvation and the power of Brilyante ng Hangin confirmed it.
Celestia: Why did you muted yourself and stay silence? If you continue to hesitate then I’m so please to destroy you with ease.
Amihan: haha..Don't forget, I'm also a goddess now..And what if I use my full power without a second thought? Maybe you wanna runaway from me because of fear.
Celestia: You talk to the wrong deity..Just thinking highly to yourself for assuming that I’m afraid of your power and breakthrough ability, hell nah!
Amihan: That’s good unless there are only few things that can be destroyed here..For the sake of whole Encantadia, I’m no longer to hesitate in fighting you..So get ready Goddess of Destruction because I will give my all to win this battle!
Celestia: You often have such projection of intriguing, yet annoying speech and mannerism..But your idea of bringing out the battle here isn’t bad because this whole dead place is damn perfect for your requiem, Light Goddess!
Amihan: Let's see..(while preparing her next move)
Then Amihan uses the power of light to create 4 clones of herself around Celestia to know the limits of her regenerative ability..They attack Celestia all at once while swirling around her and moving so fast..They’re hurting and hitting Celestia with their swords, but the latter keep using her high-speed regeneration ability to heal herself until she find the way to unveil the true Amihan.
Celestia: Image after image huh! Not completely awesome.
Amihan: You better find a way to figure out where’s the real me first before anything else.
Celestia: No need to figure out where you are because I already know what’s the quickest way to end this nonsense.
Amihan: Really? (while keep swirling and Air Dashing around Celestia)
Celestia: You better watch out, Savior.."Cast your blazing rage, black Alipato’s ring of fire!" (while punching the ground)
The pillars of fire appeared around Celestia with wide coverage and trapped Amihan’s clones inside its radius and burn them all..The real Amihan has also trapped inside, and can’t use evictus but she protect herself by creating a breakable shield of light..Then used her power to escape before she got burned.
Amihan: "Change the route for those in faulty road, Path of Righteousness, show me the way!"
Upon touching the ground, the magic seal was drawn and became a portal that can be used for Amihan to escape from within the Ring of Fire and appear to the area she desired.
Amihan: It doesn’t matter how many times you trap me with your power, I can always find a haste.
Celestia: I’m not surprised..It seems that we're always bound, by strand of fate and destined to have an endless conflict..Therefore, the longer we fight, the more we know each other and the stronger we become (while the Ring of Fire slowly disappeared).
Amihan: Destiny....will ends here! (while swinging her sword then use air dash to attack)
Celestia: End it, if you can! (while swinging her scythe and prepare to counter the sword attack).
The two goddesses are parry their weapons while shattering the whole area..Debris and rubbles are floating and flying in the battlefield while getting pulverized..Shortly, Amihan has able to impaled Celestia, but the latter's body is disintegrate while slowly fading away to fire her Bolt of Darkness.
Celestia: Let’s end this..(while casting the bolt)
Celestia: Now you die! (while throwing it)
Amihan: Not today! (while countering the attack using her Lightning bolt havoc)
They both used too much strength to overwhelm each other's bolt until it exploded between, and pushes themselves away..Then Amihan quickly cast two lightning bolt havocs in succession which emerge from the unsettled dust to surprise Celestia.
Celestia: Tanakreshna! (upon seeing the lightning bolt from above)
However, Celestia was able to deflect the first bolt, but she got hit and exploded by the second one that prompted her to quickly jump backward.
Celestia: Not kidding around, huh? (while rising from squat position)
Right after Celestia could stand firmly, Amihan has suddenly appeared behind and swing her sword, but it was blocked by the former which resulted them to parry their weapons..Using her signature bend and slash, Amihan hit Celestia’s chest by a sword causing her to stumble, then initiate her new special move, the Flash of Goddess – a combination of supersonic kick and slash attack followed by blizzard punch to freeze the opponent, and finish it with a catastrophic lightning spin kick..The latest onslaught has broke Celestia’s frozen scythe in the process and sent her 40 steps away from Amihan while bulldozing all the rubbles in her path..Then Amihan watch Celestia who now collapsed in the ground, frozen and looking like unconscious..Few seconds later, Amihan walk toward Celestia to check her body but it suddenly disappeared, and she emerged from behind while restoring the scythe at her left hand to slash the former’s neck, but the surprised attack didn’t work because Amihan places a special barrier of light on it, who then immediately flail her sword, and they have a short parry before both of them have step backward.
