beastmode98 · 2 years
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Lea’s new selfie
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beastmode98 · 3 years
Faberry/Achele bikini parallel
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beastmode98 · 3 years
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Bikini Lea is always good 👙🔥
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beastmode98 · 3 years
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Lea Michele’s Summer 2021 🌞🔥💜
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beastmode98 · 3 years
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Didn’t realize these two kinda look alike until now 🎤
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beastmode98 · 3 years
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Lea’s birthday weekend 🥳🔥
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beastmode98 · 4 years
Wanna Bet?
This is set during the Junior and takes place after Chris and Ann leave Uskea following their fight.
Chris and Ann walk hand and hand as they walk towards the new Pizza spot that had just opened in Northbridge.
After buying all of the essential items they needed for their apartment at Uskea, they decided to treat themselves with a nice Pizza and milkshake dinner date.
“I like how bright and pretty Northbridge looks during the Fall time,” Ann says smiling to herself as she leans her tiny frame into Chris’ body.
“And just wait how it’s gonna look with all the Christmas lights and Winter aesthetic’s come December and January,” he says back to her, planting a kiss on top of her head. “You like all the seasons of the year don’t you?” she asks looking up at him.
“I can tolerate the heat. I just like dressing for the cooler weather.” he admits to her.
“I like you in your hoodies and shorts,” she says patting his chest.
He is currently dressed in a Maroon Hartfeld Knight’s Football hoodie, grey Adidas shorts, white Nike socks, and New Balances.
Ann decided to keep her long brown hair tied in a ponytail and sport grey shorts, a pink Hartfeld long sleeve shirt, and flip flops as her appearance for the night. She decided to do away with her makeup and appear natural for their occasion.
“We kinda match don’t we?” Chris says with a smile. “We have got to stop doing this,” she says with a laugh. “I think it’s kinda cute,” Chris admits. “How about this, lets plan our outfits out and show them to each other at the start of each week so we won’t match?”
“Nah,” Chris says shaking his head. “Us matching like this makes us the best couple at Hartfeld, and in the world,”
“You’re so silly,” Ann says shaking her head.
“I hope this Pizza doesn’t make me sick like last time.” Chris says as he starts to grimace.
It was very rare for the tall Quarterback to ever get sick throughout the year. The only times that Ann can recall that he was sick, it was as if the world had came to an end.
The first time was earlier in the year when Chris had caught the flu for the first time. He had ignored his symptoms, but by the end of the day, he felt like death.
The second time was when him and Ann went on a date to the mall their Freshman year and went to a New York Pizzeria that was in the Food Court. He had felt awful afterwards, but he just brushed it off as an upset stomach.
His stomach was certainly “alright” the next morning when he had caught food poisoning and was “puking his guts out” the entire day.
Ever since that moment two years ago, Chris had stayed away from Pizza and had went against eating it from any restaurant.
Some persuasion from Ann however earlier in the day had led them to try this new Pizza place out.
“You’ll be okay Captain,” she says patting his stomach. “You did say that we should try some new foods out the other day.” Ann points out
“Yeah...but not things that gave me food poisoning. I can’t afford to get sick again.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she says. ‘You never get sick. Guys from Maine never get sick,’ she says in her manly voice. “We don’t!” he exclaims.
“Hey if you back out on eating here, I’m gonna tell the guys that you wussed out on eating Pizza and they’re gonna make fun of you.”
Chris squints his eyes and let’s out a chuckle. “Yeah, well I lose either way. They already call me a simp cause I basically do as you say. But I’d rather have an Ann that’s happy then a girlfriend that’s angry.” He says looking down at her. “You know the saying, happy wife happy life.” He raises his eyebrows at that. “Ughh you’re so corny.”
“You still love me though,” he says leaning down to her. “Indeed I do,” she says before giving him a quick kiss.
“Ayo!” A teenager calls out which causes the two to separate from each other. Chris puts a protective arm around Ann’s waist. “Excuse my friend,” another teenager says as him and a few of his associates walks towards the couple. “You guys need some help with something?” Chris asks.
The four teenagers look as if they are a mix between Juniors and Sophomores in High School. “Nothing major, we‘re just leaving the Girls volleyball game at Northbridge High and we just were looking for some fun.”
“Well let’s at least introduce ourselves,” one of the teenagers says. “My name is Andre, and these are my friends Marcus, Leon, and Trey.”
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Ann says smiling nicely at them and shaking their hands.
It’s one of the things that Chris admires about her. They both don’t have a clue as to what these kids want, but here she is shaking their hands and showing generosity towards them without even knowing them.
“We just wanted to know if you wanted to make a bet?” Trey says as he looks at Chris. “I’m a gambling man, why not?” Chris says looking at the four boys. Ann grabs Chris’ hand and she moves in close to his body.
“For real?” Marcus asks “Yeah why not?” Chris says with a shrug. “My girl and I have nothing better to do besides getting some dinner. So what’s the bet?”
“I bet you that my boy Andre can here can ride his bike from the stop sign over here, to the stop sign across the street.”
“Ha, deal,” Chris says going to shake Trey’s hand. “Hold up, hold up yo, we’re not done. Andre here is gonna do a wheelie while he does it.”
“There’s no way that your friend can do that.” Chris chuckles at them. “Oh yeah?” Leon asks.
“How much do you want to bet that I don’t think he can do it?” Chris asks with a smile.
“Chris,” Ann whispers at him. “No, it’s fine babe. How much do you boys want if he can make it.”
“Ten dollars,” Trey says. “Ten dollars!” Chris says while raising his eyebrows. “That’s all you want?”
“Yeah, we’re trying to get a large pepperoni, sausage, and bacon Pizza. We only have fifteen now, but an extra ten can get us a two liter Coke for each of us to share.”
“Alright cool, you gentlemen have yourselves a deal then,” Chris says moving in to shake their hands. “Sweet,” Marcus says with a huge grin moving to shake Chris’ hand. “But,” Chris says pulling back, “If you’re buddy Andre here can’t make it to and from that stop sign while doing a wheelie, then you owe me and my girlfriend Ann here ten dollars each.” He says.
“I’m not in this,” Ann says as she backs away with her hands up. “Awe cmon Ann,” Chris says with a smile, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. “Nope, I’m not in on this bet. This is between you boys, I get the best seat in the house,” she says as she stands back and crosses her arms with a smile.
