Tilted Chaos
Those who arrive at Thekla can see little of the city, beyond the plank fences, the sackcloth screens, the scaffolding, the metal armatures, the wooden catwalks hanging from ropes or supported by saw-horses, the ladders, the trestles. If you ask, 'Why is Thekla's construction taking such a long time?' the inhabitants continue hoisting sacks, lowering leaded strings, moving long brushes up and down, as they answer, 'So that its destruction cannot begin.' And if asked whether they fear that, once the scaffolding is removed, the city may begin to crumble and fall to pieces, they add hastily, in a whisper, 'Not only the city.'
If, dissatisfied with the answer, someone puts his eye to a crack in a fence, he sees cranes pulling up other cranes, scaffolding that embraces other scaffolding, beams that prop up other beams. 'What meaning does your construction have?' he asks. 'What is the aim of a city under construction unless it is a city? Where is the plan you are following, the blueprint?'
'We will show it to you as soon as the working day is over; we cannot interrupt our work now,' they answer.
Work stops at sunset. Darkness falls over the building site. The sky is filled with stars. 'There is the blueprint,' they say.”
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In my first design, I focused on illustrating the layered building style described in Cities and the Sky 3.  I focused on the constant construction on a small single household level.  I illustrated three different sections of the building to show the different construction projects on the same building to improve and keep it standing.  The supports are one of these add on that were necessary because the building started to lean.  They also fit the description of “trestles” and “ladders.”  Also, I imagine the space to be full of building materials.  That is why I have a pile of them at the base of the structure.  They will be needed for future and current projects.  The space as a whole is cluttered and full of movement, so in other words it is in slight chaos.  
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In my second design, I focused on the large-scale construction of the city.  Constant construction is necessary to stop the city from folding back in on itself.  When one construction project is finished the next must begin.  When one project is finished, there are two more buildings that need improvements.  The passage specifically mentions cranes so I took that literally and implemented cranes. The city is in never ending construction to stay functional.  
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Final Review 2: LYCEUM
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Daniel and Sean’s project LYCEUM is trying to issue support to the hurting community of Braddock. They initially focused on the history and story behind Braddock, explaining how Braddock has been producing steel for the last century and that the community took a devastating hit during the great depression.  Braddock is still fighting to recover from the great depression so many years ago.  To further advance the recovery process Daniel and Sean designed a community center with a design that was focused on layering and transparency.  Both layering and transparency were intended to create a building with a very inviting feel. With the smaller more human scaled structures at the edge of the road and the larger sections of the building away from the road members of the community won’t be as intimidated to enter the new community center.  In the designs of all the buildings glass will panel many wall so that the community on the outside can see in and thus feel more welcomed.  This center serves as a place of gathering for the community and contains space for events such as galleries, conventions, and town hall meetings.  The building has office space, galleries, and a ball room.  The ball room is not intended to get much use but stands out and is a treat for the community.  The critics had many comments on Daniel and Sean’s project.  They really liked the building’s architectural features and how they hinted and clued towards the surrounding building’s features.  They also liked how the center was not built on a massive scale.  The town of Braddock is not a large city so a large convention center is not needed.  However, they did find the truss work and some building techniques to lean more towards a very large building and were worried that those features might take away from the small town feel.  One critic felt that the adjectives, old and run down, used to describe the current building portrays them as some strangers who come to the community thinking they no best and not understanding the culture and needs of the people.  Ending on a positive note the critics loved the ball room.  They felt it provided a sense of optimism and was a wild card.  I tend to agree with this.  The ball room will not be used very often but the times that the community does use it, it will bring special memories and experiences to all.
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Final Review 1: STITCH
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Brain Simmon’s project STITCH was designed to invoke a process of healing for the small-town of Braddock in its state of widespread poverty and economic recession.  He designed a “museum that strives to stitch the wounds of Braddock’s past and help the town heal.”  The museum incorporates an old building still standing by using it as the center of the museum.  On either side of the restored building are two large, open glass and steel spaces. Almost like bookends two more brick buildings are on the ends of both open glass spaces.  The building focuses on the balance between steel and brick.  The older center of the building serves as office space while the open glass and steel space serves as a gallery for artwork and sculptures.  The critics really focused on Brian’s reasoning for using both steel and brick. Brain’s initial response when asked what his reasoning for the clear use of two different materials was that he wanted to create a balance with the surrounding community and buildings.  Braddock is known for producing steel and many of the other buildings downtown are structured mostly with brick.  Furthermore, regarding the brick and steel, one critic questioned the use of steel because the original portion of the building did not use any steel.  Another topic the critics brought up was the use and lack of focus on the original portion of the building.  They seemed to conclude that using the original part of the building as office space takes away from its specialness and make it serve and look like a generic office building.  One strength that a critic pointed out was the open space meant for the gallery.  It poses a visually appealing setting and is a pleasant open space.  Sitting in on this presentation differed from other ways I have learned in the sense that I could understand the concepts through a discussion among a group of individuals rather than listening to a single professor lecture.  
