beachswiftie99 · 7 months
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THE MANDALORIAN 2.05 "Chapter 13: The Jedi"
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beachswiftie99 · 7 months
Gift exchange
Hope you enjoy this story, @aroeddiediaz !
Saturday, March 30th at Venice Beach, California
“Can I ask you something, Eddie?” Buck said to Eddie as they walked their family dog, Milo. Milo is a 4-year-old golden retriever who loves the beach, especially long walks on the beach with his family. Eddie rescued Milo from the Best Friends Animal Society in January. He realized the family needs a pet, and Christopher has always wanted a dog.
“Of course, Buck. What’s up?” Eddie picked up a seashell and put it in his beach bag.
“Am I a good father? I don’t want to be like my parents. I want to be a good dad for Christopher, but I don’t feel like I am enough. I never feel like I am enough.” Buck looked at the ground and stopped walking.
Eddie took a deep breath and stopped walking. “Buck, I am sorry you are feeling this way. But Christopher loves you and says you are an amazing father to him. I know your heart, Buck. That’s why I chose you to be Christopher’s guardian when I got shot two years ago, and one of the many reasons I married you. You are not like your parents. You are always present and support Christopher through the good days and bad days. None of us are perfect parents, but you are there for Christopher and truly care for him.”
“Thanks, love. But I still have these lingering feelings that I am not enough.” Buck wiped his eyes and squatted down to pet Milo.
“Have you talked to Maddie and Dr. Smith about these feelings?" Eddie squatted down to pet Milo. Dr. Smith is Buck’s therapist that he has been going to for the past few months. Eddie suggested therapy for Buck to work through his trauma.
“Yes. Maddie told me the same thing that you told me, and Dr. Smith gave me strategies for dealing with intrusive thoughts. I identify the thought as intrusive, and I don’t fight it. I also work on not judging myself for having these thoughts. Dr. Smith told me that there is nothing wrong with me for having intrusive thoughts. I also journal my thoughts.” Buck looked at Eddie and continued to pet Milo.
“That’s good. I am glad you are getting the help you need. Life is hard, Buck. It is always hard. But you have come so far from when I first met you about seven years ago. You are not like your parents. You are kind, hardworking, friendly, and a great husband and father.” Eddie touched Buck’s shoulder and stood up. Buck stood up and started to walk to the shoreline.
“Thanks, Eddie. This means a lot to me. I love you.”
“Love you, too, Buck.” Both continued to walk in silence. Venice Beach was busy today with tourists taking pictures of the ocean, children flying kites, people building sandcastles and playing volleyball. Off the shoreline, people were bodyboarding and surfboarding. It was a peaceful sight to see. Buck realized this: he needed a vacation.
Buck stopped and grabbed some green sea glass. “Eddie! I have an idea. It’s crazy, but it’s a good idea.”
Eddie stopped walking and turned to Buck. “I am all ears. Your idea isn’t a prank war or a threesome right?”
“Eddie, no! Unless you want a threesome.” Buck winked at Eddie.
“Buck, no. I want you all to myself.” Eddie rolled his eyes and winked at Buck. “What’s your crazy idea? I want to hear it.”
“Let’s go on a vacation! And use our personal time off!” Buck exclaimed with a gleam in his eye.
“Buck, that’s not a crazy idea! We both need a vacation! Where do you want to go?” Eddie pet Milo.
“Don’t you want to go to Vienna, Virginia? Or is it Vienna, Austria?” Buck suggested.
“Austria! I really want to go there. I love German food and the Sound of Music. What a great idea!” Eddie smiled with a gleam in his brown eyes. “I will start planning it over lunch.”
“Dr. Smith recommends I take a vacation, so I am SO doing it.” Buck laughed. “Let’s start planning.”
Chapter 1: Preparation
13 hours until the 8 am flight to Boston
It was a busy night in the Buckley-Diaz household. Eddie, Buck, and Christopher all had their suitcases and carryon bags in the living room. The family dog, Milo, ran around the house and was licking Christopher’s face. Eddie read off his packing list with all the essentials they needed for the trip overseas.  
Buck, Eddie, and Christopher are heading to Vienna, Austria for a family vacation. Eddie has always wanted to travel to Austria and Buck proposed this idea after he fully recovered from his freak accident. After two full months of physical therapy, several psychiatry therapy sessions that he still attends to this day (thanks, Eddie!), and a month off from work to recover, Buck felt like himself again, physically, and emotionally. He realized that life is fleeting, and he wants to spend time with his husband, Eddie, and their son, Christopher. But the trip is finally happening! They are all flying out of the airport tomorrow into Logan International Airport. Buck wanted to spend three days in Boston before flying out to Vienna, and Eddie wanted to see some sights in Boston. After a long week of helping others, Buck needed this vacation. Time to just relax and dance the waltz in Vienna with his one true love, Eddie.
