bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œMaybe, but people are complex.” Perhaps he was looking too much into the details but it was how he felt and thought about others. β€œIt’s good to be open to change though. At the very least it’s an effort towards being a better version of yourself.”
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she gave another shrug, ❝ again, not my problem. ❞ if she cared too much about what other people thought, she’d never say anything and she didn’t have time to worry about that. ❝ it isn’t a big deal. what’s the point of living if you aren’t changing at least a little? ❞ 
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œYeah, totally impossible,” she said, matching the other girl’s expression before her lips curled up in a grin.Β β€œThere you go. There’s always a catch, I already know that about you.” After all, Araminta herself did the exact same thing sometimes.Β β€œHow’s that going?”
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❝ pretty good so far, there’s this one freshman who’s dad is the ceo of apple and said she’d get me the next iphone for free. there’s also this guy who’s grandpa is close with elon musk and said he could get me on the waiting list for the rocket going to mars but i’m pretty sure he was bullshitting. have you tried anything with the newbies yet? ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œYou mean how you felt when you had to explain to daddy why you no longer had a car?” He teased, knowing he was probably going a little too far.Β β€œYou’re too easy to annoy, Nie. Be careful, someone might take advantage of that one day.” 
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her expression darkens as her eyes narrow, ❝ we both know who was responsible for that, don’t act all high and mighty. ❞ her father almost grounded her because of that incident and she was forced to pay for her new car. ❝ you should be careful cause if you keep being a piece of shit you’re gonna get slapped. ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œPromise,” Kings said as he lifted his arm over the table. Elbow parked next to his dwindling side of hash browns, he offered out his pinkie to solidify the deal.Β β€œOh, you’d find a ton. Once that shit goes in the woods, it’s gone. I stopped looking for them a long time agoβ€” figured if someone else bothered to go searching for one themselves, they deserve it a hell of a whole lot more than me.” Not that his used Callaways were worth all that much but one King’s lost ball is another golfer’s treasure.Β β€œWell, take Vince for instance. When he won at Keeneland, he got the whole clubhouse a round. Then ended up buying a bottle of the most expensive scotch they had. The guy was having the time of his life.” Then Kings leaned forward, voice going a bit quieter as he continue,Β β€œDon’t think he meant to spend all his winnings in a few hours but… still had a smile on his face at the end, so.”
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she glanced down at his gesture and laughed, ❝ you know, you’re an actual child, right? ❞ but despite her words, she linkrf her pinkie with his. ❝ i’ll find the ones you lost and sell them back to you. it can be my new side business. ❞ nie listened on with his story and her expression gradually showed her disappointment. she mirrored his motion, wondering if the story was actually going to get good but it stayed anticlimactic. ❝ i don’t know what i was expecting with a story about old men, ❞ she rolled her eyes, chuckling lightly. ❝ at least you got some free booze out of it. how’d the scotch taste? ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
He shrugged as well.Β β€œNot everyone has such a strong sense of their personal truths. Do you always look at things in such a black and white manner? How do you determine what’s relevant when there’s so much we all don’t know?”
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he was asking too many questions again but she was too tired to snap at him. ❝ not all the time but most things are pretty straightforward. ❞ she scrunched her brows at his second query, ❝ i just do, it’s like common sense. you always have certain doubts about yourself or your skills and if someone talks about it, it’s like a sign that you need to fix it. ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œWell, you always have been easy to fool, so that doesn’t surprise me too much.”
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❝ you actually think i actually fall for your shit? that’s called pity so you don’t feel like a total loser. ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
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Lysander’s face scrunched up as she lectured him.Β  β€œBeing aware of my surroundings? Are you talking about Jisung?” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.Β β€œHe’s just a petite goblin with a big mouth. I’m not threatened by him at all. Besides, I already put him in his place. There is no reason to be concerned about the little snake.” 
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❝ it could be him or it could be any of the windsors. they all want to be in your position and if you keep this up, you’ll hand it to them. ❞ she could’ve been overreacting but she didn’t want to see him get taken down so easily. ❝ you need to play the game and right now you’re making up your own rules. ❞ 
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œSurprise gifts? Surprise visits? Surprise testsβ€”oh, but I don’t like those either,” he joked, finding amusement in her reactions.Β β€œAh, the twin. How did I know you were going to go with her?”
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❝ i’ve seen plenty of videos of surprise gifts and visits. like, twitter is filled with kids being surprised by their parents who are coming back from the military. ❞ she almost laughed at his joke. almost. ❝ yeah, like mars wasn’t an obvious choice too. ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œSure, I suppose with constructive criticism it does work that way,” Tristan said, acknowledging her point.Β β€œBut some things, you just have some sort of knee-jerk reaction to, don’t you? What about those?”
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she have him a soft shrug, ❝ they’re all the same to me. i’ll take what i need to consideration and i’ll ignore whatever i know is false. do you think they’re different? ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œI was joking. You think I don’t know you well enough to know what you were trying to do? Your existence annoys me; you don’t have to try so hard.”
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❝ and here i thought you were just being a dumbass, you could’ve fooled me, ❞ she just gave him a blank stare, ignoring the second half of his sentence.
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œWe’ll see about that. The tone of your voice says you definitely could care less. It’s not even scary when my father uses my full name let alone when you do it.”
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she scrunched her eyebrows before correcting him, ❝ relax, tough guy, i wasn’t trying to scare you, i was trying to annoy you but that didn’t work. ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œI must be the luckiest guy on earth if I’m as shitty of a driver as you say I am. If that’s what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, princess.” 
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❝ apparently; but luck can only last for so long. ❞ her expression shifted as she grew irritated, ❝ don’t call me princess, and i could care less about your opinions, tyler. ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œI haven’t gotten into an accident yet, so I think that says I’m not a bad driver. You and I have very different definitions of the perfect size.”
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❝ car accidents are all about luck. haven’t you seen those videos of shitty drivers show just miss getting hit? maybe so but i’m right so you should get your perspective checked. ❞
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bdenie Β· 5 years
text πŸ“² open
Zie: you’re the best!!!!!
Nie: only for you tbh
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bdenie Β· 5 years
text πŸ“² open
Zie: i love having a twin
Nie: ok i got it, i'll give you the rundown at home 😘
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bdenie Β· 5 years
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❝ what? you don’t think i can be nice now? ❞ she asked, keeping a blank expression before cracking. ❝ i’m just trying to see how many freshman i can get to trust me before they annoy me. ❞
β€œNew year, new you? If people keep failing with their actual new year’s resolutions, what makes you think you’ll succeed with a senior year rebrand? I’m willing to bet that you’ll fall into old habits in no time.”
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bdenie Β· 5 years
β€œNo idea why I would need to. I’m a great driver after all.” He said, nonchalantly as though he really didn’t know what she was talking about. β€œWhat about you? Finally learned how to keep your ego in check?” 
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❝ according to who? yourself? you know drivers can’t feel when they drive bad. ❞ she rolled her eyes, ❝ why would i need to get my ego checked? it’s the perfect size. ❞
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