bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
Social Media Growth Hacks That You Should Start Today
You might come across several social media articles some talking about topics related to social media marketing or social media advantages. Here in this article, we shall discuss some social media tips to help enhance social media optimization in the searches.
What is social media marketing?
In simple way to explain, Social media marketing is the process of gaining traffic through social media sites. This helps your business to reach out the mass. The social media strategists always try finding new strategies to keep your website in top rankings.
Turning your social media pages into a community hub is a great idea and is quite simple as well.
But the question is that, is it difficult to manage a huge social media community? The answer is YES! But not impossible.
To discuss the same, we list some most valuable social media marketing tips that you should start using right now.
Now calling them hacks to tips, they won’t quickly fix your social media marketing problems.
That way the way social media marketing campaigns don’t work.
But definitely, each of these hacks will help optimise the effectiveness of your social media marketing strategy and help you achieve the most out of it.
To mention, every single tip on this list will help you start making the best use of your social media presence and start ruling the social media platform where you choose to.
Forget the tag ‘follow for follow’: Rather make it sound like ‘share for share’
This is a universal strategy change.
Previously, suggestions were made that small business must follow individuals in the social world, to raise awareness for their social media pages.
If you don’t have followers on Facebook or Instagram, you’d preferably start seeking out people interested in your business.
And this approach works if done correctly.
For example, the people who use Airbnb are your perfect choice.
If you want to connect them, you have to scan through the likes and comments on any Airbnb picture on Instagram and you will have a list of leads to reach out.
When it is about ‘follow for follow’, if your marketing strategies are targeted, they would be more effective.
But ‘follow for follow’ could bring mixed responses.
How long one follows, is and you never know when it crosses the fine line from being ‘convenient’ to ‘annoying’. And the main reason is that you are not the only person, following this strategy.
Today, every start-up or small business check the comment sections of industry leaders and spam the list with invites.
Though it has been a potential method the process got saturated making it difficult to stand out.
Is there any solution?
Yes! And there comes a change in the approach, from ‘follow for follow’ to ‘share for share’.
The potent of influencers can’t be underestimated in the current marketing scenario.
And this could beyond the reach of celebrities, who can promote your product to millions of people with one single post.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a major brand Pepsi or Coke, or a small business owner finding ways to get the most targeted exposure, influencers are quite useful.
There are one lesser utilized aspects of the social media influencer and it is their incomparable targeted reach.
Only consider that you’re running a business and you’ve had your share of success on social media.
You haven’t transformed your brand into an online known name yet, but you’re heading over there.
Instead of waiting with hope over ‘follow for following’ strategy; you think of something different, something new.
You observe that there are a few platforms which your followers invariably, follow.
In fact, they are the lists that you’ve been using to practice this ‘follow for follow’ method!
Rather, continuing to remain in hope for some best things to happen, you can reach out to those pages with new deals.
If they assure to promote your content in their Instagram stories, you’ll also do the same.
In simple words, you can suggest doing guest posts for one another and this could be a better fit for your audience and your requirements.
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
Black Hat SEO Strategies That you need to avoid
If you are not aware of Black Hat SEO strategies that you need to avoid then you need to read this blog in detail.
Risky Black-Hat Techniques:
1) Entering the article spin zone
There is a minute difference between enhancing your quality article for SEO purposes and just spinning it to fill the pages. This is known as article spinning which is actually a programmed robot that generates meaningless low-quality cheap content by recreating the same material to avoid plagiarism but then this article has no value for Google ranking and is a bad Black Hat SEO technique.
2) Cookie drops
It might feel good to drop undoubted cookies on the browser's reader. The tapping of the various history of browsers by saving the code for Google to track the user and future references.  This is also a very bad Black Hat SEO technique.
3) Purchasing of links
The rise of a legal issue against the operators who invested money for their links might give a grim look to the marketers. Although they are happy for Google Adwords Space and on the contrary they harm the sites that take up the same practice to backlinking. The buyers and sellers of the links fell back on the rankings after the Penguin update. So it is better to avoid purchasing such links.
4) Keyword stuffing
Repeating the same keyword or stuffing it on the article will not help you. It is important to use such keywords effectively and precisely as per keyword density but then if you overuse it, your site will be spammed. This is another Black Hat SEO Strategies that you need to avoid.
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
Scope of Robotics Career in India
If you want to make a career in Robotics Engineering then you need to focus on structuring, designing, building, and application of robots and the computer usage for processing and manipulation. In industries, robots play a significant role. They enhance the manufacturing process and therefore the output is quickly delivered. Such human machines find their application in nuclear science, sea exploration,  biomedical equipment design. Skills like electrical engineering, computer integrated production, mechanical engineering, software engineering, and biological mechanics are required to work in the robotics field. There are lots of Robotics jobs in India because of computer science and related research technologies.
Careers in Robotics
The designing, maintenance, functional, programming procedures are involved in the Robotics field which will be useful in lots of fields like the army, medical, transportation, manufacturing, production and much more. There are lots of robotics career path present in this field. There are lots of technical people involved in this field like electrical, mechanical, medical etc.
The scope of Robotics Career in India:
Generally, most of the students opt for a 4 year BE/B Tech course with this stream. This will give the students a basic idea of this field and after this, some of them choose for post graduation courses like ME/M Tech and get specialization in this field. This is definitely one of the famous professional careers in India. You can get jobs easily both in India and abroad. There are definitely lots of opportunities in the future as well. You can easily make your carer in space research organizations like ISRO and other microchip manufacturing organizations after an M.E. degree.
Institutes offering courses in Robotics
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthinilayam, Tamil Nadu- M.Tech
National Institute of Technology, M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) Mechanical (Robotics as an elective subject)
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
Things To Know About Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality
The current reality is that there is great confusion all over between augmented reality and virtual reality. Now they are both earning lots of media attention and are of promising growth. In this blog will discuss all the details and the differences between virtual reality and augmented reality.
