bbyrukia · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS: Suna Rintarou has had his eye on new student, Y/N, for a while. His best friends, the Miya twins, start to notice. To save himself from humiliation, he lies about his interest in her. That is, until the Miyas start a game of who can get with her first. Suna knowingly joins the bidding to capture her heart, but what happens when she finds out the truth?
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fun facts:
— yn had witnessed other dumb bets between the boys, which is why she became more worried when they wouldn’t tell her
— the boys actually value their friendship with yn, as much as it doesn’t seem like it sometimes, and that’s why they couldn’t lie to her
— osamu personally doesn’t think he lied when he said they abandoned the bet, because he would have taken the offer of being with yn if he had the chance with the bet in motion or not, even though he was prepared to make suna food for a month
a/n: like my smaus? check out my upcoming one!
@hinahaikyuu @creepykawass @akaxosa @fairywriter-oracle @ushiwakasthighs @whorefornoodles @lahadadulce @alienvarmint @rntrsuna @whore-for-anime @therealpussybangs @sugaslilsugabby @euryrue @atsuphilia @soudahearts @probablygonnahurtsomebody @samdws @reverse-iak @reinertiddiejuice @anniesfavoritesimp @tirzamisu @justsomeonewhoyoudontknow @pikane @lilith412426 @adriro1003 @hyuckscore @navymacaroons @galagcica @julfdm @alyonasnake @iyaaaasstuff @anime-meme-sanctuary @moonlit-mizukage @jewlmin @starylust @adeawn @belovedshin @kvroomi @we-love-fanfiction @random-fandom-girl-24 @s-tephanie-v @qualitygiantshoepsychic @foliea @strawberry-moonpies @xfangirl-trashx @kyoneko @zozodahobo @yes-i-am-trash @astennu @atsumusplushtoy
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bbyrukia · 2 years
freeze ! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ you’re under arrest for being so lovely !! copy this message to ten other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it <3 keep the game going and make others feel beautiful !!
omg thank u sm <33
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bbyrukia · 2 years
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— hello everyone! this is a tad bit embarrassing to admit but I’ll be opening up emergency kofi commissions in order to pay for my upcoming therapy and psychiatrist appointments. as some of you may know I’ve recently gotten diagnosed with generalized anxiety, social anxiety as well as borderline personality disorder. while my medication is decked by our medical insurance, my appointments are not. please, if you have the spare funds or are able to, please consider commissioning me! your support is very much appreciated!
— for context: a session with my psychiatrist is $102. she adviced me to see my therapist (who is in the same facility as her) every second week of the month. these therapy sessions are an hour long and are $65 dollars each. I’m currently unemployed because of the covid situation (aside from bi-weekly horse riding lessons I give that pay me $5 for the hour I work), but I am actively trying to find a local place that’s hiring so I can contribute to these funds as well! if at any point you’d like to know more please feel free to message me! 
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355 notes · View notes
bbyrukia · 2 years
Bride of the Fairy King - Oikawa T.
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Summary: After suffering a vicious assault, a maid goes on the run to seek the help of the Great Fairy King. He agrees to help at the low price of marriage.
Collab: The Underground
Pairing: Fairy!Oikawa x Reader
Reader Type: Female
Rating: M
Word Count: 10.2k
Warnings: referenced/implied sexual assault (no graphic depictions), murder, insecurity, Oikawa is a widower, consensual breeding, consensual arranged marriage, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, cream pies, multiple orgasms, fluff, a lil implied reincarnation, mentions of pregnancy at the end.
Notes: The length kind of got away from me lol. Anyway, enjoy. I took inspiration from a French story about Oberon - King of the Fairies.
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Thorn swept branches and jagged stumps tore at your delicate skin, ripping tiny lines of red into the soft flesh of your face and arms. The body hadn’t been found yet, you had time but for how long? How long until another lowly maid found the crown prince dead in his bed-chamber? How long until they figured out it was you who killed him?
Your judgment would be swift and your death even swifter.
Tears mixed with blood and dirt, leaving trails in the grime on your face. Would they be able to follow your trail? Would they even figure out that you had fled into the forest of the great and powerful fairy king? The elven lord was known for his unseeliness. His court was not one that aided humans typically. They were shrewd, vengeful, tricksters.
Despite this, there was no place safe for you on this continent. There was nowhere else you could possibly hide. Your fellow humans would rat you out for a few grubby coins and a pint of ale.
There was no one on your side here. No family to take you in. No friends that wouldn’t betray you. Loneliness never felt so suffocating before this day, and it only grew more gripping as the day began to fade into the night. The trees began to whisper, each leaf telling of your presence to the fae folk that lurked in the woods. They kept out of sight, perched high or hidden low. Always just out of the realm of mortal visibility.
The sound was deafening. Languages you couldn’t begin to comprehend swirled along with the evening breeze. In the distance, you could make out a lone yellow light and you prayed to anyone listening that it was a friend and not a foe.
You pushed your already tired legs to move faster, lungs burning from the gasping breaths of cold air you were intaking rapidly. Maybe if you got to whoever the light belonged to, they’d offer a bath and a warm meal. They’d show you kindness instead of wretchedness.
Maybe it would be the great king himself. The true ruler of the lands, an elven lord whose name was unknown as names were a powerful thing. No law trumped his law and if he ever so demanded it, he’d wipe out humankind from this cursed land. You wondered why he didn’t just do that if he hated your kind so much. Perhaps torturing them one by one was too much fun.
The light grew bigger, a flickering lantern outside a small two-room hut. Your dreams of a night of pampering after making your escape vanished with the remaining sun. The sounds of the forest grew with nightfall, becoming almost unbearable to listen to. The sensation of being watched had every hair on your body standing on edge. Something would come for you certainly if this stranger did not take you into their abode.
But what if they were just like the prince? A charming smile with wandering, forceful hands that held you down and took your purity. Your cries were seemingly unheard as no one dared come to your rescue. What if the only escape you’d ever have from the likes of evil men was death?
As you stopped in front of the door, everything came crashing down. You crumbled to your knees, legs giving out from having run for miles to what you hoped was safety. Sobs left you faster than your tears could keep up with. A filthy, weak little human with no aid in sight, no reprieve from the worst day of your life. You thought for sure that this was the end.
The old wooden door that held many splinters and cracks slowly creaked open. Inside a fire was burning in the hearth, keeping the hut pleasantly warm and keeping out the biting cold that had settled onto this half of the hemisphere.
In the doorway stood a man, not a particularly tall man but not a short one either. His black hair spiked with twigs and bits of leaves entangled into it, clearly having not been washed in ages. A scowl was on his face, though the air about him was light and calm. It was an expression that didn’t quite meet his olive-green eyes.
You looked up at him, tearful and sniffling as he crouched down to be closer to your level. His muscular arms resting on his knees. While he tried to keep the disgusted expression on his face, there was something more behind it. Something closer to curiosity. His shabby tunic clung to him, torn and dirtied. He had every appearance of a hermit, one that had been fabled to be allowed to live in the woods amongst the other fae folk without any harm being done to him.
“You need something?” He asked though he knew the answer was yes. It was very rare for him to have mortal visitors.
In an attempt to put yourself together, you wiped away your tears with a torn sleeve. “Might I come in?” You asked timidly, “to get out of the cold?”
“You’re not one of them damn fairies are you?” He asked with a grumble, clearly not wanting the company but not denying you outright. “If you are then you can leave, I don’t want anything to do with you.”
“No! No, I’m a maid at the castle on the edge of the forest. I got into some trouble and I had to run away. I don’t want to burden you but the forest, it’s-”
“Very loud, I know.” He said in an amused tone as he stood. He stepped aside and you used the door frame to stand up and limp inside. He closed the door behind him and suddenly the sound seemed to stop. The only thing that could be heard inside the hut was the crackling of firewood.
“Thank you very much. I’ll be gone by morning, I promise.” You stammer, ringing your tired and aching hands together as you make your way to the fire to warm up.
“What’s your name?” He asked, and you gave it to him freely. There was no point in keeping it secret.
“Iwaizumi Hajime.” He replied, stirring something in the pot that hung above the fire. “Most people just call me Iwa. Take a seat, dinner is almost ready.”
You nodded your head, calculating the risk in your head anxiously. There was a various array of weaponry hanging on the walls or discarded haphazardly on the floor. They could be used for self-defense but you figured the hermit was also a trained fighter. If he were to get a weapon as well then he could easily overpower someone as inexperienced as yourself.
The situation with the prince had been different. The only weapon in the area was his dagger which you took from his pants as he was getting redressed. It was easy to simply stab the life out of someone when they are caught off guard and defenseless. Things would have been much different if he had another weapon in his possession.
Iwa ladled several spoonfuls of stew into an old chipped bowl before handing it to you. “So you said you got into some trouble? What did you do?” He asked curiously before making his own bowl of food.
You brought the warm ceramic to your lips and took a sip. It was deceptively delicious. You hadn’t been expecting anything as rich and savory as this was. It was almost the same level of cooking that the chefs in the castle made for the royal family. Suddenly there being a lack of a bath for you to soak in didn’t seem so bad. At least the food he had so graciously given you was amazing.
