bbyberries · 3 years
Tarot Notes #02 <3
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A compilation of tarot notes based on my experience and observations as a tarot reader.
🍃 Want to try tarot but you don't have a tarot deck yet? You can use a website that pick items from a list (eg; randomresult.com). Simply key in all the tarot card names, ask a question, shuffle as many times as you feel needed and bam. You got the cards. Now all you have to do is search up the meaning on google!
🍃 A good way to work on your intuition is to just write down whatever comes to mind, no matter how much you think it doesn't resonate or how insignificant you think it is.
🍃 Adding onto the above, there's been so many times where I hesitated on writing something down in a reading but I did anyway and that something that I thought was insignificant or didn't resonate ended up resonating so well with the client.
🍃 Tarot decks can't lie to you, they're objects, how they gonna lie?
🍃 The reason readings don't resonate is because:
🍃 (a) the reader cannot connect well with the client's energy which is why it's important to find a good tarot reader for you. Finding a good tarot reader for you is like finding a friend. Naturally, you won't connect with certain people and you connect better with certain others.
🍃 (b) the client's limiting beliefs. Eg; if you don't believe or you're in doubt about the existence of your soulmate and you ask a reader who your soulmate is, then it won't resonate because you don't believe your soulmate exists. And instead of getting a reading that tells you about your soulmate, you get a reading that tells you about yourself instead.
🍃 (c) spirits messing with your reading. Most of the spirits that mess with your reading are overprotective spirit guides. They come visit you uninvited when you're trying to get cards out and if they don't like what you're doing, they'll mess with your reading.
🍃 or simply (d) the reader made mistakes like misinterpreting the cards, asking multiple different questions at the same time, using cards that aren't related to the reading (remember the too much jumper cards comment I said in my previous notes?), etc.
🍃 A tip for reading court cards; assign them to a specific theme (people, situations or the client's inner self) so that when it comes out in a reading, you won't get confused on what it represents.
🍃 If you didn't know yet; your spirit guides can get very attached to a deck that they really like. One way to find out is to connect with your spirit guides and ask if any of them are attached to this deck (treat it as a yes/no question). Some people don't read for other people with a deck that their spirit guide is attached to but ultimately, it's up to you and your spirit guide.
🍃 Also, tarot decks can have an existential crisis where they would feel very lifeless and quiet. However, they'd still be able to do readings well.
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🍃 The pentacle symbol represents the 5 elements coming together; earth, air, fire, water and spirit. It's also a symbol of protection.
🍃 Did I mention that the Six of Wands is the ultimate card for success?
🍃 When the Kings/Queens + the Magician comes out during a reading, it can mean someone has a lot of power and influence over others. This can both be a good and bad thing.
🍃 When the Moon + the Magician or the Devil comes out, it can represent someone who wants or is trying to deceive you.
🍃 Eight of Swords can represent victim mentality because in most illustrations, the person is able to escape the situation if they just put a bit of effort into it but instead, they do nothing.
🍃 Don't forget that the Sun can also relate to youth, children and inner child.
🍃 The Lovers, 2 of Cups and 4 of Wands are the best cards to get for a love reading.
🍃 To me, the 2 of Cups represents soulmates.
🍃 And the 4 of Wands represents marriages (long lasting relationships), twin flames and even a past life connection.
🍃 Six of Cups can be negative in a financial or career reading, representing that you're being too childish and carefree.
🍃 Wheel of Fortune can represent someone who believes in fate and that everything happens for a reason.
🍃 Since the High Priestess represents someone full of wisdom, they could also be someone who pursues higher education or someone who had already done so.
🍃 Knight of Cups can represent a hopeless romantic.
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🍃 Different publishers have different deck designs.
🍃 Tarot decks published by Llewellyn Publications have huge casings, guidebooks that have more than 250+ pages and their cards are smooth, standard size and thickness.
🍃 Liminal11 have unique casings for their decks; a magnetic box with semi-circle holes at the bottom sides and another box inside it. Some of their guidebooks are hardcover but small.
🍃 Some Lo Scarabeo tarot decks also have unique casings; their casings have a cover on the top that you can open like a jar. Their guidebooks are multilanguage and because there's limited space in the book, there's little information in them. Oh, they also give two useless extra cards.
🍃 Speaking of guidebooks, reversal meanings are not much talked about in guidebooks and I don't like that.
🍃 Anyway, Rockpool Publishing has published the most amount of gorgeous decks. You can't fight me on this.
🍃 Sasha Graham is a really good tarot deck author, her tarot decks have an interesting story/plot to them.
🍃 By far, the decks that give out the most amazing energy are Tarot of the Divine and White Numen.
🍃 When I use the White Numen tarot deck, it feels like I'm conversing with an actual person. I think it's the deck itself.
🍃 The Linestrider tarot deck is pretty passive and quiet (but it does readings well!). Maybe it's resting or doing some self-reflection? I don't know.
🍃 Goetia: Tarot in Darkness (aka my demon deck) is surprisingly very feminine — it introduced itself with the Empress. Also, it does amazing 18+ readings.
🍃 So far, the easiest deck for me to do intuitive tarot readings with is the Ethereal Visions Illuminated tarot deck. The imagery of the cards is just amazing and easy to work with.
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So that's all from me today! Hope you enjoyed this UwU Don't forget to take care of yourself and stay hydrated <33 Also, the gifs used are not mine!
♡ Masterlist: Here
♡ Paid readings: Here
♡ Tip jar: Ko-Fi
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bbyberries · 3 years
Let’s talk about •••
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••• Spirit Work
• Spirit Work 101
Spirit Work is a term that was coined very recently, mostly having an upsurge with the new age witchcraft in social medias - that is not to say that the practice of communicating with spirits is new, rather, that such a term can be used in an overgeneralized manner. That in turn leads to misinformation about the topic.
