bbcwhereareyou · 2 hours
It's called a hat! When you're at the hospital they put it over the toilet and the seat holds it in place and then you just sit on the toilet and pee like normal. I don't know why they don't give everyone a hat all the time, it's so much fucking easier.
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Having to pee into a cup when you have a vagina is so fucking annoying. It's like, where is the pee going to come out this time? And you're always wrong
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bbcwhereareyou · 9 hours
I am wearing hard pants for the first time in like a month.
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bbcwhereareyou · 22 hours
“I started brainstorming about doing it on a smaller scale,” she said. “I could do a bookmobile. There’s a long history of booksellers selling books on the road. It felt like an attainable way of opening a bookstore.” - Ariel Bissett
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bbcwhereareyou · 1 day
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bbcwhereareyou · 1 day
Apparently my 12 year old nibling is a furry and SIL and her husband let them go to school every day wearing a tail.
This was a lot of information to absorb from my MIL yesterday with no real segue from a related topic. She just came into the living room, flopped down on the couch, and started talking about how therianthropes are people who identify as animals or something.
2024 is a very different time than when I was in middle school, that's for sure.
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bbcwhereareyou · 1 day
“I’m sorry, what?!”
“A selkie is – ”
“I know what a selkie is! What I’m having trouble with is my best friend of twenty years suddenly dropping by to be like ‘Hey, by the way, I’m a mythical water beast!’”
Keep reading
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bbcwhereareyou · 2 days
*reasonable restrictions are ones you consider fair for your own safety or wellbeing, especially for things like graphic depictions of violence in relation to your age at the time (i.e. "you can read this when you're older")
not sure if books you read were banned? here is a archive of the top 10 most banned/challenged books from 2001-2022, hosted by the American Library Association
as well as the Wikipedia page for the Most Commonly Challenged Books in the United States
Wikipedia page for Books Banned by the Government, organized by region/country
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bbcwhereareyou · 2 days
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2020 so far
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bbcwhereareyou · 2 days
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bbcwhereareyou · 2 days
Joey, the rescued baby otter loves crunching ice.
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bbcwhereareyou · 2 days
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Quite proud of you, Watson. I give you as much credit for solving this case as I do myself.
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bbcwhereareyou · 3 days
Actually girlhood is being obsessed with a specific historical tragedy when you were like 9
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bbcwhereareyou · 3 days
@alfa-lima-limon On the subject of poufy dresses and sneakers, here's what I wore for our wedding!
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bbcwhereareyou · 3 days
don’t!!! fake!!!! your!!!! interests!!!! to!!!! make!!!! someone!!!! like!!!!! you!!!!
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bbcwhereareyou · 4 days
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It turns out I have some kind of bocce-ball sized cyst on my ovaries!
They're not sure how long it's been there because she said a cyst usually doesn't get that large and complex so fast, she thinks maybe it was already there but from the contortions of the heart surgery it shifted or the new prescription for warfarin made it bleed into itself or something.
The hospital's gynecological oncologist said it looks like it's in a pretty good spot (mostly in the front of my body, not up by my kidneys) and doesn't throw up any huge red flags so they want to be careful given the recent valve replacement not to stress my heart too much. So she's sending me to my cardiology checkup next week with a list of things they'd need to do to take care of it (stop warfarin for a few days, put me under anesthesia for x amount of time, body positioning, etc) so they can consult when would be a safe time to get rid of it.
In the meantime, drugs to manage pain.
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bbcwhereareyou · 4 days
Home sweet home, thank goodness. Man we really had it good at Penn on a well staffed surgical step down floor with private rooms and our own light control and an uncomfortable couch for our person.
That shower I just took was amazing.
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bbcwhereareyou · 4 days
Some woman came in because her dad had been brought here in an ambulance and HE DIED and then the doctor told her about it in the hallway in front of all these patients who don't have rooms, without even any privacy for that.
Chaos! This place is fucking chaos!
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