be4tmblr ¡ 9 years
Catch up with me!
So...I haven't been in here for a long time, and I'm SO sorry about that. I know I keep saying it, but believe me...I really do mean it! I've just been going through a lot of personal stuff and, quite frankly, there hasn't been a lot going on with Rob and Kristen that I've felt the need to post.
Except...I have to say I'm SO proud of Kristen for being the only American actress to win a Cesar award! She totally deserves it, so congratulations to her!!
Anyway, I'm not sure when I'll post anything in here at this time, but I wanted to share with you where I've been...
I broke down and created a Tumblr. 😂 I'm on there every day, sometimes several times a day. I mostly reblog stuff, but every once in a while I'll create my own post about something. And lately, I haven't only been posting things about RK, I've also been reblogging things regarding Fifty Shades of Grey and the actors...I'm totally hooked. I went to see the movie with my cousin, and we both LOVED it!
So...if you've been looking for me here, only to find disappointment that I haven't been around, feel free to scope out all my reblogging on Tumblr! It is, as anything else I have, completely public, so you shouldn't have to sign up to view anything. Also, it's connected to my Twitter account, so whenever I post anything, it shows up on Twitter...so, if you don't wanna look directly from Tumblr, just check out my Twitter and follow the links posted on whatever you wish to see.
Hope everyone's doing well. Enjoy!!
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be4tmblr ¡ 10 years
Readings are CLOSED to the public...sorry 🙁
I'm sorry, everyone, that I haven't been around much again...whether it's on Twitter or here. I've been going through some personal stuff lately, and just haven't made the time to tweet or blog. Just know that I'm thinking about all of you, and hope you're doing well.
I've had a message on Twitter from one of my followers several days ago...I haven't been in to even answer this person, and I apologize for that. I'm not ignoring anyone, really...I've just been taking a lot of time for myself.
Anyway, this person wanted to know if I've done any pendulum readings lately...and my response is no. I think I posted about this before, but I feel I must do it again, simply due to the fact that some aren't aware that I'm no longer doing pendulum readings...at least not about Rob and Kristen.
I've just done a personal reading for myself, and that's the first time in I don't know how long that I've even thought to pick up my pendulum.
So, for those of you who want to know...I'm no longer doing pendulum readings regarding Rob and Kristen. I feel that a lot of people relied too much on the responses, and took them as gospel...when from the very beginning I mentioned not to do that. Pendulum readings aren't 100% accurate...they're really not. Granted, most of mine were proven correct, but still...it's not 100%. The Pendulum's Twitter was deleted a long time ago, at the same time I decided to no longer do readings.
I apologize to those of you who were hoping I was still doing readings, and I hope you understand why I no longer do them. I still believe in my heart that Rob and Kristen are together, and that they're just fine in their relationship...just playing super ninja and working on their own projects. But I believe that in between and at the end of said projects, they always come together and are together in every sense of the word.
Just keep believing, my friends...just keep believing.
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be4tmblr ¡ 10 years
I'm still here!! 😂
Okay, so I just wanted to update all of you on what's been going on with me. I'm sure a lot of you have wondered where I've been...I haven't really been on Twitter again recently, or blogging. I've been busy doing other things, and the one big thing has been dealing with my break up in July.
I have good news about that...my ex (yes, he's still my ex in the technical sense, anyway) have made amends, and are at least friends and speaking again. I do know, though, that it's only a matter of time before we are officially back together...but that's just because I know him so well, and of course I know me. 😂
So, things so far have been going really well, and after the couple months of misery I'm finally happy again...and it's funny that everyone around me can see it. But that's a good thing, so... 🤷‍♀️
Reborn update:  I make my final payment next month, and then she'll be on her way here! She's being shipped from Canada, though, so it'll take a little time due to the international shipping, but I've waited this long to have her...so I can keep waiting! I'm beyond excited!
I was amazed at my ex last night, because when I showed him a picture of her, he didn't react the way I thought he would. Most people say they're weird, or creepy, or that the people who have these babies are mental or something to that affect. His reaction...it's not any of those things. He actually thinks it's a good hobby for me to get involved in. The only thing he really said was that I try not to spend a lot of money...and I've really been trying! You have no idea how tough that is to not buy everything that's so adorable!! 😂
That's pretty much me at the moment...spending time with the ex now. I've made a couple friends in the virtual world I frequent in, and just doing me. So, I hope nobody's been worried about me, because I'm perfectly fine. I'm alive, and here, and doing well! Hope you all are, too!
