beatrizxsouza · 1 day
"Ah, I don't think you have to worry about that," she told Teagan, "we will always make room for the residents of Kismet Harbor." There was a flow and ebb of the whole thing. People moved out of Kismet and new people moved in, taking the place of those that had left in the first place. "You are already and expert," Beatriz smiled as Teagan listed off a few suggestions as she began to prep the woman's arm for the draw.@teaganweatherford
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"I can only imagine; I could never personally but I know not everyone is like that." she shrugged, looking at her with a smile. She knew that medical anxiety was a real thing that people suffered with, and Teagan was glad that she was one of the few people it seemed that didn't suffer with this. "I'm just thankful you guys were still willing for me to come in; it's been far too long since I stepped foot in here I was certain you guys would know longer be taking new patients." she shrugged. "I don't have a fear of needles, but I don't mind a distraction. Anything to make the event go faster and more smoothly." she laughed again. "What do you need me to do?" she asked. "Sit up straight, uncross my legs, all that stuff?" @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 1 day
starter for @marleyxmadden
location: downtown kismet harbor
"I am so glad we were able to meet up today," Beatriz smiled at Marley as the two stopped at one of the pop up shops along downtown Kismet Harbor for the festival. "I was really thinking I'd have to go shopping all alone and that really isn't as fun," she pouted playfully, "Did you start the book for this month's reading?" She said in reference to the book club that she met Marley in.
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beatrizxsouza · 15 days
"That does help when you are established," too many times Beatriz had seen people try make a last minute appointment when never having been there. "There's far too much paperwork a lot of times for the first paperwork but after that," she smiled at the redhead, "it's easy-peasy. Well, within reason," Beatriz continued to smile at the other. "That counts as fasting," she gave a nod of her head, "any fear of needles?" She questioned, turning around to the drawer to get supplies that were readily stocked. "I like to ask, just in case, happy to do my best to distract if you are." Beatriz turned back around, setting down the supplies on the pull out tray that connected to the computer stand as she stood next to Teagan. @teaganweatherford
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Nodding at the other's thankfulness, Teagan let her smile grow. She'd always been a people person, quite often following in her father's footsteps in an attempt to continue his legacy as much as she could. He'd always loved this town, and Teagan's return here had given her all the proof of why; she loved it too. "I've always wanted to be more established with a doctor so I can easily come in if I need to for something, so I'm thankful to be here." She knew that sounded ridiculous, but it seemed obvious the other didn't have a ton of time where she saw people that were healthy otherwise. "I did fast. Just had water with some lemon this morning so if that ruins the chances of getting bloodwork done we can definitely schedule something." she nodded. "You're the professional. Tell me when and where you need me, but that all sounds perfect to me." @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 15 days
"I guess, yeah," it was lucky that she had been able to find another job so quickly. New York wasn't the cheapest place to live and she had been struggling to make rent as it was. "It's been nice being back, not much has changed, which is kind of comforting." Beatriz admitted with a slight shrug of her shoulders as she spoke to Camila, as if there was any chance the two of them would be able to friends again. "I, uh, if you want, I can drop out of book club." Bea found herself offering to the other out of the blue. @camilaquintanalopez
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Sometimes, life did things well and even though you live in the same city as someone, you simply never meet, even in small towns like Kismet Harbor. Somehow, Cami didn't like her luck. "Somehow" like she didn't have the proof that she seemed to be cursed to run into people she didn't want to see. At least, she didn't work with Bea. Things could be worse. But it felt so weird to be here, all tension and silences when they used to be so close. It felt odd to know nothing of her life now. However, it still hurt and that overrode any intention to care. "Lucky for you, I suppose. Small town like this, I guess everyone finds their way back eventually." @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 25 days
"Oh, thank you," she was surprised by the compliment but there was no denying that the woman was as genuine as they came. Bea didn't think there was any of that small talk fluff with the patient, which was a bit of a surprise for the physician assistant. "Great, I love to hear that. I can't tell you the number of people that wait until there is an issue to come into the doctor's office." Beatriz had seen it time and time again when she was working at the non profit clinic in New York. Though there was also the aspect of working there that many of the patients didn't have homes, jobs or health insurance so she could understand why they'd wait so long. "If you've fasted we can take some blood, but if you haven't we can get you scheduled for it another day." She smiled at the woman, "otherwise, I can take some vitals, get everything documented so we have a baseline for your next visit or if something comes up. How does that sound?" @teaganweatherford
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"Aw, Beatriz is such a pretty name!" Teagan replied, offering the other a kind smile. "Bea as well; but Beatriz just sounds so lovely!" Teagan had always loved names and hearing the back story of where they came from - she'd been obsessed with her own story of where her name came from as a child so much she'd nearly asked to hear it every night. Though, she was trying to remain professional; this woman was her doctor, there was no need for Teagan to ask the other about her name origin story. Maybe once they had a more established relationship, but for now, she'd keep the small talk to answering questions only. As she was asked if she had anything going on, she shook her head. "Thankfully no issues to report." she smiled. "Just routine check in on things. Which I guess is good; I'd rather be healthy." she laughed. @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 25 days