“I…hurt the crown prince in self-defense.” She admitted, not wanting to go into any more detail than that.
Iwa snorted, “that asshole definitely deserved anything that came to him.”
“He’s dead.” You murmured, feeling as if you were breathing it into existence. A shocked look crossed your face when you realized that you had said that out loud for Iwa to hear you. “I-I mean-”
Iwa gave a cheeky, mischievous grin, “As I said, he definitely deserves whatever he got. You know this forest is dangerous, you shouldn’t have come here.”
“I need a pardon from the Great King.” You said, desperation shining in your glassy eyes. “That is the only way I’ll be safe.”
The hermit visibly stiffened at the title. His back suddenly went rigid and the humor washed from his face. “That would be a mistake. Do not seek him, do not go any further into these woods. You need to leave the way you came and find another place for refuge.”
“There is no other place!” You replied, not liking what he was telling you. “If I go back then it is certain death.”
“If you run into him then you’ll be bound for worse,” Iwa said cryptically. “He is not hospitable like he once was. Trust me, do not go to him.”
The hermit, granted to live in the mystical wood by the Great King himself, was no stranger to the arrogance and callousness that the royal housed within. After his queen died two and half decades ago, he had become a cruel tyrant bent on destroying himself and those around him. His people were dying. His forest was withering. His power was waning.
While no mortal outside knew of this, a fairy king is powerless without a queen by his side. As it was written at the dawn of time, as it still stood today. His grief was limitless and no other fae folk had any luck in consoling him. They may have warmed his bed at night but it was nothing more than a means to an end. A chance of a high he once felt but no longer could seem to manage.
With danger behind and danger ahead, there was nowhere else for you to go. “I can’t stay here.” You said aloud and Iwa nodded his head in agreement. He preferred his life of solitude. He didn’t want you there for longer than the night. The forest was the most dangerous after sunset. No human would ever survive without the touch of magic that he happened to have been gifted as a babe.
“If you must go to him,” He drawled, guilt creeping up at the thought of telling you this, “follow the turquoise and white toadstools. They’ll lead you to him. Do not touch them, if disturbed they will put out a neurotoxin that will leave you dead and it won’t be quick or painless.”
A small smile broke out on your face as you finished your meal. “Thank you, Iwa. I don’t know how to repay you for your kindness.”
In the light of the hut, he was able to see you more clearly. There was something familiar to you, something that he felt like he had seen before. Your beauty could have you mistaken as one of the elven fae folk that inhabited the woods. He hadn’t noticed before but now a red tint had adorned the apples of his cheeks.
Iwa cleared his throat abruptly to end his thoughts. “You can have the bed, I don’t sleep much these days anyway. It’s hard as a rock but it’s better than dirt.”
You nodded, bowing your head as you thanked him once more. He stood, taking your bowl and showing you to the only other room in the hut, a small bedroom that only housed a bed made of compressed straw and a few ratty blankets as well as a beat-up dresser that had seen better days.
He left you alone with your thoughts and fears in the dark room, the only light coming from the fire in the entry room. Somehow it wasn’t much colder despite being so far from the fire. You grabbed a blanket and wrapped it tightly around you, closed your eyes, and promptly fell asleep.
The next morning you awoke to find Iwa asleep sitting up against the wall with a small wooden instrument in his hand that he had been whittling. Not wanting to disturb him, you silently walked around him, feeling bad that you had no way to repay him. Your stomach was still full from last night, though you weren’t entirely sure how. Normally you were starving any time you woke up in the morning but then again the thin watery soup and stale bread you were used to eating were hardly filling.
You found a roll of parchment and a quill, dipping it into ink and writing a short thank you note. Suddenly the lessons in learning how to read and write seemed like a godsend.
Outside the air was crisp and damp with morning dew. While it was nowhere near silent, it was much quieter than the night before. You wondered if the fae folk that had been watching you were sleeping or if the trees simply didn’t speak until after the sun began to set. Either way, you were thankful for the soft chirping of birds and the light crunch of dead leaves under your feet.
Another curious thing you found was that all your wounds seemed to be healed. Your muscles did not ache as if they’d been overworked the day before. The cuts, abrasions, and bruises all seemed to be gone though there had been no mirror in the hut for you to actually check. You had always heard about curious happenings in the forest, things that defied all logic, however, this was out of the realm of your imagination.
Maybe if the king was willing to hear you out, he’d let you stay and serve him instead of the cruel royalty you had been under. Despite the hermit’s warning, you still had some inkling of hope that everything would be okay.
Your eyes scanned the forest floor, seeing a trail of small turquoise and white toadstools in varying sizes. You hadn’t noticed them the day prior, but there were probably a lot of things you didn’t notice.
They seemed to only be growing in one small area and leading North, further into the wood. You took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before starting to follow along with them, careful not to step on one by accident.
You did your best to keep track of the sun in the sky. At times you wondered briefly what horrors await you if you did not find the king by nightfall. If you’d be torn limb from limb or eaten alive by dozens of tiny creatures like the old storybooks said. You hoped that either they were wrong or the elven lord you searched for would protect you.
After walking two miles along the path of mushrooms, the scenery not changing in the slightest, you began to worry about your fate. The sun was past its peak in the sky and seemed to be lowering faster than you could keep up with. Already it seemed that the plants had begun their nightly whisperings even though it was only the mid-afternoon.
Even worse, the trail you were following suddenly stopped. The pretty little mushrooms had ended in a strange ring. It was a perfect circle in a small clearing. It did not seem as if they continued anywhere else and you were at a loss of what to do now.
Suddenly, as you were about to turn to go back, a beautifully white leucistic buck leaped into the ring from what seemed like thin air. You hadn’t even heard him coming as he stared at you with dark black eyes that were full of both life and mystery.
The buck snorted, throwing his head back and letting out a chilling bark before looking back at you once more, turning and stepping towards the east. A sense of comfort washed over you, and while you couldn’t explain it you knew that you were meant to follow the immaculate creature.
As you stepped forward, you didn’t notice how close you had gotten to the ring. Your dirt-covered shoes stepped on one of the delicate fungi. It released a hiss and puff of yellow powder, a breeze bringing it up into your nose and mouth as you looked down. Terror swept over you once more as you looked back to the buck, eyes pleading to be saved as you felt the world spin before going black.
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It was night when you awoke, a deadly chill in the area as the cold stirred you awake from the deep sleep you had been in. Surprised to find yourself alive, you sat up quickly to see the abnormally large white deer lying next to you in an attempt to keep you warm. It stood, shaking the sleep from its head and body before stretching almost like a cat.
The clearing was lit with dozens of lanterns that hung in the air with the aid of magic. They were floating all around, creating a warm yellow glow that allowed you to see clearly. In the middle of the small field of clover and wildflowers was a large throne made of shed antlers, old tree roots, and the same two-toned mushrooms you had accidentally stepped on.
Didn’t Iwa say that you’d perish if you harmed one? How is it that you were still alive?
The deer moved slowly but gracefully, passing behind the throne only to morph into an antlered man when it came out of the other side. A large cape made of white deer hide flowed behind him, his tunic pristine and without a speck of dirt. His dark brown eyes were curious, contemplative as he sat down in his cushioned seat with a lazy plop.
One leg was thrown over the arm of the throne as he held his head up with a closed fist. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? A filthy little human in my forest? Do you have a death wish?”
His tone was callous yet somehow playful. He didn’t look particularly threatening, though the pair of antlers that still resided on his head could easily gore you. The sharp prongs would no doubt eviscerate you without much resistance. The smirk on his face made you take him a little less seriously, though he was still quite intimidating.
“Great King,” You said in a hushed whisper, getting down on your knees to bow lowly. “I come seeking your aid. I’ll pay any price for my safety. I’ll serve you until the end of my time without any complaint.”
In truth, he already knew his answer. He knew what he’d ask for in return. He knew it the moment he saw you leave the hermit’s hut. The way you carefully avoided not only his poisonous mushrooms but almost all of the plant life. Unlike the day before when you ran through carelessly without thought to the trees and brush, today you had felt that perhaps the noise came from your tear through the wood. Perhaps if you made the least amount of damage possible, the forest would spare you come nightfall.
It seemed you hadn’t been wrong in thinking that. That didn’t mean that he’d show mercy on you, however. It just meant that you were somewhat different than the other intruders into the forest.
“State your crime.” He said in a bored tone. While he seemed totally uninteresting in helping you, the fact that you were still in one piece felt like a good sign. Clearly, if he wasn’t considering it then he wouldn’t ask, right?
You stared down at your shaking hands. “Murder, your highness. I killed the crowned prince of the mortal southern kingdom in self-defense. The king will show me no forgiveness if he were to catch me.”
A bemused look crossed the king’s face. “You mean the same crowned prince that shot fireworks into my wood during the last holiday and started a fire? The one who pleaded for his life that he even agreed to give me his firstborn for my forgiveness?”
You hadn’t known about that particular agreement, but you had known about the small forest fire that had to be contained during the last winter solstice festival. “Yes, your highness, the same one.”
