beastlyblooded · 11 years
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they’re always eating bread…..
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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bloodmoon by Milulya
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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          A light yawn. "--would to possibly mind repeating that?"
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
    Relatively peaceful, the trip. Most of his time was spent engorged in thought, feigning a calming exterior to mask the turmoil he felt in his gut. Blood had dried upon his armour, upon his skin. The scent had faded substantially, replacing itself with a more bitter, unappetizing aroma. However, once they had come into spitting distance of the city gates, luck would have it that she had spoke -- and to Vilkas, that luck was less than preferable.
    "No, I'm fine." To find an excuse befitting his position, one that wasn't painted with stupidity, he admitted that even his wit was double thinking answers through. "I have people waiting on my return." Not entirely false, his words, though he would withhold their location. 
Among Lions and Lambs ♞ Vilkas & Ariana
  Ariana frowned at the rejection of her offer, but followed after the Nord quietly. When the two exited the cave, her gaze turned to the ground at the fallen and crushed ingredients. The frown intensified as she bent down to pick up what could be savable and placed it in the basket, picking that up as well when it was all gathered. “Stupid bandits…” she mumbled.
  As they approached the large doors of the entrance of Solitude, the Breton turned to face the man. “I think a meal would do you some good. I can imagine you are starving after your day.” This time she would not let him say no. She couldn’t live with the guilt of not returning the favor it some way, no matter how little that guilt was.
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
[ I most likely won’t be on much today! I have plans to see DoS with my group of friends and we usually spend a few hours fooling around after. Plus one may spend the night at my place so there’s very little chance of me being on tonight! ]
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
   Any other soul, and Vilkas would have been in action. Personal space was well respected of the thinner twin -- no one dared to lay an uninvited hand upon him. Of course, brothers were exempt from this barrier of comfort. What limits would be unreasonable regarding all others dissolved with the bond they shared, though admittedly it had minor boundaries of its own. For these reasons, offense came only in form of tensed muscles under armor, hardly to be noted. 
   Not always was his exterior so cold and unforgiving, but these were times of high stress he succumbed to, fighting urges left and right. "I know." Brief words, and a playful swat at the others hand. Identical eyes met, and for that moment, a grin with the same brevity as his words had ghosted upon his features, fading as he once more set himself in motion, whistling for the whelp's attention. "Come on, no time for your day dreaming."
   Pulling the door open, halting midway through the frame, he pressed back against it, gifting her proper room to continue. "I don't know what the others have told you of your trial, but when you're with me, what I say goes." His tone was hushed, yet demanding. Not out of secrecy sake, but simply of his desire to keep business exclusive to their own ears. "This is the Companions, not the College of Winterhold. I've no interest in your ability to cast spells -- you will focus on traditional combat or I will have a less than appealing report for Kodlak."
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Proving Honor ☾ Vilkas and Thyra
        Thyra was used to such shortness in Windhelm, people who knew who and what she was. Even after Ulfric had taken her in, some were still unwilling to accept a mage. Here in Windhelm, however— with the Companions— she hadn’t been expecting it. The others were welcoming enough, warriors the lot of them, rough around the edges but jovial when given the slightest reason to be.
        She didn’t flinch when he loomed over him, the smell of sweet mead heavy on his lips. It wasn’t the first time a man had used her short stature to try and intimidate her. Galmar had tried the same thing when Ulfric had first brought her to the Palace of the Kings. She’d only been fifteen, and Galmar had scared her more than Vilkas did.
        Turning on her heel, she followed him. So much for getting some rest. She had all she needed with her. Axe, bedroll, and all the extra magika potions she could carry. She could heal herself and anyone she was with, provided she had enough magika to cover everyone. Muffling a sigh, she stared at his back as they made their way towards the door. They were stopped by a heavy hand on Vilkas’ shoulder. His brother, Farkas, halted his stalking, brows furrowed in a frown. “You can do this, brother,” she heard the larger twin murmur, his deep voice a rumbling whisper for his brother’s ears only. She turned her face away, willing herself not to hear. She understood that siblings shared bonds no one else could. Especially twins. “The old man knows what he’s doing. He asked you to do this for a reason.”
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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Skyrim Dreamcast (1/?)
Vilkas - Richard Armitage (Guy of Gisborne)
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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    Too much fairy talk.