“Alright, you don’t owe Ann ten dollars, but you’ll owe me ten dollars, each.”
The boys’ eyes widen at them. “Christopher Powell,” Ann says to him sternly. “I’m just kidding with you guys, but you still will owe me ten dollars if Andre fails. Deal we have?” Chris asks as he issues his hand out.
“Deal.” Trey says. Each boy shakes Chris’ hand as Andre moves towards his bike.
“Alright, three, two, one, GO!” Chris yells.
Andre pops a wheelie and rides his bike across the street and over towards the stop sign while traffic comes to a stop. He waits until there is another red light for him to ride his wheelie again.
He comes very close, but his bike falls down about a few inches close to where Chris, Ann, and his friends stand out.
The boys groan in frustration as Chris smiles widely and celebrate. “Haha, I knew it,” he says shaking his head. “But you did a great job riding across the street though, I know I wouldn’t be able to do that.”
Andre nods his head and gives Chris a signature “guys” handshake. “So Ann and I are gonna go get our dinner. While we do that, you boys get ready to pay up,” he says with a wink as he takes Ann’s hand into the restaurant.
Leaving the four boy’s to discuss what they will do, Ann motions to Chris. “Are you really going to make those boys give you their money?” she asks. “I thought you knew me better than that,” he says with a wide grin.
As the boys stand awkwardly outside after discussing what they were going to do, Ann and Chris walk out with two pizzas, milkshakes for the two of them, and 2-liter bottle of Coke for the boys.
“What’s this?” Trey asks. “I don’t want your guys’ money,” he says as he sets their large Pizza down. “Although I’m only 20, I remember what it’s like to be a kid after a high school game and just trying to cause some mischief and have some fun. You guys made Ann and I’s night. All we ask is that when the time comes, pass it on.”
“You’re what’s up man,” Marcus says as he moves over to shake Chris and Ann’s hand. The other boys do the same.
“You mind if we take a picture with you and put it on Instagram and Twitter? This was like really cool man.” Andre says. “Yeah dude, no problem.”
The five boys take a selfie before Ann takes a picture of the five of them together with their Pizza’s.
“You guys enjoy your dinner!” Ann calls out to them as they walk away and sit at a different table. “That was really nice of you Chris, I’m a lucky to have a man like you in my life. Let’s not fight again,” she says looking at him.
“I agree,” he says with a smile and giving her a quick kiss.
“I’m glad I kissed you before you had Pizza breath,” he jokes with her.
She swats his chest before taking a seat next to him and enjoying their dinner together in peace.
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beastmode98 · 4 years
A little one shot I came up with of Chris coming to the rescue of a drunken Ann.
Set during The Senior
I’ll Be There for You
“I think I'm going to call Chris to come get you." Becca looked in the direction of Ann, who seemed tipsy or maybe even drunk. Becca decided to take Ann to a local club to let loose and celebrate after a long semester and while Becca had only one drink, it was nowhere near the amount Ann had. The brunette was by no means a light weight, so Becca knew Ann might've had a little too much alcohol.
"No!" Ann leaned against Becca, trying to compose herself to stand straight. "Don't call Chris, B, he'll be upset. He'll go on about how he shouldn't have to babysit me and blah blah blah..." She let go of Becca and landed butt first on the floor. Amused by her actions, Ann started laughing and Becca rolled her eyes at her friends drunk behavior.
Becca helped Ann off the floor, took her hand, and lead her to a nearby vacant booth. "Stay here. I'll be right back. Don’t move." Ann nodded her head, doing a salute to Becca to let her know she understood. The brunette leaned back in dramatic fashion, her head hanging back on the booth. Becca rolled her eyes and chuckled before walking away. She needed to make a phone call.
Becca walked to a part of the club that wasn't as noisy while still making sure that she had Ann in her sights. She scrolled through her contacts until she got to the name she wanted. She pushed on the name and the other end rang three times until someone answered.
"Hello?" The other person answered groggily. "Is everything okay?"
"Chris, hey!" Becca sighed. She felt bad about bothering him. He had a lot on his plate with football and leading them to another NCAA victory. Of course they had their history, but she still considered him a friend. Ann was drunk and Becca had to call Chris because he seemed to be the best one to deal with Ann, especially in her state of mind. "Come get your girlfriend. She’s in drunk and she’s acting all bubbly and it’s getting on my nerves.”
"Seriously, Becca? I swear, I can't ever let you and Ann go out alone."
Becca rolled her eyes and sighed. "Whatevs, I'm perfectly fine. However, Ann is a completely different story. So, will you please drag your tall ass out of bed and come help me out and help me get her out of here?"
Chris let out a huff over the phone. "I guess I have no choice now do I? Give me like ten minutes and I'll be there."
"You're the best, you know that right?"
"Well, considering you're one of my best friends and Ann is with me, I kind of feel obligated." He chuckled. "Just keep an eye on her and I'll be there as soon as possible." The line went dead.
Becca took the phone from her ear and walked back to the booth where Ann was currently doing something on her phone. She was pressing her fingers against the phone, but the phone screen was blacked out. "Why isn't my phone working for? This piece of crap." Ann angrily slammed her phone down on the table. Becca chuckled. Ann was certainly a character whenever she was tipsy.
Ten minutes on the dot and Chris appeared in the club wearing gray sweatpants, a white cat t-shirt, grey nikes, his hair was tucked in his Nike hat that was turned backwards, and his black prescription glasses were settled across his handsome face. He didn’t feel like putting his contacts in so he settled with his glasses.
As soon as he walked in he saw Becca wave at him from the booth her and Ann were occupied in. He nodded his head and walked towards their direction.
Ann was face first against the table and Chris let out a little chuckle as he arrived to the booth. "She's really out of it, huh?" He took his hand and patted Ann’s back in an attempt to get her out of reverie. "Ann, wake up, it's time to get out of here."
The brunette lifted her head up cautiously and squinted her eyes; trying to see who was standing before her. "Why? We just got here." She looked to Becca, who seemed to be a blur by this point. "Isn't that right, Beckyyyyyy? So, you can tell this person that they can go." She waived her hands gesturing for them to go away as she laid back down.
