battleplanet · 6 years
tag dump 1 / danma
『 🐉; first day of my life || i went out in the rain suddenly everything changed. 』
『 🐉; el mismo sol || yo quiero que este sea el mundo que conteste. 』
『 🐉; catch && release || the nights are stayed up counting stars && fighting sleep. 』
『 🐉; what we live for || we look up at the stars a perfect night to dream with you. 』
『 🐉; fly away with me || i can tell you what it feels like to lose your home on a cold night. 』
『 🐉; feel good inc. || fill the streets it’s appealin’ to see. 』
『 🐉; change || i’m alive for the first time. 』
『 🐉; castle on the hill || made friends && lost them through the years. 』
in character.
『 🐉; around the world || i know for sure that life is beautiful around the world. 』
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battleplanet · 6 years
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These files, found in the hands not permitted or authorized to hold, confiscated && the person dealt with [severely.]
File/I.D. number:  4-5-9-20-25 3-8-9-12-4
Undertale || Story Shift AU.
Heavy use of headcanons along with what is available of canon comics.
Chara Dreemurr Hearts.
John “Jaden” Jonah Hearts.
Asgore Dreemurr.
Charlotte-Amber Hearts.
Toriel Dreemurr.
Asriel Dreemurr.
A human who fell into the underground.
After role playing with Asriel, Chara decided they weren’t so bad–for a human of course.
A kind soul–at times–who enjoyed making friends, a great listener as well.
Chara’s “younger” brother. (Elder technically, but it does not seem that way.)
Specialized in magic–fire && electric, respectively.
Constantly liked to remind Chara that he’d join the royal guard one day– as its head, like the current captain. (His mother.)
Non-binary. [He/them.]
Abandoned Child Syndrome. 
High Functioning Autism.
*Recent diagnoses.
Heart Locket.
Black Knife with Red Ivy Vine Design.
Rainbow sowed bandana.
Rusted and worn ‘CRKT M21-14SF’. (Special Forces.)
February 3rd XXXX.
Body: 16.
Mental Age: 18+.
Cabin House.
Mountain Zone, (snowy portion.)
House: S-6.
Aaron Spann.
Knife Control.
[The ability to manipulate knives.] 
Strongest against [HUMANS.]
[LIMITED] to a number of blades that can be created at a time.
Limited mostly to knives and or small bladed weapons.
Long [&&] short range.
As opposed to [PSYCHIC ENERGY] weapons– weapons are made with items around user && or already made blades.
Less effective than [PSIONIC BLADES] due to range only being effective at medium && short range.
Chrono Force.
[The ability to manipulate time.] 
User will [NOTICE] if someone time travels to the [PAST] or [REWINDS] time a point where an [EVENT] will [OCCUR.]
The user must concentrate carefully to find time points to erase in order to avoid damaging the space-time continuum– however, due to skill level, this must be done with a catalyst or with aid of another Chrono Force User.
Overuse will sap into user’s life energy leading to fainting spells, weakened stamina, && in worst cases, permanent downing.
Combat Powers.
[The ability to release energy into various attacks.] 
Strengthened when used alongside [KNIFE CONTROL.]
Catalyst helps in [SPEEDING UP] making process.
Able to add [ELEMENT TYPES] to bullets [ex: freezing effect].
There are some targets && material that the user [CANNOT PIERCE.]
The user still needs to [HIT] the target, however.
May be blocked by [DEFENSE BASED POWERS] however.
Side Effects:
Brain injuries, coma, physical strain, && permanent death all possibilities
Usually, when opponent is working of [OBSTRUCTING FOCUS.]
Preferred Weapon/s:
Chimera or Regular:
Style of character:
Slash: The user attacks the foe with a slash of claws or weapons. [CRITICAL HITS LAND MORE EASILY.]
Swords Dance: A frenetic dance, used to raise fighting spirit, it sharply raises the user’s [ATTACK.]
Night Head: The user [ATTACKS WITH A RATHER  FRIGHTENING MIRAGE] that inflicts damage based on the user’s stamina level along with how much focus is put into the attack.
Cross Poison: [A SLASHING ATTACK WITH A POISONOUS BLADE] that may also poison the target. Critical hits land more easily.
