beastbearer · 4 years
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mockup for my idea for a monster recruiting game, modeled as if it were a budget ps1 title, or maybe for a failed console like the apple pippin or cd-i
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beastbearer · 6 years
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PHOAKLE the Beachcomber Beast
CLASS: SEA SIZE: ★★★_ _ RARITY: ★_ _ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: (Any Sea Class Beast) + (Any Special Class Beast) 
It lives in solitude maintaining it’s own self-imposed territory away from other Phoakles until its in heat, when it risks its own life by trespassing onto other territories. It’s thick blubbery skin keeps it warm, making them more prevalent in cold biomes.
alternate design concepts: 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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SPORESPRITE the Mushroom Gardener Beast
CLASS: SPROUT  SIZE: ★_ _ _ _  RARITY: ★★_ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: (Any Sprout Class Beast) + (Any Spirit Class Beast) 
Nimble and fairly elusive in the wild, these fairy-like beasts roam forests making sure the fungi portions of the ecosystem are in check. They are so fast in fact that in battle they’ll attack exponentially more often than most beasts of the same level, but this is balanced out by their extreme frailty and low (initial) offensive capabilities. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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SOLOMONDER the Sovereign Beast 
The gems protruding from its crown-shaped crest are enchanted and gives this beast hypnotic powers. In the wild, it hypnotizes weaker unsuspecting beasts into hunting food and finding shelter for it, and when approached by a Beast Bearer, it might attempt to hypnotize one of your active beasts into fighting on its side against you. Alternatively, if Solomonder is one of your active beasts and there are empty spaces in your currently active beasts, he can hypnotize enemy beasts into fighting on your side, but only temporarily, as this does not automatically recruit beasts. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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CRAWCLAW the Benthic Beast
CLASS: SEA SIZE: ★_ _ _ _  RARITY: ★_ _ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: (Any Sea Class Beast) + (Any Sprout Class Beast) 
Its pincers are strong enough to break bones and can keep a grip tight on something even after they’ve been torn or cut off its body. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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HORNET the Stinger Beast 
CLASS: SKY  SIZE: ★_ _ _ _ RARITY: ★★ _ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: (Any Sky Class Beast) + (Any Special Class Beast)
The smallest bird of prey alive. They spontaneously spawn from the decaying flesh of ill and dying beasts. They come equipped with a stinger that can poison your beasts and afflict them with all sorts of status conditions. They’re quick and evasive but can go down easily should they be hit with a dire blow. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
my computer screen broke so i won't be able to update until I get it fixed :(
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beastbearer · 6 years
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CONTEGEYE the Barrier Beast
CLASS: SPARK SIZE: ★★_ _ _ RARITY: ★★★_ _  FUSION RECIPE: (Any Spark Class Beast) + TOKENHEAD
An agile, nervous and soft-bodied beast with a single enchanted eye that it can set things ablaze with just by focusing hard enough. The back of its ‘wings’ is thick with hard resistant scales that it can use to shield itself from attacks with. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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DRACCUS the Sloth Beast 
Adorned with hard, thick enchanted scales and plenty of body fat, this beast can withstand many powerful blows and spells. It also has above decent offensive capabilities. However, it so slow that in encounters with beasts up to the same level, the Draccus will almost always go last. It also has a tendency to flat out ignore commands and waste its turn. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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BUFOGIO the Jinx Beast
Has the ability to curse those that encounter it. The severity of curses varies to chance. Beasts that have been cursed on your team are free from the curse once the Bufogio responsible is recruited. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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MORSQUITO the Hematophagous Beast
CLASS: SKY SIZE: ★★_ _ _  RARITY: ★★ _ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: HORNET + APEXAREX A flying bloodsucker that can only be found at night, when it bites beasts it catches sleeping. It can heal wounds and replenish some of its lost stamina in a single meal. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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SCITALIS the Dazzling Beast CLASS: SPECIAL SIZE: ★★_ _ _ RARITY: ★_ _ _ _  FUSION RECIPE: (Any Special Class Beast) + (Any Spark Class Beast) 
A slow-moving serpent with a shiny dazzling back that it uses to stun and potentially blind its prey. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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MANDRONE the Parasol Beast
CLASS: SPROUT SIZE: ★★_ _ _ RARITY: ★_ _ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: (Any Sprout Class Beast) + (Any Sky Class Beast)  It maintains a state of perpetual levitation with the aid of its hollow cap that puffs air in and out. It catches prey by high in the sky, and upon finding the prey, closing its cap and  falling dead on top of unsuspecting beasts in open spaces, striking them. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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PACHYDORM the Hypnotist Beast CLASS: SPECIAL  SIZE: ★ _ _ _ _ RARITY: ★_ _ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: (Any Special Class Beast) + (Any Spirit Class Beast)
They wander the wilderness in search of beasts they can catch by surprise and lull into their hypnotic gaze. Their trunk swings like a pendulum when this happens. The entranced beast is then eaten. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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DRAKE the Firestarter Beast
CLASS: SPARK SIZE: ★★_ _ _ RARITY: ★_ _ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: (Any Spark Class Beast) + (Any Special Class Beast)
They come from drylands where they hatch from their underground burrows. They’re notorious for their instinctual desire to set everything in the world ablaze but stronger beasts in different biomes keep them from dwelling too far from their habitat. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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SPRINGDRAKE the Gargoyle Beast 
Their roar sounds like a foghorn. Its body is 50% water and 15% fire, which allows it to spit boiling water at long distances and hawk up large amounts of steam and smoke. It’s capable of rudimentary flight but only for a short bits at a time. 
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beastbearer · 6 years
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SPRINGWORM the Marine Reptile Beast CLASS: SEA SIZE: ★_ _ _ _ RARITY: ★_ _ _ _ FUSION RECIPE: (Any Sea Class Beast) + (Any Spark Class Beast)
When not gathered in communes in shallow water, they hide in the sand waiting for prey and jump out when they sense something moving above them, striking them suddenly. 
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