Becca and Chris looked at each other in unsion and rolled their eyes. "No, Ann, we got here about two hours ago," Becca stated. "I called your man to come get you so we could make sure you left safely."
"You're so drunk right now."
Ann looked up to Chris and she frowned. "No, I'm not. You're just blurry."
Chris chuckled. "Honey, if I'm blurry, then that means that you're drunk. If you were sober, I wouldn't be blurry."
“I don't think you should be calling me Honey, I don't think my boyfriend would like that. He’s the captain of a football team and he would wreck you." Ann was still unaware of the fact that the man talking to her was indeed her boyfriend. She totally missed where Becca said she called Chris to come get her. "Becca, please tell this very tall man to go away." She laid her head back down on the table.
This being the popular motion of the night, Chris rolled his eyes again. "Ann, it’s me, Chris. Becca called me to come get you."
The brunette looked back up to Chris and then to Becca and frowned. "Beccaaaa, I thought I said not to call Chrisy? I don't want him to fuss at me. Great, now I'm going to be in trouble."
Chris stood there flabbergasted for a minute. He didn't realize that he made Ann feel like she couldn't call him at a time like this. He knew that he lectured her about this issue, but that was only because he cared for her and wanted her safe. "Ann, I'm not going to fuss at you. You're not in trouble. I promise, I just want to make sure that you get back to the apartment safely."
"Really?" She looked at him with a pleaded look in her chocolate brown eyes. "You promise that I won't be in trouble?"
"I promise. I won't lecture you. I really just want to make sure that you make it back to the home safely, okay?" He extended his hand out for her to take. She took his hand and stood up. She wobbled, but he put a hand on her waist to catch her. He kept the hand on her waist to help her keep her composure.
Becca got up from the booth watching Chris gingerly help Ann walk out of the bar. She smiled at the couple in front of her. No matter what situation Chris or Ann found themselves in, they always helped one another out. That was what made them in her opinion such a good couple. They complimented each other greatly.
Chris made it to his car with his tipsy girlfriend in tow. He opened the door with his free hand and helped her inside the car. He buckled her seatbelt and she immediately laid her head back before he shut the door. He leaned against the door and looked to Becca and sighed. "I never knew that she felt like she couldn't call me if she needed a ride anywhere because she was tipsy."
"You know how Ann can be whenever she's drunk. She wants to be able to do whatever she wants and not get in trouble. But, she knows that you care and you just want what's best for her. She did let you help her out of the club, so that has to count for something.
"I guess so. I just hate whenever she does this. I know she likes to go out and have a good time. Who doesn't? But, sometimes I feel like she takes the drinking to the extreme and I have to look like the bad guy because I give her a lecture the next morning."
"But you're not a bad guy, Chris. You care about her and you let her know how you feel. There's nothing wrong with that. Hell, sometimes I wish Madison took notes from you and told me how she felt. But, she just lets everything go as if nothing happened."
Chris chuckled. "That's Madison for you. She’s the most bubbly yet laidback girl I know. Not high strung like I am."
"You're not high strung, you just care a lot for those you love and you let them know how you feel. Nothing wrong with that. That's why Ann loves you. She talks about you all the time and mentions how communication is great between you two. She feels like she can talk to you about anything and she knows you'll do whatever you can to help her."
"Well, she is my girl and I love her, so I just want what's best for her, even if I have to act like an ass sometimes."
"Just talk to her in the morning whenever she's sobered up." She gave Ann a friendly hug. "Thanks again for helping me out and coming to get her. I know that she's your girlfriend and all that, but I'm glad that you came to get her without getting too upset."
"No problem. If it was anyone else, I probably would've fussed them out for bothering me, but it's Ann that we’re talking about here; I can't be mad at her for too long." He let out a little laugh.
"Well, I'm going to go." She waved to Chris before walking to her rental car. Chris watched as she made it to her car and drove out of the parking lot safely before getting into the driver seat of his car and driving off, a sleeping Ann in the passenger side. Chris smiled and let out a little chuckle; no matter what state she was in, she was so beautiful to him.
Chris made it to their apartment in ten minutes. He got out of the drivers seat and went around to the passenger side to attempt to help his tipsy girlfriend get into the building. Not wanting to wake her, he was as gentle as he could be unbuckling her seatbelt and then he placed his hands under her legs and on her back to pick her up out of the car. He shut the door with his foot and carried a deadweight Ann into the building. He would have to come back down later and come get her belongings and lock the car.
Luckily someone was walking out of the elevator so Ann was able to get into the elevator with no problem. He carefully pushed the button to the fifth floor and adjusted Ann in his arms, who just laid her head on his chest. He chuckled to himself, placing a kiss on her forehead.
The elevator dinged and that sound seemed to wake Ann up. She moaned and observed the position in which she was positioned in Chris’ arms; bridal style. "Oh my gosh, did we get married?" Her eyes got wide and a frightened look came upon her face. She put a hand up to her face. "Oh my gosh, I got married to the man I love and I don't even remember it. What kind of wife am I?"
He stopped in front of the door, and unable to restrain himself, Chris burst out into immediate laughter. "Ann, it's okay, we didn't get married. I‘m just carrying you to our room because you were sleeping."
She let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. I was scared I had amnesia or something!"
Ann was certainly a character whenever she gets drunk. She was definitely a drama queen, but at least she wasn't bitchy. He sat her down, reaching down into his sweatpant clad pocket to get out the keys to their apartment. He turned around to Ann but she wasn't behind him. When he looked further, he noticed she was knocking at one of their neighbors door across the hall. "Hello, is anyone in there? I need to peeeee."
Chris rolled his eyes and walked towards Ann, grabbing her hand and leading her back to their room. "You can just pee in our room, Ann." He managed to get to the door before the door shut all the way.
When the couple walked into the room, there was a bathroom when they first walked in to the right. Chris motioned to the bathroom. "Here you go, Ann. Here's the bathroom, you can pee now."
Ann wobbled to the bathroom, grabbing onto the door, the sink, and then the toilet to make sure she didn't fall on the ground butt first. She tried to unbutton her blue skinny jeans, but to no avail. "Help! I need help taking off my pants! Is anybody out there? I really have to pee." She seemed to be forgetting at times that her boyfriend was the one who brought her back to their room.