Amihan: The most vulnerable and rear blind spot of our body is the neck, do you think I would leave that open since I can do something to protect it? Besides, be always prepared is basically what I learned from the human world.
Celestia: Excellent! You never disappoint me in this battle.
Amihan: This is the greatest fight throughout my existence considering what at stake..Alright! It’s time to eliminate some loose ends..(while swinging the sword at her side)
Celestia: Yeah, we must settle this (while casting her well-enhanced Bolt of Darkness).
Amihan: “Power of light, cast your might into this sword” (while raising the sword leveled to her forehead and touches its blade run through the tip).
Then Celestia unleashes her fortified Bolt of Darkness while Amihan use her flare of light to slice the bolt in half that causes it to explode..The flare of light was also able to cut Celestia’s right shoulder and fell in the ground..But she used Phenomenon Rejection ability to reverse the incident and leaving no trace that she lost her arm moment ago.
Celestia: Masterful! Now you see it first hand..This is Phenomenon Rejection - It restore my lost body part to its original condition like nothing’s happen.
Amihan: What happened to yourself few moments ago won’t sink in to me..Like what you implied, the very existence of your power must to destroy and not to reconstruct something even for yourself, but you lied, aren’t you?
Celestia: No, I didn't..But when I became a Goddess, I was given this ability to simply deny physical destruction instead of reconstructing my own body when it cut into pieces..Well, behold!
Celestia throw her scythe away as boomerang but when it return to her, she intentionally allow it to cut her body in half that leave Amihan in great shock and disbelief..However, Celestia’s body has immediately returned to what it was.
Celestia: This power must distort all incidents related to my body which is subject for rejection and become reversible.
Amihan: Got nothing to say then, but we have to completely end this battle now.
Celestia: If that really what you want, prepare to embrace your defeat.
Amihan: I’m not the one who will go at the losing end for my loved ones and whole Encantadia..That’s why, I can’t afford to lose!
Celestia: Hold on to that, Savior!
Now Amihan as Goddess of Light and Celestia as Goddess of Destruction are going to use the last hoorah of their power to unleash its ultimate magic attack..But Amihan reminisces what Emre told her in order to save both Pirena and Celestia.
Amihan: Divine Emre...
Emre: What is that Amihan?
Amihan: It is possible to save Celestia's dark soul so that I can save Pirena too?
Emre: Yes, as long as you can see an opening to channel the cleansing power into the stem of her soul, there’s a way especially Celestia who once part of a pure soul.
Amihan: So there’s a hope.
Emre: There’s always hope Amihan unless you follow the path of light.
Amihan: But what I needed to do in order to bring Celestia’s soul into salvation?
Emre: You have to enter the state of Nirvana in order to defeat Celestia and cast whims of Nirvana to cleanse her soul..But you must comply all the pre-requisites before you can cleanse her soul using this ultimate power of light.
Amihan: What are that pre-requisites?
Emre: First, you have to make sure that her soul willing to accept salvation; Second, you have to create a perfect Incantation; Third, you have to combine the power of light, water and air to become a Nirvana itself; and lastly, you need to defeat her..After that, you can cast Whims of Nirvana to pierce all the darkness inside Celestia and guide her soul into salvation.
Amihan: There’s no question about the others but I’m confuse in how to determine the first one and also how to get the power of light?
Emre: The Brilyante ng Hangin will let you know about the first pre-requisite while the power of light, you can get it at the right time.
Amihan: Can I use different elements in order to enter the state of Nirvana?