Virtual Reality or VR
This is actually a computerized creation of a real environment or situation. It makes the user feels like they are experiencing the real situation by stimulating their vision and hearing.
Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality
VR can be attained by wearing a headset like Facebook’s Oculus along with the technology, and is used in 2 ways:
To create and increase an imaginary reality for games, entertainment, and play.
To improve training for real-life environments by creating a real situation, for which people can practice and be prepared beforehand.
VR is done through a coding language called VRML. This is used to design a series of images.
Augmented Reality or AR
This is a technology that puts computer-based enhancements over an existing reality to add more meaning to the ability to interact with it. AR is created in apps and used on mobile devices to mix digital components into the real world.
This technology is rapidly coming into the mainstream. Owing to this you can see score overlays on telecasted sports and pop out 3D emails, images or text messages on mobile devices. In simple words, AR is revolutionary!
Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality
They are actually inverse reflections for each other. VR creates an entertainment of real-life situations, whereas, AR gives the virtual elements as an overlay to the real world.
How are they similar?
Technologically, both leverage some of the similar technology types, and they both offer an enhanced or better experience.
In the world of Entertainment, both the technologies provide experiences which are becoming very common. Leading tech experts are researching and developing new adaptations, making improvements, and releasing advanced products and apps which support these technologies for tech-savvy users.
In the world of Science and Medicine, both have great power to change the face of the medical field by introducing things like remote surgeries.
How Do They Differ?
AR improves experiences by adding virtual components like digital images or graphics, as a totally different layer with the real world. Whereas, VR designs its own reality which is computer based and driven.
Delivery Process
VR is mostly delivered through a hand-held controller. This equipment allows people to control and navigate their actions in an environment similar to the real world.
AR is used in mobile devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones to change intersect or interact between \ the real world and digital images or graphics.
How They Work Together?
Often they work independently and if blended to generate, they could provide more inspiring experience. For instance, haptic feedback is considered an augmentation. But it is commonly used in a VR setting to provide more real-life experience.
VR and AR provide good experiences of the real world in virtual. Alone used or blended together, they are definitely a way through the worlds-both real and virtual alike.
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
Best 8 Incredible Business Ideas With Great Returns
Those who don’t want a regular nine to five job might think about freelancing or any small business where they could reap huge success. But the questions that often linger in mind are: how to start a business without money? How to start new business ideas with low investment? You might wonder what business ideas for beginners are suitable! Also, chances are that you wish to start an online business; but you don’t know how tostart a business online!
For many women work from home could be one of the best ideas for business. Whatever business plan it is or any entrepreneur ideas you need to a thorough market survey keeping in mind the future goals. Be it new business ideas with low investment or any beginners’ idea to start, market research is a must!
Many business ideas come in and then become a history in the market. There must be many reasons for their failure, but one of the main reasons is not to have a futuristic approach for their amazing idea.
Entrepreneurship might appear a twisted job, but it isn’t that difficult. All you have to do is keep an eye on the market trends and closely watch the declining industries and the fastest growing ones.
Doing some market and web research,
here we list out 8 business ideas that you must give a try.
1) Real Estate Industry
With the expansion of cities to meet the needs of rising population owing to migration from the rural areas to urban lands, the immediate future will witness an increasing demand in the need for affordable houses.
So you can give a good start to a business related to the real estate industry.
2) 3D Printing
This is gradually climbing the charts of popularity. Being one of the most profitable business ideas, you can give a try at this. 3D Printing has revolutionized the conventional manufacturing business.
According to the Wohler report 2015, 3D printer sales have raised from 66 in 2007 to amazingly 232336 in 2015.
Do you need to think more? It’s a really good try!
Once you own 3D printers, you start your own shop and start advertising your business to attract good paying clients.
3) Healthcare Industry
One of the fastest growing occupations is directly or indirectly related to the healthcare sector.
Speculations are that the healthcare sector could yield more than 3 million jobs by 2018. So, if you wish to start a business related to the healthcare industry, the future is bright.
4) Outsourcing Business
Outsourcing business is expected to become more popular by 2020.
Approximately 50% of the US owns their own small businesses. The same trends are seen in several other big countries like Canada, UK, and Australia. Owing to high operation costs, hiring local employees is avoided by these small businesses.
Freelance business is growing at a good rate in developing countries like India, Pakistan, and Nepal. To provide virtual services online, all you need is a good internet connection and necessary skills set.
5) Co-Working Spaces
With a rise in rents, the working space will witness a major change in the coming future. Separate offices will get replaced by co-working spaces as an effort to curb the expenses and keep the company away from the paying of big rentals bills. So, starting with a co-working space is a smart decision now.
6) Economy Business Collaboration
Businesses based on collaborative economy approach like UBER, Airbnb, OLA etc. are expected to grow more in a period of some few years. Such businesses offer a helping hand to end customers and accompany the service providers, which ultimately helps them in making money.
7) Consumer Goods and Services Business
The middle-class of the population is expected to rise about 3 billion by 2030. This population rise would lead to an increase in consumption of goods and services. Therefore, a business in goods and services has a huge growth.
8) Consultancy Service
Experts are in the opinion that consultancy business will see a good growth in the future. This could be due to the rise of entrepreneurial trends; increase in unemployment issues globally or high inflation rates.
So it would be great to start a consultancy business like recruitment firm or career consultancy firm, could prove to be profitable in the long run.
Whatever small business ideas, it is but the strategy must be made with big with futuristic goals. It could benew business ideas or online business ideas, but the fact is that you must know what the demand is for.
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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bchinmay17-blog · 6 years
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