He couldn’t help but burst out into boasting laughter. The universe sure had a funny way of righting itself, didn’t it? The man he wanted nothing more than to kill for scorching his enchanted trees merely six weeks prior was now dead at the hands of a simple maiden. Whatever gods had blessed him on this day were sure to receive a bountiful offering during the next full moon.
You wondered what he was laughing at exactly. The prince’s twist of fate or your own. Maybe you should have pleaded with Iwa to let you stay with him. Would he hate the company that much? Perhaps he preferred being alone? You couldn’t imagine being by yourself, isolated from everyone else for however many years.
“I’ll help you, little dove,” He said as a wry smile spread across his lips. “I’ll protect you from that idiot human you call a king and all of his men. I only ask for two things in return.”
Your head lifted just enough so that you could look up at him. A million ideas of what he could ask for payment ran through, most of them horrible and resulting in death. Would it be just as bad as what the terrible prince had put you through? Your legs and arms that no longer held the bruises and soreness between your legs were gone for now, but would they just soon return?
“I’ll pay any price.” You repeat yourself, pausing before adding, “as long as it’s not death.”
A soft chuckle fell from his lips. “Quite the opposite, little dove, I want you to bring in new life. Become my bride and bear me a child. You will be a queen but you will be doomed to never leave this forest or my side.”
A tense silence fell as you wondered if he was joking or not. He was truly beautiful. The most handsome man you had ever seen. He hadn’t seemed particularly cruel and he was asking you instead of forcing you. But still, the knowledge that you were no longer a virgin weighed heavily on you. “I am impure, your highness.” You mutter weakly, tears filling your eyes and glossing them over.
A look of anger crossed his face as he sat up correctly, “is that the prince’s doing?” He asked, needing to know the truth. You didn’t seem like the type to work in a brothel. There was a purity about you that he couldn’t quite place. Not that he cared whether or not you had had sex before. After all, by human standards, he hadn’t been pure for centuries.
You nodded your head weakly in response, not wanting to breathe it into existence. It was better if you never had to talk about it again. Would he still protect you? Marry you? Let you bear his children?
There was a swooping sound as his shadow suddenly moved over you. He placed a heavy hand on your shoulder and squeezed gently, an oddly soft expression on his face as he felt sympathy for his new betrothed. Sympathy and anger, though the latter he did not feel necessary to show. “Virginity is a human construct, that does not matter here.”
He held his hand out to you and you took it, bringing you up to your feet as he stood. “We do not allow such behavior here, no one will ever touch you without permission again. No one would ever dare. Do you understand?”
Relief brought on a fresh set of tears as you nodded to him, “yes, sir.”
He cupped your face in his hand, thumb brushing away the tear. “I hope you never know fear again, my queen.”
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The king took you through an archway of branches and the trees morphed into a grand palace made of the most exquisite stone you had ever seen. Lush plants were everywhere, flowering out of season. It was a pleasantly warm temperature as if the bite of winter could never reach this realm. It was all so overwhelming, everything happening so quickly.
Other fairies bowed as you and the king passed them. They did not speak to him, something you found a bit strange but also wondered if it was simply a respectful thing. It wasn’t as if you knew very much about fairy culture. In fact, you didn’t really know what being the queen of them even entailed. Suddenly the beat of your heart grew loud in her ears as anxiety washed over you along with a cold sweat.
The antlered king looked down at you, cocking his head to the side. “What’s the matter? Not looking forward to being royalty?” The last part was obviously a joke. In his mind, who wouldn’t love to be royalty? To sit side by side with him as an equal.
“I’m just a poor servant.” You murmured to him, suddenly feeling embarrassed about the tattered rags you were wearing. “I’m not fit to be a queen.”
“Oh?” He countered in a curious tone. “You doubt what the Great King says then, do you?” Mock anger rose in his voice as he pierced you with his deep brown eyes. “Are you calling me dumb for wanting the hand of the woman who killed my latest adversary?”
“No! No, your highness, I trust you know what is best for your kingdom.” You stammered, tripping over your words. “I just don’t understand.”
“Some things are not for you to understand.” He replied, straightening back up. “You know, the last queen died twenty-five years ago. I have been in mourning since that day. I still would be today had I not laid eyes on such a peculiar creature like yourself.”
“Why is that, my lord?” You dared to ask, eyelashes fluttering as you blinked away tears that had welled up again at the thought of him discarding you as everyone else had.
“You hold an uncanny resemblance to her.” He said, voice softening incredibly as he cupped your face once more. “I thought my eyes and ears had deceived me. That I had finally gone mad. Tell me, dove, how old are you?”
“Twenty-five.” You replied, not seeing the connection.
A warm smile crossed his face as he sent a silent prayer to the gods above. “Of course, now enough questions. It’s time for us to wed.”
Your face heated with embarrassment as he led you to his bed-chamber. “Someone will be in to put you in something more appropriate. I’ll be right outside. No one will mistreat you here but if they dare, call for me. I’ll hear you no matter how far apart we are. Understand?”
You nodded your head, a weak smile on your lips as you looked over the lavish bedroom. It was even grander than that of the human kingdom. In fact, this one made theirs look like a commoner’s quarters.
You wondered if maybe the mushroom had killed you and you were simply living in the afterlife. However, at the memory that you had killed someone, you quickly thought otherwise. You had always learned that murderers didn’t have a paradise to go to, only darkness and pain.
A small elven maid came in with golden hair and pointed ears. “M-Miss?” She asked, her voice timid. “My name is Yachi, I’ll be your personal servant.” She said as she bowed. “Please, follow me to get washed up.”
With a nod, you followed her into the attached bathroom where a tub was already filled with hot sudsy water. Yachi helped you undress, your muscles sore again and feeling unsteady from having not eaten since the night before. It was dark outside still, and you figured it must be in the middle of the night by now.
You thanked Yachi, making her pale face turn a light shade of pink as she simply nodded. She had just been assigned his position and didn’t find herself worthy. Despite your grubby appearance, she knew you were to be her queen. You deserved respect despite how you looked. Your show of appreciation was unexpected but definitely not unwelcomed as she began to wash your hair for you.
The soap smelled like fresh flowers and herbs, nothing like what was used back at your previous home. It was incredibly fragrant but somehow light at the same time. Yachi gently finished cleaning your hair as you scrubbed every bit of dirt you could reach from your body. If you were going to be a queen then you damn well wanted to smell like one.
Once rinsed off, the water from the tub was drained and a large plush towel was wrapped around you before Yachi helped you step out onto the absorbent rug just outside the tub. She dried you off much as you had done to the crown princess when you were a servant. It felt strange to be in a position that you had dreamed about since you were orphaned. What person in poverty didn’t want to be rich with servants to wait on you hand and foot?
And all you had to do was bear his child.
The price was hefty but somehow if it kept you alive it was all the more worth it. You felt that you were actually getting the better end of the bargain. While stories said that the king was cruel and unkind, he hadn’t particularly been either with you. In fact, he had agreed to save you and protect you and make you royalty. Was he that desperate for a queen and child? Did it truly mean that much to him or his people? You never did really grasp castle politics in the human world and it would seem that things weren’t much different here in the fae kingdom either.
Once she was sure you were completely dry, Yachi brought out the most stunning white dress you’d ever seen. She helped you slip it on, lacing it up the back so that it fits you like a glove. You were in awe at just how will the garment fit you, had they somehow known your measurements? Even if they did, you had only just arrived. There was no time to make such an intricate dress in only an hour or so.
Yachi had you sit down at the elaborate vanity that was housed against the wall. She dried your hair with the use of magic and styled it in a way that had you looking like a goddess. Your reflection rendered you speechless as Yachi smiled softly at your expression. “You look so amazing, my lady.” She murmured as she admired her work. “The king will be pleased when he sees you.”
The king? Your heart began to flutter. The king was the most handsome being you had ever set eyes on and now you were to be wed to him? You felt faint suddenly, overwhelmed by the prospect of getting married to someone within hours of meeting them. Sure it was to save your own life, but were you ready to be a queen to an entire race of elven fairies? Would he be a kind husband? Or would he become cruel as soon as you were his for the taking?
“I hope you never know fear again, my queen.” His words rang in your ears. Did he truly mean that? Fairies were known to be tricksters with devilish ways. They’d take and feast on your children if you weren’t careful. That was what you’d be told as a little girl to keep you out of the woods.
You swallowed thickly as Yachi watched you curiously. She wanted to ask questions, but she had been taught not to pry into the lives of the royals. She was to be seen and not heard, though speaking when giving direction to someone new was permissible. It wasn’t like you knew anything about this place or what the proper etiquette was.
“Yachi,” You asked, your voice shaking, “is the king…” You paused. Trying to find the least offensive way to ask your question, “Do you think he will treat me well?”
The small fairy girl had never been asked what her opinion was. Not by the king or previous queen. Not by anyone of any nobility. No one superior to her had ever cared. She was quiet for so long that you were sure you had offended her. That she was maybe angry at you for whatever reason.
