battling-bard · 6 years
Early seasons Dana Scully with her tennis lesbian haircut, oversized suit jackets, and perfect nude fingernails wearing peach and orange shades of makeup to bring out her ginger tones is a gift of the 90s that will never get old.
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battling-bard · 6 years
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battling-bard · 6 years
patiently waiting for fall like
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battling-bard · 6 years
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San Junipero (2016) dir. Owen Harris
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battling-bard · 7 years
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battling-bard · 7 years
“That’s your otp”?
“They’re just friends”
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battling-bard · 7 years
It takes a special kind of privileged asshole to complain about homeless people using public restrooms
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battling-bard · 7 years
like 9 out of 10 vine compilations are just the same vines in maybe a slightly different order
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battling-bard · 7 years
Why do people with foot fetishes never win? Because they like the taste of defeat
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battling-bard · 7 years
I’m SCREAMING this girl just asked if I’m doing anything this weekend bc we could hang out and this dude was like “I’M NOT DOING ANYTHING” and she said “sorry I have a family thing all weekend I can’t get out of :/” and turned back to me and proceeded to make plans with me in front of him this is the “*visibly texting* I don’t have a phone” meme on crack
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battling-bard · 7 years
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battling-bard · 7 years
boom crack the sound of my joints
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battling-bard · 7 years
Pulls up to drive thru: Yes I’ll take a fic about Sara Lance’s promiscuous, bed hopping, lady corrupting, “she’s so sexy she must be a witch,” excursions while she was trapped in Salem. And can you supersize that order please? Thank you.
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battling-bard · 7 years
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In 1942 a British forest guard in India made an alarming discovery. Some 16,000 feet above sea level, at the bottom of a small valley, was a frozen lake absolutely full of skeletons. -Source
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battling-bard · 7 years
throwback to that time in my existentialism class where the professor asked ‘who thinks hell is other people’ and half the class slowly and meekly put their hand up
then the prof was like ‘…i mean who originally said it’
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battling-bard · 7 years
throwback to that time in my existentialism class where the professor asked ‘who thinks hell is other people’ and half the class slowly and meekly put their hand up
then the prof was like ‘…i mean who originally said it’
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battling-bard · 7 years
Why Xena is an amazing superhero:  She dignifies what patriarchy belittles
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People have pointed out before that Xena does not shame other women or shame men for being feminine.  Zero percent fem-shaming.  She values feminine characters and traits instead and actually learns from them.  
There’s more…
You know how much slut-shaming Xena did?  None.  Not even her past and highly evil self got shamed for having sex. 
You know how many emo feelings Xena had despite her capacity for extremely instrumental, strategic military action?  All of them.  All of the feelings.  
You know how much having a woman as a life partner damaged Xena’s self-identity?  None.  It actually just made it more awesome.
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You know how many seconds it took Xena to deal with her cisgender privilege and act in pragmatic solidarity with a trans woman?  Less than ten seconds.  
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Xena had more respect for her horse than most action heroes have for their own lives.  
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She offered more and more dignity to herself and other people throughout the show.  It was part of her character’s development, part of her heroism. 
And that is another way of articulating why Xena is so awesome. 
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