Also excited for Rob and Kristen's latest projects! Can't wait!! 🙂
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be4tmblr ¡ 10 years
So...my new obsession...
Most of you know about my horrible break up with my boyfriend a few days ago. I just want you all to know that I'm doing okay, and I want to thank all of you who reached out to me on Twitter with so much support, and lots of hugs. It really means a lot to me and it helped me feel so much better during such a bad time. Thank you all for that, and know that in times of need you all have my support and hugs as well. Even if I'm not there to say so, just know in your hearts that I'm there.
Anyway, I mentioned in my last post about a new obsession...yeah, I think I'm cool to talk about it now, especially since it's already underway.
My new obsession is...(drum roll please)...
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For those of you who aren't familiar with the hobby...this precious little angel is a reborn baby doll. I am in the process of "adopting" this one.
Have no fear...I haven't lost my mind since my ex broke my heart. I'm still me! 😂
Besides, I discovered this long before our relationship ended, so it's been ongoing...I just hadn't had the money to start the process until recently. She wasn't my first choice for a reborn, but she was one that I was also interested in...the first one I chose was already sold out from under me (before I was able to come up with the money to put a deposit on her for layaway), so later on I'm going to have a custom baby made, possibly two...another girl and a boy. No, the customs won't be twins...the girl will kind of be in remembrance to my late father, cause she'll resemble him quite a bit, and also the name I'll be giving her will be something both of my parents always wanted for one of their grandchildren. The boy will be made to resemble my son when he was born (if I can find the right kit for him).
Now I'm sure those of you who know nothing about this are asking "What is a reborn baby?"
From Wikipedia...
A reborn doll is a manufactured vinyl doll that has been transformed to resemble a human baby with as much realism as possible. The process of creating a reborn doll is referred to as reborning and the doll artists are referred to as reborners. Reborn dolls are also known as living dolls or unliving dolls. The hobby of creating reborn baby dolls began around 1980 when doll enthusiasts wanted more realistic dolls. Since then, an industry surrounding reborn dolls has emerged. Reborn dolls are primarily purchased on the internet but are available at fairs. Depending on craftsmanship, they range in price from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Reborning involves numerous time consuming steps. The most basic form of the process involves taking a vinyl doll, adding multiple layers of paint, and adding other physical features to the doll. Artists can pick different brands to best suit what doll they wish to create. Consumers can also buy reborn doll kits that include the doll parts and supplies for creating their own reborn. Making a doll from a kit is called newborning and allows artists to omit some steps in the fabrication process. Many supplies are needed for both external and internal modifications of reborns to make the doll seem more realistic. Some consumers of reborn dolls use them to replace a child they once lost, or a child that has grown up. Others collect reborns as they would regular dolls. These dolls are usually taken seriously and are cared for like an infant. Critics debate whether reborn dolls are harmful, or whether these dolls can help in the grieving process. Because of their realistic appearance, reborn dolls have occasionally been mistaken for real babies and "rescued" from parked cars after being reported to the police by passers-by.
Don't worry about me with the "leaving the doll in the car" thing, cause I never plan to do that. I just wanted to put that out there. 😂 When I take my reborns out with me...and I do plan to do so...then I will not leave them anywhere. They'll go where I go, or they'll stay home.
Now, there are a lot of people who do treat these dolls as if they're real babies, but what others don't understand is that they know the babies ARE NOT real. They're ROLE PLAYING with them, and they do it because it's fun and they like it. While I don't plan to do everything others do, such as feeding them and changing their diaper all the time and all that, I do plan to take them places with me, shop for them, change their clothes, and just cuddle and love them. That's as far into "reality" I'll go with these babies. I won't make videos like a lot of others and put them on YouTube, simply because I don't choose to role play with mine like others do with theirs...my videos would be pretty boring if I did that without all the other stuff. 😂 If anything, I might make videos here and there if I get positive reactions while I'm out and about with my reborns. Other than that, I don't plan to do anything else as far as videos.