As much as Chris liked hearing her say that she needed help taking off her pants, he knew it was one of those times where it meant something different as opposed to what it usually meant. He walked into the bathroom, helping her take off her pants so she could pee. "I wouldn't be in this situation for anyone else. I hope you know that."
Ann seemed to take notice once again that her boyfriend was in her presence. "Oh, Chrisy, hey! Glad it's you that is helping me take off my pants. You're the one who usually does it anyway." She let out a girlish giggle.
"Yes, that's true. But, I'm only helping you this time because you have to pee." Her pants were off her along with her underwear. He decided to just go ahead and strip her of all her bottom half attire so it would be easier for her to use the bathroom. "Now pee." He walked out of the bathroom and felt relieved when a few minutes later he heard the toilet flush. At least she didn't need him to help wipe her butt. He heard some commotion going on in the bathroom, so he walked back in and saw her on the floor with their toiletries spilled over in the sink. He sighed, helping her onto her feet.
He put his arm around her waist guiding her along the room until they got to the bed. He helped her sit back on the bed. "Lift up your arms." She surprisingly did as she was told with no problem and lifted her arms above her head. He remembered her saying how much she disliked sleeping in a bra, so he helped her take off her bra too. He walked over to her dresser and grabbed a pair of baby blue boy shorts style underwear and a baggy grey t-shirt. He unfolded the shirt and saw that it was one of his favorite t-shirts. As much as he loved the shirt, he loved her more and he didn't mind if she had as a part of her wardrobe.
He turned around, clothes in his hand prepared to help her dress for bed. He squatted on the floor, attemtping to help her put on the underwear first. "Ann, lift up your leg and put it into the opening of your underwear." She attempted to do what he asked, but she lost her balance standing up, so she grabbed on his shoulder for support. She slowly but surely scooted both legs into the underwear. "Lift your arms up again." She lifted up her arms and he helped slide the shirt over her head.
"I guess that means it's nighty night time then." He chuckled and nodded. And with his help, she was laid down in the bed. He wrapped her in the covers and then kissed her forehead.
"Not yet. I need you to take some medicine for me and then you can go to bed." He went over to his drawer on his side of the bed that had medicine in it and took out some ibuprofen for her to take since he knew she would wake up with a headache in the morning. He grabbed some water from the fridge and walked back towards her. "Sit up for me real quick and take this. It will help you feel better in the morning." She took the two ibuprofen pills from his hand and slowly put them into her mouth, him helping her take sips of water after each pill was taken. "I'm going to leave this right here for you just in case you need it.
"Now can I pleeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeee go to sleeeeeep Chrisyyyy?” There was a pleading look in her chocolate brown eyes that matched her tone.
"Yes, you can go to sleep now." He placed a kiss on her cheek. "Goodnight, my love, sleep good." Not even a minute later she was knocked out cold.
He walked back down to the parking lot to grab her belongings and locked the car before getting himself settled for the night. He took off his glasses and placed inside his glasses case on the television stand and stripped himself of his hat, shirt, shoes, socks, and sweatpants, leaving himself in only his briefs before turning out the lights and walking to the opposite side of the bed.
Within a few minutes, he was asleep too.
Ann woke up the next morning, waking up to the smell of coffee, waffles, egg whites, and bacon, and whole wheat toast. She somehow was dressed in attire she would wear to bed. The last thing she remembered about last night was her and Becca arriving to the club. She couldn't really remember what happened after that.
Chris turned around to place the turkey bacon on a plate and he saw that Ann was awake. "Good morning sunshine. You woke up just in time. I made your favorite." He grabbed the plate of food and a mug of coffee and walked towards the bed, handing her the food. She smiled gratefully at him and eagerly accepted the food; she was starving. "I've got some coffee made up too; I figured you can use some this morning." He placed the coffee mug on the end table next to her.
"You're an Angel Christopher Powell. You know that, right?" Not wasting anytime, she took some eggs whites and stuffed them in her mouth.
Chris laughed at how hungry his girlfriend seemed to be. "Well, I try. I figured this would be the best thing to help you cure that hangover I'm sure you have."
Ann’s eyebrows furrowed. That explained why she felt like crap this morning. "I was wasted last night wasn’t I?"
"You did. And as always, you were quite the character. I’ll be right back, I’m gonna get my plate and then I’ll join you." He walked out and went towards the kitchen to grab his own plate and his cup of coffee. When her returned to the room, he took a seat beside her, setting his cup of coffee on the end table near his side of the bed.
Ann groaned. It was time for another lecture. Whenever she got drunk, Chris wasted no time in giving her a lecture the next morning on how she shouldn't get so drunk. But, to her shock, the lecture never came. Instead, they were eating their food in an companionable silence. He got up and grabbed his along with hers and threw them in the trash. "So, you're not going to give me a lecture about last night?"
Chris eyebrows furrowed and pursed his lips. "No, there's really no need for a lecture this morning. I've come to understand that you’re an adult, and you are someone who likes to go out and have fun. I just want you to know that if you ever get drunk, you can call me and I'll be there for you."
The brunette frowned. "What gives you the idea that I don't want to call you?"
Chris walked back to the bed and sat down. "Last night when I came to get you, you got upset with Becca because she called me to come get you. You mentioned how you would get a lecture and be in trouble. I didn't realize that you felt that way and I'm sorry."
"Oh," was all Ann could say. "I'm sorry. It's just that whenever I get drunk, I can be a bit of a drama queen."
Ann chuckled. "Trust me, I know. You're also pretty funny too."
"I'm afraid to know what happened last night." Knowing how Chris was, he was going to tell her what happened. "But, I know you're going to tell me anyways, so go ahead..."
"First of all, you thought we got married and you didn't remember." Ann groaned and face palmed. "Then, you knocked on our neighbors door that was across the hall because you had to pee, so I had to grab you and lead you inside the room." Ann grabbed a pillow from beside her and covered her face, laying back on the bed. Chris just laughed at her. She thought she was embarrassed now, wait until she heard this upcoming part. "Then, you yelled out for help for someone to help take off your pants so you could pee. Luckily, your knight in shining armor of a boyfriend was here to help you with the job."
Ann groaned and bent the pillow over face. Maybe she needed to take a break on the whole clubbing thing. She released the pillow from her face and looked over to her boyfriend who was looking at her with pure amusement. "That's so embarrassing. I can't believe you had to deal with that. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. I've become a pro at dealing with drunk Ann over the few years."
