bdluejay · 15 minutes
ichthyologists in 1938:
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bdluejay · 32 minutes
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bdluejay · 48 minutes
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bdluejay · 1 hour
SWANA tumblr’s patience with everyone else has clearly run dry 💀 straw that broke the camel’s back. pun intended ig—
really it’s only the restraint of Arab countries that have kept the region in one (though tattered) piece so far, it’s the West & “Israel” that have been frothing at the mouth warmongering.
I won’t forget y’all making WWIII jokes when this is very serious for us. We’re just cannon fodder for you lot to watch while eating popcorn, you think it’s funny to make jokes about the political instability in the MENA when this is the fault of Western imperialism and CIA coups. It’s easy to make jokes when you feel safe. Really we are famous for our patience — and we gave y’all too much of it for too long
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bdluejay · 1 hour
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bdluejay · 10 hours
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bdluejay · 15 hours
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bdluejay · 15 hours
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The United Nations General Assembly adopts a Palestinian resolution calling on Israel to end its occupation by an overwhelming majority:
124 states voted in favour, 43 abstained, 14 voted against.
Israel is finished. The world recognises its apartheid and genocidal regime.
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bdluejay · 16 hours
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Today's Cards Are: Dogs of Spades
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bdluejay · 16 hours
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My mom saw this earlier
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bdluejay · 16 hours
Lissajous curve table
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bdluejay · 17 hours
Me when I see Yoshi
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bdluejay · 17 hours
Every romance book promoted on tiktok is just full to the brim with horrible "steamy" taglines that are just like... Eyes on me, Little Beast. I'm here to make you Damp
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bdluejay · 17 hours
a few years back my car insurance company offered me a discount if i stuck a dongle in my car that would tell them how i drive (specifically reporting hard accelerations and stops), with a base discount of 10% even if i drive like a madman up to 40%ish if i drive like a grandma. and of course naturally my first thought was "huh i bet i could make something running off an Arduino that filters hard brakes and accelerations out of the incoming data stream to get that 40% discount" and i got as far as looking up OBD2 protocols before realizing that that would just be insurance fraud. yes im an engineer raised by two engineers how could you tell
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bdluejay · 17 hours
"Jeez, i sure need to charge my smash meter quick, lest I be defeated by my opponent!"
The opportunistic smash ball:
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bdluejay · 18 hours
Look at my cat
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bdluejay · 18 hours
nothing beats the intimacy of being silly together
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