•• So, what is Spirit Work?
Broadly, it is seen as a witchcraft practice where a person uses their abilities to communicate with spirits - people who have passed, guides, ancestors and such. What the term doesn’t clarify is that there are a multitude of ways in doing that, from religious practices to self developed methods as well as the target audience of that spirit work.
Taking a look at the word spirit we find the first divergence of intent: those stated before all fall in the category of deceased human spirits; then we have those who through their animistic or similar beliefs include the spirits of animals and all beings (and “things”) who once lived. Then, we have another category, those that communicate with the otherworldly and nature centred beings that have passed (though most commonly those are still alive), such as the Fae. Others include communication with deities in this practice, and lastly, we have another modality of those that work with the essence of spirits, be they dead or alive - they are included for they too have soul. • This is the first break, and as such themes and different styles of practitioners can already be found, most commonly used are Mediums, Healers, Channelers, Communicators.
Outside of that, we have believers and followers of certain religions that also have this designated space for that type of communication, though I won’t go into detail for this, Norse Paganism, Spiritism and African Traditional and Descending Religions, are some of them.
••• So, no, it is not a bad thing that this practice has been disseminated and made accessible to all practitioners, witches, pagans and heathens out there - but one must always take a step back and analyze the information they have as well as the intent they will follow in this path.
Spirit Work is no game, it can have serious consequences and that should not discourage you to try - rather, encourage you to be attentive and take it seriously.
• What not to do
This here, at least for me (but feel free to add on or disagree, the beauty of the community are the different methods after all) - are some of the absolute don’ts when practicing Spirit Work, divided in two topics as there is a theoretical and a practical side to it.
• Theoretical
Don’t immediately go following any instructions, no matter if they explicitly are for summoning, inviting or channeling or just imply that it’ll make your communication with spirits easier.
Because: You need to be 100% aware of what exactly you are doing, though there are some good sources, it is always good to double and even triple check ingredients, intents and procedures before starting anything.
Don’t begin anything if you don’t have contingency plans and a way to clear a possible mess up.
Because: When doing this type of work, you are the only thing you have control of - spirits can be volatile, especially if you’re starting communication with ones you never had contact with before. Plan ahead and certify yourself that even if something goes out of what was expected you'll be able to deal with it.
• Practical
Don’t call forth anything that you have no idea what and who exactly it is.
Because: There are opportunistic spirits that excel in impersonating. If your intentions are unclear when channeling or inviting someone or something they can and will take the chance. Be clear about who you are working with.
Don’t be rude or insistent towards spirits.
Because: Spirits deserve respect, and as such, you won’t want to anger an immaterial being just because of impatience. Treat them as you would like to be treated. Being firm doesn’t mean being rude.
Don’t keep your sensitivity channel open, if you can.
Because: The Spirit World is everywhere, and it exists alongside our material World. When working with spirits you’ll see that there are moments you need to distance yourself otherwise the input will be constant. Learn how to control and lock your sensitivity as it is being developed to minimize bothersome encounters or overload of inputs.
Don’t do your Spirit Work in any place - reserve a specific place for it.
Because: Not only is this a sign of respect towards the spirits you’ll be communicating with, but it also makes it easier for you to control, cleanse and protect that environment.
•• How to
Preparation and Protection
After that many Dont´s, we finally go towards the Do´s. Let me get this right, I by nature am extremely paranoid, and due to that I find preparation and protection essential to control variables, be confident and to keep calm - like this, I don’t fear the unknown nor the uncontrollable because one way or another I'm ready for it.
Now, once again, these preparatory and protective steps will depend a lot on what method of Spirit Work you’re practicing, but some of them are pretty universal and these are the one’s I’ll be passing on to you.
• To Prepare
A spirit worker's body and spirit must always be clear, attentive and sensible. To prepare you must do whatever rituals pertain to your practice, that prepare you emotionally, psychologically and spiritually to deal and work with spirits.
This might include meditation, trance work, cleansing rituals and so on - this takes off the layer of mundane impressions that could marr your interpretation and leave you like a clean slate through which the Spirit’s voice can be clearly understood.
Your working space should also be clean on any influencing energies, organized and quiet enough (or loud enough depending on your vertent) for you to focus solely on the presence you’ll be working with.
I particularly find that asking for permission and guidance from my guides always makes this preparation process easier, as that is their realm and their ponctuations, advice and warnings are always welcome.
• Being Protected
There are three points of protection: Your Body (which is the conductor of your energy), Your Mind (which contains your Spirit - though not all beliefs follow this) and Your House (or de place you do your Spirit work).
These three should be duly protected and warded as you see fit before you start your spirit work. Methods for those vary as they can be easily found around the internet, in books and such. I wouldn’t be able to tell you which method of protection and warding you’ll prefer, which you’ll absolutely trust to work and which will be ideal to your specific target audience with spirit work but, one advice: Never share all ingredients nor steps of your protection and warding spells.
You may realize that I rarely, if ever, post spells. The answer is simple: any spell can be counteracted, especially if people know everything you used.
And trust me when I say that these protection and warding spells of your for Spirit Working are ones you wouldn’t like to be tampered with.
•••• 👁 ••••
For now that’s it, this post was very broad as I talked about general warnings and things of importance that precede the practice of Spirit Working. It’ll be a short series of posts, with only two.
The second one will be more action centered, most likely bigger with explanations of what to do in each case of spirit working. Till then, yeah?