Emre: No, only the Power of light, water and air.
Amihan: And what’s the reason?
Emre: The air can change the quality of the soul from evil to good while attributed the cleansing power; the water can keep the soul in touch to the collective heart, tap the removed emotions and heal the lost feelings, and finally, the power of light will enlighten the soul.
Amihan: So that’s it..Avisala Eshma, Divine Emre.
Emre: That’s okay Amihan..Now you can descend to Encantadia and do whatever you can to save all the creatures there.
Amihan: Yes, Divine Emre..I will depart for Encantadia immediately.
Amihan: Okay, let’s begin this! (then she cast the incantation)
Amihan: "By the virtue of Brilyante ng Hangin at Tubig, lend me your strength to defeat great evil, share the might of your eternal good and bestow the power of light upon me: nirvana, conquer myself and let’s end the brutality of injustice!" (while lifting the two Brilyante beyond her head)
The power of Brilyante ng Hangin at Tubig are created a magic seal in the sky where the extreme light emerged and struck Amihan..The combine power of air, water and light are transform her into a winged creatures identical to an angel with a sword and shiny armor..She’s become a manifestation of Nirvana with very terrific heavenly magic attack called Soul Redemption Beam – a concentrated radiance of light powered by sky dragon spirit.
Amihan: To honor the wishes of my ancestors, I will use this light to beat you and create a future which brighter than today.
Celestia: I extinguish all lights! “Gem of Dark Flames, I command you to bring me all the power of darkness from this realm, and you should come to me and we show them the wrath of chaos and destruction!”
All the dark energy has appeared everywhere from beneath the earth and fuses to Celestia’s Brilyante that greatly enhanced its power.
Celestia: Now the day of oblivion shall come (while fusing the newly enhanced version of her Brilyante into herself).
Then Celestia transform into a winged creature with two horns, a tail and two blazing arms..Her ultimate attack is called Infernal Flames Overdrive – the most catastrophic magic attack which uses the power of hidden flame dragon spirit that capably erase everything on its path.
Celestia: It’s time to commence the finale.
Then Celestia fly toward the sky of Etheria and she was followed by Amihan..Now they are both ready to launch their ultimate and most devastating power.
Amihan: No more fate, No more destiny, let’s finish this once and for all..(then she raise her right hand upward) “Radiance of sky dragon, Come forth to me!”
The flash of lightning illuminate the sky where a mythical glowing beast has come out and descend into Amihan’s open palm until it totally merge with her.
Celestia: Impressive! You’ve come prepared, but still not good enough..(then she cast her top-leveled incantation) "Set thy rage free and bestow your power upon me, king of infernal flame dragon, I summon you!" (while having her blazing arms crossed at the upper chest in letter X form).
The flame dragon spirit is come out from the underworld that triggered a volcanic eruption in a distant area, and speed his way like an arrow to the deity who summoned him..Then Celestia raise her left arm and commanded the swirling demonic spirit to enter into her palm..It reluctant at first but she uses force to completely control him.
Celestia: Ashtadi! You made it difficult for me but at the end you still have to obey..(while looking at the flame dragon mark on her left arm) Now, I’ll going to make sure that when the confetti falls, I’m the one to be applauded..(while pointing her fist to Amihan which engulfed by devastating negative energy)
Amihan: Presumption can’t serve you right through talking..Now surrender to the radiance! (while she raise her right arm which engulfed by swirling energy, pointing to Celestia and hold it with her left hand then)..Soul..Redemption..Beam! (she open her palm to unleash the beam of light before it transform into a sky dragon spirit midway)
Celestia: Infernal..Flames..Overdrive! (while holding her left arm and open its hand to unleash the great flames in a form of infernal dragon spirit)
The two dragon spirits that embodies the power of light and darkness has clashed between the two deities..Then the whole Encantadia are shaking and it almost wipe out the entire Ruin of Etheria..They pushes their respective magical power so hard to overwhelm each other..Meanwhile, the flame dragon has nearly defeated the sky dragon spirit due to Amihan, who loses to Celestia in terms of magical strength..However, the unseen real spirit of Raquim has arrived to give Amihan an additional strength and battle assistance..That’s why, she drastically gained a momentum to flip the situation and speak her dialogue.
