bearastranger · 2 years
how the gentle wind beckons through the leaves
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bearastranger · 2 years
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Supergirl by AyyaSAP
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bearastranger · 2 years
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bearastranger · 2 years
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bearastranger · 2 years
there is something so darkly comical about tumblr potentially outliving twitter
tumblr, which is held together with duct tape and madness, run by three raccoons in blood stained Yahoo! hats and a handful of crabs, its only discernible source of income the sale of shoelaces from an inside joke so inside no one knows the original source anymore and fake blue checkmarks... that website still lives on
truly the cockroach of social media and I love it for that
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bearastranger · 2 years
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bearastranger · 2 years
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bearastranger · 2 years
I'm so mad at this but it matches my terrible humour so well
I don’t like math puns.
But I will make one if I half two.
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bearastranger · 3 years
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they had a fun time <3
in other news i used different blending modes for the first time with these and i’m torn between woah this is the best thing ever and wow this is too easy it’s not even fun anymore. hmm. we shall see~
quotes from instructor horwell, the king of red lions, and legend linkeduniverse respectively
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bearastranger · 3 years
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Holy crap, Pete.
She-Hulk Vol. 1 #4 - Web of Lies (June 16, 2004)
Written by: Dan Slott Penciller by: Juan Bobillo Inker by: Marcelo Sosa Colorist by: Chris Chuckry Lettered by: Dave Sharpe Edited by: Tom Brevoort (editor), Andy Schmidt & Nicole Wiley (assistant editors) Published by: Marvel Comics
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bearastranger · 3 years
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I was cleaning out my computer and I found a bunch of screenshots of text posts from 2013-2014. The golden age of tumblr.
I take no credit for these posts.
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bearastranger · 3 years
@staff please delete your new ads. It was tolerable having ads you could scroll past on mobile. Now? Now I want to delete the only form of social media I actually enjoy
Seriously though, why the fuck did anyone think this was going to be a good idea? Like "our profits from advertising will go up because companies will pay more for the exposure."
Ok but-
"Won't the extra advertisements/having the whole ad take up a portion of the screen unless users actively close it drive users away from us?"
Fuck the person that suggested it and fuck the person who approved it and may the barnacles of 1000 ships infest the ass crack of the fuck that implemented it.
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bearastranger · 3 years
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bearastranger · 3 years
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Tread here.
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bearastranger · 3 years
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A valiant effort however in vain
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bearastranger · 3 years
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bearastranger · 3 years
You are completely right! Like. These people say that the virus doesn't exist, and that it's not serious, just some flu. Then when they actually get sick, they go and crowd the hospitals, so people who took the precautions and took care of themselves can't be treated for any other medical issues they develop. This just happened in my family, we're all vaccinated and have taken care of ourselves. My grandpa had renal disease and needs treatments for his renal disease, but the fuckers that won't get vaccinated have clogged the system so much that they can't get him in for necessary treatments. Honestly, someone doesn't take it seriously, and then they want the best treatment possible because they fucked up should just have to suffer at home.
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