“Okay! We are on the last few items. Does everyone have their passport? Christopher, I have yours right here with me.”
“Check.” Buck said as he pulled out his passport.
“Government-issued ID or License?”
“I have it, dad.” Christopher says.
“Toothpaste, toothbrush, and toiletries? Do I even have my travel toothbrush? Or is it lost? Oh, Dios Mio, if I forget or lose my toothbrush, I will be so-“ Eddie exclaims, and looks for his suitcase and toiletry bag.
“Eddie, you have everything. You have been packing for like three weeks. Don’t worry, you planned this trip a month before we even got the plane tickets.” Buck says to Eddie and touches his shoulder. “Besides, I brought two spare toothbrushes in my carryon bag if one of us forgets our toothbrush.” Buck smiles and pulls out his spare toothbrushes from his backpack. “Chris, I learned from the best.”
Christopher agreed, “Buck, you truly did! I’m proud of you; remember when you were SO disorganized. Even more disorganized than me” He smiled at Buck.
Buck rolled his eyes and messed up Christopher’s hair. “Chris, you are one of the most organized kids I know. You and Eddie made me more organized. How about let’s all make some ice cream sundaes and popcorn as we watch the Sound of Music?”
“I love Sound of Music!” Christopher exclaimed.
“The hills are alive with the sound of music!!!” Buck belted.
“I’ll prepare some popcorn and ice cream! Come on and help me, Chris!” Eddie said.
“Coming, dad!” Christopher left the living room and walked to the kitchen.
“Buck, what do you want on your ice cream sundae?” Eddie said from the kitchen.
“Coming, Eddie! I am gonna make the best concoction.” Buck put his toothbrush in his carryon bag and went to the kitchen.
“Chris, what are you adding to your sundae? You don’t need all that sugar!” Eddie took the sprinkles away from Christopher.
“Okay, then I will add more peanut butter.” Christopher opened the peanut butter and scooped two spoonfuls on his vanilla ice cream. Eddie took the peanut butter and added it to his chocolate chip ice cream.
“Save some chocolate sauce and peanut butter for me! I am popping the popcorn!” Buck ran to the kitchen.
Eddie poured the popcorn into a large bowl and set up the Blu-Ray so that they could all watch Sound of Music. It was a relaxing night in the Buckley-Diaz house. No worries, no stress.
I deserve this love and peace. Eddie thought and smiled at his son and his husband who were eating popcorn and ice cream while singing along to the opening song in the movie.
Chapter 2: Travel Day
5:00 am-in Hen’s bright red Subaru
“Thanks for driving us, Hen. I really owe you one.” Eddie said from the back seat.
“You’re welcome, Eddie! You all deserve this vacation; you have been through a lot and Vienna is gorgeous.” Hen made a right turn to enter the departure gate of Los Angeles International Airport.
“Wait, you’ve been to Austria?” Buck turned to Hen.
“Oh, yes! With Chimney! We took a trip after our first year with the 911. It was beautiful. The people were so pleasant, and the food was spectacular. You all will love it!” Hen parked her car at the departure gate and put her hazard lights on. All four of them got out of the car.
“I love you all and have the best trip! You can text me anytime with updates and I would love to see pictures! I’ll hold down the 911 department while you all are gone.”
“Hen, thank you so much! We love you and we will send pictures!” Buck leaned in for a hug.
“And Eddie? I have a secret to tell you. Come here.”
Eddie looked anxious. “Hen, is everything okay?”
“Come on, it isn’t bad. At all.” Hen smiled at him.
Eddie walked over to her.
Hen leaned into his left side and spoke into his ear “You did amazing with planning this trip. The family will love it. If you have any panic attacks or anxious moments, you can always reach out to me.” She leaned away from his ear and faced him with a relaxed smile.
Eddie felt relaxed and the tension from his shoulders was released. “Hen, I appreciate that. I will let you know if I ever need to talk.” He then gave her a hug.
“And Christopher!”
“Yes, Aunt Hen?”
“Keep an eye out for these two crazy men! You are the leader, and I’ll miss you the most.” She winked at Christopher.
“Oh yes, I will! Love you!!” They both hugged.