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Imaginative Library
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This art museum designed by Yuki Ikeguchi and Kengo Kuma reminds me of two things: a pyramid and The University of Tennessee’s Library.  The pyramidal shape of the building represents the art museums power as it portrays artwork full of passion and meaning.  Similarly with the UT library, the museum has box like structures forming a point at the top.  However, the UT library is symmetrical and straight demonstrating its order and logic, while the museum is off axis and angles representing its creativity and imagination.
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This phrase, “Farewell, Island turfs spruce roots, tarry stumps where I have walked in summer tramped all the winters lurking upon cloudy nights and fleeing in bad weather as I was hunting this grouse chasing this calloo”(11:279-348) along with other words and phrases like “island,” “100 men with their swords,” and “he got hired as a herdsmen” depict a large island that Lemminkainen traveled too.  This island is large full of experiences and stories.  Not only is it the home to many people but it also has a bit of open land for crops and animals.  The large developed city is home to many fair maidens including Kyllikki herself.  
 I see a calm and relaxed landscape until the music picks up.  Then it shifts to a fleeting landscape; the fast-paced music parallels the hooves of the horse moving quickly across the ground.  When the timpani come thundering in I see a settled landscape, a field of some kind that Lemminkainen and Kyllikki are stopped in and they are discussing very important issues.  As the Timpani becomes louder and louder their proposed oaths are taking place and once the timpani settle the oaths have been confirmed.  Thus the short and quick notes enter back again and the landscape goes passing by.
The phrase, “bring for me a fiery sword in fiery sheath with which I will shatter bars snatch away jinxes overturn the earth-envious defeat the water-wizards out in front of me to the rear of me above my head, to my side on both my flanks:”(12:281-351) along with the words “fiery,” “rumbles,” “villain,” and “flee” portray an experience inside of Lemminkainen’s house.  That experience being his anger for Kyllikki breaking her oath. This results in Lemminkainen wanting to go to war so he calls for his battle gear in great anger.
 The fast and anxious opening music parallels Lemminkainen’s sister rushing to the lake to deliver the news about Kyllikki to Lemminkainen.  The following mix of soft and calm music interrupted with the loud thunder of the timpani show the mother and Lemminkainen going back and forth in their house as to whether Lemminkainen should go off to war.  Here two tones and people clash and create conflict.  When silence falls in place of where the calm music should enter the mother has lost the argument.  Lemminkainen heads of to the north for war.  
The phrase, “He, wanton Lemminkainen kept skiing after the elk: he skied on swamps, skied on lands he skied upon open glades; fire swished from the skis smoke form the tips of the poles but he did not see his elk neither saw it nor heard it” (13:101-172) along with the words and phrases “wild reindeer,” “swished,” “swamps,” “lands,” “glades,” and “he slid thorugh one town” depict the large landscape in which Lemminkainen chased the demon elk around.  He chased him through all the different terrains of Finland: moutians, swamps, flat lands, populated towns.  The land of Finland is shown through Lemminkainen’s travels.
 Music:  The music flows elegantly and the strings calmly play their tune.  The musicians glide their bows over their instruments just as Lemminkainen skies through the different terrains in search of the demon elk.  It feels as if Lemminakinen calmly flows through the seasons as he flows through different terrain.  Since Lemminkainen never truly catches the elk the music’s tone never changes from calm and relaxing.  The Demon elk escapes and Lemminkainen is back where he started.
The phrase, “Dress them as of old in your better days: as the moon the spruce boughs shone and as the sun the pine tops the forest smelt of honey and of mead the blue backwoods the glade edges of wort, swamp edges of melted butter” (14:108-181) and the words and phrases “waterfowl on the banks,” “current,” “rapid roaring,” and “holy stream’s whirlpool” paint the picture of the river the Lemminkainen is killed at.  The river moving at a brisk pace surrounded by the pleasant smell of a lively forest filled with sweet smells of honey and berries.
 This entire fourth section is action packed with climactic scenes and the music reflects that with minimal to no slow tempo sections.  The entire piece is loud and suspenseful reflecting the intense capturing of the horse and the venomous snake biting Lemminkainen’s heart.  Towards the end the music there is a portion of constant ascent that parallels the snake swimming in the water. In the background the strings are consistently playing representing the constant flow of the water and the whirlpool.