Miracle Eye: [ENABLES] a dark-element foe to be hit with Psychic-affiliated moves. [ENABLES] an [EVASIVE FOE] to be hit.
Psycho Cutter: The user [TEARS AT THE FOE WITH BLADES] made of psychic energy. Critical hits land more easily.
Future Sight: After a select period of time, the foe is hit with a [HUNK] of psychic energy.
Disturbed Stab: The user jabs [REPEATEDLY] with any item on hand from two-to-five times in a row.
False Swipe: A restrained attack that leaves the foe at [VERY LITTLE TO NO] hit points.
Double Chop:The user attacks the foe, [TWICE], with brutal strikes.
Supernatural Power: The user attacks with an odd, [UNSEEABLE] power. Possible chance of making the foe flinch.
Dragon Claw: The user [HOOKS] && [SLASHES] the show with sharp claws weapons.
Knock Off: Moving [QUICKLY] the user hurries towards the foe in order to temporarily [KNOCK] away their weapon–or, in certain cases, [STEAL] their weapon for an [EXTENDED] period of time. 
Shadow Claw: The user attacks the foe with a [SLASH OF SHADOW MADE OF CLAWS OR WEAPONS]. Critical hits land more easily.
Blaze Kick: The user kicks with a leg [WREATHED IN FLAMES.] It may leave a burn. Critical hits land more easily.
Night Burst:The user conjures up an illusion of a pitch-black shock wave to fire at the target–has a [40% CHANCE OF LOWERING ACCURACY.]
[Will drain whatever energy is left leaving the user badly weakened.]
Crossroad Killing: Moving quickly && zipping in && out shadows, the user attacks with a harsh quick && punch the instant an opportunity arises for [CRITICAL DAMAGE.]
Wall Jump: Yes.
Wall Cling: Yes.
Crawl: Yes.
Withstand attacks: Yes.
Float: Yes.
Jump more than twice: Yes. 
Halves damage taken from [PHYSICAL MOVES.]
The user’s determination causes their [SPEED TO RAISE EVERYTIME THEY FLINCH.]
5 feet, 4.5 inches.
163.83 cm.
Brown Amber Gradient. (#512A09) → (#D9A200)
Red && Amber Gradient. (#D9A200) →  (#FF0000)
[Magic Use.]
Heavier on the Red.
Brown Reddish Gradient. (#8A3950) → (#C36564) 
Narrow hips && clavicles.
Gains fat more easily than ectomorphs.
Longer limbs.
Delicate body frame.
147 lbs.
[SCAR TISSUE] running lengths up && down [BACK,] [TORSO,] [LEGS,] && [ARMS.]
A notable small piece of [BOTH LEGS] missing where [SCAR TISSUE] runs rampant.
[NAIL-CREATED] scar tissue running thin from over [EYES] to [BOTTOM OF CHEEKS.]
A black, outlined red vine snaking up his left arm—[CAREFULLY] winding around scars, && occasionally using scars tissue to add in detail.
A [SMALL RED HEART] upon his [RIGHT] ankle.
FINGERS curled around a brown lock, holding it && spinning it betwixt fingers. Why was he waiting? Well… better to wait for a person than look for them, easier too, Chara noted. Shifty always moved forward no matter what, so, naturally they must come by the resort—after all… Shifty was trying to meet with the King, must come by the resort—after all… Shifty was trying to meet with the King, Sans… && the Underground was linear, Chara would [KNOW] better than most, after all.
IN fact, there they were, with shadowed eyes that gleamed with quiet determination, steps deafened by the area’s loud aura.
“OH uh.
“HEY.” A bit awkward, but Shifty had arrived quicker than Chara expected, but no backing out, right?
“YOU’RE heading to the [CORE] soon, right?” Undyne’s face—along with some of her body—melted though, so the kids say. “…Can we talk? Inside?” Not a smile on his face, but a frown of concern, he wondered if Shifty cared—knowing his friend, though, they did. “I’ll make sure to get us in.”
A quick ‘yes!’, a quiet voice that Shifty…charming Pretty Mirror.
