beansonpizza99 · 5 years
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
“Baby we both know, that the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can’t say tomorrow day.”
— Arctic Monkeys
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
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Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
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Fallingforyou // The 1975
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
Sadly. The only way some people will learn to appreciate you is by losing you.
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
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She really loved you
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
“After we said goodbye I thought hating him would be easier than loving him but I couldn’t do it. No matter how hard I tried my heart still skipped a beat at the mention of his name.”
—No one teaches you how to move on—
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
„Sometimes you can’t stop caring about someone who stopped caring about you a long time ago“
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
The worst thing is that you made me love you. I wasn’t planning on falling for you. You did this to me. You were just a friend of a friend. Someone who was nothing and became everything. I was just someone you liked why’d you have to go after me?
-why didn’t you let me go?
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
i could write a poem about how one day you’re going to regret doing this to me. that one day you’ll look back and realize that i was the only person who ever fucking loved you right. how in ten years when someone asks what the worst thing you ever did was, my face will pop into your head and you’ll tell them the story about the girl who only wanted to love you and how you destroyed her. but i won’t because the truth is that none of that will ever happen. you don’t care and you never did. it doesn’t faze you that you ruined my trust in men for years to come. in fact you will quickly forget about me and everything we were.
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
“I hoped and prayed that you would come back and we would live happily ever after. But the truth is, you had your chance and you threw it away. So now I sincerely hope you never come back because I don’t know if my heart can handle saying goodbye to you again.”
— But I’ll survive cause that’s what I do - Jess Amelia
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
I wonder if you ever think about messaging me, and never do
- Please, I’m waiting.
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
so i want to call you. every cell in my body is screaming at me to just pick up the phone. just pick up the phone. but even though it’s against my nature i must stay silent. must wait. wait for the message, the phone call, that the sane part of my brain knows is never coming. i want to sit and make you miss me. make you wonder if i’m thinking of you. but the longer this silence goes on the more i know that you aren’t thinking of me. you don’t miss me, if you did i wouldn’t be sitting here begging myself to not pick up the phone. just pick up the fucking phone.
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
“i have a tendency to fall in love with people i already know will end up breaking my heart,
yet i still hope one of them will prove me wrong.”
- A.M. {just one}
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beansonpizza99 · 5 years
“I think a part of me will always be loving you, without a doubt, without hesitation. A part of me will always choose you.”
— P.G.G
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