Then, she finally spoke, “the king used to be very kind when the previous queen was still alive. He treasured her and spoiled her. He doted on her day and night. The queen is the source of the king’s power. Without her, the forest has been starting to die. His fear of losing everything has made him cold and bitter…I hope that you can change that. I hope you and my lord will be happy together as he and her highness were before.”
You took in her words, mulling over them as she placed a circlet of flowers and silver on your head. He had said you looked like her, would that be enough for him to treat you like her as well? You could only hope.
“Come now, it’s time,” Yachi said, helping you stand. “The ceremony is private, no one else can bear witness.”
“What do I have to do?” You asked, knowing nothing about fairy marriages.
She smiled softly, “you exchange your names. Your birth name. No one else is to know.”
The blood seemed to drain from your face, “but plenty of people know my name.” You breathed out. The entire human kingdom would once word got out about what you’d done.
Yachi chuckled, not meaning to laugh at your naivety. “It works a little differently for humans. You will be blessed with a new name of your choosing. You’ll be born again on this night, my lady. You’ll no longer be human after the marriage is consummated.”
You let out a sigh of relief. Though it was still a lot to take it, it was good to know that the deal wouldn’t be voided because people knew your name. It was still a little confusing, however. “I’ll be a fairy? Like you?”
Yachi’s face turned pink once more. “Oh no, my lady, much greater than me. I’m just a servant. You’ll be a queen. You know my name but I will never know yours. You hold that power over me.” She corrected you, though you didn’t quite see what the difference was.
“I must go fetch the king, please do not leave this room.” You nodded and she quickly left.
As you fidgeted with the sleeves of your dress, you wondered what he’d think of you. If the Great King would still find you suitable to be his next partner. If you were no longer human, then did that mean you’d live as long as he will? How did the previous queen die in the first place? Would you share the same fate after so many years? A shaky sigh left your lips as the door opened slowly.
He stepped in with all the grace in the universe, dark eyes roving over your appearance as he frowned. As he moved closer, you instinctively stepped backward, making him cock his head to the side in a way that had him looking like a curious child instead of a ruler. “You look lovely, my dove.” He said, taking your hand into his and bringing it up to his lips as he bowed to you. “Beauty fit for a queen.”
You grew hot with embarrassment as he stood back up, a smirk on his face. “Did little Yachi explain how this was going to go?”
“Kind of.” You murmured, “She said we’ll exchange names and that I’ll choose a new one.”
He nodded, “It can be any name you dream of. You are starting new tonight, dove. If you wish to keep your human name, you may, but I advise against it for your safety. Is there another name you wish to be called by?”
You thought hard, trying to think of another name you could use. A few came to mind but one seemed to stick out more than the others. Your eyes met his and you nodded your head quietly.
“Good, no one knows my true name except for one other living person, the captain of my guard. I will whisper it to you, we fairies have sensitive ears and I can’t have anyone eavesdropping on us, now can I?” he asked, voice playful as you shook your head. You wished there was a pause button you could press, then slow down the turn of events. Yachi mentioned the marriage would have to be consummated but did it have to be tonight? The thought of having sex again had your heart racing and breath hitched in your throat.
He leaned in, though sensing your nervousness he knew that he needed to continue on. “My name, my queen, is Oikawa Tooru and I am the king of the fairies.”
A sudden shiver ran down your spine as your hand shook in his. He remained bent down so you could whisper back the new name you had chosen into his ear, “that is my new name, my king.” You murmured softly, a tear escaping down your cheek again. You felt foolish for crying even more foolish for tensing when you felt soft lips kiss the drop away.
“What are you afraid of?” He asked outright, “I will never force you to do anything you are not ready to do, your highness. We do not have to share a bed right away. I will wait for your mind and body to heal fully. You are my wife, my partner, and not my slave.”
You let out a breath of relief, crying happy tears now before embracing him tightly. Oikawa was caught off guard at first but smiled softly as he hugged you back, holding you in the warmth of his arms until you decided to pull away. “When you are ready put this dress back on again so that I will know to make a move.” He patted your head affectionately. “Do you wish to have the room to yourself until then?”
You bit your lip before nodding, wanting some alone time. Though you did feel bad about him not being able to sleep in his own bed. “I’ll be in the room next door if you need me. There is a small bell on the bedside table you may ring if you need Yachi. Rest now, food will be brought in shortly. I have some formal matters to attend to, announcements of your arrival to make. Do not worry, you are safe here.”
He let go of you, kissing the top of your head with a happy smile before leaving you there alone. Once he was gone you laid down on the bed and sleep quickly overtook you. That night you dreamed of fae folk and the forest. The unknown language of the leaves suddenly made sense to you as the wind blew from a slightly ajar window. It was peaceful, calm, and most of all happy.
After three weeks of blissful marriage, you decided to once again put on the dress gifted to you on your wedding night. You had heard whispers among the court about how promiscuous your husband had been before marriage and overheard the complaints of some of the women he had bedded before you came along. Oikawa had ended all sexual contact with others, saving himself for his new bride.
No one knew for sure why he wasn’t sharing the same room as you, but it was speculated that you hadn’t given yourself to him yet. When you brought this up to him, he assured you that he was not upset. That good things were worth waiting for and not to listen to the gossip of the trees. He had been the model gentleman and while you figured he had to be frustrated simply by the longing looks he gave to you at night before you parted ways, you knew he’d never admit it to you.
“Yachi, can you let his highness know that I’d like to see him in our room?” You asked after she finished helping you into the intricate dress.
An excited giggle left her, “of course, I will fetch him right away for you. Are you sure that you are ready?”
You nodded, a bashful look on your face. “I think I’ve kept him waiting long enough. He’s held up his end of the bargain, it’s time for me to hold up mine.”
There had been reports of knights entering the forest, only to be cut down by the creatures within. You were officially wanted in the human realm, but time and time again the Great King would put your fears to ease. The woods were well protected. You wished to repay him for his kindness.
Minutes after Yachi had left, there was a familiar knock at your door. A smile graced your face as you called out a carefree “Come in.” The door opened and there stood your husband, dark eyes going black with desire as he saw the dress you were wearing.
He stepped inside, immediately closing the door behind him. Tiny branches grew over the knob, entwining together to form a lock so that no one else could enter. “Are you certain about this, dove?” He asked as stalked forward. “No one has influenced your decision, have they?”
You chewed on your lip, unsure of how to answer that. While you have found yourself lusting after him, the gossip has also grown fears of him seeking someone else’s bed. King Oikawa didn’t seem like the type to cheat, however, you had seen the human king sleep with many mistresses over the years and the queen never could say anything about it.
“Not exactly,” You murmured before telling him your fears. How your previous king acted and how some of the other fairies of the court had talked openly about his past sex life. By the time you had finished a frown formed upon his soft features.
“I’m loyal to only you, my love,” Oikawa said, taking your hands gently. “You should revel in the fact that I could have anyone in my kingdom and beyond. No one would ever turn me down, however, I chose you. Out of all the bachelors and bachelorettes, I wanted you. You are my queen and I would never betray you.”
You smiled as warmth flowed through you at his words. You freed your hands from his grasp before raising them up and holding his face, bringing him down for a passionate first kiss. At first, Oikawa was caught off guard, having not expected you to make the first move. He quickly recovered, tongue moving across your lips until you opened them for it to probe into your mouth for exploration.
You allowed him to take the lead, not really knowing much about what you were doing anyway. While the two of you had shared some emotionally intimate moments over the past few weeks, you had never done anything physical. He acted just the way he had promised which only made you trust him all the more.
Oikawa walked you backward until the backs of your knees hit the pelt-covered bed which sat perfectly made on its ivory frame. He pushed you gently, making you fall back onto the plush bear fur that lay on top of the bedspread.
His hands ran down your arms slowly, pulling away to murmur a spell that had your dress disappearing before your eyes. A foreign mix of embarrassment and arousal flooded you as you moved to try and cover your breasts and mons pubis with your hands. The king let out a low chuckle at your attempt at modesty, taking your wrists and forcing them back by your head so he could enjoy the full view of your body.
While he had appeared so patient on the outside, Oikawa was going mad with lust on the inside. He kept himself composed until he was alone in the room at night, fucking into his hand over and over but never quite feeling satisfied. You were wed, a binding vow was made, and day by day his desire to breed you was growing harder to resist.
He doted on you, praised you, admired you, all while thinking of all the things he wanted to do to that sinful body of yours. Spring was coming, the trees were already budding with new growth, and the need to bring new life with it was always present in the back of his mind.
The king sat up, discarding his clothes in the same way, and watched with a watering mouth at how your curious eyes widened at the size of his cock. His ego only seemed to inflate more as you mumbled how he wasn’t going to fit. How he was too big.
“I have faith in you, my queen.” He said in a sultry tone as he pressed two fingers against your clit. Already your lips were slick with want, a small moan leaving you at the tiny jolts of pleasure his rubbing gave you. While Oikawa wanted nothing more than to fold you in half and fuck you hard into the mattress, he knew that you weren’t ready for such treatment. After all the only sex you had experienced was against your will and he knew that you had taken no joy in it.