I will do pictures, though...dress them up really cute and take photos of them, but they'll probably be limited, as well. I don't plan on buying them A LOT of clothes...as hard as that's going to be to avoid, and I've already started (check my Twitter for the onesie I just posted a little while ago today)...but I do have some outfits picked out already to buy in the future.
The artist of my first little darling in the photo above gave her the name "Kirsten." I'm choosing to change her name to "Nevaeh Grace" (Grace is, of course, the middle name). I love this artist! Her work is AMAZING...if you've ever been to her website, then you know what I'm talking about.
Here is some other information about this baby...
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I don't even have her in my possession yet, and I love her already. As I already said, I've begun to shop for her...and the beauty part is, the custom girl I plan to get will be able to share her clothes, so I won't have to spend a ton of money on separate wardrobes! 😂
So, without letting this blog post get any longer than it already has, this is my new obsession. Those of you that think it's weird, or creepy or whatever...you're all entitled to your opinion. Just know that I don't care what you have to say about it. I know who I am, and I know what I like. I'm not crazy. I'm not in need of mental help or anything like that. I'm a perfectly normal human female who just happens to like collecting dolls. That's it. 🤷‍♀️
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Have a good day/night everyone!!
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be4tmblr ¡ 10 years
I have NOT left the fandom!!
Okay, so I know...I haven't posted in here in FOREVER and I'm so sorry about that. Right now, though, I've just been doing other things, to the point where until a couple days ago I hadn't even been on Twitter to post anything since April. With Rob and Kristen doing their own separate film projects, and no sightings of them together in so long, I've just been focusing on other things.
When I did go into Twitter a couple days ago, it was brought to my attention that some of you were assuming I left the fandom because I hadn't been around in so long.
Have no fear...I'm still here! And I have NOT left the fandom...I would never do that! I may go quiet for long periods of time, but no matter what I'm doing or not doing, I'll always love Rob and Kristen, I'll always be proud of the things they're doing, and I'll always have faith and believe that they're still together...because I haven't had any evidence to prove otherwise. Just because they're busy doing separate things DOES NOT mean they're not still together. And just because they haven't been photographed together DOES NOT mean they're not still together. Some of the haters still need to get that through their thick heads.
Anyway, I thought I should post this to let you all know I'm still alive, and still very much into my obsession over Rob and Kristen. 😂
However, I've recently discovered a new obsession...it might be considered a little weird to some, though, and I'm not sure I want to talk about it just yet. I'm currently in the process of preparing to acquire something that some people will probably think is strange...and I know I'm being really cryptic right now, but just bear with me. Maybe I'll reveal what it is in a couple months when I actually have it.
In the meantime, I hope everyone is well, and just know that I'm absolutely great, and still here! Happy reading!! 😘
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be4tmblr ¡ 10 years
New readings!
I am SO SO SO sorry I haven't been around in the past couple of months to post! I've been busy with other things...I'm sure you all know how it is. Real life gets in the way a lot!
Anyway, I don't have much to post, except a few things...
First, I've been "cleansing" my pendulum. Yes, it was dirty. 🤪
Seriously, though...it was starting to get wonky. It's not normal for it to give me wrong answers about the simplest things. So, I've cleansed it. And I've done some readings about a few things.
I had been requested by a follower on Twitter to ask it if Rob and Kristen spent New Years Eve together...apparently that was something a lot of people wanted to know about? 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, I asked my pendulum, and it said...
Yes. They did spend New Years Eve together.
I also wanted to ask it...again...if Kristen was pregnant. Now, I'm sure by now all of you saw the photos from the Chanel show in Dallas, TX that she attended. At one point she wore a long sleeved gray crop top...to me she didn't look pregnant, or at least not as pregnant as I imagined she would be had she been pregnant since September like my pendulum had originally predicted to me.
Anyway, I asked it again if she was indeed pregnant.
It told me no.
Then I asked it if she and Rob are married...another question I've asked it previously.
It told me yes. That's the same answer I've gotten for this question before.
Very interesting pendulum...very interesting.
Some have told me they believe Kristen is pregnant and will give birth in March. Personally...I'm on the fence about all of it, and I'm waiting to see what happens.
Time will tell... 🤷‍♀️
Happy Reading!!