“ALRIGHT. Follow me.” && he took a few steps, watching as Shifty did nothing, but stare, “come on, you’ve seen before.” With that, Chara turned, walking towards a darkened alleyway, Shifty at his heels.
FASTER than a blink of an eye && they sat at a table, Chara at one end, Shifty at the other. A flash of confusion crossed their mien. (Like the one they sported back at Grillby’s, Chara remembered that rather fondly.)
SHIFTY glanced around, taking the area in, dimmed lights, tables lit by candlelight, a nice restaurant by any means. Although, he still preferred Grillby’s— “Wow…so this is what it looks like on the inside.” Impressed tone, albeit temporary, “Geez, how about some decent air conditioning, right?” Accustomed to Snowdin’s chill, Waterfall’s chill, but Hotland. [HOTLAND.] With a resigned sigh, Chara reached up && removed moved his hood down—in stubbornness refusing to remove his gloves. “That helps a little bit.”
HE could see Shifty’s eyes flicker towards covered hands for a few seconds before shifting their gaze back towards his face. Fair enough, at least they were polite enough not to bring his actions to light.
“SO,” he started, picking at his red gloves, “You want to go back to the surface.” No point beating around the bush, Shifty was close to the [CORE] after all, “You wouldn’t have come so far if you didn’t want to do that.”
SOMEWHAT neutral expression turned frown, “Why the [HELL] would you want to do that? You don’t just climb up from a mountain no one returns from.” From said frown, a concerned expression, a somewhat confused one as well, “Is being surrounded by humans worth all the trouble?” Chara paused, for a few seconds, nothing caught easily, but he knew Shifty was a tad more perceptive than most, after all, that observational skill kept them alive all their time in the Underground. He glanced away as well.
SHIFTY said nothing, but adjusted themselves in their seat, a notable squeak echoing across the restaurant’s nearly empty room. They flinched. Chara said nothing && did nothing besides shrugging && closing his eyes.
“…NEVER MIND. It’s none of my business. You do what you want, Partner.” A sigh—resigned, notably tired. Well, no time like the present. Eyes opened && glanced to where Shifty’s were, “…my mom told you about how I entered the Underground, right?” A quick glance aside. Sans…The King, Sans… “When I, uh, dropped in && the King caught me. –I’m completely convinced that he wasn’t going to kill me that day.” Inwardly, he knew, completely aware, of how many aside glances—he really could not help it, [ESPECIALLY] not with this story. “Let’s face it, if he wanted me dead, he would have slammed me into the ground right away. But there was hesitation. He held me in midair. && then it felt like I was being. Well–
“SLOWLY lowered down. I clearly remembered that’s what it felt like.” Shifty let out a breath, when were they holding it? Aside glance. “There wasn’t any bloodlust behind it. Then Mom came in. The King freaked out && set me down a lot faster. –…It was hard hearing her curse out the King. I dunno, it just feels like that me && the King–Sans && I, that is. In another life, maybe we could have…I just don’t know.”
NEVER one to—speak about himself, so, naturally, his words are full of negative emotion, no ire, however. Still, it was a step, somewhere. && so, he laughed, quiet, nerves lacing an otherwise charming tone. A soft smile marked his face. “Monsters are really weird, you know? From the moment I’ve come down here, I’ve seen kindness. I thought that was only meant for non-magic users for the longest time.”
HE remembered the rocks, the insults— “I mean, I’ve seen it in the families up there, like with the twins.” He frowned. A lot of sighing && glancing away, there it was another sigh. “Never for me. Living your whole life && it swings the opposite…I couldn’t believe that kindness to be true—”
SHIFTY coughed, adjusting in their seat for the second time. Was this conversation getting a little too real for them? Shifty had said nothing beyond a few expected gasps && sighs—&& even then, that…. really did not count.
“—LIKE this could be some cruel prank pulled on me. [Just faking it.]
“SO, for a while, I didn’t trust anyone.
“NOT even my own family.”
A regretful choice [NOW,] but the past is just that, [THE PAST.]
“BUT, I did return some kindness towards monsters,” kinder than humans, that was certain. “They didn’t deserve this fate.” Monsters understood ostracization. Asgore was a kind father, Toriel was brave, Asriel? Pure of heart.