His eyes seemed to gloss over, no longer that beautiful honey brown but now a deep endless inky black. Your hips buck on their own, and when you felt how amazing it was to do so, you kept doing it until the tension was building rapidly in your core. Your husband was singing your praises all the while: that’s my good girl - look at how great you’re doing - cum for me, dove, don’t fight it.
When you did finally hit your peak it was the most mind-numbingly beautiful thing you had ever felt. Ecstasy crashed over you like waves and you hadn’t noticed Oikawa position himself between your legs to lap at your sweet juices. Only when you felt his tongue move into your folds did your breath hitch with uncertainty.
“T-Tooru,” You tried to murmur but it came out more like a greedy whine. He finished cleaning you up, raising up, and sliding a single digit into your hole. Again it was a new feeling, it didn’t hurt like your last experience. Your hips were angling to find the right position as he slid in a second. You gasped at the stretch but it wasn’t a cry of pain. It was a need for more, for him.
You didn’t last long, already sensitive from your first orgasm. When you came on his fingers you were finally able to notice the devilish smile on his handsome face. If only you knew the things going through his mind. If you did then you wouldn’t have such a blissfully calm expression on your face as his cock smacked against your lower belly when he leaned down for a kiss.
His tongue mingled with yours once more, a distraction as he spread your legs and positioned his tip at your entrance. He moved at a snail's pace, entering you only after you gave him a gentle nod. The pads of your fingers pressed firmly into his back as you bit the inside of your cheek. While it didn’t hurt as much as it had during your assault, it was still uncomfortable.
You fought the thoughts of that terrible night away. This wasn’t the cruel and terrible prince, it was your kind and loving husband. The Great King who had shown you nothing but kindness and generosity. He promised to never harm you and so far he had always held up that end of the bargain. There was no reason to not trust him.
You relaxed with a deep breath. Oikawa was shaking with restraint. Your plush walls were tight around his cock. Did you even know you were clenching around him? He groaned as he felt your grip slacken, a sign that he could finally move. He dragged his hips back, dick sliding out with ease before slowly pushing back into you.
He pushed all the way to the hilt, making you feel positively full. Suddenly a piece you didn’t know to be missing was in place and the joy of it had you whining for more. He grabbed your leg and wrapped it around her waist to adjust the angle. Now he could hit a sweet spot that you hadn’t even known existed. It had you moaning out his name in a way that made him almost go mad with want.
He only sped up at your beckoning, and soon it was at a speed you were certain was not possible for a human. Your ankles ended up on his shoulders as he pounded into you, mouth on your jaw planting light fluttering kisses between the filth that began to flood from his lips. You like that, don’t you? My cock pounding into your tight little pussy? I bet I’ll get you pregnant on the first try, my little slut.
Pressure began mounting once more as his words ignited a fire within you. It was different from the horrible things the prince had said. You knew Oikawa’s words weren’t a reflection of who you truly were. You were on cloud nine, getting fucked by your very own guardian angel. What else could you possibly ask for?
Oikawa was grunting, close to his first orgasm as you tightened around him suddenly. “That’s it, cum for me again, little dove.” He practically growled as he rammed into you harder, heavy balls hitting your ass with a loud slap.
You hit your peak once more, this time it was the most intense orgasm of all as your walls fluttered around him and your hips jerked wildly. Oikawa was cursing, moving your knees to your chest in a mating press as he made sure to be as deep as possible when he came. A large load of hot white cum filled your still trembling hole.
The afterglow was nothing you’d ever felt before. You both were panting as he pulled from you, kissing your forehead gently. The impossibly loud thoughts of defiling you now quiet in his head as he moved to lay beside you for a brief rest.
He called out your name softly as you turned to bury your face into his chest. He hummed as he rubbed your back to soothe you. The gravity of your new life began to weigh heavily. Not only were you now a queen but surely after that, you were bound to be a mother as well. Overwhelming feelings of anxiety had you crying, though you were trying to hide it Oikawa picked up on his instantly.
He understood that having sex for the first time could be scary for anyone, especially someone with trauma. He wasn’t offended or angry, instead, he continued to soothe you gently as he might a child. Lulling you into the sweet embrace of slumber.
You woke up to your face being pepped with tender kisses. A sleepy giggle left you as you opened your eyes to see the smiling brunette fairy on top of you, waking you the best way imaginable. “Guess what, dove?”
“What, my king?” you asked, giggling again as his breath fanned your ear.
“I’m all yours the rest of the day.” He said happily, having taken the day off from his royal duties to be buried into you for hours on end.
You had grown used to him having a busy schedule, it wasn’t very often that he wasn’t patrolling the forest for intruders or meeting with the captain of the guard. Sometimes he had to serve judgment on crimes within the kingdom or against the kingdom, such as the recent intrusion of human knights trying to search for you. You felt guilty but he told you that this was actually a common occurrence he dealt with.
Now that he once more had a queen to boost his strength, the forest had recovered the outer beginnings of decay. The growth could be seen at nearly every tree you came across. Toadstools in different colors and wild animals flourished. It was the healthiest it had been in twenty-five years thanks to you.
To say you were elated was an understatement. Love was in the air as you were happy to find that you were in no pain from the night before. You held his face, pulling him in for a deep kiss as you pressed your naked body against his. Oikawa chuckled into the kiss, giving in to temptation easily as you felt him starting to harden against you.
His hands roved over your breasts, squeezing them before rubbing his thumbs over your nipples. The sensation had you mewling into his mouth as you ran a hand through his soft brown hair. He pulled away so that you could catch your breath, face flushed as his hand traveled lower to tease your clit with a light pinch.
“Are you sure you’re ready for another round?” He asked, his tone teasing as you whimpered out a helpless yes. He lifted your leg up, putting it against him as he positioned himself at your entrance once more and plunging in with no restraint whatsoever this time.
The sudden intrusion was uncomfortable for a second before you quickly adjusted. Oikawa leaned down to plant a sloppy kiss on your lips as he started at a brutal speed. Lewd sounds filled the room as he rubbed your clit in tandem with his thrusts, wanting to see just how fast he could make you cum now that you knew how wonderful sex could be.
You practically screamed at the roll of the orgasm, hips pressing upward to try and feel more of him as he pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach. He grabbed your hips and raised them upward before quickly shoving his cock back into you. You let out another cry, surprised at how deep he was reaching inside of you as his hips smacked against your ass.
The undeniable sounds of sex could be heard in the hallways, having young elven fairies blushing and older ones smirking. Your voice carried, sounding sinful and heavenly. It would seem the king really had found his queen after all.
“That’s it, dove, cry for me louder. Let everyone here who you belong to. Careful, don’t say my name so others can hear it.” He teased as he managed to ram into you even harder.
“My king!” You changed it up to prevent his name from being echoed throughout the wing of the palace. “Please, have mercy,” you began to whimper at the threat of a second orgasm, already overstimulated at how unforgiving his thrusts were.
Oikawa tsked, “no mercy for my queen.” He groaned, uncaring who could hear him as you clenched around him at the title. His hand came down to give your ass a slap, the stinging sensation enough to send you over the edge again.
He worked you through your high, voice cooing sweet nothings as his rhythm softened until he finally came. You could feel him pulsating as he filled you with cum once again, fucking the white liquid into you for a moment until he was soft again.
He pulled out and laid down your hips gently before kissing your temple. “That was amazing, your highness.” His voice was light and airy, still dizzy from his own orgasm. “Would you like some breakfast now?”
You smiled, glancing at him with a slightly embarrassed expression as you nodded. “I would love that.”
That night there was a grand banquet in honor of you no longer being human. While you still weren’t entirely sure what it meant, nothing felt any different, Oikawa had assured you that the process was painless. He had said that you had awoken that morning as a fae folk and not as a mortal. The physical changes, if any, would be extremely gradual.
All night people came up to you both, congratulating you on the marriage, and the few that had heard the consummation even gave their king a wink. He’d merely smirk in response, proud of himself for being able to please his new bride with ease.
There was a massive feast of food you’d mostly never seen before. However, everything you tried was delicious beyond imagination. It made the stew in the woods pale in comparison. Your thoughts drifted back to Iwa, you had yet to ask the king about the man but were uncertain how to bring it up. You wondered how he was able to stay in the woods without being harmed.
You wanted to find a way to thank him because without him you wouldn’t be here right now.
Oikawa noticed you lost in your thoughts and assumed it was just because of all the new faces you were meeting. Fairies from all over the kingdom had come to finally meet their new queen, to dance and drink and celebrate all night long.
Only a few hours had passed by when a frantic messenger ran up to the king, bowing quickly before speaking, “Your highness! Fire on the Southern border, humans are trying to infiltrate the forest. I fear they are looking for the queen.”
Oikawa had felt something off about the forest. He had a deep connection to it, which is why it had started dying slowly through his grief and loss of the magical conduit that had been his late wife. With his new love by his side, the trees and plants had been growing stronger every day. It wasn’t just the season changing that had brought new growth, but your budding love for him had too.
“No need to stop the festivities,” Oikawa said plainly. “I’ll have reinforcements sent to the Captain. They’ll deal with the intruders once and for all.”
