bearded-cashew · 14 days
Once again the ASMR/reiki/other new age content creators on YouTube failed the "Stop demonizing narcissists and treating us like supernatural monsters" challenge.
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
idk i think a lot of the online left is people swindling each other into developing moral ocd for no reason
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
Kinda crazy how the most immediate problems with communist nations were a lot of the exact same problems everywhere else, and almost all stemming from the abuse of authority and power and disdain for the people. I am seeing a pattern of problems here and it actually doesn't have much to do with the economic system but it does have a lot to do with having insular foreigners in powerful positions
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
it's been goddamn forever now but as I recall the reason 'actually it's about ethics in games journalism' was a boo line during gg was not really because people didn't think games journalism had any ethics issues but because it was not, in fact, about that
Well, this would not be the first time someone from The Escapist tried to write about actual ethics in games journalism and got shouted down, and this time somebody else who is an actual games journalist tried to talk about actual ethics in actual games journalism. You can't pin it on anti-woke politics or Trump supporters when someone who works in games journalism feels the need to add a big fat "I am not alt right, I actually work here" disclaimer to his video.
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
have you considered it may not be entirely the fault of american education system but that some of you may be. stupid
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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The exact moment when the press has realized they have replaced a senile moron with a drunkard moron
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
“What you consume in fiction defines who you are.”
If that were true you would’ve actually internalized the lessons from the Children’s media you watch and learn to actually be decent people.
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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bearded-cashew · 1 month
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