beanstorm-blog · 13 years
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Use as you wish.
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
Haven't posted anything really thought provoking or interesting lately, so I thought you'd enjoy this :P It's from Deus Ex 2, so if you haven't played and is planning on playing it, you should probably not watch this. It's generally not as good as the first one gameplay-wise, and it feels dumbed down at some points, but I actually liked it overall, the story is still very good :3
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
I shat my pants when this happened in DX1
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
This is about Dr. Pepper - the drink - but also about you, me, sexual freedom, evolution, drugs, and more.
Do any of you remember a few years ago when all the soda companies were advertising how natural they are? “We’re only water, sugar, and natural flavor! How natural!” That was, more or...
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
Now we just need to implement this optical technology into prosthetic eyes and you have vision 2.0-... Of course after we make some comparative to normal human eyes first, we aren't there yet, but will be soon, just imagine being able to switch off focus and see EVERYTHING at once :D
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
THIS is going to change a LOT o_O
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
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Some people were just born to not wash cars <3
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
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The most ironic thing in the world :V
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
This is not even funny xD
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
Hi there!Nice articel on Transhumanism. I wrote a reaction. Hope you like it.Enjoy life!
I totally understand what you're saying, and I get your point entirely. But the thing many people forget is that the exponential growth and advances in technology, is not only because of the complexity in what we develop, but the increased availability because of price changes. A major focus when developing a new technology is also to make it as cheap to produce as possible, which then makes it more available and increases the rate at which someone, somewhere is able to invent an increase in the complexity of said invention, whatever it might be. So while enhancing the human body beyond today's capabilities might be slightly expensive at first, it will certainly not be exclusive only to the richest of people.
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
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Lol, oh u, USA, what are you doing at the bottom now, huh? :3
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
What in the world-...
It makes me extremely sad to see, that when I had hoped to come across some interesting people by subscribing to the tag 'transhumanism', all I get is a buttload of propaganda from a bunch of people who are afraid of the future and their "loss of humanity". The choice we made to change, was taken when man decided to use fire for his own purpose, to take something and make something else out of it. Ever since then, we have been on a roll, and soon, we will outrun biological evolution. This is something that will happen, no matter how scared some people are, no matter how much propaganda you plaster everywhere about "how bad illuminati is" or "how disney is evil with subliminal messages about change". You know what, if you really stood by your words, you'd delete your facebook account, throw out your mobile phone, give away your every possession and dig yourself down in a hole, because this entire world is a product of our evolution. Your silly propaganda does not change shit, and you can't stop the future. "Science doesn't care about you and your concerns, when it happens, it happens". I realize most of these scaredy-cats are overly religious people who can't cope with the fact, that what they believe in the most, is a fairy-tale. That it is absolutely possible to find comfort in fact rather than in fiction, goes over the heads of way too many people. Why afraid of uniting everyone on the planet under the same flag, someplace where everyone can agree on the next steps of the human race? Is it really that much better to wage some stupid holy war and cuss on everyone who doesn't believe in your invisible friend? You have to face it, really-... Why would you rather have people die over stupid arguments about silly books, than everyone being able to co-exist? Really now? :P Please think twice. I don't think it's bad to promote the "human 2.0" through less-than-direct methods, especially because of these religious goofs who would downright reject the idea instantly. It's something that is done for the sake of the betterment of mankind, and all that is done here, is to take the religious people into consideration as well, instead of just instantly undermining them. If there is just a shimmer of light that we might be able to shove some more logic ideals under the "carpet of christ", then I have no reason to see why not. I do see why some people see this as a sneaky act of aggression from the non-religious society, but you have to understand that it is done for the sake of everyone, to prevent the least possible split in humanity, and to possibly prevent a big-ass war unlike anything you dicktits have ever seen.
Sorry about my little rant, but it was getting on my nerves like nails on a blackboard. Goodnight <3
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beanstorm-blog · 13 years
You thought our current energy crysis would be the end of us all? Think again :P There has been lots of ideas for alternate energy-sources, and I've seen most of them. From beaming pure energy down from space via a gigantic solar panel on a sattelite, to mimicking plants with artificial photosynthesis, this one seems to be the most solid idea. And best of all, it already has a functional prototype, unlike some of the others, that is also cheap to make, AND has been recognized by the British government as a 'really good idea', lol. While most of the other concepts just-... stayed concept or prototype. Oh, and did I also mention that a variation of this prototype, which they are already working on, can be used to treat cancer as well-... and quite effectively at that. 
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