Amihan: Darkness was originated from the light, then from within the dark, a radiance of hope will rise..Avisala Mieste Goddess of Destruction, it was an honor to pit against you!
Celestia: Do you think you can beat me? Goddess of Light, I cast you out.."Power of darkness, give me enough strength to swallow the light and turn their hope to dim!"
Amihan: It’s too late for that..You had caused more troubles of bringing deaths, curses and terror into this world, and became a greatest threat of our future..But despite all of that, you've still given a chance for absolution to save the soul of good diwata inside you as well..Now that a Sang’gre of Wind will going to crush you..This is an act for the requiem of god, I bring you salvation! (while exerting her full strength to defeat Celestia)
The Flame dragon spirit has been extinguished by the radiance of sky dragon who then struck Celestia’s body, and eventually shattered her Gem of Dark Flames..Thus, she lost her might as goddess of destruction..But the Brilyante ng Apoy remained intact inside her and have its powers back..However, Celestia’s body has still able to restored itself but couldn’t replenished its strength because she already reached her physical limit..The mighty Celestia has fallen in light goddess’ hands that leave a great question to herself.
Celestia: With all the powers I had, how could this possibly happened to me? (while she's started to fall downward and almost unconscious)
Then Amihan fly quickly toward Celestia while pronouncing her incantation to cast Whims of Nirvana.
Amihan: “Bow thy head and open your heart to the benediction of goddess’ light, whims of nirvana, feed the purity and cleanse her soul!” (then she timely caught up Celestia and put the cross-like sign of light into her chest and it penetrate inside her body).
The Whims of Nirvana has successfully extinguished the evil spirit and all the darkness from Celestia, and the once divided soul are separated again inside the domain of light until they compromise each other to merge..In a few moments, Pirena’s form has reverted back when Celestia's vessel departed from her and disappeared while she continue to fall downward, but Amihan catch her using the two arms and land her safely near the Hathoria..Then, she try to wake up Pirena who now lying in the ground but still unconscious..So Amihan stand slowly and looking around.
Amihan: Father, I knew it was you who helped me beat Celestia..Even if I did not saw you, I really felt your presence back there..Avisala Eshma for everything, until next time (while looking toward the direction of Devas and placing her hand with sword on her chest).
Meanwhile at Pirena’s Domain of Soul
Now Celestia’s overall personality are completely identical to Pirena, that’s why the latter can easily recognize herself..*Pirena 1 – the good Pirena’s soul / *Pirena 2 – the suppressed Pirena’s soul.
Pirena 1: You, you're me - young, selfish, greedy and ambitious..But all you want, is to be accepted by everyone, and tried to get everything which you believed was rightfully yours to have the attention you need.
Pirena 2: Past tense…
Pirena 1: What do you mean?
Pirena 2: I was your wickedness, your insecurity and loneliness – a portion of your soul that you were renounced..But I have been purified and brought to light by Amihan when she used "Whims of Nirvana” to me..Then, all of those qualities and characteristics you mentioned are gone, and we're completely similar now in both aspects.
Pirena 1: Yeah, I can feel the purity inside you now..So Amihan has arrived and cleansed you as well to save me?
Pirena 2: Yes, she did.
Pirena 1: But where she is? I want to see her.
Pirena 2: She’s outside there watching our fainted body.
Pirena 1: And what we going to do, so that I can able to see, hug and thank her.
Pirena 2: It’s time for me to go back where I belong so that you can have your desire..But I ask you to embrace me if you don’t have a doubt and we become whole once again..Beside, I’m now feel incomplete and missing something important just like you are.
