be4stm4stered · 7 months
I h4ve b3en we1l. It 1s nic3 to f0rmal1y me3t y0u. :)
This thing on? Tina’s been bugging’ me to get “ECHOblr” for a while. Guess I’ve done it.
What’s the hype with this thing anyways?
fan blog made by @thy-handsome-soup
pretty much falls into any mordecai canon/fanon. Any ship is relatively okay just don’t take it too far
Basic rules: No NSFW- very strict. If you have a question for OP; see blog above. If you don’t like OP’s headcanons, just ignore it! Don’t agree with a ship? Just ignore it! Simple!
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be4stm4stered · 7 months
Ah, my f3llow hunt3r. H0w have you be3n, Mord3c4i?
This thing on? Tina’s been bugging’ me to get “ECHOblr” for a while. Guess I’ve done it.
What’s the hype with this thing anyways?
fan blog made by @thy-handsome-soup
pretty much falls into any mordecai canon/fanon. Any ship is relatively okay just don’t take it too far
Basic rules: No NSFW- very strict. If you have a question for OP; see blog above. If you don’t like OP’s headcanons, just ignore it! Don’t agree with a ship? Just ignore it! Simple!
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be4stm4stered · 7 months
Mr Ch3w has dec1d3d Kr1eg's buzz ax3 is h1s l4test t0y. Kr1eg is n0t ple4s3d.
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be4stm4stered · 10 months
Zer0! It is g0od to se3 y0u as wel1! I hop3 so t0o.
H3llo, my name is Fl4k. I h4ve been t0ld that th1s ech0blr thing is fun, s0 I dec1ded to giv3 it a try.
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be4stm4stered · 10 months
Hell0, Wa1nwr1ght! It 1s gre4t to se3 you aga1n. I hop3 you h4ve b3en we1l.
H3llo, my name is Fl4k. I h4ve been t0ld that th1s ech0blr thing is fun, s0 I dec1ded to giv3 it a try.
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be4stm4stered · 10 months
It is n1ce to s3e you as w3ll, my g0od fr1end! It 1s most pl3as4nt see1ng fam1li4r fac3s h3re.
H3llo, my name is Fl4k. I h4ve been t0ld that th1s ech0blr thing is fun, s0 I dec1ded to giv3 it a try.
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be4stm4stered · 10 months
Ah, T1na, my fri3nd! It is g0od to see y0u. I do lov3 that l1ttle fell0w. He 4nd Mr. Chew ar3 due f0r anoth3r pl4ydat3 so0n.
H3llo, my name is Fl4k. I h4ve been t0ld that th1s ech0blr thing is fun, s0 I dec1ded to giv3 it a try.
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be4stm4stered · 10 months
H3llo, my name is Fl4k. I h4ve been t0ld that th1s ech0blr thing is fun, s0 I dec1ded to giv3 it a try.
// indie rp blog run by @enbytwink.
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