SHIFTY cocked their head, a thoughtful expression upon their mien. He never could tell [COMPLETELY] what they thought—but [NOW], it felt as if they agreed to his words, to his story. (Or, at the very least, appreciated getting his side of things.) He smiled at the thought. [A well practiced fake smile.]
“SO, I figured, why not finish what I started? It would help these poor people && they wouldn’t have to lie anymore. We all lived in Waterfall home at the time. Closer to Dad’s lab.
“&& that night, I was able to sneak out with my vine cutting knife. I took the ferry as far from them as I could. My legs carried me even further until I reached a door I knew couldn’t open.” At that, Shifty leaned forward a tad more. [EXPECTED.] “I’d found about it a while back. It seemed like a good place. Quiet. My legs gave out && I was leaning next to the door for…” A pregnant pause, smile falling. “—I don’t know how long.” Time was even more varied than it was above && even then… “I was so numb, I couldn’t even feel cold. The knife was lifted up && ready, but then.”
A thoughtful expression crossed Chara’s face. “There was this massive voice coming from the other side of the door. He asked if anyone else was there. I was too stunned to answer. He asked again. I didn’t know what to say.” He remembered, his fingers tightened around that knife, but the rest of his arm— [frigid.] “There was a sigh && footsteps walking away. I panicked && squeaked out a ‘Hello’.” A laugh, it almost seemed silly now— [ALMOST.]
“THE footsteps came rushing back!” Fingers that kept the knife still in the air fell slack—until his arm finally fell idle at his side && that knife slipped from his grip. “I dropped my knife && I was bombarded with questions.”
“‘WHO are you?’
“‘ARE you from around here?’
“‘ARE you part of the Royal Guard?’
“‘HAVE you seen any humans?’”
SHIFTY laughed quietly.
“I answered the best I could && I found myself…well. There wasn’t a trace of dishonesty in him. Nothing felt forced,” At least that part was pleasant given his current smile && gentle mirth in his eyes. “Time flew by && the topic turned to why I was here at this time of night.”
THE smile dropped, but the mirth remained, albeit surrounded by a fog of pain. “Not exactly a question anyone can easily answer. I started to explain about my family && he seemed sad when responding to it. To this. Lonely even.” Shifty cocked their head, maybe they were thinking about their own situation? “It was a stupid question in hindsight, but I asked if he had any family. He said yes. But he hasn’t seen him in centuries. To this day, it’s the saddest I’ve ever heard him. I panicked, I thought he was going to get mad at me for upsetting him. –He didn’t accept my apologies, but he instead said it wasn’t my fault.
“HE didn’t hurt me.
“NO one else down here has hurt me.
“WHY was I so unsure then?” Stupid, Stupid Chara.
“THIS thought stuck with me. I couldn’t help wondering…would Asriel be worried for me like the voice was about his family? We talked until the daytime lights were far off.” A soft smile, a quiet chuckle, that monster behind the door…saved his life. “I thanked him for everything && promised to come back. He was really happy to hear that. I ran back to our Waterfall home with my knife, long since unneeded.”
“FIRST thing I did was cling to Asriel. He was so warm. Everything hit me at once, what I was ready to do &&…I bawled my eyes out. I promised to protect all monsters. The people who took care of me. For all my days.” Chara breathed in deeply, inwardly wondering how Shifty was taking all this in. Their face had not changed much, unflappable that—a very good poker face. He rubbed a hand over his mouth, wondering how to continue from there. Well, not smiling for one, a tad serious, probably. “There was a worry in the back of my mind once.” Once? It was still there! But, of course, he would never admit to that. “That another human would come && ruin everyone.” Still, Shifty was different— (for now? The idea of saying that with [PERMANENCE] felt…wrong?)
“BUT you didn’t. && you never die—…” Chara fell silent for a few seconds, staring at Shifty with a look of mild bewilderment. That was not quite right, now was it? “You continued on without hurting anyone.” (This time.) He sighed deeply && leaned back in his chair, “…wow, that feels good to get off my chest. You’re really easy to talk to, you know that? –&&, uh, keep this hush hush. I wanna tell everyone when I’m ready.”