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bbyberries · 3 years
How to Predict Timing with Tarot
When performing the Celtic Cross, there are three positions that can reveal when the event will happen: The Advice, The Ultimate Outcome, and The Underworld. Acknowledge all these possibilities. But your intuition will tell you which is most likely.
The Fool – Whenever you are ready
The Magician – It has already begun
The High Priestess – You know exactly when
The Empress – During harvest season
The Emperor – It is almost done
The Hierophant – It is finished
The Lovers – As soon as you make the choice
The Chariot – In just a few moments
Strength – The minute you accept it
The Hermit – Only after you meditate on it
The Wheel of Fortune – During your first or next Saturn Return
Justice – When you least expect it
The Hanged Man – When the circumstances change
Death – Whenever it is ready
Temperance – After the storm
The Devil – It is happening right now
The Tower – Soon, unexpectedly and suddenly
The Star – The more you believe, the sooner it will happen
The Moon – It cannot be determined at the moment
The Sun – In the summer or by sunrise
Judgement – Soon and inevitably
The World – In divine timing
Ace of Wands – One day
Two of Wands – Two days
Three of Wands – Three days
Four of Wands – Four days
Five of Wands – Five days
Six of Wands – Six days
Seven of Wands – Seven days
Eight of Wands – Eight days
Nine of Wands – Nine days
Ten of Wands – Ten days
Page of Wands – As we speak
Knight of Wands – End of November to most of December
Queen of Wands – End of March to most of April
King of Wands – End of July to most of August
Ace of Cups – One month
Two of Cups – Two months
Three of Cups – Three months
Four of Cups – Four months
Five of Cups – Five months
Six of Cups – Six months
Seven of Cups – Seven months
Eight of Cups – Eight months
Nine of Cups – Nine months
Ten of Cups – Ten months
Page of Cups – Very soon
Knight of Cups – End of February to most of March
Queen of Cups – End of June to most of July
King of Cups – End of October to most of November
Ace of Swords – One week
Two of Swords – Two weeks
Three of Swords – Three weeks
Four of Swords – Four weeks
Five of Swords – Five weeks
Six of Swords – Six weeks
Seven of Swords – Seven weeks
Eight of Swords – Eight weeks
Nine of Swords – Nine weeks
Ten of Swords – Ten weeks
Page of Swords – Now, behind the scenes
Knight of Swords – End of May to most of June
Queen of Swords – End of September to most of October
King of Swords – End of January to most of February
Ace of Pentacles – One year or one season (3 months)
Two of Pentacles – Two years or two seasons (6 months)
Three of Pentacles – Three years or three seasons (9 months)
Four of Pentacles – Four years or four seasons (one year)
Five of Pentacles – Five years or five seasons (15 months)
Six of Pentacles – Six years or six seasons (18 months)
Seven of Pentacles – Seven years or seven seasons (21 months)
Eight of Pentacles – Eight years or eight seasons (2 years)
Nine of Pentacles – Nine years or nine seasons (2 years and 3 months)
Ten of Pentacles – Ten years or ten seasons (2 years and 6 months)
Page of Pentacles – It will take quite a while
Knight of Pentacles – End of August to most of September
Queen of Pentacles – End of December to most of January
King of Pentacles – End of April to most of May
To Help You Remember:
Wands are days, because they are fire, and fire moves fast.
Swords are weeks, because while a sword is quick to cut, it first requires some thinking on the warrior’s part.
Cups are months, because they are water, and water flows with the moon, which completes a cycle in roughly a month.
Pentacles are seasons to years, because they are seeds, and some seeds only require a season to grow while others need a year.
The timings for the Major Arcana and the Pages are related to the cards’ meanings. Once you know the meanings, you know the timings.
The Kings, Queens and Knights are the Zodiac signs’ birthdays:
King of Wands – Leo (Fixed Fire)
Queen of Wands – Aries (Cardinal Fire)
Knight of Wands – Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
King of Cups – Scorpio (Fixed Water)
Queen of Cups – Cancer (Cardinal Water)
Knight of Cups – Pisces (Mutable Water)
King of Swords – Aquarius (Fixed Air)
Queen of Swords – Libra (Cardinal Air)
Knight of Swords – Gemini (Mutable Air)
King of Pentacles – Taurus (Fixed Earth)
Queen of Pentacles – Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
Knight of Pentacles – Virgo (Mutable Earth)
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bbyberries · 4 years
Shapes in magick
Circle: The sun and moon, enlightenment, unity, wholeness, infinity, perfection, ideals, protection, containment, gods/deities, rebirth and completion, and the element of spirit 
Triangle: The triangle is heavily associated with the power of three, and ergo the following concepts/rules:
Birth, life, death
Past, present, future
3 stars on Orion’s belt
Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Beginning, middle, end
Sunrise, noon, sunset
Body, mind, heart
It is also associated with summoning symbols. Orientation matters just as much as the actual shape when it comes to triangles, as a point-down triangle symbolizes femininity, earth and water, goddesses, and the decent into the physical world. Meanwhile a pointed-up triangle represents stability, foundation, air and fire, energy flows, ascents into the after life/spiritual realm, and masculine elements. 
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Square: associated with the number 4, it is a nod to the main compass directions, the physical elements, seasons, solidity, static perfection and dependability, and the material world in general. In many other cultures the square also generally means order, safeness, and a square in most cultures is a meeting place or plaza at the heart of a city (ie town square, etc.)
Spiral: relating to circles, it is one of the oldest geometric shapes and associates with the achievement of the altered states of consciousness
Infinity: the infinity symbol represents reincarnation, lessons/knowledge, the maternial plane, the karmic circle a calling to wake up and rise, and derives from Uraeus, which is a magical cobra found commonly in ancient Egypt records and means either “the coiled one” or mehet, or “the risen one” or iaret, but both times the snake is depicted in this position. 