"You're freaking incredible, you know that, right?"
"I mean I am Captain Powell after all, I know that already, baby." He got up from the bed he was sitting on and sat down beside her on the bed she was sitting on and placed a soft kiss to her lips. "But, seriously, I'm here for you."
"Good to know. But, right now, I am going to be here for you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her, her lips pressed onto his in a kiss that turned heated. His body was pressed against hers and she took off his shirt, her hands running up and down his back. She was going to fill his urges today that he'd been having as of late. They wasted no time in being stripped of their clothing and wrapped up in each other.
After all, they were a couple and they were always there for one another. And in the current state they were in, she certainly didn't mind being there for him.
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beastmode98 · 4 years
Birthday Celebrations
March 14th, 2038
“Happy Birthday Dad!" Chris laughed as he entered the kitchen with Madison in his arms as he rubbed his eyes,
“Thanks guys," all of the kids swarmed him with hugs and more Happy Birthdays, "Whew, I'm finally forty!" he cheered, Ann couldn't help but laugh as Chris shook his head at her, a small smile coming over his lips.
“Naughty Mrs. Powell," he whispered into her ear, she felt the heat rise over my cheeks as Chris and her had sex last night. It was good, great, sex that celebrated his birthday early, like they usually do.
“Happy Birthday Chris," she said as she kissed him softly, "Good morning to you too," he whispered, she smile as their forehead's met in the middle. "Is there anything you want to do today birthday boy?" she asked him, his eyes balanced hers, "How about a pure family day? Eat breakfast, take a hike into the beautiful nature, have a picnic before coming back to chill and dinner with my parents and yours,"
“Sounds like a blast," I told him. He smiled and he leaned forward to kiss me, "I think I can give you your present tonight," I whispered, Chris smiled against my lips, "That sounds like fun,"
Ann nodded as she planted her hand against his chest, every one all ate breakfast together as Ann had gotten up early with the kids to cook for Chris.
It was something that Chris admired from Ann in the years since they had their children. She always went out of her way to decorate the house with different banners, balloons, and even confetti to celebrate someone’s birthday. She would always wait until everyone in the house was asleep and she would get to work.
Nothing stood in Ann’s way. Not when he met her when he was 18, and not now at her current age of 39.
She took her job as a mother very seriously and with grace. Ann become the type of person to put herself last when it came to her kids with anything. She would never sit down at the table until everyone had food on their plate.
Of course Chris, Logan, and Emma would try to stop her on special occasions that pertained to her like Mother’s Day or her own birthday, but her stubbornness would always prevail.
She’d be the one to help out with homework, offer advice to anyone who needed it, and would even put the kids in line whenever they needed it.
In all the years that he’s known her, he still didn’t know what he did to deserve a woman like her.
Maybe it was his reward from God for all the work he put in during his adolescence to keep his family afloat. All he knows is that he’s certainly glad to be reaping this reward.
The Powell’s decided at the table that today's plans were fun and they all went off to get ready. Chris and her made lunches and packed the bags as she stored them in the back of the car along with the stroller for Madison.
Chris changed into shorts and a hoodie while Ann changed into leggings and an old Hartfeld hoodie. They then made sure all of the kids were changed, had everything, and they packed them into the car.
Let the birthday celebrations begin.
The family had finished their lunch up at around 11:50 and they were walking down the private family trail they had and were heading back home.
Chris had three year old Madison on his shoulders as the two of them walked. Her hands were on his hat and she was giggling as he would run fast and bounce her on his shoulders.
Ann held Addison’s hand behind her as she watched the two in front of her.
Madison acted and looked a lot like Logan as a baby. She had the blue eyes with the same blonde hair that Chris had as a baby and she was attached to Chris too.
That was probably Chris’ baby that he loved the most, not that he didn't love all of them the same, he just bonded easily with Madison after she was born.
Chris dipped her down and her hair flew everywhere, a giggle erupting from her throat. “Come on let’s walk Maddie. Wanna walk with me and Logan?”
“Yeaaa Wogan!” she screamed running to grab Logan behind by his legs. Chris and Logan has Madison in the middle and they would pick her up high in the air and then let her back down. Ann always loved when her kids laughed like that.
Addison would be six in April and she was Ann’s only child to be her twin. She had the brown hair and the same brown eyes as her mother with the same tan skin complexion. While all the other kids held a special place in Ann’s heart, Addison was probably one of her favorites.
She was one of the quiet ones of the family just like her mother, but she could also be bubbly and funny when she was around the people she loved the most.
Ann looked up and saw Emma with the twins Owen and Olivia talking and giggling about something.
Just when Logan was ready to enter Pre-K, Ann and Chris decided to try again for another child. Instead of one baby, Ann was pregnant with two! When the doctor showed them the sonogram when they found out the sex, Chris nearly dropped to the floor.
They were certainly blessings to their family and they were spoiled rotten by Chris and Ann’s mothers and their many aunts and uncles when they were younger.
They both had the blonde hair and blue eyes that Chris had and they even looked alike in a way.
Owen had his blonde hair cut the same way that Logan and Chris did. He was the quiet one of the two, but was the most determined when it comes to his studies and his work on the Lacrosse field. He didn’t inherit the football bug like his older brother or father, but he loved playing sports and even performing in drama, something he learned from his Uncle James.
Olivia was definitely the loudest one of the two. She was always the more outgoing twin and loved performing for drama while also doing soccer and softball. She even wanted to try volleyball when she got to Emma’s age of fifteen.
Emma had her blonde hair pulled back and she was Ann and Chris’ first girl. As a baby, she was the apple of Chris’ eye and stole his heart the minute she was born. The two were inseparable and did everything together. She was still loved by both her parents and she inherited her mothers love for soccer at the young age of two.
Her and Logan were also inseparable growing up since they were one year apart. Which leads to their oldest son Logan, who had only turned seventeen two weeks earlier.
He was the same height as Chris and had his same features of the sandy brown hair and blue eyes. Ann could never believe how much Logan looked and acted just like him.
Logan was the starting quarter back at Berry High and was in the process of applying to Hartfeld and playing football there after he graduated in about a year.
He had no aspirations of playing for the NFL like his father though, as he wanted to study and become a marine biologist to study ocean life. Logan always had a fascination for the ocean at a young age, and Ann and Chris were more than supportive of his choice.