He called over two men, one tall with short bushy eyebrows and dark hair and another slightly shorter with blond hair. “Take your strongest men to aid the captain. Make sure no one who enters the forest leaves alive.”
Both nodded and gave slight bows, though it was easy to tell that they were both eager to fight. Matsukawa and Hanamaki went to handpick the team that would be joining them in their trip through the gateway and into the woods.
You gave your husband a worried look to which he planted a kiss on your forehead. “No one will ever hurt you again, my dove, didn’t I tell you that before?”
“The animals in the forest, and the hermit…” Her voice trailed off, “he helped me my first night. Kept me safe and fed me. He even told me how to find you. I owe him everything.”
A curious look crossed Oikawa’s face with perhaps a hint of jealousy. “He means so much to you?”
Your eyes widened, understanding his implication, “no, not like that, my king. I mean if it weren’t for him I would have never found you, my love.”
Your answer satisfied him enough to have him chuckle. “Iwaizumi is the captain of my guard.” He admitted, “He’s not a fairy, but he is a powerful sorcerer. He prefers to live in the woods alone, guarding all that live within. I just sent him help to fight off the knights, I wouldn’t worry about him.”
“He’s the captain?” You muttered in surprise and Oikawa nodded before plucking a berry off a nearby plate and eating it.
“Did you think I let just anyone live in my territory?” He asked in a teasing tone. “Yes, he is. And don’t worry about him, my queen, he is probably going to have the time of his life tonight.”
You nodded, a smile etching its way onto your face as you nibbled on some of the food that was in front of you. It would seem that everything had come full circle. There truly wasn’t anything to worry about. You were married to a man you were sure was the love of your life, you were a queen of such an amazing race of people, and it would seem that you had everything you could ever ask for, everything you ever dreamed of.
Two months later there was another celebration, but this time it was for the announcement of your pregnancy with your first child. It would seem that you had held up your end of the deal as well and neither you nor your king could be happier. Nights were filled with adoring sex, days with amazing food and dancing and plays of all sorts. There was never a dull moment in the kingdom, and best of all there had been no attacks on the forest since that night eight weeks ago.
Everything was perfect and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Requests are currently open!! Check out my rules post for more info!
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bbyrukia · 2 years
Mother’s Day
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Eren Jaeger x Female Reader
Summary: Your husband shows his appreciation for you when he pampers you on Mother’s Day, but spoils you with the more exciting surprises later in the night.
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: oral sex M receiving, fingering, unprotected penetrative sex, breeding kink, cursing, pregnancy talk, creampie, sex toys
“Mommy, mommy, look what I picked for you!” You see your daughter, a little bundle of joy not much taller than your dining table, sprint your way with a cute little arrangement of flowers in her tiny hands.
She crashes into your arms, and you immediately lift her up with a small groan because she really is getting heavier.
“Oh wow” you inspect every flower, noticing how they are all in your favourite colour “they’re beautiful, baby. Did you pick them all by yourself?”
Two forest green eyes look away, a little pout gracing your daughter’s cute face “Well, daddy helped.. but only a little!” She declares, making you chuckle and kiss her plump cheek.
You hear a laugh from somewhere behind that you instantly recognize, turning around to see your husband walking towards you with a wide smile on his face.
Keep reading
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bbyrukia · 2 years
it’s been soo long since i’ve used this blog. any t@gged fans still out there??
i was thinking of doing a rewatch soon
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bbyrukia · 2 years
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bbyrukia · 2 years
Heh. Double penetration with the Miyans 🌚
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bbyrukia · 2 years
18+ Account | Minors DNI | Do NOT Follow, Like, or Comment | Pls have your age in your bio, if you do not I will automatically block you because I’ll assume you are a minor.
All characters are written during the timeskip which puts them in their 20′s for both NSFW and SFW. SFW will only be written for pre-time skip.
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Part 1 | Part 2 (coming soon)
Paring: Knight! Ushijima x Royal! Reader
Warning: Smut with Plot (lots of plot) | Fluff | Angst | Love Triangle | 
Word Count: 1043
Part of @introloves collab:
Once Upon A Time
A/n: Unedited , work and school literally has a hold on me. I wasn’t able to get much out. And I have like work in like 7 hours. I’ll make a part 2 but just combine it…rn it felt rushed but with the rest of it the pacing will be better…I hope…
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Your gasps could be heard from the corridor. “My gods, how tight does this need to be? I could barely breathe.”
“Just a bit more my Lady.” Your maid said as she tightened the last string on your corset. “Are you excited my Lady?”
“For?” You ask, taking deep breaths in.
“For meeting the Prince. Maybe this time you’ll actually like this suitor, I mean he is the prince.” You were about to answer when you were cut off but a deep chuckle. Both you and your maid look up at the sound.
“When have you ever seen her excited to meet a suitor? Much less a snobby prince.” Your appointed knight spoke as he leaned against the doorway watching as your maid hurried to get you dressed.
“Sir Ushijima, you know you aren’t supposed to be in here while our Ladyship is dressing. Please leave.” You watched as your other maid tried to shoo him away.
“Oh please Marie. Don’t waste your time with that mongrel, he never listens. Not when we were kids and most certainly not now.” You maintain eye contact with him as your dress goes on.
He said nothing, only turning away from you. His gaze was now afar, looking at nothing but the curtains that blew in the cool spring breeze. Your eyes stayed on him, it was strange, he had always gotten like this when there was a suitor. Quiet, more aggressive, and just always kept his eyes from wandering anywhere on you when you looked at him long enough. Somewhere behind those cold eyes of his looked like there was…pain.
Perhaps that was why you had never picked any of the suitors. The look he had each time you stood next to a suitor made your heart drop, the pit of your stomach would always feel empty. The look of his cold eyes looking empty made you want to do nothing but comfort him. But you knew you couldn’t. If you could, why wouldn’t your father name him as a suitor?
When the two of you got older was when your father started to separate you. You no longer played outside with him, your responsibilities were to study and learn the ways of the manor. There was no longer fun involved in any daily activities. But late at night Wakatoshi would always sneak you away to the small lake on the outskirts of the manor that had the most beautifulest big oak tree. A tree that you two sat at for hours, years. The last time you had been there was when you were fifteen, it’s been six years since then. Later that same year was when your father started to find suitors, and when Wakatoshi started to act cold towards you.
“My Lady?” Marie called out to you as soon as she finished with the last button on your dress.
Being brought out of your thoughts you looked up at her, “Yes?”
“You’re all ready.” She had a smile on her face as she rushed you towards the door. “Now Sir Ushijima, I expect you to deliver our Ladyship to her father and the Prince in one piece.”
“When have I not?” He began to walk ahead of you, not even taking a moment to look at you.
The walk was silent and filled with dread. His presence felt more cold, his body was stiff, all you wanted to do was grab his arm and run to that oak tree.
“When will you stop looking at me like that?” His deep voice broke the silence.
“Like what?”
“I could feel your eyes on me. Just stop.”
“Like what?” You repeated the question slowing down your pace that had been matching his.
“Just stop.”
He could no longer hear or feel you behind him, turning back he sees you standing in the middle of the corridor. Your eyes glimmering as if you were to cry, it was a look he knew too often.
“How am I looking at you?” Your eyes deceived your tone of voice and he knew it. Wakatoshi sighed and stood in his place.
“Like you think I’m weak.”
“What!?” You scoffed, “I’m worried, not pitying you.”
“Well stop.” He gestures for you to continue to walk down the corridor.
You didn’t walk and he grew irritated. “What seems to be bothering you since you want to speak of it so much.”
“You. How you’ve been acting, and just-” You paused, hoping to find the right words, “You’ve changed so much. We haven’t spoken more than a couple of words for six years.”
“Why think of that now?” His cold gaze still on you.
“Because-” You couldn’t bring herself to say it.
“Because what?” You still didn’t speak, “Let’s not waste any time. Your father is waiting.” He began to walk even if you didn’t.
“Because I don’t want to marry the Prince! I want to marry you!” He stopped in his tracks. He quickly turned back to look at you and the small regret on your face. He turned to see if anyone was around.
Seeing that there was no one he walked quickly towards you and took you into the nearest room.
“What the hell are you talking about!” He raised his voice at you. Small amount of tears began to build up.
“You don’t know what you want.” He walked towards you, closing in the distance as your back reached the wall of the broom closet. “Why couldn’t you keep your mouth shut?”
Before you could speak again he lowered his face to your neck. You could feel the warmth of this breath crawl down your spine. “Don’t you know how hard it’s been?” His lips hovering over your neck, “I’m a man you know. And my patience for you is wearing thin.”
His lips kiss your neck. Slowly, and down they went to your collarbone, below that, to the top of your breast. “I-I love you. I always have.” Your breath hitched as he went back up your neck. “Why do you think I haven’t picked a suitor? I only want you.”
“Yeah? In what way?” His hands began to trail over your breast, and down while his other began to lift up your skirt.
“Every way.”
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bbyrukia · 2 years
is this what you wanted?