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
Totally off topic
As I've stated previously...normally I blog about Rob and Kristen, and that if I had anything else I felt the need to post about that's not related to either of them, I'd post it. This is one of those times.
Do any of you know who this is?
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For those of you who don't have a clue, this is Farrah Abraham, and her daughter, Sophia. Farrah was featured on the MTV reality series, 16 & Pregnant, and continued into the spin-off series Teen Mom.
Here's the link to Farrah's episode of 16 & Pregnant...
The above picture was taken sometime in 2012...and personally, I think she's a beautiful girl in it. The next photo is what Farrah looks like now...
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Really...do you NEED all this plastic surgery?
This girl has SO many issues. And now on top of them she looks like crap. Kudos, Farrah!
I suggest any of you who are interested in this girl's situation, continue navigating through the MTV site and watch her season of Teen Mom...if you haven't seen it already. Any time I watch her on that show, it makes me feel so sorry for her family...mostly her daughter. I have to give her credit, though, for all the times throughout the show that she did seem to love and care about Sophia, and spent so much time with her. But since the show things have seemed to change.
First being all the drama about the porn tape that was released. When the tape was discovered she said it wasn't a "porn tape" but a personal sex tape that was never to be seen by the public. She also said she'd never sell it, and she ridiculed her "co-star" James Dean publicly about the things he was saying regarding her and said tape.
Then she went on to say that the only way she'd sell the tape was if she was offered at least $2 million for the rights to it. In the end, the tape was sold for $1 million. What happened to the other million, Farrah?
My opinion...she was desperate for money, made the tape on purpose to be released...even though she denied it...and took what she could get from it simply because she wanted the money and she also wanted to remain in the spotlight. Since her season of Teen Mom ended, she didn't have any other way to stay in the limelight.
So...porn is the way she chose to go? What's wrong with this girl?
I'm not judging others in that industry...I just don't understand why they choose to do it. I've heard the money is good, but...is it really worth what you're giving away? Selling your body? I just don't agree with it.
Now, if you're the type of person that's doing it because you're struggling with money to raise your family, then I feel that's a different story. If you need money, then I can understand that. Just keep in mind that, once you do manage to get back on your feet, there are other options to financially support yourselves and your families. And there are places out there that can help you. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
What I don't get about Farrah's decision with this is...she had other aspiring goals. Farrah was a model...had she stuck with that, maybe she could've climbed the success ladder in that occupation and become something she and her family could be proud of her for. She even got a culinary arts degree...she could've become a famous chef. She said in a Teen Mom episode that her dream was to open her own restaurant. Instead, she chose to go the porn route to stay in the spotlight and make "fast money."
In the meantime, what will this do to her daughter? Was she thinking about Sophia's interests at all when she did this? I don't believe she was. And from what I've seen with her attitude and demeanor...Farrah doesn't care about anyone but Farrah. I feel so bad for her little girl.
When I first watched her on 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom, I somewhat felt bad for her, based on the way her mom was portrayed toward her...the way she treated her. But, the more I saw Farrah's nasty attitude, selfishness, and childish ways, I started to feel bad for her mom instead of her. Sure, her mom was overbearing at times, but Farrah was downright nasty to her, and to her father. There was no need of any of it.
The most recent thing I've read about this girl is that she's apparently selling a line of sex toys. And that she's celebrated the success of her porn video...the same porn video that, at first, she stated was NOT to be seen by the public, and that she'd never sell.
Keep in mind, Farrah...the more lies you tell, the more negativity you'll get in your life. Why not try telling the truth? You wanted the fame and the fortune...and in your opinion, everything should be all about you.
When you have a child, it can't be that way. IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. GROW UP AND THINK OF YOUR LITTLE GIRL!
And that is my rant for the day...I feel somewhat better now. Have a good day everyone!
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
Let's clear the air...
Okay, so let me get this straight...
Kristen and Rob are spotted together last week...yeah, they were in separate cars, but driving together. And word has it that they spent hours together that day.
Anyway, they were spotted together...and people still think they're over? Or they think it's PR cause of the DVD box set release? Or whatever crazy notions these idiots have come up with?
And yet, rumors spread about Rob and Dylan Penn allegedly dating...with NO pictures or video of them together, and everyone wants to believe it's true?
Let's see...picture(s) vs nothing...
Seriously? Open your eyes!
