batiscafo-katiuscas · 5 years
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 5 years
Yumi's Cells - Ep. 391 - The Next Prime Cell | WEBTOON
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 5 years
A look at the semblances of RWBY women and men.
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I’ve noticed that there are a lot of women in RWBY who have loud semblances. I mean loud as in powerful and in your face, good for fighting and meant for combat. Yang basically turns into a bomb, Nora can channel electricity to her muscles to make her insanely strong, Weiss can summon her fallen enemies and make them work for her, Pyrrha can control metal that weighs tons, Ruby can go so fast she can create shock waves or tornadoes, Neo can make physical illusions of herself that can fight and she can create an entire airship illusion, Winter can summon armies of her fallen enemies, and Glynda can kill grimm and repair a destroyed street with a flick of her wrist. 
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Most of the men in RWBY, especially the main ones, have more quiet semblances. Their semblances aren’t combative. Jaune can amplify aura and heal people (which is almost always a women’s role), Ren can mask emotions and hide people from grimm, Qrow causes constant misfortune, and Hazel can block out pain. Hazel uses his for fighting, and he’s certainly powerful when he injects dust into his veins, but his semblance acts to nullify something. If these men were to activate their semblance, it would not be easy to notice.
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The only two women I can think of who have quiet semblances are Emerald and Maria. Emerald causes illusions in peoples heads, and Maria senses things before they happen. They use them for combat, but they aren’t necessarily meant for combat. 
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The only man that has a loud semblance is Adam.
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Blake and Raven don’t really have loud semblances, but they’re not quiet either. I didn’t label Blake’s semblance as loud because, while she does use it very well for fighting, she mainly uses it to take the hit for her. If she wants to make it more powerful, she needs to use dust in order to do so. Raven’s semblance isn’t for combat at all, she never uses it to fight, but the portals form after an intimate relationship has been developed with a person. Also, you can tell when she activates it. Her semblance is very powerful in the sense that she can literally teleport to a different continent with them. 
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Sun’s semblance isn’t loud or quiet either. He can create multiple copies of himself that can attack or even lift things, but in order to do that he needs to be still. I think he could develop it to be powerful, but right now it takes a lot of energy for him to use.
I love that RWBY has its women have the loud and combative semblances while the men have the quiet and reserved semblances. It’s a nice thing to see since it is common for shows to have men be the powerful ones while women take on the quieter roles. I love RWBY so much because it has so many female characters who are skilled fighters but also developed characters.
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
The Rose Petals
Thinking back to when Ruby picked up Nora, Ruby created her red petals of course and Nora made lightning, but were clearly separate.
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Ruby and Weiss however….
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They essentially made pink rose petals, instead of having red roses with something else relating to Weiss. Yes red and white make pink, but what was it that happened before this?
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The iconic Thank me later!
And now what does this have to do with pink petals?
The Meaning of Pink Roses:
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Interesting 👀
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
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you can do this…you have to do this
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
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protect ur lil sis w ur big strong arms
Instagram: keejot.arts Deviantart: keejot
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
Do you think there is some deeper meaning behind Atlas being an city in the sky?
Oh, definitely! I can only theorise, but I can imagine that it shows that there is a very clear divide in Atlas’ society, with some living at the top and some at the bottom and barely any connection left between them. It could also hint that the upper class (literally this time) has lost any connection to their roots and to the people below them. From up there you can’t even really see what’s going on in the lower part of the city. The orange lights also remind of fire, as if it was literally heaven and hell. 
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
Do you think there is some deeper meaning behind Atlas being an city in the sky?
Oh, definitely! I can only theorise, but I can imagine that it shows that there is a very clear divide in Atlas’ society, with some living at the top and some at the bottom and barely any connection left between them. It could also hint that the upper class (literally this time) has lost any connection to their roots and to the people below them. From up there you can’t even really see what’s going on in the lower part of the city. The orange lights also remind of fire, as if it was literally heaven and hell. 
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
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V6 has come to an end and so have the Status Charts for the season. I look forward to comin back in bigger ways for V7. I hope you all enjoy! It really does make me happy that so many of you enjoy something that just started out as a way for me to make a joke about Mercury’s legs.
Overall I enjoyed V6. Not my favourite volume, but I feel they’re going in a good direction now. Remember to send me asks btw! I always enjoy answering them
See ya!
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
You know, I noticed fairly early on that Ruby's V4~now outfit referenced Penny's, but what I didn't realize until just today was that it's literally 1:1 the same outfit put through the Goth-Tavern-Girl Aesthetic. Like, everyone grasped that Jaune took on elements of Pyrrha's, it's spelled out in-show, but what Ruby did is even more blatant, yet almost UNIVERSALLY slept on? RWBY is a NIGHTMARE of Parallels in Parallels, and I don't have the Will for the dissertation necessary to map it all out.
Seriously, Ruby has just been wearing Penny’s outfit in her own colors for the past three volumes:
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And, for that matter, the way Ruby is wearing her cape right now with the silver rose clasp, aka the one aspect of her outfit that isn’t evoking Penny’s? Is also highkey evoking Pyrrha’s sash:
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Parallels within parallels. Which reminds me, I really need to make a post laying out all of the parallels between Cinder and Pyrrha’s outfits because wow, there are a ton.