“What very few people discover (or remember) is that the symbolism of the Infinity comes from the great Uraeus, symbols of the Goddess Wadjet… What this symbolic act represents, is that one will never have true power until s/he realizes the divine power within.” -  5 Surprising Secrets of the Infinity Symbol ∞ by Mind Journal
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Stars(5 pointed): also called a pentagram, the five pointed star represents the five human elements (air, earth, fire, water, spirit) and it is a symbol of protection and warding in many cultures, including wicca, which witchcraft takes the heaviest influence from. While many see the pentagram as satanic, what they tend to forget is that a five pointed star is a type of pentagram, but the lines in the center of the pentagram tend to be left in. Similar in design is a pentacle, which in merely a pentagram with a circle added around it, but in general they are all similar in design concept. 
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bbyberries · 4 years
Guardians of the Garden Protection Spell
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To give your green witch’s garden or houseplants an extra boost of protection, whether you call upon the spirits of nature, the elements, or the Green Man, this spell will ensure that special guardian stones will be keeping an eye on your plants. For this spell, if you are protecting a garden, you will need 4 medium sized stones. If you’re protecting houseplants or a few potted herbs, a small stone in each pot will suffice. You can choose any stones to be your guardians that you feel drawn to, but if you have hagstones, they make excellent protectors as they’re capable of warding off evil, curses, and hexes.
For the Spell:
Place the stones in the four corners of your garden, or place one stone in each of your potted plants. If using all four stones in your garden, they will represent the four elements and the four directions: North is earth, East is air, south is fire, and west is water.
As you place each one of the four stones in your garden, or after placing ones in your potted plants, say: “Powers of the elements, watch over my garden from the north, east, south, and west. Protect my land and what grows in the soil. Protect those who harvest, gather, and toil. We offer you our thanks and our gratitude. Blessed be.”
Keep an eye on the stones every season and tidy them up as needed. Take care of the stones and show them appreciation, and they will continue to guard your garden.
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bbyberries · 4 years
💀Skeleton Key
For a long time keys have been symbols of unlocking doors and portals. 
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🔑Carry a key with you to help remove obstacles standing in your way and unlock doors of opportunities. 
🔑While meditating or astral travelling, hold a key to unlock any doors you may encounter in your visions.
🔑Hang an antique key above the main entrance of your home for protection and to block negative energy from entering. 
🔑Decorate your key with sigils, symbols, etc. to give it more strength. 
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bbyberries · 4 years
30 Days of Deity Devotion: Odin (Day 11)
Festivals, days, and times sacred to this deity
We don’t know a lot about Old Norse religious festivals, but Odin seems to have had a special association with Yule. One of his many names, Jölföðr, often translated as “Yule Father,” hints at this connection. I know of some Heathen groups who invoke Odin during divination rituals in their Yule celebrations, and author Morgan Daimler says that in their house, Odin as Jölföðr is the one who brings presents for the children, similar to Santa Claus. I personally honor all of the gods at Yule, but I do feel a special connection to Odin at this time. 
Odin’s sacred day is Wednesday. The word “Wednesday” comes from the Old English “wōdnesdæg,” a.k.a., Woden’s day. I know some people like to plan rituals honoring Odin on Wednesdays, but honestly I’ve never had any trouble connecting to him on other days. 
Odin: Meeting the Norse Allfather by Morgan Daimler
The Way of Fire and Ice by Ryan Smith
Dr. Jackson Crawford’s YouTube channel (dude with a Ph.D. in Old Norse explains Norse mythology in easy-to-understand terms)
A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Asatru by Patricia M. Lafayllve 
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bbyberries · 4 years
Energy Work: Energy Types and Sources
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Independent Energy
Independent energy is a type of energy that never loses it’s charge or can recharge on its own with little to no help from outside sources.
Personal energy is the energy that your body makes by itself. It is most commonly recharged by sleeping and calorie consumption and can be easily used as a source in most aspects of witchcraft.
Organic energy is derived from life. This includes humans, plants, animals, and some entities. These can be used as sources. Personal energy falls under this category but is distinguished for crafting purposes.
Rooted energy is the most common source to recharge from and it has a substantial or near unlimited amount of energy. This includes planetary bodies, the elements, and the weather.
Artistic energy is a non-sentient type of energy created by an artist. Despite being able to affect the emotions of those who view or listen to it, the energy itself is trapped within the original product. This energy can be duplicated and used as a source for other creations and magical purposes. This includes things like music, paintings, movies, or stories.
Dependent Energy
Dependent energy is energy that depends on other sources of energy to prevent becoming stagnant with usage over time.
Natural energy is stored in objects not created by humans. It is limited as a source and has to be recharged to keep its individual characteristics. This includes things like crystals, stones, and dead matter.
Manufactured energy is stored in objects created by humans. This includes things like paper, clothing, and machines.
Spiritual energy is created from organic energy sources or nature itself. They heavily depend on other sources of energy in order to maintain themselves. This includes once-living spirits, thoughtforms, and nature spirits.
Programmed energy is a non-sentient energy that is created for a purpose. It can be crafted from any energy source and needs to be recharged in order to continue doing its duty. It can be a free-flowing energy or it can be stored in a vessel. This includes things like spells, curses, and enchantments.
Emotional energy is a non-sentient type of energy created by emotions, thoughts, and words. If fed into, it can turn into an energy parasite. If not fed into, it will neutralize. It can permeate into the world around it or stick to its creator.