“Is today a happy today Mommy?” Addison asked. “Yes it is baby,” she said. She gave her mother a smile and the two continued their walk back home.
Ann rested against Chris’ shoulder as he stroked her arm, there hike was good and fun.
The kids were all laughing and Chris couldn't help but smile. It was a fun afternoon and now they were all back resting.
Madison and Addison were taking their 12:30 afternoon naps while the others either took their own naps or just chilled out until it was time for Chris’ surprise party.
Ann’s next plan was to get Chris out of the house while everyone else planned the surprise party at their house. The party was going to be small, with Chris’ mom, Ann’s parents, Kyle, A.J., their kids, as well as the Hartfeld gang and their families making an appearance. Even a few of Chris’ past football teammates would be their too.
Ann watched as Chris slept softly next to her,
he didn't want to make any big celebration, as he thought that forty was just that, forty. Ann decided that she would celebrate all the accomplishments that he had made in his forty years of life with this small, yet intimate celebration with his friends and family. She turned to face him to admire his features, his jaw still set and strong, his nose perfect, and his eyes, those beautiful eyes, closed and hidden from her.
His face had a few lines, given his age, but he still didn't have a single gray hair or anything like that, still stuck being young.
Twenty two years of being with each other seemed slightly daunting to Ann. She sighed as she kissed his chin. The light sleeper that he was, he stirred as he opened his eyes to look at her, "What's up beautiful," he asked, his eyes still shut. "Just looking at my handsome forty year old husband," Chris breathed out a laugh, "Are you going to keep pointing out that you are still thirty nine?" he asked, she nodded with a laugh as he opened an eye.
“Alright then," Chris then straddled my lap as she looked up at him with wide brown eyes. His fingers then gazed her stomach as he tickled her, she laughed as she tried to move away from him, his fingers keeping her close and his knees locking in her side.
She couldn't help but laugh, her laugh growing as Chris shook his head. "You are so beautiful," he said, she caught her breath, as he looked at her, Ann then pulled on his shirt as she brought him down to her lips. He stretched his body out and brought his hand up to hold her face. His palm warm against her cheek as her tongue slipped into his mouth.
He moaned softly as she let her hands glide up his shirt. He pushed her shirt up as he broke their kiss to drop small kisses onto her belly. His fingers working magic as she took in a deep breath. Chris then brought his lips back to hers as her fingers ran through his hair.
Chris snapped away from Ann as Emma and Olivia were standing in the doorway, Chris licked his lips as he took a breath, "Uhm, hey girls," he commented, "I just came to ask when grandma was coming over," Emma said quickly, closing her eyes, "Five," Chris stated, "Alright, bye!" she closed the door as Ann busted out into laughter, Chris shook his head as she laughed, he leaned himself down as their lips were inches apart.
“I'm glad you found that funny,"
“I did," Ann said wrapping her arms around his neck, "I sure did, you deserve it after that prank you pulled on me last week," he rolled his eyes before kissing her again as she pressed her face into his neck. "I love you Chris,"
“I love you too Ann,"
"Chris, I’m okay with you taking that sports analyst gig with ESPN," Chris’ eye's found hers and he searched them, "Are you positive, I mean I’m gonna be traveling once out of the week and,"
“Chris," he looked at me, "You love football, I know you still love it deep down. You have so much to give with your knowledge of the sport. I saw you down at Berry High giving advice to some of the players there and coming up with different plays. Besides seeing you interact with the kids or when you talk about them or me, you light up so much when you are on that field. I’m okay with you living your dream again," Chris took a deep breath as he came over to me, "Okay," he brushed my hair back, "Fine,"
“I mean, is that something you want?” Chris’ eyes went into the depths of mine and he sighed,
“I’m not sure, I just don’t know if I’m up for all that traveling again," he rubbed his face as he thought about it. “You said their main studio is in Connecticut right?”
Chris nodded, “I did the research and it’s an hour and thirty six minute drive away from here. I just don’t want to miss out on anymore moments of what the kids do.”
Ann rubbed Chris’ back before looking at him.
“You are an eight time Super Bowl Champion Christopher Powell. You have so much power and clout with all of your accomplishments that I am sure they would do anything to accommodate you. If you only want to appear once a month, then do that. Just know that I have your support in whatever you choose to do.”
Chris’ hand spread over her knee and he pecked her lips. ”Thanks babe, I love you.”
“Love you too,”
“I’m so glad Daylight savings time is over with”, he said as he had his arm wrapped around Ann as they were walking up their driveway. “After all these years I thought you hated when it got darker early?” she looked up at him.
Chris gave her a shrug, “I guess I got used to it, I’m surprised it is actually kinda warm today. I love it,” he said kissing her nose. “Well I’m glad my man is happy,” she said with a smile.
Chris unlocks the door and notices all the lights are off. “Is the power out or something?” he asks her as he walks in.
Ann turns the lights on from behind and every one jumps from their hiding spots. “SURPRISE!” Everyone cheers.
Zig and Darren blow Kazoos in Chris’ face while Kyle dumps a bucket of confetti behind him as everyone cheers. “You planned this didn’t you?” he asks wrapping his arms around Ann. “Sweetie, I’ve been planning this for two years,” she says giggling while he peppers her face with kisses. “Ahh stop it!”
“You all kept this secret pretty well then,” he says. “Even my own mother didn’t say anything!” He calls our to her. Chris still moves over to wrap his mother in a hug. “I love you baby,” she says. “I love you too Ma,” he says in her shoulder as she kisses his cheek.
Zig, James, Tyler, and Darren shuffled our Chris’ sheet of cake while Ann, Emma, and Abbie places the forty candles around the cake and Ann lit them. “Let‘s not try to burn the place down,” Chris said causing everyone to laugh. “Always joking even on your birthday,” Ann places a kiss on Chris’ cheek while Chris has Madison and Addison on his lap.
Everyone sings Happy Birthday to him and Chris along with his kids and Ann blow all the candles out.
After eating their cake, everyone moves to the living room area where Chris receives his gifts from his friends and family.
The one gift that stood out the most to him was the gift his Mom gave him. On it was a bracelet with the quote inscribed saying “To my Son, Courage is not the Absence of Fear, It is the Determination to Do Something in Spite of Fear. Have Courage to Continue to Live Your Dreams.” Love Mom.