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This bridge in the heart of Velenje, Slovenia encompasses a river running through it.  The goal of this project is to fit in with the rest of the city, a city known for being the garden city.  The effortless flow of the river to bridge and back into river shows that urbanism and nature do not have to be individuals yet can be combined to make something beautiful.  This structure takes the ripples in the river and smooths it out as it passes under the bridge to show the seeming less passing of the river.  Additionally the ridges in the sides allow for humans to gather and enjoy the world we live in.
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Order vs. Freedom (Design Exercise #2)
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In this scene the Roman army is approaching the last the the rebellious forces, looking to leave no prisoners of war.  There is a clear space between the destructive orderly Romans and the free rebels.  In this picture one can see the green lively forest holding the rebels and the desolate wasteland holding the romans.  The trees in this scene represent the freedom or the rebels and their enjoyable lives, while the romans desolate setting portrays the roman’s murderous nature.  This landscape portrays how as the Romans expand and conquer new land they strip the freedom and life away from others.  Maybe extreme order and power isn't the way to live?
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James Rose Guest Lecturer
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Out With the Old and in With the New
In James Rose’s lecture he overlaid three design projects that the students of the university here put together.  These projects were A Sun Space (UT Zero project), Living Lights, and AMIE 1.0.  The UT Zero project’s main goal was to incorporate free energy.  This was accomplished with the building’s solar panels which took in much more energy than the building required to run.  This building was a simple gathering place for individuals to get out of the weather.  In the winter the buildings south facing design and overhanging roof would naturally make the building warm while in the summer the building would be naturally cool.  To give the space the building occupied an open and relaxing feel, the structure incorporated floor based LED lighting and large glass windows that also served as walls.  The second project James Rose discussed is the Living Lights project: a house built in D.C. for a solar decathlon.  UT students competed in categories such as hot water, market appeal, and physical appearance.  This project had many of the same qualities as the UT Zero project, including the same lighting, glass paneling, and heating/cooling system.  This building was a house that had a kitchen, island, bed, bathroom, and living area.  In the competition, the house finished 8th out of 20 competitors while also creating twice the power it needed.  It is now at a children’s hospital here in Tennessee creating power the hospital and offering a space of gathering.  The third project, AMIE 1.0, was a project for 3D printing houses.  The houses would be printed in massive 3D printers, in many u-shaped pieces.  These pieces would then be put together to make a bean shaped structure.  Overall throughout the projects, one message is clear: in today’s developing world there are many new and intriguing technologies that are being incorporated in today’s architecture.  
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Not so Different
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This building has not yet been built, but Daniel Libeskind's firm plans to have the building construction begin in 2018 and be completed in 2020.  This building will push to break the misconception that nature and construction are completely independent of one another.  This building will unify the two, and show the world the beauty of man and God’s creations together.   This building will be the only skyscraper in its city in France.  It will demonstrate that the future should eliminate the boundaries between cities and nature.  As the first skyscraper in the city it will be stepping in a new direction, hopefully pulling the rest of the city’s future and current architecture with it.
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This building is trying to communicate the progress of mans technology.  This setting reminds me of the ever so old biblical parable of the two men building their house on rock and sand, ultimately ending with the building build on sand washing away.  This house built directly on a sand dune stands tall and proud.  It exemplifies the architectural feats that our world can now complete.  No longer is a sturdy rock foundation needed for a building to stay upright.  This building expands our boundaries as it increases the number of areas we as humans can build our homes.
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The Calm Before the Storm .
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As the general brushes his hand across the tall grass, the still blades move from their still position. The general stands motionless in the empty field and glances around at the scene before him.  As he pauses nature pauses along with him.  The birds stop on stare.  The crickets silence their chirping and wait for whatever is to come. Three horses and their riders enter the empty desolated field on the edge of a sparse forest.   The men accompany the general to the army on the other side of the field providing the first bit of movement to the still area.  The general’s army fills the area before the forest presenting itself in straight orderly lines.  The men are at rest waiting for commands, wondering what the next move will be.  Their weapons are not drawn a murmur emits from the soldiers.  The well-respected general walks through the rows of his troops encouraging them and strengthening them with his presence, for the soldiers believe they can accomplish anything with.  The soldiers in the back continue to fall into rank creating more and more rows to the armies orderly and exact formation.  They roll in the large wooden catapults in line at the back of all the men. From the sparse forest the static army watches as a single white horse carries a headless rider from the woods signaling that the battle is about to begin.  The opposing army appears from the forest, holding no form of ranks, and appearing randomly across the edge of the woods.  The neat and orderly army eye up the reckless and unorganized opposition and await orders from their general.
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This office building’s apperance comes across as multiple individual pieces put together.  They all come together to make one unified building. Someone with the right eye can take things that don't seem like they fit together and put them together.  This building does not fit the classicism model and shows that the new more modern architecture needs to look at things with a different lens.  A lens that uses looks and designs, such as inverted balconies and glass walls.