Parasitic energy is a non-sentient type of energy and is generally an outcome of sustained emotional energy. It feeds on and encourages the original emotions it stems from and is stuck to a host.
Consumable energy is a non-sentient energy source that is stored in food products. This includes things like harvestable food and crafted food.
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bbyberries · 4 years
A ‘Holy Mumbo Jumbo’ List of Color Correspondences (Includes Zodiac Signs)
Absorbing Energy, Balance, Banishing Negativity, Black Magic, Beginnings, Binding, Civil Servants, Challenges, Creating, Criminals, Death, Debts, Defense, Discoveries, Divination, Elders, Farming, Grounding, Justice, Karma, Law, Learning, Manifestation, Material Gain, Overcoming Obstacles, Patience, Plumbing, Pride, Protection, Real Estate, Rebirth, Release, Repelling, Reversing, Sacrifice, Safety, Scrying, Soothing Anxiety, Tests, Truth, Uncrossing, Understanding Limits, Unhexing, Wills, Wisdom. 
Blue (Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces):
Astral Projection, Communication, Calming, Doctors, Domestic Harmony, Elevation, Fidelity, Focus, Forgiveness, Foreign Countries/Cultures, Good Fortune, Growth, Happiness, Higher Education, Horses, Increase Wisdom, Insight, Introspection, Joy, Long Distance Travel, Loyalty, Luck, Meditation, Oceans, Opportunity, Organization, Patience, Peace, Philosophy, Political Power, Reading, Religion, Remove Confusion, Removing Bad Energy, Sincerity, Social Standings, Sports, Truth, Water, Wealth, Willpower
Brown (Scorpio, Capricorn):
Animal/Pet Magick, Animals, Concentration, Construction, Decision Making, Earth, Earth Magick, Endurance, Financial Crisis, Finding Lost Things, Focus, Food, Fruitfulness, Generosity, Goods, Grounding, Harvest, Health Of Pets and Livestock, House Blessing, Improve Concentration, Material Goods, New Beginnings, Real Estate, Security, Sound, Stability, Telepathy 
Business Success, Career Growth, Fertility, Money, Passion 
Divination, Divinity, Fast Luck, Great Fortune, Health, Justice, Luxury, Male Energy, Masculinity, Positive Attitude, Prosperity, Understanding, Solar/Sun Energy 
Contemplation, Glamour, Loneliness, Removing Negative Influence 
Green (Aquarius, Cancer):
Abundance, Acceptance, Affection, Alliances, Artistic Ability, Beauty, Beginnings, Change, Cosmetics, Counteract, Courage, Decorating, Employment, Emotion Health, Envy, Fertility, Fae, Gardening, Garden Magick, Gifts, Grace, Greed, Growth, Harmony, Healing, Herbal Magick, Hope, Immortality, Income, Increased Love, Increased Trust, Jealousy, Jobs, Luck, Luxury, Marriage, Money, Partnerships, Peace, Physical Health, Plant Magick, Prosperity, Rebirth, Relationships, Social Activity, Success, Soulmates, Trees, Weather 
Ambition, Dignity, Divination, Meditation, Psychic Ability, Spiritual Guidance, Stop Gossip/Lies, Overcome Depression 
Intuition, Knowledge 
Light Blue:
Peace, Protection, Spirituality, Tranquility 
Orange (Leo, Sagittarius):
Abandonment, Action, Ambition, Breaking Down Barriers, Business Success, Celebration, Creativity, Dominance, Fun, Harvest, Intellectual Matters, Investments, Joy, Justice, Kindness, Legal Matters, Material Gain, Mental Alertness, Opportunity, Overcoming Addiction, Sealing a Spell, Self Expression, Strength, Releaving Depression, Vitality 
Calming, Compassion, Domestic Harmony, Emotional Healing, Emotions, Femininity, Friendship, Gardening, Getting a Move on, Harmony, Healing, Homosexuality, Honor, Infants, Love, Maturity, New Beginnings, Nurturing, Partnership, Personal Success, Physical Energy, Protection of Children, Relaxation, Romance, Self Improvement, Self Love, Spiritual Healing, Woodworking
Breaking a Habit, Contact with Spirits, Change Luck, Drive away Evil, Government, Independence, Influence, Spiritual Power, Wisdom  
Red (Scorpio, Aries):
Ambition, Action, Assertiveness, Business Deals, Combat, Competition, Conflict, Confrontation, Courage, Danger, Desire, Energy, Fertility, Fire Element, Health, Hunting, Independence, Mechanical Things, Mercury, Motivation, Passion, Renewal, Repairs, Self-Esteem, Sexual Potency, Sports, Strength, Vitality, War 
Silver: Communication, Divination, Dreams, Feminine Divinity, Gambling, Luck, Intuition, Medication, Moon Magick, Psychic Awareness, Victory
Violet (Capricorn, Gemini, Sagittarius):
Astrology, Clairvoyance, Clarity, Connection to Higher Self, Correspondences, Education, Forgiveness, Goddess, Heal Wounded Pride, Hidden Forces, Humility, Insight, Intelligence, Justice, Meditation, Memory, Messages, Occult, Psychic Power, Relief Of Emotional Hurt
White (Pisces):
Confidence, Connection to  Higher Self, Connection to Spirits, Cycle of Life, Enlightenment, Endings, Freedom, Goddesses, Health, Imitation, Inspiration Mental Clarity, New Beginnings, Outgoingness, Poise, Protection, Purification, Shyness, Transformation 
Yellow (Taurus Libra):
Astral Projection, Clarity, Communication, Constancy, Faith, Flexibility, Friendship, Happiness, Harmony, Healing, Humility, Imagination, Inspiration, Intellect, Inventiveness, Knowledge, Learning, Life, Memory, Optimism, Persuasion, Pleasure, Productivity, Protection, Self-esteem, Spirit Communication, Solar Magick, Success, Telepathy, Travel, Understanding 
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bbyberries · 4 years
Sun: personality and ego Moon: emotional expression and comfort Mercury: thoughts and communication Venus: attraction and approach to love Mars: energy and strongest passions Jupiter: luck and growth Saturn: fears and goals Uranus: originality and approach to change Neptune: dreams and approach to spirituality Pluto: power and transformations Ascendant: impact on people and the world Midheaven: career
Is/are affected by your…