“Aww thank you Ma,” he stands to give her a hug.
“You’re welcome baby, you, Kyle, and A.J. mean so much to me. And I’m not saying that cause of the grand kids you gave me,” she giggles and every one else laughs. “My letter is in this plaque here and you can hang it up in your office or your bedroom when you get the chance.”
In the plaque is the letter as well as signatures from Ann and his kids.
“Thanks again Ma,” he says kissing her head. “I think your little one there might be ready for bed there,” Barbra says running her hands through Madison’s blonde hair. “The cake and every thing we did today must have gotten to her,” Chris says looking over at her.
“I can hold her for awhile,” his mother offers. “I don’t know the next time I’ll get to hold em close to me while they’re this young. I mean look at Logan, my goodness how he’s grown over the years.”
Logan stands talking with Max, Bentley, and Zach, Zig, James, and Tyler’s sons over by the kitchen area.
“They just grow on us so fast Ma, it’s crazy,” he shakes his head looking at the four.
Turning all the lights off before the two depart outside to sit in their backyard on their outdoor swing, Chris moves over to Addison’s room to overhear Ann singing her goodnight song to her as she fell asleep.
🎶 “Hey, okay, we had another fantastic day but now it’s time to say, goodnight. Cause we got places to go, bubbles to blow, stories to share and dreams to grow, so goodnight, goodnight, goodnight” 🎶
“Goodnight Addy, I love you,” Ann kisses her head before turning her lamp off and meeting Chris outside her door. “Were you spying on me,” she says pretending like she’s shocked. “I love it when you sing that song to them when they fall asleep. 17 years and it never gets old.”
“You’re such a romantic,” she teases pinching his cheeks. “Yeah you love me for it though,” he whispers moving close to her lips. Her heat rises as he inches closes to her. “Head butt!” He lightly cracks his head with hers and quickly runs down the steps. “Ow, Chris!”
She chases him outside and tackles him onto the ground near their special seat. Grimacing in pain, he looks up at her, “We always end up here, don’t why?” He asks. He snakes his head up to her backside and squeezes. She seats his chest before getting up, “You get no points for that stunt Christopher Powell,” she crosses her arms and turns from him. “I’m sorry,” he says laughing. “40 years old and you still keep pranking me like you’re 18 again.”
“Do you actually remember the first prank I played on you?”
“Yes, and I was so furious with you.”
November, 2016
Logan’s small car was packed with the Freshman crew as they head back to their door as they were coming back from Chris’ away football game.
Ann, Kaitlyn, and Abbie were eating at the same restaurant that Chris and his football buddies coincidentally decided to go to after the game.
Offering the girls a ride instead of catching the train home, they decided to ride home in Logan’s car.
Big mistake.
With their being not much room in the car for Abbie, Kaitlyn, Ann, Chris, Marcus, Logan, and Madison, who decided to tag along without Becca, the gang was squished in their like sardines in a can.
Kaitlyn settled for sitting on Marcus’ lap, Chris sat in the middle with Ann perched on his lap, and Abbie decided to sit on the other end of the car. She was dead set on not sitting on anyone’s lap. Madison sat in the front with Logan
Already frustrated with how things have been going with Vasquez, on top of things being so confusing with Chris, Kaitlyn’s feelings for her that they had not talked about yet, and being squished in Logan’s car which reeked of smelly football uniforms, Ann was pissed.
While Chris and Ann had kiss and made out earlier in the semester, he felt a bit too comfortable with Ann in his lap.
Looking over at Marcus, along with Logan in the driver side, he gave a mischievous smile and decided to play a little prank on Ann to help her get comfortable with him again.
“She’ll have to find this funny,” he thought. “She used to love my pranks. This’ll help her realize that I’m still me.”
Noticing that her bra strap was peeking from the sweater she was wearing, he decided to grab it and snap it. An old trick he did with Nicole back at Cherryfield. It was a loud snap and everyone heard it. Big mistake.
Ann thought it was disrespectful and immature of him and she was utterly insulted. “I don’t know who you think you are or what kind of girl you think I am but you can’t do that to me!” she yelled at him. The whole car of giggles turned into complete silence the rest of the 10 minute drive home.
When Logan dropped the gang off at their dorm, Ann was the first one out and she power walked all the way to the water fountain with the statue.
Chris clamored after Ann but she kept walking, he urged Abbie and Kaitlyn to return to the dorm and apologized before going to find Ann.
She felt that he had taken and un-invited Liberty on her and she was furious.
He didn’t want to leave her on her own when he caught up to her, he recognized his mistake.
It was stupid, it was dumb, his immaturity got the best of him again. He can’t be that dumb jock, not anymore. He stood behind her for a minute before finally speaking, “Is it okay if I sit down?”
She didn’t look at him or say anything to him. After a few seconds, she moved over and allowed him to sit next to her. The two didn’t talk for a minute after that. Finally, she broke the ice and spoke. “Where I come from, I’m a nice girl, and I expect to be respected.”
“Look, I’m sorry Ann, I was only kidding around. I didn’t think you’d react so strongly,”
“Yeah, well I did. I’m not like Becca, or Nicole, or those other girls you fooled around with in your past. I refuse to be the laughing stock of your jokes with your team. I just don’t know why you keep hurting me,”
“I’m sure all the I’m sorry’s in the world aren’t gonna fix anything and the stuff I’ve done to you, but I really do beat myself up for the hurt I’ve caused you.” She finally looks in his eyes and truly sees the hurt that he feels. It’s only then that she realizes he isn’t a bad guy after all. He’s just a nice guy who’s confused about expressing his true self around others. He just needs help expressing his emotions.
“I accept your apology Chris,” she says looking at him. “When we come back from break Chris,” she allows him to take her hands and she looks at him. “Think about what you really want with your life. Really think about it.”
End of Flashback
“Can’t believe you remember that conversation after all these years,” Chris said shaking his head. “You really saved me there though,” he looks over at her. “What do you mean?”
“When we started at Hartfeld, I was the dumb jock. I let my past affect me, and I let it hurt the people who were meant to be in my life. You helped me show how to express myself and be in tune with me thoughts. In the years that I’ve known you, you’ve given me confidence when I need it the most. You make me laugh so hard, and you always support me. The older I get, the more I attracted I am you, and the more I love you. I can’t wait to live another decade with you Ann. I will always be yours, so thank you for changing my life.”