Pirena 1: Yes, it’s true..It just happened when God extracted you away from me..I tried anything to find the answer about my feelings but I always felt trapped, until I realized that I’d lost the essential part of myself..And finally, you are home (while opening her arms ready to embrace her other self).
Pirena 2: Avisala Eshma..hehe (while she walk closer to Pirena 1 with teary eyes, then embrace each other, both smiling, and they merge as one).
Pirena 1: Avisala Eshma for coming back to me (while holding her chest).
Then Pirena are whole again while the dark domain of her soul is become empty and tightly closed as she is pure now..And she wake up.
Back to Amihan…
Pirena got her consciousness back but can barely move because of her seriously weaken body.
Pirena: (coughing)
Amihan: Pirena! Avisala eshma to Divine Emre that you finally wake up.
Pirena: Pashnea, I can’t move my whole body.
Amihan: Don’t force yourself to move Pirena because you’ve still not recovered your strength.
Pirena: Where is Alena and Danaya?
Amihan: I told them to returned back to Lireo but don’t worry I will bring you there so that you can rest and get a cure.
Pirena: Wait my beloved apwe because I have something to tell you.
Amihan: What is that sis?
Pirena: Avisala eshma for coming, avisala eshma for saving me..If not because of you, maybe my soul was totally corrupted by evil and dragged into the realm of eternal darkness..So I don’t really know how to return the favor to you..AlI I can do is to thank you but that’s not enough to compensate what you have done for me.
Amihan: Believe me Pirena, thanking me is more than enough and you don’t have to return the favor because I only did what I really thought was right..Beside, it was my mission so that I could saved the whole Encantadia.
Pirena: But you had an option to let me die along with my dark counterpart and complete your mission..However, you took the most daunting path to save me despite all what I've done to you in the past..And whatever your reason, I still percieve this as a great debt of gratitude and I won’t forget it even in afterlife.
Amihan: Ssheda Pirena, I beg you, don’t say that..Your past mistake was already forgiven..Did you forget? We are sisters, and ei correi diu as my apwe, that’s why I can do everything to take care all of you..Think about our mother, we made a promised to her that no matter what happen we have to protect and will serve as a parent or mentor to each other..And I know that if we had our situation swapped, you will do the same to save me..You did that when you had a chance to choose whether you save Alena and Danaya from the Etherian, or to dive inside the time portal and save Mira from the past to alter her fate..But you chose your sisters over yourself, a huge proof that you really value the life of your apwe over your own happiness, and that was a very hard decision if compared to what I make prior to save you..That’s why you don’t have to think about gratitude..Beside, I can't imagine to live my new life without the complete three of you, so please enough for this.
Pirena: Avisala eshma Amihan and ei correi diu..Can I hug you because I really miss you? (while her tears are start falling due to happiness)
Amihan: Yeah, I really miss you too my apwe (while bending her knees with tears to hug Pirena who still lying in the ground).
Pirena: Avisala eshma (while she wipe Amihan’s face)
Amihan: That’s okay (then she stand slowly)
Pirena: What happened to you Amihan, and why your whole body are so shiny?
Amihan: Because of Divine Emre, he wished me to fight as goddess of light to reshape our future.
Pirena: I want to congratulate you my beloved apwe in becoming a goddess..You're so gorgeous and stunning, yet so fierce in your new looks.
Amihan: Avisala eshma.
But Amihan suddenly feel something inside herself.
Amihan: huh? (while looking her own body)
Pirena: What's happening, my apwe?
Amihan: I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.
The power of light inside Amihan are dramatically come out from her body and the fake spirits of their ancestors has re-emerged above waving at them..It’s a sign that their mission are already done and it also means that Amihan’s stint as a Goddess of Light is over..Now she reverted back to her normal status as a blue-armored Sang’gre.
Pirena: Wait! What are that creatures who appeared above us?
Amihan: The replica of our ancestors’ spirits who embodies the power of light which helped me became a goddess.
Pirena: Watching them is truly amusing.