The Rob and Dylan crap...the only place it's coming from are the haters...who start the rumors in the first place. Then from the haters you move on to the tabloids...who receive the rumors from the haters (aka SOURCES or INSIDERS) and then print them to make money.
Really...all of you are gonna believe that?
How many times do haters and tabs have to be proven wrong, before you finally start to face reality? HOW MANY TIMES?!?!
They were wrong before, and they're wrong now.
For those of you who don't use Twitter and/or know nothing about Twitlonger (the add on for Twitter that allows more characters to tweet things), I posted this earlier to get my point across about this whole situation...
I'm just gonna put my opinion out there, cause it'll make me feel better once I do... Rob and Dylan dating rumors are just that...RUMORS. They're not true, I don't believe them and never will believe them. Rob is with KRISTEN. It's all the haters and tabs that refuse to admit or believe that. For the haters it'd mean they were wrong. For the tabs it'd mean they lied and they'll lose money if they print about how happy Rob and Kristen really are...which is why constant drama and other celebs get their names dragged through the mud continues to happen. OPEN YOUR EYES! Rob and Kristen were together last week...LAST WEEK! Do you REALLY think he'd jump that quickly out of a 4-5 year exclusive relationship with one woman to another? Those of you saying he would...YOU'RE MAKING HIM LOOK LIKE A MAN WHORE! Those of us that are TRUE fans would NEVER do that, let alone believe that! DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ!
And on that note...happy reading everyone!
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
Oh I must...
I wasn't gonna say anything about this, but I feel I have to. Several days ago there was an article in Vanity Fair that caused a bit of a stir...said article was an interview VF had with Liberty Ross.
We all remember who she is, right? Rupert's wife/ex-wife...whatever she is now. I've read she has a boyfriend, so I guess my pendulum was right about the divorce last year.
Here's said link to the article if any of you that haven't seen it would like to...
Talk about an attention whore! It's been a year since all that BS happened, and she's STILL bringing it up?
Because she's getting ZERO attention. That's what she and Rupert both wanted in the first place...attention and a career booster, which is why they set the whole thing up. I still strongly believe that and will continue to believe it for the rest of my life.
And look what happened? Neither of them have been in the spotlight since last year...until this article came up. And the only reason she's noticed now is because of the subject she chose to talk about.
It's only a matter of time before she disappears into the shadows again...it's been 4 days since that article, and it won't be much longer until she's forgotten again.
She's proven herself to be a liar...she stated to the media that 2 months following that whole thing she hadn't set foot outside of her house once. But within those two months there were several photos of her out and about. LIAR!! Nobody with intelligence is gonna believe anything you say, Liberty. SO DEAL WITH IT.
Rob and Kristen are famous because they're excellent actors and they're a really hot power couple, on and off screen. How dare you try to sabotage them for your own personal gain?
Yes, I'm talking to you, Rupert and Liberty. HOW DARE YOU??
Rob and Kristen got to where they are because THEY EARNED IT. They didn't go out and cause drama for other people to climb that ladder...THEY WORKED FOR IT.
Why don't you two try and do the same...you might surprise yourself one day.
Okay, I think I'm done now. ✌🏻
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
OMG I'm freaking out!!
I'm not even gonna get into the pics of Rob today...I have more important things to tend to! Just know that those pictures are TOTAL BS and taken out of context...AGAIN. Typical...just typical.
Now, to the more important!!
Okay, umm...I don't wanna get everyone's hopes up, but...
Pictures of Kristen back on the set of Sils Maria were just posted all over the place today...
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Now...I have blogged before about Kristen and a possible pregnancy...well, a possible baby in 2014. People are thinking...from these pictures...that Kristen could possibly be pregnant.
Well...it is September, almost October...only a couple months of the year left to go. And last time I did a reading about this subject, my pendulum read that she would be pregnant before 2013 is over. But at the time I did that particular reading, I did ask if she was indeed pregnant THEN, and got a no.
Today is different...
I asked the same question again...twice...
Is Kristen pregnant?
And the pendulum says...
If it's true...and I do mean IF...I'm guessing that it's just recently happened (probably in the past few weeks or so). I have done readings with my pendulum in the past month that told me Rob has been to Europe to see Kristen at least twice.