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⋆ rintaro suna x fem reader
⋆ warnings: fingering, finger sucking
⋆ word count: five hundred and twenty four
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you sit on suna’s lap with his hands tightly gripping your waist. you’ve been making out for what seems like hours ever since he had come home from practice. you were clinging to him the second he walked through the door and he decided to turn your neediness into something enjoyable for the both of you.
he runs his tongue along your bottom lip and you open your mouth wider to let him in. you moan at the feeling and he chuckles before moving one hand down to your thigh.
he gives it a harsh squeeze and runs his hand up to the top of your shorts, messing with the hem.
you whine as he teases you, not giving you what you so desperately want and he chuckles into your mouth. he finally slips his hand into your shorts and runs his middle finger teasingly against your clit.
you let out another whine at his actions and reach down and grip his wrist trying to push it deeper into your shorts. he takes his other hand from your waist and grabs onto your wrist that’s holding his and takes it off of his, placing it on his shoulder before returning his hand to its previous spot.
you grind yourself forward onto suna’s hand hoping to get some friction from it and also trying to get his fingers towards where you need him most.
he notices this and slips his middle and ring fingers through your folds before teasing your entrance with his middle finger.
“rin, please”
you see him slightly smirk before he slips his long fingers into you as he moves his face to leave kissing and marks all along your neck.
you’re a moaning mess and it only gets worse as he rubs the heel of his hand into your clit.
“is this what you wanted baby?” he whispers in your ear. “hmm? youve been asking for this ever since i got home and now you can’t even speak to me.”
“s-suna,” you whine. his name and your moans are all that seem to be able to leave your mouth.
you feel yourself getting closer to your high so you start to move against his hand, gripping his shoulders as you feel yourself become weaker.
“you gonna cum, baby?”
you hastily nod your head, still finding yourself unable to form words.
“then cum.”
all it takes is a particularly rough thrust of his fingers until your falling apart on his fingers, resting your head against his shoulder, no longer able to hold yourself up properly.
“you sound so pretty baby, i bet you taste pretty good too.” he says before slipping his hand out of your shorts and placing the tip of his fingers into his mouth.
you stare at him, taking in the sight before he takes his fingers out of his mouth and moves them towards yours. you quickly open your mouth as he puts his fingers in so you can suck off what’s left of your juices.
“fuck..” he groans before slipping his fingers out of your mouth and running his thumb along your lower lip.
“let’s go upstairs.”
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bbyrukia · 2 years
red suits, red hearts, and red ledgers | masterlist
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--spider-man!kuroo tetsurou x reader
--summary: “A radioactive spider bit me during my lab internship and now I can pretty much hear and see everything.”
Your eyes narrow and he smiles sheepishly.
“Tetsu… what the actual fuck.”
--genre: spider-man au!
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a revelation
midnight apologies
of lightning flashes and wicked smiles
wisteria purple
more coming soon!
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from you guys:
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tag list: open!
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bbyrukia · 2 years
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Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
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bbyrukia · 2 years
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synopsis: tendou courting a quiet person
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-You we’re never one to talk much
-The only time you were seen talking to someone was with your best friend
-You never rose your hand in class and whenever someone invited you out to stuff you would always decline
-The day tendou swears he falls for you was when you were at his game
-He’s seen you at school before but you’ve never been to his games
-Your friend had convinced you to go out this once and it would be the last time
-After the game he saw you and your friend on the way out
-You and them were laughing about something and he swears the moment he heard your laugh he fell in love
-After that day he made it his mission to talk to you every day
-Most days you didn’t respond and just ignored him but this man is determined
-The day you finally respond to him was when he asked if you wanted to hang out after school
-You declined and explained why you couldn’t
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‘Hey y/n. Me and a few others are gonna go out to do karaoke. I was wondering if you wanted to go?’
‘No.’ You decided that maybe it was time to finally reply. Maybe he would finally take the hint that you didn’t want to talk to him. As you said that you looked over at him and the look on his face made you feel bad. You can tell he was sad by your reply. ‘I’m busy tonight, maybe another night though.’ You can immediately see his face light up again. You swear you felt a little spark.
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‘Hey y/n. I was wondering if you would want to go to my game tonight. And maybe we could hang out after?’ You and tendou have been hanging out the past week. I mean if you consider tendou trying to get your attention and you trying your best to ignore the butterflies he gave you. One thing you learned was tendou definitely wasn’t a shy guy. He’s always trying to put an arm around you and you see him talking to random people around school.
‘Um, I can try. I don’t usually go to those things.’ Even though it wasn’t a definite yes, he still had a bright smile on his face.
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-Tendou ended up walking you to your seat before the game started
-He told you to wait for him after the game so he could walk you home
-He wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to the person he has a crush on
-During the game he kept looking up at you and winking
-Your heart would soon explode if he did it anymore
-When his game is over he fulfills his promise of walking you home
-On the way to your house he makes an attempt of holding your hand but you don’t seem to notice at all
-He eventually gives up after trying a few times and figures your not ready yet
-When you guys get to your house you say your goodbyes and start walking up to your door
-Before he can leave you turn around and hug him
-That leads to the both of you turning into a blushing mess
-That turned out to be the start of a great friendship that soon lead to something more <3
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bbyrukia · 2 years
red suits, red hearts, and red ledgers | masterlist
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--spider-man!kuroo tetsurou x reader
--summary: “A radioactive spider bit me during my lab internship and now I can pretty much hear and see everything.”
Your eyes narrow and he smiles sheepishly.
“Tetsu… what the actual fuck.”
--genre: spider-man au!
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a revelation
midnight apologies
of lightning flashes and wicked smiles
wisteria purple
more coming soon!
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from you guys:
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tag list: open!
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bbyrukia · 2 years
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valentines makeup [nsfw]
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synopsis: your fave arrives home late for valentine's day. he decides to make it up to you.
featuring: f!reader x haikyuu boys
notes: this can be whoever you imagine it is to be. happy belated valentine's day! (pls pretend i didn’t repost this like a week later ahaha)
warnings: female body parts, manhandling, pussy eating, fingering, unprotected sex, bad title names
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shutting the front door as quietly as he can, he kicks off his shoes. with the roll of his shoulders he can feel the stress of work and other things fading. whenever he can come home to your shared living space he can forget about everything involving any and all sort of problems-
"you're late."
except for your wrath.
he hasn't even gotten a chance to turn around fully, but when he does, you're a sight for sore eyes. you're all dolled up in lingerie, make-up done and hair perfectly set. the sheer lacy robe drapes over your body, barely concealing the snug fit of the bodysuit you have on.
you’re going to be the death of him.
"baby..." he breathes, stepping towards you, still drinking in your figure. "i'm sorry i'm late, you know how things get at work. i sent you a text to let you know i'd be back late." he explains, trying not to anger you any further. It doesn’t work.
"i don't care." you huff, arms crossed. he can't help but trail his eyes to your cleavage and how it sits pushed up. "we made plans and you ruined them."
your boyfriend's eyes scan the dining room table where you had set a candle-lit dinner. his and your favorite foods were set up and he can't help but feel shame. he hadn't meant to leave you alone for so long. and he knew that you were looking forward to spending this time with him. it had been so long that it was just the two of you.
he places the giant, beautiful bouquet of flowers on the table along with the extensive tiffany bags on the floor before turning to take you in his arms. you're visibly shaking and he holds you tighter, trying to get you to calm down.
"you left me here by myself..." you mumble into the crook of his neck. tears sting your eyes but you manage to blink them back.
"i know. i'm so sorry sweetheart. you worked so hard to make all of this. you must be tired." he kisses your forehead, cheeks, neck...his kisses growing sloppier and wetter as he moves down your body. he's kneeling in front of you now, kissing down your stomach. his hands never leave your body as he explores you like a newfound gem.
your breathing hitches, body twitching in reaction to his touch. "i'm...i'm mad at you, yanno."
a smirk is plastered on his face. no matter how mad you were, your body would always respond to his touch. he can feel how needy you are just under his fingertips.
"let me make it up to you then," he says before he's kissing your clothed nether lips. his tongue swipes out to collect the dampness that's leaked through the lace underwear and he groans slightly, “look so good and taste just like it to. i think i need more.”
he knows flowers and jewelry won’t cut it for now. he has to spoil you in a different way.
your boyfriend sweeps you up in his arms with no warning, causing you to squeal, clinging onto his broad shoulders and beefy arms.
"i'm not going to drop you, i promise," he assures, opening the door to your shared bedroom. he places you gently on the bed before he's kneeling in between your legs again. wasting no time, he rips the part covering your cunt.
you gasp. "i just bought this you asshole!"
"don't worry, i'll buy you another one. i'll buy you all the clothes you want me to fuck you in." he replies before attaching his lips to your pussy.
he licks a wet stripe and moans, "best pussy on earth," his large hands grab your thighs and throws them over his shoulders. he's burying his face impossibly closer to you and sucking the bud, making sure not one drop of your juices is wasted.
"ha, mmm! feels good!" any thoughts of arguing with him are gone as he eats you out like a starved man. this is the best way he knows how to apologize and you can't complain. not when he always does such a great job.
