bbbburrito · 3 years
Battlefield 2042 Beta Open, App Integrations, Merch and School
   Good evening you crazy cybernautic bean! There's a lot of things happening this month that I need to go over. A bunch of these updates have to do with technical shit. Then I also have to talk about future scheduling because of how hectic my school is going to be. There are some nuances when it comes to tech so bear with me. I'll touch up on each idea later on in the next blog so I can update you. What I am doing are dynamic projects that take time to implement and also require a lot of data which takes time to build.
The Main Idea
Google Analytics
   I was recently tasked by my marketing class To complete a LinkedIn learning project certification. I was able to choose Google Universal Analytics out of all the certifications and decided to implement that on my website. As I was going through the Google Analytics course, I learned how to collect data from geo locations (Not to the granular detail like actual home address) from IPs that visited my site. A couple people volunteered on my Discord a few days ago for testing and the data that was collected was beautiful. I'm able to manipulate data to understand the people that come to my site and hopefully this will help me cater my contents to different audiences depending on the volume of people who visit me from certain areas. GUA is very powerful and I hope to use it for the years to come. I eventually do want to sell merchandise in the most efficient way possible and hopefully this site will be able to tell me different aspects of my site like bounce rates, merchandise sales, and etc. For right now, I just want to look at the geo located traffic. I only have a couple days worth of data, but eventually I want to grow it to several years so I can accurately gauge demographics that watch me.
Battlefield 2042 Beta
   The Halo Infinite Beta test was a failure in part due to me having so many accounts with Microsoft. I created many Microsoft accounts over the past several years without deleting them and standardizing my games and accounts to one email address. Because of this, I did not have authorized  access to the beta because I used a multitude of emails to sign up for the Halo Insider program. This backfired and I wasn't able to access the beta when it came out in time. I won't let this happen again with the Battlefield 2042 Beta And hopefully when I access this it will be a little bit more standardized because I haven't opened many accounts with Origin. The beta should come out within 2 weeks and I will be playing that and multi-streaming.
App Integrations
   Over the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to integrate a lot of applications together using automated software from third parties. I mainly use zapier for cross-platform Integrations. It was mostly a success on various platforms with the exception of infinite feedback when I cross link several channels together. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that these application integrations did not come for free. Integrating through zapier costs a monthly fee of $20 per month. As much as I want to integrate these applications together, I decided to opt out for the meantime because the cost didn't justify the amount of people that come to my stream. I'm currently on a tight budget because I'm unemployed. With all the fixed costs from operating my website, buying merch, and trademarks my hands are tied behind my back. When I'm able to get a sufficient following on patreon, I will definitely reconsider. All of the integrations are still existing on my account. I'm able to have one integration on a basic free account. I'm using that integration to post to my Twitter automatically. If and when my patreon reaches a certain threshold of subscriptions, I will use it to automatically post across different media sites faster and more efficiently. One can only hope. As I posted on my Discord, here's a map of all the Integrations I currently have and future ones that I propose to do  I tried using other applications like IFTT, but nothing is as easy as zapier. Not only does it make my content automated, streamlining would be much easier and my workflow would be faster. Depending on how willing I am. I might buy this before I reach the patreon threshold just so I can blow up faster. I'm deciding  whether I'm getting big just based on my content alone or because of streamlining my media. However, Zapier would be a great boost.
   I do have new merch coming on in. I have brand new vinyl stickers that are 9 inches in diameter. I'm also constructing a longboard for marketing purposes. all of my materials have arrived now, but I need to find a way to present them within my stream so that more people would be interested in buying merchandise. I was originally just thinking about posting a couple pictures of my website. But because the majority of people that watch my streams are online watching my videos directly, I was thinking about adding a PNG with a transparent background using AVI  on Vegas. Right now all the merch is just sitting in my room. I need to find a better way to promote it so that people are interested in buying that stuff. That takes time and I think I'll be doing some editing at the end of the semester when I do have time. That or whenever the next holiday comes around.
Stream Schedule
   I had my first set of midterms last week. The results were all over the place. I kind of knew that I needed to focus more on studying. However, now that I have a good idea of how much it takes for me to study for a certain class, I think it is within my best interest to reduce my streaming to 2 hours from Thursday through Sunday. I will also stream earlier so that I do have time to finish up any class work or assignments for the next day. I have a tendency to procrastinate and utilizing that extra hour do dates of submissions is a game changer. Not only that but recently I've been feeling overwhelmed with 3 hours knowing that I have assignments that are due later on. This is only temporary, and it will definitely change throughout the time of the year and whether I have a break or not. The busier I am, the less I will stream and vice versa. This will also give me more time to focus on tasks like updating my stream bitrates, changing my settings and updating my websites; all which are important for a high quality stream.  My new schedule is Thursday - Sunday 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) Los Angeles.
   These are the beginnings of utilizing data to better help cater to my audience. I'm trying to lay down the infrastructure so that it'll be easier right now then later on in the long term. It looks a lot more professional and he retains people's attention a lot better. I have plenty more ideas to make my channel better but for right now I'm focusing on these things. Hopefully later on down the road I'll be able to measure my progress in October and see whether these new Integrations were worth something. Before this the biggest project I had was creating a network server and that could easily transfer data. That was a success. I'm trying to move on and apply that to the network that I have. My main goal is to just make things easier for everybody to find my content and get a couple laps in without having to click all over the place.
Thank you all for reading this update. I appreciate your time for reading this and I hope to see you soon!
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bbbburrito · 3 years
Just a quick link to my other media.
As you know, I have like a million accounts and try to access as many people as I can through different sites on the internet. So I try to consolidate all my links on my personal website. My link to the hub and other sites is spielgr.com. Feel free to follow those other sites or whatever is most accessible to you. I’ll be posting the majority of my content everywhere but if you want to support me or gain access to exclusive content, subscribe to my Patreon. Thank you for your time.
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bbbburrito · 3 years
Emotional First Donation. It’s been a rough year, and this validates what I’m doing. Thank you so much everyone.
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