Aries: passion and impulsiveness Taurus: material goals and practicality Gemini: open communication and curiosity Cancer: sensitivity and need for stability Leo: playfulness and confidence Virgo: logic and analysis Libra: peaceful union and beauty Scorpio: emotional detachment and calmness Sagittarius: curiosity and desire for freedom Capricorn: status and practicality Aquarius: social rebellion, friendships, and humanitarianism Pisces: empathy and imagination
And is materialised through your…
1st/AC: self-expression 2nd: possessions 3rd: communication 4th: family and home 5th: personal satisfaction 6th: professionalism 7th: partnerships 8th: privacy and secrets 9th: expansion and discoveries 10th/MC: social status and career 11th: community and individualism 12th: subconscious and creativity
Paired with your (planet), which is effected by your (sign), these energies…
Conjuntions: blend and create a powerful energy Semisextiles: clash and cause friction Sextiles: cooperate with each other and are flow easily Squares: are in a power struggle Trines: are highly synchronised, harmonious, and are bringing luck Quincunx: are awkward and need adjustment Oppositions: are literally opposites but create strong partnership if balanced
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bbyberries · 4 years
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
path through life, basic self, early environment, beginnings, subjective self awareness, our effect on others, the way you operate, vitality, demeanour
family life, food/drink, teeth, planning, work ethic, inner wealth, what you bring to the table, your unique talents, the will to live, self esteem, how you use your material goods, greed
competition, your logical mind, aunts and uncles, local transportation, relativity, local culture, primary and secondary education, apprenticeship, modern means of communication and all practical things
academic degrees, destiny, influence of the father, soul’s intention, your final years, home, both the home native comes from and the one the native will set up
recreation, escape from responsibilities, the urge to produce, the urge to be special, the urge to influence, colour
what you can control, what you must do, underling (a person lower in status or rank), competence, elegance, unequal relationships, boundaries, the body-mind connection, helpfulness, self-discipline, behaviour at work, minor obligations, servitudes, lower-ranking co-workers, minor illnesses
projected self, concern for others, mutual relationships, mutual commitments, socialization, what we project onto others, desires, the native’s behaviour towards other people
letting go, career change, regeneration and renewal, partner’s values, self-regeneration, cynicism, sizing people up, idle curiosity, people watching, late afternoon, happy hour, sexual self-esteem, sexual self-respect, sexual self-control, celibacy, masturbation, feeling relaxed, feeling at ease, mutual interest, interest rates, rate of exchange, energy exchange, energy regulations, reiki, suicidal feelings, losing interest in life, jealousy, as an indicator of life desires, gratitude, sponsorships, fundraising, patrons, child support, unemployment benefits, pension, buying time, emotional responsibility, emotional accountability, the ability to recognize other people’s gifts, talent scout, talent agent, longevity, vulnerability, psychological transformation
⛵️ 9TH HOUSE ⛵️
Luck, devotion, journeys of the mind, collective thought, foreign languages, risk, cultural exchange, mental exploration, in-laws, the understanding of abstract topics
🏆 10TH HOUSE 🏆
visible actions, taking power, boss, publications, honors, long-term goals, experts, men, masculinity, guides, influence of the mother, native’s social elevation as compared to his family background, potential fame
🏵 11TH HOUSE 🏵
side hustles, eldest sibling, income from job/career, winnings, love received, our role in groups, originality, eccentricity, sudden events, surprises, gains, native’s protectors, the place native occupies within the group
💜 12TH HOUSE 💜
retreat, release, self-sabotage, enlightenment, far away lands, asceticism, your hidden strength, old age, limiting beliefs, closure, solitude, service to humanity, retreats from the world, repressed parts of oneself, self-sacrifice, the final stages of a project, surrender, separation from society, imagination, creativity, arts, film, dance, poetry, journals, frustration, limitations, serious illnesses
LEARN TO LOVE YOUR PLACEMENTS it’s what you have to take from this post.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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bbyberries · 4 years
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A little witchy calendar to look forward to next year, since this one was a little bit.. cursed.
This lets you know about the full moons, new moons, wheel of the year celebrations and zodiac entrys, I hope you can use this to aid you on your practice.
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bbyberries · 4 years
Interviewing a Spirit
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Whenever we’re encountering a new spirit we’re thinking of working with, asking the right questions is important. Here’s a list of potential questions to ask that can be useful in figuring out their vibe and if they have a place in your practice.
What is your name/what can I call you?
Is there a name in my language for the type of being you are?
What do/would you want from me?
How do you sustain yourself? (aka, what do you “eat?”) 
What are you looking to gain/do/achieve? Short or long term.
What do you think of humans?
Do you agree to respect any boundaries I set?
Would you like or require offerings from me?
If so, what kinds of offerings do you like to receive?
What are your favorite colors/smells/foods/sounds/etc.?
Do you plan on staying around a long time or would any arrangement be temporary?