The fake spirits has dispersed itself and they became a mere lights before ascending to devas..The splintered particle of the fake spirits are showering the whole realm of Encantadia like a snow and it fully restored Pirena’s strength..It also lifted the cursed placed by Celestia to the body of her victims, where their corpses are now reappeared over the places after the Bringer of Death’s demise..And all the Ivtres are started its journey to Devas while thousands of Retres came to fetch their dead bodies.
Amihan: Avisala eshma for all your help (while catching some falling spirits particle).
Pirena: It’s totally incredible, my apwe.
Amihan: Pirena, seems that you already recovered all your strength.
Pirena: Yes, maybe because of these spirits particle (then she walk toward Amihan and hug her again) For once, avisala eshma.
Amihan: I’m so happy, you're already back to normal.
Pirena: Also, avisala eshma for Emre as he did not forsaken us.
Amihan: Yes Indeed.
Pirena: Now that everything is okay, we can return to Lireo.
Amihan: You’re right and I know that everyone are waiting for us there.
Pirena: Okay, let’s go.
Amihan: Yeah…
Then the two siblings are uses evictus going back to Lireo where all of their loved ones are waiting for them.
Amihan and Pirena are finally arrived in Lireo and they were greeted with a warmth hugged from their loved ones..And nothing can compared the happiness felt by Lira, Cassandra and Ybrahim because their beloved Sang’gre Amihan has finally returned to their side..The whole Lireo as well as the whole Encantadia are celebrate while their ancestors watching them from Devas..As Celestia failed to fulfill the prophecy, the future has changed..Then, hope and happiness can be shown on their faces as the greatest threat of their existence is gone.
Meanwhile, Emre told her ally Goddess Cassiopea that everything is under control as Arde, who chagrin at Celestia’s failure, had his power weaken after all his evil plan has been compromised..Then Emre made a promise that he won’t allow the evil god to create or manifest another creatures as powerful as Celestia again..And he asked Cassiopea to warn the diwata about the new challenge they will going to face – the invasion of the Ice Kingdom that will commence the first Winter War are getting closer than expected.
At Ice Kingdom, 500 Days after…..
Astra: Hara…
Ice Queen: Report!
Astra: Our warriors are ready to deploy and just waiting for your order.
Ice Queen: Excellent Astra, you are reliable as usual..By night, you'll start marching to Encantadia and take them by storm..So disseminate the information to your co-mashna and the Blizzaga.
Astra: Yes hara, as you wished (while he bow down before leaving).
Then, the Ice Queen summoned her champions to procure their services, a powerful group of Snow Fairies called Zenra..They are the 5 mythical warriors of snow which known for their manipulation abilities, swordmanship skills, and exceptional prowess of casting ice magic..That’s why they are considered as the best of the best lead by Garza – can control space and time; Nightwolf – can manipulate a shadow; Eretrea – have a power over gravity; Nieviga – can use illusion as a deadly weapon; and Miste – can control the power of thunder and mist..But none of them has a potential to be as powerful as Celestia.
Ice Queen: It’s time to send you in the battlefield once again.
Garza: That’s good..it’s been a long time since we last fought and we are bit rusty for waiting this opportunity.
Ice Queen: The five of you will go head to head against the Gem Keepers of Encantadia in recent time..The rest of our force will take the others but the success of this invasion are defend on your individual battle..Your main objectives are taking down the main foundations of their force.
Garza: You mean the Sang’gres? Well, we can assure you our swift victory.
Ice Queen: Don’t underestimate them..Remember: Once I counted on you, I won’t tolerate your failure!
Garza: We understand! You can rely on us to deliver such better results.
Ice Queen: Zenra’s track record of sweeping any battles in the past are already convinced me that you can..Now go on my loyal servants.
The Invasion is already set but the three kingdoms of Encantadia headed by Hara Alena of Lireo and the territory of Adamya are more than ready for this war.
That time was lost, yet time continued onward..The history of war and conflict is about to repeat itself!
The End!
Beginning - Part 1 of 5 > Click the image below!
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