"yeah? you look so pretty right now. need you to come all over my face. think you can do that for me?" he asks, looking up at you through his lashes. it almost makes you mad how pretty he looks eating you out.
you nod furiously and your hips move to grind up into his face. his grip on your thighs is deadly, bruising probably as he damn near batters your clit with his tongue and now fingers. you're rapidly approaching your high and you whine, letting him know that.
"come on, pretty girl. need you to squirt all over my face. need you to make a mess of yourself." he slaps your ass and that's what sets you off, body seizing as your orgasm consumes your body. your legs tremble around his head and involuntary squeeze him. he feels like he's in heaven when your juices spray him, allowing him to lick and slurp you up.
his thumb rubs circles into your skin and he waits for you to calm down. when he finally pulls away his chin is dripping with your essence and he grins. he sits up before wiping his face taking time to admire your trembling form.
your eyes can't help but slide down to the front of his pants. the sight of his painfully hard cock straining against the material has you squeezing your legs together and you let a soft whine escape your throat.
if he noticed your reaction, he says nothing as he leans down to capture your lips into a kiss again. you grip tightly onto his shirt, eagerly kissing him back. his large hand holds your face and you feel him nip at your bottom lip before you open it, letting his tongue slip inside. a warm feeling engulfs you as you taste yourself on his tongue.
he pulls you onto his lap, the bulge from his pants grazing against you. you mewl, pleasure igniting through you as you rut harder against him.
“shit baby, just like that…” he grabs your hips and drags you across, your clit catching onto the material in the best way possible. you shamelessly leave behind a wet patch on his pants and decide to lean into his neck. you leave bite marks along the column of his neck, making him groan your name out loud.
your hand palms him, feeling the twitch of his cock beneath his clothes. your palm meets his crotch in a way that nearly has him jerking himself in your hand.
“sweetheart if you keep doing that i’m going to cum.” he hisses, tugging your hand away. he flips you over so that you’re on your back, legs spread out for him and presenting your cunt like a gift.
"please. want you." you reach for him and claw at his clothes. it isn't fair to you that he's wearing so many.
he tilts his head to the side, feigning confusion. "what do you 'want', baby?" his hand palms himself through his pants shamelessly, looking at you right in the eyes.
"you know i'll give you anything you want if you just ask, right?" he quirks a brow, his amused eyes awaiting your response.
you feel yourself becoming shy but your neediness helps you vocalize your needs. "need your cock. want you to fuck me. want to feel all of you."
"is that right?" he hums, his hands unbuttoning his shirt. his toned chest comes into view, followed by his chiseled abs. the sight has you drooling and you wait for him to take off the rest of his clothes.
you grab a hold of his pants and hastily start to remove them. he clicks his tongue, pulling back your hands. you pout and whine, throwing a small tantrum. crying that you need him right now and for him to hurry up.
he seems displeased with your attitude and leans over you, hand enclosing over your neck. “be a good girl for me and be patient, yeah? you’re doing so well it would be a shame for you to start acting like a brat.” his eyes darken at the word, and his hand tightens slightly on your neck, making you quiet down immediately.
he pulls back and stands up. he takes off his pants and briefs, his length slapping loudly against his stomach. he sighs when he finally strokes himself. "don’t worry. this fat cock is all yours baby. so let me take great care of you. just lay there and look pretty for me while i fuck your brains out."
you squirm in your spot on the bed and that makes him laugh. his large figure looms over you as he aligns his cock with your entrance. a primal urge from within him stirs when he looks at your tiny pussy next to his fat cock. it never fails to amaze him how you make him fit every time. you really are his perfect little cocksleeve whore.
his tip breeches the tight ring of your hole and his mouth falls open as your warmth encases him with each inch disappearing in you.
“fuck you’re tight. sucking me in and milking me so well at the same time…” he breathes. he finds himself taking his time, wanting to memorize the feel and shape of your creamy cunt. he pushes in further and your hand reaches for his, grasping it tightly.
“it’s okay, i got you. you’re doing so good sweetheart. we’re almost there.” he coaxes, kissing your knuckles. he rocks his hips slightly and before you know it, his balls are pressed against your plush ass.
his eyes flutter close and he looks like he’s achieved pure bliss. “oh fuck. missed this pussy so damn much.” a growl escapes him as he jerks his hips a little.
you cry, and it’s only then do you realize it’s all too much, you missed being filled up like this and you can’t help but convulse around him because of that. he’s caught off guard by this and groans, feeling you become tighter and massaging his cock.
he pants, rubbing circles into your hip before huffing out a laugh. “oh baby, did you just cum? did you cum from just me putting my dick in you?” he coos, caressing your face. there’s an arrogant look on his face and you hide shyly in the crook of his neck.
“don’t be shy, think it’s fucking hot how your pussy can’t get enough of me. must’ve missed me too. that’s why it’s mine, right?” he slips his hand over your clit again. your breath hitches as sensitivity takes over.
“y-yea, all yours…” you mumble, eyes hazy. he can’t get over how pretty you look, he hasn’t even played with you that much but you’re already looking partially fucked out. no wonder he’s obsessed with ruining you.
he finally moves his hips, taking time to adjust you for you to be comfortable.
“please move, need more.” tears brim your eyes and you reach up to look at him. “please fuck me hard.” you beg. “want to forget everything.”
how can he say no to your cute face? the sight of your pretty tears going straight to his cock too. “if my baby wants to be fucked dumb, then i can give that to her.” he says, thumbing the apple of your cheek.
he fucks you through your sensitivity, and the sound of his balls meeting your ass fills the room. your whines get increasingly louder as the brutal force of his thrusts sends you moving back each time. the moment his eyes fall on your figure beneath him, he thinks about how lucky he is to have you. you look so beautiful sprawled out, taking him however he wanted to take you.
“so so pretty. so beautiful like this for me.” he praises, and feels your cunt squeeze around him at hearing that. “you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, you know that?” he grabs hold of your hands before lacing your fingers with his.
you babble in response, gushing out more juices around him which creates a loud squelch. it drives him crazy how much of a mess you always make for him.
he kisses your neck and jaw, humming with satisfaction. “you ready for your other valentines gift? yeah? ready for me to fill up this pussy with my cum?”
“please! want it so badly please fill me up!” you lock your legs around his waist. he grunts, becoming impossibly closer to you, and changes his angle, hitting that one spot you love so much.
“ha, fuck,” he groans, “want to see you stuffed full and dripping with my cum.” he pins your hands above your head before he’s near grinding into your core, adding his fingers for good measure.
“f-fuck yes, just like that! feels so g-good!” you squeal, and his cock throbs harder at seeing your eyes roll back.
“good fucking girl, taking me so well.” he rolls his hips and moves them faster. “please cum for me again princess, need to feel you cum on my cock.”
you nod furiously, feeling yourself reach your climax again. you’re chanting his name when your release finally hits and that causes him to come undone as well. his moans are loud as he spills into you, the amount seemingly endless you feel his cock throb from inside of you.
he holds you, planting kisses all over your face which makes you giggle.
“happy valentine’s day, baby. i love you.” he snuggles his face in your neck, smiling.
your words slur in response but he understands well what you want to say.
slowly, he pulls out of you, his eyes going immediately to in between your legs. he swears under his breath as he sees his load spill out of you. he can never get used to the sight. he takes two fingers and shoves the remaining amount back into you. you twitch slightly at his touch when he cleans you up with a wet cloth.
he plants a soft kiss on your forehead and lips. “you did so well. you feeling okay? it wasn’t too much?” he pushes back your hair and his eyes scan you with concern. “tell me if it hurts somewhere.”
“n-no i’m fine…thank you.” you mumble and look at him with wide eyes, love and admiration fill them and he realizes his baby is back. your brain can’t even remember why you were upset in the first place.
mission accomplished. your boyfriend smirks as you lay back on his chest. maybe he would fuck you dumb more often to make you forget.
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bbyrukia · 2 years
your discord pfp and your tumblr pfp are locked in a room together. what happens?
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bbyrukia · 2 years
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imagine suna coming hom from his volleyball practice and he walks into the kitchen to see you making dinner.
But the thing is, you’re in your cute panties with one of his t-shirts on. He sits his bag down and comes behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
“Hey baby.”
He mumbles into your neck. You giggle as he travels his hands to your clothe pussy. You hold in a moan as he presses down on your clit.
He starts to trail kisses on your neck and starts pulling down your panties. “rin, mmm. stop i have to cook dinner.” You whine, as he starts sliding his fingers in your sloppy pussy.
Moments later, rin has you on the counter. His arms wrapped around your waist in a firm grip, as he thrusts his cock into your gushing pussy.
“f-fuck rin! pl-please”
You whine into his shoulder, as he starts leaving kisses onto your neck and starts quickening his speed.
“shit- i’m gonna cum. you gonna cum pretty girl?”
You nod your head unable to come up with the words because of how good rin is fucking you. You dig your finger tips into his shoulders and with a high pitch moan, you came.
Rin cums seconds later and he rests his forehead on your shoulder.
“I love you so much.”
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