“Have the best time everyone! Love you all!” Hen helped them get their bags out of her trunk and got into her car. She waved goodbye and drove off.
“Well, we got here in plenty of time, Buck.” Eddie said as he grabbed his bags.
“See, I told you!” Buck kissed Eddie on the lips. He tasted like vanilla and coconut.
“Now let’s check in and go through security.” Eddie said, smiling.
Chapter 3: En route
Security was fast, and the family found their gate and had some breakfast. Three hours have passed, and now Buck, Eddie, and Christopher were seated in their reclining seats in first class. They are finally boarded and ready to start their vacation.
“Time for the 5-hour flight.” Eddie said and put his headphones on his ear. “So happy I booked first-class tickets so we can sleep well.” He reclines his chair back and looks at Buck with a smile.  
“Oh yes, and soon to Vienna.” Buck turned to Eddie and smiled.
“Chris, you good?” Eddie turned to his son who was sitting in the window seat.
“Oh yes! So excited!” Christopher put on his headphones.
Time to go to Boston!
Chapter 4: Time to Dance
Three days later: Harborside Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts
“FINALLY, time to relax after a long day of sightseeing!!” Buck jumped back on his bed.
“Buck, language!” Chris said.
“Oh shit, sorry!” Buck exclaimed.
“I love Boston. The New England Aquarium, the Freedom Trail, everything. I can’t believe I never visited here.” Eddie said with a smile.
“I loved it dad! Let’s go back!” Christopher put his phone down and sat up on his bed.
“We will definitely be back, pal!” Buck said.
“Oh, I agree. Now who’s ready for Vienna?” Eddie exclaimed.
“I am ready to waltz with you. Let’s practice.” Buck stood up and beckoned Eddie to stand up.
“Well, we do need practice.” Eddie agreed.
“I’ll lead. Put your arms on my waist. Chris, can you help teach us?”
“Of course! I can dance better than you two!” Christopher smiled and got out of his bed.
“I have two left feet, Buck.”
“Don’t worry, I got you.” Buck then whispered to Eddie. “After Christopher goes to bed, we will go to the bathroom, and I’ll let you suck my cock. How would you like that, big boy?”
“Buck, you are so hot. Yes, I want you and your cock.” Eddie whispered. “Let’s waltz.”
Chapter 5: Buck and Eddie try to waltz
Buck and Eddie walked to the front of their king beds. Christopher was sitting on the bed with his phone in his hand along with a portable speaker.
“I gotta turn on some waltzing music. Hold up, dads.” Christopher went on Spotify and found a Mozart playlist. “Okay, I found a song.” Violins and piano filled the air.
“Okay, I am going to demonstrate the dance for you.” Christopher set his phone and speaker on the nightstand and hopped off the bed. “Buck, put your hands on Eddie’s shoulder.” Buck did as Christopher instructed.
“Then, step like this. 1,2,3 to the left, and 1,2,3 to the right. I will show you.” Christopher demonstrated the steps. Buck and Eddie followed, but not as seamlessly.
“Eddie! My left, not your left!” Buck exclaimed.
“Buck, I don’t dance often!”
“Well, now you do! You need beginner classes with the four-year olds at this rate. So uncoordinated.”
“Well, you aren’t much better, twinkletoes.”
“Stop stepping on my toes, Eddie!”
“Stop complaining, Buck! Dios Mio.”
After many attempts (and cursing) they finally got the steps down.
“Okay, now we have to practice moving around the room like this.” Christopher demonstrated the rotation motion to his dads.  
“Oh, this should be fun with Mr. Twinkletoes.” Eddie said jokingly with his hands on his waist and looked sideways at Buck.
“Shut up, Eddie.” Buck rolled his eyes and laughed.
But the rotating around the room was easier than they both thought. Miraculously, they both got the steps down and flowed to the tempo of the music. Christopher watched over his dads with a huge grin on his face. Buck and Eddie were in another dimension; a dimension with no fear or anxiety, just dancing and peace. They were truly entranced by the music and each other’s presence. With Buck, I can do anything. He is my rock. Eddie thought.
I love Eddie with all my heart. If I have Eddie and Christopher, I am never alone. Buck thought and smiled to himself.
Buck and Eddie danced to the music for about ten minutes. Time flew by, but there was no care in the world. Christipher even joined in the waltz. Three people was harder than two, but it didn’t matter. They were a family. A unit. They stood as one, enjoying the music and each other.
This is my family. I am not like my parents. I will be there for Eddie and Christopher always and forever. Buck thought. No fucking thing will come between us. Nothing. 
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