bdsgutierrez-blog · 7 years
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Because I love her so much that I will do anything just to ensure her happiness. #siopaosforever
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 7 years
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Its a love I never expected to happen and its the greatest thing. #enamoured
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 7 years
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 7 years
January 25, 2017 - A new year ahead
It's been awhile since I wrote another love letter to that lovely lady over the counter.. I still can't believe that upto this moment, I am with the best lady anyone could ever have. I mean, come on. A lady that knows how to love, that knows how to take care of someone so dear to her, that loves her family so much, and cooks such great food, deserves all the love in the world, and my whole heart! I am enthralled by her beauty! My whole journey with her is better than a roller coaster ride, all ups and no downs. Eating dinner with her family, staying over for shabu-shabu, sleeping next to her and watching her sleep, God, I can never get enough of it. It's been a first, everything. I pray that one day, I get to marry this lovely lady. Give her my last name and let her keep it forever. For now, you are Ms. Lady over the counter, soon, you'll be Mrs. Gutierrez. Sincerely yours, Your admirer
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
A letter to the love of my life..
Thank you! Yes, I know I have said 'thank you' a thousand times but I will never get tired. You have filled my heart with love since the day I met you and have always kept me happy. The smiles you give me is what I always treasure in my mind and what keeps me going. I cannot wait for what the future has in store for our relationship, and to our future family! You are the kind of partner I have been praying for to God all my life and now that you've finally came, I will never let go. A precious girl like you can never be found anywhere else. My heart is all yours my dear. And to you, I will continue to dream, continue to accomplish my goals because in the end, all of it will be for our future; all of it will never be a waste. Since day one, I knew you were something else and for the first time in my life, I have been right. I love you so much, and I will be loving you forever and always. P.S. You really are one of a kind
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
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Vaping couple. ❤️❤️❤️
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
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It has been 3 months since this happiness started... We've been having alot of 'firsts' ever since. Upto now, I still don't get how a guy like me end up with a perfect girl like you. I hope you're happy with me, and with your life right now because I don't pray for anything but that. Anyways, thank you so much for a wonderful month, fun-filled to be exact! Our first ever vapecon was the bomb! I know we got tired but it was soo worth it. I love you so much, and I can never thank you enough for being a part of my life. Soon, we'll continue our adventures. It may take awhile, but I assure you that it will come in time. Happy 3rd! Our road to forever just started..
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
Our adventure..
...continues! ❤️❤️❤️
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
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We conquered not just Mt. Daraitan, but our fear of heights! Off to more adventures in the future!
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
Its been 2 months since I felt enamoured..
Its been one ‘heaven’ of a month being with this woman I am with. And to tell you honestly, I enjoyed every bit of it.
Every single day, she made me smile. She made my heart sunny as the sun above. And every day, she made sure I have a blithe, smiling face before it ends. Nothing can top that!
For these past few weeks, we’ve been planning our future. And not just the short-term (let me tell you!), its the long term plans that we have which I am so excited about. Its been a dream of mine to comfortably talk about this with someone special, someone I want to be part of my life forever.. and finally, she came into my life.
Our plans, they are not just any plans. It is whats going to keep me, us, looking forward for every day. To wake up, knowing that I am getting closer to our goals in life. And to do that with you, maaaan..
You know, I dont believe that I have told you how much I love you. Its not enough. With what you make me feel, it is never sufficient. My love for you is unending. My love for you is beyond what I can show you now, but I will do my utterly best to make sure you see and feel it.
Please do know that from the 25th of May onwards, you have been my 'crème de la crème’. My happiness. I love you so much, and on this world full of uncertainty, you are the only person I am certain to live with for the rest of my life.
Happy 2nd. 😍😗
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
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Yes.. Yes, I did. And I am one hell of a lucky guy!
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
Yes, I am in love. Deeply. Crazy, madly, with you, Patricia.
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
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My happy pill! ❤️❤️❤️
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
Its been a month since this happiness started..
And let me tell you about it.. So there's this girl I've been eyeing on ever since my grandmother got admitted in the hospital. We go there everyday for her radiation and weekly checkup. It went on for weeks, and to tell you, I was there every single day to make sure my grandmother's checkup was done and that her radiation was completed. But let me tell you about this woman.. So after eyeing on her for some time, I decided to tell my grandmother about it; that I saw a pretty girl in the reception desk from where the radiation section is. I told my grandmother that I've had a crush on her for days now. A day passed, luckily, my grandmother had the urge to set me up to that pretty girl off the desk. She got her number without me knowing, and to my surprise, she gave it to me the next day while the pretty girl does not have any idea I was the one who wanted it. And just so you know, I was single at that time and my grandmother is itching to get me a girlfriend, and that it should be a nurse. What are the odds right? So this girl I am telling you about is simple. Have some flaws, but perfect. Her smile, do not get me started with her smile. Her smile is just heavenly! I could look at that smile on her face all day, everyday. She's sad, but full of happiness in her heart. And lastly, not loved, but will give you every ounce of love she has inside of her. I am writing this here not to brag about her but to tell you my story of the day I became the luckiest guy on Earth. Yes, I am. I've been saying this ever since, and I am never going to get tired of saying this. Before I end this entry, I just want to thank my grandmother, for having the courage of asking for her number and for setting this up, our relationship. I am not thanking God that you had cancer, but I will thank God for making this happen. It was an odd meeting place, but this just proves that you don't need to be in the perfect place, and at the perfect time, to find the perfect girl for your life because guess what, I did find her. And she is sitting right in front of me, across the hallway, while I am writing this for everyone. She is the prettiest, the most loving person I have ever known, my ULTIMATUM. And I believe, that she is the one. Happy 1st my love. I love you so much! #siops #25th #happypill
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bdsgutierrez-blog · 8 years
To the guy that broke my girlfriend's heart before..
Thank you so much! Thank you because you left her. I don't want her hurt or sad, but because of what you did, I had a chance to prove to her that there is someone out there that will not hurt her like you did. I am thanking you because you gave me a chance. I love her, its true! I love her so much that every day that I am with her, I feel nothing but happiness. Thank you because now, she will feel the love she deserves. She will feel the importance and attention she once craved from you. And the best part of all, all of her efforts will not go to waste. I will enjoy every single day she's with me and make sure that she feels loved. To be honest, I don't know why you left her. She's perfect! She's adorable and so loveable! So appreciative, loving, caring, and would cross seas just to make sure you're okay. It's such a shame that you let someone like her get away from you! But I am glad that you did. And to the one I love, thank you so much for letting me love you. Thank you so much because when I came into your life, you still had an ounce of feelings left to love someone; you didn't give up! Thank you so much for being so sweet and caring. The thing I am most thankful for, is that you love me. I know it may take time for wounds to finally heal, but I will be here, no matter what. I promise you that my efforts will always be the same. I promise you that I will be your cheerleader, the best one at it! I promise you that I will take care of you all the time. I promise that this time, this love, its nothing but real and pure. I will love you forever. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. And I am so lucky to have you in my life, forever. These are not empty promises. I'll prove that to you. May 25, 2016
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