Do you have any other loyalties? With whom? (It’s not always bad if they do, but it’s important to know.) 
Is there anything you dislike or are afraid of?
What signs might you show me to let me know you’re there?
Do you have/want an anchor? What kind?
Do you have any particular talents? 
Is there anything you struggle to do?
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bbyberries · 4 years
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bbyberries · 4 years
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Days of the Week - Correspondants🌙
In Roman culture, Sunday was the day of the sun God. In paganism, the sun was seen as the source of life, which was popular with the Romans when they were preying. Sunday is therefore linked with the colours yellow and gold. The name originates with the sun due to Hellenistic astrology, where the seven planets including Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Moon each had an hour of the day. Furthermore, the planet which was associated with each hour of the day was given a day of the week, which became apparent in the 1st-2nd century in Rome and Egypt. Sunday is also linked to deities associated with the sun, such as Helios and Ra. Based on this information, Sunday is associated with success, material wealth, fame, personal growth and healing.
Monday is associated with the lunar deities such as Khonsu (Egypt) and Artemis (Greek). In religions such as Islam, Monday is one of the two days of fasting, the other being Thursday. Culturally, Monday is depicted as a day of depression, anxiety and melancholy as it marks the beginning of the working week. Therefore, Monday is depicted as a quiet day, which would correspond to elements of self-care, rejuvenation and cleansing. I’d also associate Monday to be a day to do spells associated with attracting wealth, abundance and luck within the career, due to it being the start of the typical 5-day working week.
Tuesday is known as the day of Mars. The name originates from Tyr, a God from old Norse mythology who loses his arm to Fenrir. He was associated with being the god of War and being the Lawgiver of the gods. In Japanese and Korean, Tuesday translates to ‘Mars day’. In Greek and Spanish-speaking countries, some people believe Tuesday to be unlucky due to Tyr being associated with war and death. Therefore, rather than having Friday the 13th being unlucky, the 13th of the month falling on a Tuesday in certain places would be classed as unlucky. Therefore, the correspondents I feel that are associated with Tuesday are protection, warding, building mind and body strength, confidence, victory and aggression.
Wednesday reflects the Germanic god Wōden (‘Odin’), and is associated with the planet/ god Mercury. Mercury and Wōden were associated together as both were the guides of souls after death. In Ancient Greece, Hermes was also associated with Wednesday, as he was a conductor of the dead for Hades. In the story of creation, the Sun and the Moon were both created on the “fourth day”, which is known as Wednesday. Wednesday is associated with intelligence, fortune, chance, creativity, wisdom, study, knowledge, communication and calming.
Thursday is derived from the old Norse god Thor, known as the God of thunder. The Roman god Jupiter was also associated with Thursdays, as both Thor and Jupiter were gods of the sky and thunder. Jupiter was also king of the gods. In Buddhism, especially in Thailand, Thursday is known as ‘teacher’s day’ where education should begin on a Thursday. Thursdays are typically associated with abundance, grounding, health, wealth, authority, justice, anger and fortune
Friday is linked to the Roman goddess Venus, who encompasses love, sex, desire, fertility and victory. Furthermore, Friday is also linked to the Germanic goddess Frigg, or Freyja based on the translation from some Slavic countries. Frigg was the goddess of fertility and motherhood, whilst Freyja was associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, gold and war. Folklore depicts Friday as an unlucky day, yet some believe it is a day of good fortune and prosperity due to people sowing seeds on Fridays - it resembles the life that comes after death similarly to how Jesus was resurrected from the tomb after his crucifixion. This day is therefore associated with all forms of love, fertility, beauty, glamour, romance, sex, sexuality, divination, wisdom and youth.
Saturday was known as Saturn’s day. There is no Norse god associated with Saturday due to the replacement of the eight day cycle with the seven day week. Saturdays in the Eastern Orthodox are dedicated to worshipping Theotokos, which refers to Mary being the ‘god-bearer.’ Prayers of the dead are usually associated with this day as a remembrance to the rising of Jesus. In Scandinavian countries, Saturday is called Lördag, which is derived from the Viking word for bath - Vikings would typically bathe on Saturdays. In some Islamic countries, Saturday marks the start of the week, whereas in others it marks the end. Therefore, Saturday could correspond to necromancy, divination, death, exorcism, spirituality, endings, self-discipline, freedom, banishing, hexing, protection, binding and loss
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bbyberries · 4 years
Grimoire ideas
About you:
How you got started in the craft
Your spiritual journey
Things you connect to (animals, elements, plants, ect)
Types of magic you do
Your natal chart
Your deities (if you have any)
Remember, you don't need to write down correspondences you will never need! So instead, write about...
Crystals you have/want
Plants you can grow yourself/already have around you. Check your spice cabinet
And list things to use those for! So that would be herb bundles to burn, salves, recipes, and so on.
Other things you can use in magic that you already have
This would be things like sea shells, snail shells, grass, dirt, candles. Get creative!
Other witchcraft stuff:
Your sigils
The sun/moon +moon phases
Zodiac signs
The elements
Symbolism (animals, shapes, and whatever else you wish to add)
What makes a spell that works!!! This should help with making your own spells
What NOT to do
Different types of spells
Spells you will actually use
A section on tarot cards and their meanings
How to use a pendulum
Meanings of oracle cards
Rune meanings and how to cast them
Lesser known forms of divination!!!
Mental health:
Grounding and centering
Burn out care and being energy efficient
A list of what motivates you to do your craft
Small spells for self care
Astral work:
Your astral space (a map, a description, drawings of important locations)
Your astral body, if it's any different than your physical one
A list of spirits and important information about them
Protection, sheilding, banishing, and safety
Manners when interacting with spirits and what NOT to do
Methods of projection/travel that work for you
Post-astral grounding methods
General spirit work:
How to interact with spirits and how NOT to interact with spirits
Protection, banishing, shielding, and other safety things
How to give offerings (there's more than one way!)