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
    "Newbies. Slackers. The Unproven. Whatever you want to call them." Gruff tones were his way of shunning conversation, but if the woman's persistence in small talk was any indication, it mattered not to her. Were his brother here, he would have ducked out and left it to his twin to deal with her, and perhaps she wouldn't catch the sudden lapse of demeanor. 
    Being better with words did not mean he was fond of sharing them with strangers. 
    The Companion held up a hand, signaling for her to wait as he disappeared down the stairs. Kodlak frequently kept a sum of coin in his office he was permitted to handle, even for personal use. Once more he heard the gentle snores and whispers of slumber, passing them without much thought.
    Once he had resurfaced upon the main floor, coin purse in hand, he turned his focus back to her. "It's not whether we can afford it, it's how much I can spend without discussing with the others. I don't usually take care of the menial things." 
    A huff of breath through his nose. "We rely on not getting hurt in the first place. The Companions don't have the time for milk drinkers who cry at the sight of blood. We've a reputation to uphold, if you haven't noticed."
Going Door to Door [BeastlyBlooded]
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
    Restless swarmed him every moment within Jorrvaskr, keeping the Companion pacing until someone had enough nerve to order him to go out back. As much as he would loved to have lay in his room and read, even the fumbled mess of a bedroom began to close in on him. Fresh air would do some good. 
    Books under arm, he set foot for the outer training area, slumping into one of the chairs inattentively. Though the weather may chase him inside in due time, at the very least he could claim he left without falsity. Rain was to come -- he could sense it.
    Recruits trained, that much he could tune out with ease. However, the odd glance he cast had developed that itch of irritant. Still seated, he watched, scrutinizing and forming judgement. Not a recruit he was acquainted with, surely. Only when she had finally detected him did he speak.
    "Your form is terrible."
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First Meeting || Calla & Vilkas
The sky was a bleak grey, the sun being shrouded by rain clouds. A cool wind blew through the city. Some spoke of a storm coming down from the mountains, but nobody really believed it.
Despite the chance of rain and cool wind, the youngest Nord hacked at straw dummies in the yard. Her leather armour was just enough to keep the chill out. After a while, her knuckles began to stiffen and her arms were sore. Her axe was slowly feeling heavier. Calla had an unpleasant bruise forming on her upper arm from not bashing the dummy properly with her shield.
She paused, taking a breath. A barely visible puff of air could be seen coming from her mouth. It was then that she noticed someone watching her.
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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[ i may have decided on a thing ]
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
[ -- i may have to consider changing my fc for vilkas. ]
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
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Vilkas bundled up in the snow, scowling, because that’s what he does best.
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beastlyblooded · 11 years
    Prepared in taking his leave with haste, Vilkas had been caught rather off guard by her offer as he worked out kinks that had developed in muscles, stretching and rolling limbs. While a soundless rumble had begun in his stomach as the thought of a meal, he ignored it, brushing it off and convincing himself that he could wait. "No."
   Initially he left it at that, a simple refusal, coldness in its trail. Soon, however, a less detached response came. "I appreciate the offer. But no. I have places to be." Or rather, civilians to avoid, now that the scent of blood ran fresh in his head, tempting him at every corner. Release the beast, feed. Light stings burned at the cuts in his skin, as if to remind him of his pitifully weak human body.
    "I'll escort you to the city if you need, but that is as far as I go." Stable hands wiped away drying blood, anything to keep it off his skin and out of his senses. 
Among Lions and Lambs ♞ Vilkas & Ariana
   Ariana shook her head despite whatever soreness or aching she may have felt. They were very simple and easy to mend wounds; Ariana was just not as use to pain as some of Skyrim’s people were. Besides clumsy incidents as child, the occasional cut of a knife while cooking, and a few burns from misuse of magic, she had rarely received injuries.
   Guilt sat at the pit of her stomach as she heard the rejection escape his mouth. Of course he needed it! Here the, what she assumed to be a Nord by the height, stood covered in blood and scratches. Reluctantly, she placed the health potion back into her satchel.
   For a moment, things were silent as she thought of ways to repay him. Leaving now without doing anything to show her gratitude would leave her with unease and even more guilt than she had now. At this, she had an idea. “Let me treat you to a meal at The Winking Skeever! Surely you must be hungry after…” a glance was spared briefly towards the copses till she looked back up, “all the work you have done.”
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