Either way, I must stress to all of you that my pendulum IS NOT fool proof.  I've always stated from the beginning when I first started doing readings that it's up to all of you whether you choose to believe it or not. But I can tell you that, all of my readings so far have been proven correct...I've posted about them in my blog in the past. The ones that were never proven are ones that never had answers, such as the whole setup with Rupert. That was never answered that I'm aware of...but I believe it happened the way my pendulum predicted, and the reason I believe that is because everything else I asked at that time was proven correct.
So, believe it or not...my pendulum says Kristen IS pregnant. I'm guessing the baby will be due around June if not a little before.
Enjoy, and have a good one!
OMG I'm REALLY freaking out now!!  So, as I was speaking with one of my Twitter followers, she gave me the idea for another question I should ask...again. Yes, I did ask about this previously, and last time I asked I got a no.
I know those of you who don't follow me or don't even have a Twitter are wondering what the eff I'm talking about, right? 😂
Previously I asked (and posted in a previous blog post) if Rob and Kristen were married...and at that time I got a no.
Tonight...I'M GETTING A YES!!
No lie...I asked the pendulum twice, and BOTH times it told me they got married!
Everyone jump up and down with me!! 🤣
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Now, we just have to wait and see if these predictions are true! Time will tell... 🤷‍♀️
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
Updates and stuff 😂
So...still not all that much to say these days regarding Rob and Kristen. Kristen's currently in Europe filming her latest movie Sils Maria. Rob as far as I know is currently not filming...the most recent thing he's done is Dior, and he was in Australia filming The Rover.
Lately I've had a lot of people asking me about Rob allegedly moving to Beverly Hills. Of course I asked my pendulum...several times...and the answer was, still is, and most likely always will be NO. Rob DID NOT move to Beverly Hills.
I've also been asked if he's selling the first house he purchased in Los Feliz...more commonly known to the fandom as LF1. My pendulum reads unsure as to whether he's selling it or not...but if he was it wouldn't surprise me. The paps know where that house is located, and since they've known they've practically lived outside the gate, which to me is ridiculous. These two people have not had time to breathe in I don't know how long, and it's been way out of hand ever since.
While out running errands a couple weeks back, I was shopping at a local department store, and when I came across the checkout counters with all the tab mags splayed out before me, I noticed that not one had anything with Rob or Kristen on the front cover. At that moment I felt a bit of peace for them, and was happy to see that after months of them on front pages with lies and BS surrounding them, they finally had this "break" from it.
My last outing, however, was different.
I was at my local grocery store, and saw Kristen on the cover of OK magazine. What I saw was complete and utter BULLSHIT (yes, I spelled it out this time!).
So, now they're saying Kristen is going bald.
They have nothing better to print, so they're sinking as low as to degrade her like that??
Oh, and Rob's not left out of this equation...while I didn't see anything on him in OK mag, I've noticed that people recently tried to hook him up with Katy Perry...AGAIN.
How many times do you people have to try hooking him up with the same person before you realize that: 1) HE'S NOT WITH HER AND NEVER WILL BE 2) HE'S WITH KRISTEN AND YOU CAN EITHER ACCEPT IT OR GO EFF YOURSELF
Katy is friends with Rob...Katy is friends with Kristen...are they not allowed to spend time with FRIENDS, even if it's separately? And...every time Katy and Rob are spotted together, they're always with other people. THEY ARE NEVER ALONE!
Just...stop it. STOP!!
Yes, I'm getting angry again...going into rant mode.
I was watching the movie Sweet Home Alabama the other night...some of you I know saw my post about this on Twitter. Those of you that haven't...I posted about how Candace Bergen had it correct when in that movie she said "Happy couples don't sell."
It's obvious to me that they're happy. Why? Because the tabs are always posting crap about them to make it look like they're not happy.
My pendulum's told me on several occasions that Rob's been to Europe...to see Kristen. Also, Rob went MIA for a week and Kristen wasn't spotted on set at that time. The day she went back on set, Rob's spotted back in LA.
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
They're together...either accept it...or GO EFF YOURSELF.
Okay, I'm done ranting now. Everyone have a great day, and enjoy!!
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
Dior Rob!