Ann smiles and kisses him. “I’m glad I found someone like you too Chris. You are my first everything, and I’m so glad to have a man like you in my life. You love me and the flaws that I have, but you make me a better person. I hope you enjoyed your birthday.”
“I have, and I’m so glad I get to end the day with you in my arms looking over the land we built together,”
He kisses her again and her forehead as the two rock with the lights on as they stare into the dark.
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beastmode98 · 4 years
Always have been a fan of Choices since I discovered the app about three years ago. While I’m struggling to get behind some of the newer books, The Freshman series will always hold a place in my heart.
With Chris being my MC, I’ve decided to write my ideas about my MC, “Ann” and Chris and write it out. Pls let me know how this one shot is!
This takes place during “The Senior” when Chris took MC on vacation to Cedars Crest. This is their last evening their together
The Future
“What do you think about adoption?” Ann says out loud while her and Chris lay on the loveseat outside of the Condo they are staying in at Cedar’s Crest.
Following their talk the previous night about their future and the things they wanted out of life, this new idea springs into Ann’s mind.
“Adoption?” Chris asks with a raised eyebrow looking into his girlfriend’s coffee brown eyes. “Where did that idea come from?”
“I don’t know,” Ann says with a shrug. “I mean I know we discussed having kids of our own sometime after graduation, but there’s just something about giving someone who needs a family very rewarding. I just want to be able to give back to someone who truly needs it.”
On the verge of being spawned from another woman’s eggs due to her mother and father’s struggle with conception, the generosity that men and women offer is something so courageous and inspiring to Ann.
“It’s just an idea,” she says to him. “It’s not like we’re actively trying for one now and not succeeding.”
“I...I actually think it’s a pretty cool idea,” he says while scratching the back of his neck. A nervous trait that Ann knows all to well from knowing this man over the past three years.
“You’re nervous about it though, aren’t you?” Ann asks.
Chris turns to look at her, blue eyes looking into brown. “I want to give you the world Ann. I couldn’t think of anything more perfect than to give someone who isn’t our biological kids the world also.”
She smiles brightly up at him and pecks him on the lips a few times.
“I knew I chose you for a good reason,” she jokingly says to him.
Chris chuckles and wraps his arms around her as they watch over the bright Autumn October sunset.
“So it wasn’t my good looks?” Chris asks sarcastically raising his eyebrows.
“No that kinda turned me off,” she retorts back scrunching her face. “Ouch,” Chris says putting his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt.
“But I’m serious though, I’m really glad I ended up settling with someone like you,” Ann says. “You offer so much kindness not just to me, but to all the people around you. You give people second chances, even if they don’t deserve it, and you lead by example on and off the field. Someday when they day comes, you’re gonna be a great Dad, and I look forward to that day.”
“I love you so much,” Chris beams. He kisses Ann on her forehead hugs her tight. Ann holds her head close to Chris’ heartbeat to listen to it beat and pound.
“I love you too,” she says back as Chris kisses her chestnut brown hair. “You’re gonna be a great Mom too y’know,” he says back to her.
“You’re acts of kindness extends way beyond mine. I see you being very nurturing to the little ones we’re gonna have soon.”
“Oh of course! You know we do have one son though, and I see he’s enjoying this weather too,” she chuckles as she looks over at the White and Golden Labrador Retriever who’s fallen asleep against the railings of the patio the couple is under.
“Max is gonna be our first baby boy for life,” he says. “Y’know I just can’t get enough of this weather,” Chris says. “I agree, I love Autumn sunsets. I wish it could last forever,” Ann responds.
Fall is always a beautiful season for the both of them. Sure Winter is great and offers beautiful patches of snow to be creative with, Spring offers warm weather with bright flowers returning to bloom, and Summer brings nice days to kick back and relax by the beach or pool, but nothing beats Autumn to the couple.
Autumn offers variety of colors within the leaves that has yet to die off yet. The weather isn’t too cold and isn’t too hot, but just the perfect temperature for long sleeve wear and shorts. And the sky can be painted with different strokes of colors as the sun sets into the nighttime.
“I have a question for you now,” Chris says looking down at Ann. “I suppose I can listen to your request,” she says jokingly.
“What do you think of moving out to a place like Cedar’s Crest, or maybe somewhere like a rural area in Boston?”
“I thought you wanted to settle down in Cherryfield after college?”
“I love Cherryfield, that place will always be home to me, but there’s just not that many opportunities for me, well for us, to shine there. While I am a big fan of the city, I’d like to live in an area that’s just slow and small, but not too small if that makes sense?”
“Oh no it definitely makes sense,” Ann says.
“I want to be able to make enough money to where not only will we have our dream home, but just a few blocks down is where my Mom, Kyle, and A.J. can live near us. I wanna be able to take care of my Mom and repay her for the sacrifices she’s made to take care of myself, Kyle, and A.J. And I don’t care if I get that money from the NFL, or through being a Football coach at Hartfeld, I wanna give back to her.”
An uneasy feeling forms in Ann’s stomach at the NFL comment Chris made. It’s not that she doesn’t support Chris’ dreams, she just doesn’t want to live an unorthodox live where she’s his personal cheerleader traveling with him all over the world watching him living his dream. That, and her being a housewife while he is gone six months out of the year. She thinks back to what Alice said in their first meeting together.
“Remember that you have a life to live also,” she says. “Women of your intellect comes once in a lifetime, so don’t be afraid to step into your own life and have your own career.”
She puts her personal feelings aside for now just to focus on the moment that they’re in right now.
“What do you think,” he asks looking into her eyes. “It’s an amazing idea, I can’t wait to see the fruits of our hard work pay off and show just how possible it was for it to come true,” she says.
“Soon my love,” he says pecking her head and looking out into the horizon.
“Thank you for this trip Chris, I really do appreciate it. It’s nice to be able to disconnect from the world for awhile and just take in the good things that the world has to offer. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you, so thank you, and I love you.” She snuggles into Chris’ chest and Chris wraps her into a tight hug.
“I love you too Ann. How many kids are you thinking about having anyways?”
“15,” she says cheesing up at him.
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