“…I should check up on Rei.” A glance aside. Not much more to say now, everything was said && done. He moved his hood back upon his head, hand automatically brushing stray hair into his hood. Then, he turned away, walking away from his seat, Shifty mirroring his actions—except, going the [OTHER] way. “Good luck, Partner. I’m always on your side.”
FOR a moment, a brief one, he swore Shifty smiled && nodded before walking away.
(GOOD luck, don’t prove these negative thoughts of mine right…)
HAIR frazzled && hoodie torn to near shreds, bloodied fingers curled around a black phone && all he can feel is—a strange peace. Was it the shock or had he already accepted his inevitable death?
[RING, ring.]
HE never did like the feeling of stone underneath his fe—oh, an answer.
“HELLO? Are you there? Hahaha…of course not. The [ONE] time when you would be [USEFUL] to have around. Been awhile, hasn’t it [’PARTNER.’]” He knew there was ire in his voice—but it sure as hell did [NOT] feel as such. Was he numb? “People have gone crazy since the leaders of all the areas vanished.” Boss Monsters, common monsters… “The silence is deafening.”
“THE tension’s like a noose around everyone’s neck.” A laugh, hollow && dry, “Hope is dead. Lord knows I tried to get help, but get this. They thought I was [YOU.] Everyone’s [WAITING] back at home. Everyone’s waiting to throw rocks at me && make my life hell.
“BUT I won’t let them.
CHARA paused && breathed rather heavily into the phone—Shifty was not there, who answered, who answered?
“I’LL fix the problem.” He laughed, broken, quiet, && continued, “there were so many piles of dust as I ran…busy day for you I see.
“I’LL be sure to greet you again.” Footsteps, footsteps that had previously quieted down—distance, last time. They found him, they found him, but why run, why run? && so, he sat, upon stone stairs, uncaring for anything, but finishing his words && Asriel’s bandana that lay in his pocket. “You know——WHEN we meet in [HELL].”
HE looked up; claws, scales, swords, knives, all different kinds of magic && monsters looked at him—like he was prey like he was [SHIFTY] who slaughtered their friends, their families.
HE reached into his pocket.
&& curled his fingers around his lovely black knife, cool against his ungloved && precise fingers.
[C R U N CH !]
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battleplanet · 6 years
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battleplanet · 6 years
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battleplanet · 6 years
sorry about the spam f use
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battleplanet · 6 years
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battleplanet · 6 years
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sed arcu non odio euismod lacinia at. At in tellus integer feugiat. Eleifend mi in nulla posuere sollicitudin. Egestas dui id ornare arcu. Lacinia at quis risus sed vulputate odio ut. Leo in vitae turpis massa sed elementum tempus egestas.
Turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue quisque. Posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat.
Sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci. A iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo. Aliquet enim tortor at auctor urna. Semper risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus orci.
Vitae auctor eu augue ut lectus. Ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean et tortor at risus. Pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi quis. Mattis rhoncus urna neque viverra justo. Erat velit scelerisque in dictum. Viverra mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut. Sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Vestibulum sed arcu non odio.
Id semper risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus. Cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel. Orci dapibus ultrices in iaculis nunc sed augue. Ac orci phasellus egestas tellus.
Eget velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur. Eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis. Cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed. Magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris vitae. Lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac. Semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida hendrerit lectus a. Donec ac odio tempor orci dapibus. Elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus. Magna eget est lorem ipsum dolor sit. In arcu cursus euismod quis. Nisi porta lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam. Feugiat scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc faucibus. Mattis nunc sed blandit libero. Diam maecenas ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices. Gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis aenean.
Urna duis convallis convallis tellus id. Sem viverra aliquet eget sit amet. Aenean et tortor at risus viverra.
Vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor. Tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida cum. Et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida.
Ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit. Vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae. Risus feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor. Sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu. Nisi porta lorem mollis aliquam ut porttitor. Curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim sodales.
Posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit duis. Feugiat in ante metus dictum at tempor. Amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis. Ut eu sem integer vitae justo eget. Faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor. Quam quisque id diam vel quam elementum pulvinar. Curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis. Eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis varius quam quisque.
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