Just wanted to share this really quick...the Dior ad for Rob has been officially released! And OMG...he's HOT IN IT!! 😍
If only it were Kristen in it with him...OMG... 💀 Now THAT would be SMOKING HOT!!
Okay, I'm done drooling now...have a great day everyone! 🙂
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
DVD Box Set!!!
OMG I'm SO excited!!
November 5th there's a Twilight Forever DVD/Blu-Ray box set being released, and it has EVERYTHING!!
Normally I would post about the whole thing myself, but to save me time I'm redirecting you to this link below...for those that wanna read more go here:
Also, right at the top of that page there's a link to pre-order said box set at Amazon.com for a VERY low price!  $45.49! Original DVD price is set for $64.98 and the Blu-Ray set is $10 more.
So if you want this set...and to save money in the process...then hit that link to Amazon and get it now!! I just did! 🙂
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
Ugh...seriously people?!?!
Have we not learned for at least the past year about this? Just because Rob is spotted out with another woman DOES NOT mean he and Kristen are over!!
It's been brought to my attention that on a couple of occasions now that Rob's been out with Michelle Rodriguez. For those of you who don't know who she is, she's most famous for her role as Letty Ortiz in the Fast & Furious trilogy.
If you have a brain, please...PLEASE do not buy into this crap!
I certainly don't believe it. I didn't believe it when he was spotted with Katy...I didn't believe it when he was allegedly spotted with Riley...and I DO NOT believe it now!
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
I know I know...I keep neglecting this thing. It's not entirely my fault, damn it...I do have a life! 😂
Been doing some readings tonight, and my pendulum has been giving some VERY interesting answers.
I shall list all I've asked here thus far:
Are Rob and Kristen engaged? YES
Have they been engaged for at least 6 months? NO
Have they been engaged for at least 3 months? YES
Hmm...so they've been engaged throughout the entire recent "break up"...VERY interesting!
Are Rob and Kristen married? NO
I've heard talk of a tarot reader on Facebook who's claiming her cards are telling her they're married. I've asked my pendulum this very question at least 5 times in the past few weeks, and the answer has never faltered once. 🤷‍♀️ Just saying. 🙂
Will Rob and Kristen get pregnant in 2013? YES
If that happens, it's gonna be a shocker! But...I must say it does coincide with the other pendulum lady's answers about a possible baby in 2014...time will tell! 🤷‍♀️
Are they living together? NO
Are they living separately because of the media? YES
That tells me they're in EXTREME SUPER NINJA MODE MAJOR!! 🙂
This is all I have for now! Enjoy everyone!
I'm marathoning! 🥳
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
So...there's been a video going around of Rob arriving back in LA from Toronto.
Now, there's something wrong with this video...and that is the fact that it's been edited.
Yes, I said EDITED.
HERE is the FULL unedited version...
Have you watched both? Notice what was edited out of the first video??
For those that missed it...a pap was asking him if he and Kristen were getting married this summer.
Now, the question should be...WHY did they edit that one little question out before posting that video everywhere for the world to see?
Is it because they don't wanna admit to the MORONS believing every word they say that they LIED about Rob and Kristen being broken up??
This just proves they're LIARS!!
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be4tmblr ¡ 11 years
Stop it! Just...STOP!
Anything to keep them in the spotlight...absolutely anything...and a lot of IDIOTS out there fell for it...hook, line and sinker!
Sorry if I'm being offensive right now, but this crap is ticking me off!
Tumblr media
Now come on people...do you really think THIS is what the tabs are making it out to be?
I'll tell you what I see...I see Rob giving a friendly "hello" or "goodbye" peck to a FRIEND who just happens to be female. Look at her positioning...she's about to hug him. I see this all the time...friends say hello and/or goodbye with a quick peck and a hug immediately following.
Why be so naive and believe EVERYTHING you read?? First of all, this picture above comes from Hollywood Life...better known as Hollywood LIES. Now, I'm not sure who printed any of this first, but common sense tells me that when HL gets involved, it's NOT TRUE. They'll print ANYTHING to keep Rob and Kristen in the public eye...and that's exactly what they're doing! Not just them, but ALL TABS AND MEDIA EVERYWHERE!! They want MONEY...and this is their way of getting it...FROM YOU!! DO NOT BUY INTO THEIR BS!
Please...PLEASE have some common sense! It's really not that hard!
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