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
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ruby doodle
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
Why the Volume 6 Opening is so Important
Okay, so today I’d like to talk about something that I’ve been mulling over in great detail ever since the start of Volume 6. Specifically, the closing shot of the opening:
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Now, like every other WhiteRose shipper, I was quite happy to see Weiss being a very supportive partner/potential-girlfriend to Ruby.
HOWEVER, I must preface this by saying this post is not necessarily meant to hype up WhiteRose and/or try to convince you that it’s endgame. That having been said, as we’ll soon see it’s going to be pretty hard not to see some serious Ruby/Weiss implications.
The main point I’d like to explore here is just how MASSIVELY significant this shot is compared to the previous OPs of the series.
The first thing that really jumped out at me was, of course, Ruby and Weiss themselves. When you compare this closing shot to those of the previous OPs, it REALLY stands out. All the previous Openings either closed out on a shot of Ruby alone (Volumes 1 and 2) or a shot of all four members of Team RWBY (Volumes 3, 4 and 5), either emphasizing Ruby as the Protagonist, or emphasizing all four girls as the ‘Joint Protagonists’. Also, in the latter case, all four girls are presented in equal standing, with no one being give focus over the others. Also, all four are shown together, but also independently without really any physical contact going on.
This closing shot on the other hand, chucks all that right out the window. Here, the previously equal distribution of focus between Team RWBY is now completely unbalanced.
First, we have Blake and Yang, who are shoved WAY into the background in this shot. Instead of the middle of the shot, both are sharing the same space as Qrow, Oscar, JNR and Maria.
Then we have Ruby and Weiss, who in contrast have been pushed right into the spotlight. Whereas in previous OP closing shots, Team RWBY was divvied up along the middle of the shot, here Ruby and Weiss are front and center, clearly intended to be the center of attention. And of course we have what Ruby and Weiss are doing. Gone is the basic ‘standing together’ pose, and instead we have something far more dynamic: Ruby looking tired and haggard while she holds onto Weiss, while Weiss helps Ruby up while looking concerned for her partner.
I don’t think I have to explain how much of a massive departure this is from previous OPs. Instead of all four members of Team RWBY sharing equal focus, Ruby and Weiss have been pushed to the forefront, not only emphasizing these two characters individually, but also emphasizing the relationship between them as well.
And this isn’t even the biggest part:
The thing is, all this jumped out at me back when I first saw the Volume 6 Opening nine weeks ago, and back then I thought it was pretty damn interesting, and I was looking forward to seeing not only some serious character development for Ruby, but also seeing Weiss being there to help her partner.
However, looking back on the OP now, I noticed something rather odd: While this closing shot emphasizes Weiss helping and supporting Ruby, so far this volume their dynamic has been the opposite. Weiss has been in some kind of emotional turmoil multiple times this volume, and every time, Ruby has stepped up to help and support her. Obviously, I thought this was kinda weird. But then I went back and watched the other Openings (specifically 3, 4 and 5) and realized something VERY significant:
The closing shots of the OPs don’t show Team RWBY as they are during the volume. They show Team RWBY as they are at the END of the Volume!
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Volume 3: Team RWBY looking dejected while all facing away in different directions, symbolizing how they were essentially defeated at the end of the volume, and are heading down very different paths from one another.
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Volume 4: Team RWBY standing far apart from each other while facing the same direction, symbolizing how at the end of the volume they are still separated by great distance, but are now all headed in the same direction which will eventually see the team reunited.
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Volume 5: Team RWBY finally reunited, charging forward together into battle against the image of Salem. Bonus points for this clearly happening in the Haven Academy entrance hall where Team RWBY is actually fully reunited at the end of the volume.
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And now we come to Volume 6. It’s hard to say what exactly the events this could be symbolizing, but if the trend continues I think we can be sure that whatever events transpire to close out Volume 6, Ruby and Weiss are going to be right at the center of it. In fact, given how much everyone else is pushed to the background in this shot, I’d go as far to say that this Volume will close out on Ruby and Weiss, and ONLY Ruby and Weiss.
How might this play out? Personally, I’m leaning towards Ruby and Weiss somehow getting separated from the rest of the group. Maybe only Weiss and Ruby are able to get passage to Atlas, with the rest of the group having to find their own way in?
Additionally, Ruby’s probably not going to be in good shape at the end of the Volume. Possibly injured, most likely completely drained physically and emotionally by whatever happens during the final battle. Likewise, Weiss will be the one watching over her and helping her recover, which in turn would make a nice reversal to the dynamic they’ve had through the Volume.
I can’t say for sure where exactly all this is going, but based on this shot and what it is likely implying, I am really looking forward to how this volume shakes out.
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
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- my BFF by KaTe (Mirror Mirror Anthology)
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
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So…how do I laser beam monsters with my eyeballs?
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
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That sneak peek has already rejuvenated my soul
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
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Beyond the fog lies clarity | ( by Jordi Puig )
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batiscafo-katiuscas · 6 years
Bluechair - Ep. 399 - Background | LINE Webtoon
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