Methods of communicating with spirits
Signs of spirits
Ways spirits can send signs and messages (animals, dreams, and so on)
A list of different kinds of spirits you work with/have encountered
A section for research, especially if you're doing deity work.
Grounding, if it helps you afterwards
A log of interaction with spirits. This can be like a divination journal but with spirits, if that's what you do.
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bbyberries · 4 years
Some Alternatives to Lavender
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Lavender is a plant that’s very commonly recommended for usage in spellcraft and witchcraft, for spells related to everything from sleep to anxiety to depression to protection. However, it’s also a plant many people are allergic to! So, here’s a list of a few plants that people with allergies to lavender might be able to use instead.
Sleep and relaxation: 
Wild lettuce - Also known as a hallucinogenic plant that is often used in spiritwalking potions, wild lettuce is a mild hypnotic and will induce sleeping in low dosages. It can be used in any spell where sleep, trance, or visions are the intended goal. Burning this herb is sometimes acceptable, as it is occasionally smoked, but in general this should be avoided. 
California poppy - Whilst it’s not as famous as its more highly known cousin the opium poppy, California poppy has sedative and hypnotic effects in its own right. However, unlike the opium poppy, California poppy will not give you narcotic or euphoric side effects, so don’t bother trying to smoke it or anything. It can be used for any spell in which dreamless sleep is desirable. 
Lemon balm - This is a herb with very similar relaxing and sleep-inducing properties to lavender, so it’s a great first plant to try if you have an allergy to lavender and want something very similar. It’s a kind of mint though, so it’s relatively closely related to lavender, and so if you’re allergic to lavender you should make sure you’re not allergic to mints as well before you try it. 
Motherwort - This herb is well-known in many kinds of old world herbal medicine, and has a history of usage for assisting with labour in birthing mothers. However, scientific evidence is currently disputed about its safety at any point of breastfeeding or pregnancy, especially because it seems to cause abortions in high dosages. When taken by someone who ISN’T pregnant, it has calming and soothing properties, especially for emotional distress. Do not burn this herb. 
Anxiety and calming: 
Skullcap - This is one of the most well-known nervine treatments, and is often recommended for people suffering with anxiety disorders that may be milder than should be medicated by a psychiatrist. It’s longterm usage can assist in helping those with anxiety remain clear-headed and balanced. However, it’s a plant that’s quite easy to be allergic to it seems, so do please get a skin-prick test if you’re allergic to lavender just in case. Do not burn this herb.
Vervain - As a gentle anxiolytic, this plant is suitable for those who don’t have an anxiety disorder but do have issues with mild, recurrent anxiety. It’s also safer than skullcap and can be burnt safely, so it’s suitable for incenses and spells that involve fire. It is also associated magickally with purging of illnesses and sicknesses, and is a good element of any spell that seeks to purge a body clean of sickness and malignancy.
Roman chamomile - Also known as English chamomile, this herb has been used for centuries by those who seek to rest and sleep, especially if they are plagued by painful dreams or distressing thoughts. This herb is safe for burning and fire-based spells, and is commonly used in many supermarket herbal teas. It is strongly magickally associated with calm, and is a potent calming herb as an element of spells as a result. 
Clover - A common calming remedy in herbal magick, the flowering tops of simple clovers taken from a field can be an excellent element of any spell that seeks to bring calm and clearheadedness to any problem. Worn around the neck or head in a flower-chain, clover flowers will ensure your mind is unclouded by anxious or worried thoughts, and will help smooth over thoughts that are unwanted. This plant is safe to burn, but please try to avoid consuming or burning clover that you collected from beside a road. Plants growing in the verges and banks of major roadways have lots of exhaust chemicals in them, which isn’t great for your health. Try to get them from gardens, parks, fields, little-used back-roads, or meadows if possible. 
Protection and psychic power:
Sage - Lavender is one of the less-well-known protective plants, and both its leaves and its flowers are usually burnt in order to bring protection to a house or sacred space. Sage is an excellent alternative, as it is highly purifying. White sage is good, but as it’s endangered it would cause more harm than good to use it for purification - always remember that we should balance our magick with how much harm it may cause others to perform it in a certain way. White sage being endangered means it’s unsuitable, so common sage or purples sage is a good alternative. Safe for burning. 
Agrimony - One of the herbs commonly used as a ward against malicious energies, people, and in Abrahamic traditions as a ward against demons. Agrimony is a great protective herb if you’re searching for a flower to protect against harm, and as a common meadow flower it’s not too hard to find. Safe for burning. 
Rosemary - This common culinary herb that grows almost everywhere is a staple in any witch’s garden, for it’s usage in healing magick and protective spells as well as its delicious taste. Burning rosemary in a crucible will help keep foul influences and sicknesses at bay, and is a better protector against psychic penetrations and psychic vampires than lavender or sage. Safe to burn.
Purple plants
Violet - The classic purple plant, since a type of purple is named for it!
Fuschia - More of a pinky hue, but still good.
Purple sage - A light purple, similar to lavender
Purple basil - A deep purple, like purple ink.
Purple carrots - The original colour for carrots, their pigment is very staining.
Beetroot - A reddish-purple that stains deeply
Tricolore Pansy - Also known as love-in-idleness, heartsease and love-lies-bleeding. Strongly associate with love magick, arguably more so than roses.
I hope this helps some poor witch with allergies! 
– Juniper
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