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Hard Comfort
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This piece shows how architects in todays modern age are shifting to architecture that allows us as humans to interact with it.  This building takes cold hard concrete and gives it shape that represents a landscape.  By doing this the building comes across as relaxing and calm even though it is made almost entirely out of concrete.  I love how this building utilizes its roof and a place of gathering and as a lookout over the city.  Most buildings have an roof with no upkeep and no excitement.  This curvy building is a nice break from the box like buildings that surround it.  The roof being formatted as a landscape brings nature to the city in a similar manner Central Park does to New York.
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The main message that Gale Fulton was trying to get across in his lecture was that landscape architecture encompasses so much more than simply designing an aesthetically pleases lawn. Instead of focusing solely on aesthetics landscape architectures include many ecological and social aspects into their work.  For example, in Chattanooga, landscape architectures took a mound of toxic waste and turned it into a positive with the stream in the photo above.  Additionally, landscape architecture includes the “retrofitting of old architecture.”  This can be seen in the sky line that overlooks New York.  The sky line was once an old elevated railroad track but now has been converted into a beautiful space to sit down and take in the views of New York city.  “Green” infrastructure is another aspect of landscape architecture that strays away from the traditional designing of the space between the building and the curb. “Green” infrastructure is when the designs help and support the nature around them.  For example, after the superstorm Sandy hit New York, oyster reefs were created out on the water.  Not only did they serve as an aesthetically pleasing look but the oysters that they shelter filter through an enormous amount of water.  Fulton also discussed how landscape architecture is not limited to small spaces like a yard.  It also applies to large frontiers and territories.  These areas are much more open ended with regards to the social, political, and ecological aspects.  On such a large scale, it is impossible to know the complete workings of every system in play. Throughout these examples, Gale Fulton’s message remained clear: landscape architecture does include designing the front lawn but that is such a small aspect of the field for it expands in so many different and diverse directions.
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After a long stressful day of school, struggling my very hardest to both stay awake and understand the new, confusing content, I like to take a step away from the hustle and bustle of the day by settling in at the library.  I get into my car and drive off campus out of the city, through the trees and up to the great cedar block building.  As I walk in, the strict and powerful look of the cedar block building transitions to a calm and peaceful setting.  I grab a seat at a table near the large wall of windows, overlooking the trees and shrubbery.  The dark bookshelves and dark wood lining the walls matches the exterior nature around the building.  The smooth transition from interior to exterior causes the windows to become less and less noticeable.  I unzip my backpack and begin to work on my schoolwork assigned earlier that day.  I sit there and work until I get stuck on my physics and become frustrated.  I lean back in my chair and take in a deep breath and look around.  I look outside and see the trees swaying in the wind, a leaf falling to the ground every now and then.  Feeling relaxed, I make another attempt at my puzzling question and eventually figure it out.  By now it has gotten late and the sun has begun to set, shining its rays on the floor of the library.  The shadows of the bookshelves parallel the long stretching shadows of the trees outside. Having been satisfied from a good day of work, I pack my things both calm and relaxed.  I leave the quiet sanctuary of the library to enter the busy world around me once again.
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To Infinity and Beyond
“These sorts of drawings enable us to step back, to look, and to learn to understand that which has not yet come into being and which has just started to emerge”
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I find this quote extremely interesting because I have never considered blueprints as a glance into the future.  I have never thought of them as ideas of the present and buildings of the future.  They do however lack a future look at how a certain building will be interacted with.  Blueprints can only show the building itself and its features but it cannot show how different kinds of people will view it. Rockets that would take men to the moon were once a image of a piece of paper that illustrated the future plans of NASA.
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As an 8 year old I got to visit the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.  I remember getting to the tunnel of water above and feeling as if I was in the water with the sharks and fish.  Observing the sharks and fish was completely flipped, instead of looking down at the I was looking up.  The tunnel had a moving side walk that created a sense of movement as if you were swimming through the water.  The whole tunnel created an viewing experience that distinguished itself from others.
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“Work stops at sunset. Darkness falls over the building site. The sky is filled with stars. 'There is the blueprint,' they say.” -Cities and the Sky 3
With humans and building towards the skies there are no limits. Progress will never be satisfied with a certain height or a certain size.  Cities today don't grow outward but upward.  The tallest building in the world stands for a few months, years, or maybe decades before it is surpassed in height by a new champion.  Humans will never stop surpassing the accomplishments of the past, for a city is not a city unless it is growing upwards.  Development and growth are defining characteristics of a city and just like human desire to succeed and be the best that will never change.  But what is the final goal? Is there an actual limit? Man may never have a set height in mind but the physical world may cease the ever-growing goals.
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