"I'm sure you are helping but certainly not the sole person keeping the bakery alive," Beatriz teased Tyler, "careful you don't scare off any potential customers with all your lurking." Though she doubted he was doing that, but it was far too easy to give Tyler a hard time and Bea was relishing in it. "Good health is important," she knew all too well how that went. Not even from herself but from the patients she had seen since becoming a physician's assistant. "I'd rather be busy than bored," truthfully, Bea didn't mind having a packed schedule because it meant that she was always moving. "But I'm good, yeah," in the grand scheme of things, that was the truth. "Work's been treating me really well, everyone has been super welcoming." @tylerxday
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"I mean, I do buy something each time I visit, so maybe I am more helping her," he teased. But he knew he couldn't visit her at work all the time. "I mean, sometimes I just get a tea, so it isn't as bad," he added to his joke. But I am fine.... healthy as can be." He still had no family history from being adopted, but that was another story. He smiled. "Work is good. It's always busy, it seems, so it's nice." It picked up in summer from the tourists, but during the school year, schools did visit. "But what about you? how are you doing?" hoping she was doing well. @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 1 month
"Bea, Beatriz, either is fine," Ms. Souza sounded far too formal for he and while she knew that it came with the territory of her job, she also knew that many medical professionals went by a variety of names. "No, certainly not," Beatriz knew that all too well. She promised to never speak to Camila's ex and she hadn't since the night that they crossed a line. The mere mention of promises and not going back on them caused her stomach to churn, but she kept a professional look about her. "Well, is there anything concerning you that brought you in?" She questioned Teagan, "Outside of keeping the promise, of course." @teaganweatherford
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Giving the other a small smile complete with a nod, Teagan smiled. "It's wonderful to meet you. Do you prefer to go by Beatriz, Ms. Souza?" she paused, extending he hand and offering it to her to shake it. "Well, you said it." she laughed. "It has been awhile and that's exactly why I'm here." she nodded. "I promised my dad I'd take better care of myself, and well, can't go back on promises now can we?"
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beatrizxsouza · 1 month
"Mm, I'm sure." She laughed softly, "Wouldn't want her business to lack customers on account of you distracting her," Bea joked with a shrug of her shoulders. "Just make sure you get your yearly bloodwork to make sure," the medical professional in her chided once more, though she continued to wear a smile on her lips. "Great," Bea gave a nod of her head as she kept walking. "So," she looked at him while she walked, "what have you been up to, Tyler? I mean, how's work? Clearly dating Bridget again, that seems like a good thing." @tylerxday
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He chuckled a moment as he rubbed the back of his head. "Such a big problem," but he knew he had to stay away so Bridget could work. "That is a big part of the problem, and I distract the owner too much," he laughed. "But my cholesterol is good no worries" he laughed as he did eat right most of the time. Tyler should have had more planned for his day off but he did not he had a day of doing nothing besides visiting his girlfriend at work. He nodded at her plans, wishing he had more to do. But he grinned at her invite. "Sure that sounds great" h needed one to keep him going for the day. @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 1 month
"Yeah," Beatriz didn't love Cami's tone but what was she to do about it? They were adults and it was likely that with Bea living back in Kismet Harbor full-time, that they would continue to run into each other. She didn't foresee herself quitting the local book club either just because Camila was in it. Moving back to her hometown meant she had to try to find new footing after being gone for so many years. Beatriz had fully expected Camila to ignore her while they finished their drinks. She figured she could always go to another bar if she felt like she needed another. However, when she heard Camila's voice again, she turned slightly to face her. Her brows raised in a bit of surprise before she nodded her head, "Yeah, uh, I am, the non-profit I was working for in the city shut down and my mom had mentioned there was a position opened up here after one of the doctor's retired." @camilaquintanalopez
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"No need to rush. We’re all adults here, right?" Camila replied, aware that Bea had the right to be there, but her tone was still dry. She also didn't think her former best friend had purposefully tried to run into her, because that wouldn't be the best place for that at all. And the place was packed, so she couldn't blame her for wanting to seat and have a drink, the same way she was. She could've probably just ignored her completely, but she'd seen how hard it had been with Francisco, and the results had been... doubtful. "So you're really back for good?" she said. She'd wondered, since their conversation last time had been very brief. @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 1 month
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CAMILA MENDES getting ready for "The Duel" Premiere, july 2024
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beatrizxsouza · 1 month
"Oh?" Beatriz was momentarily concerned by Tyler admitting that he had a problem until she realized that what he was saying. "Ah," a smile cracked onto her lips, "I could see why that could be a problem, at least the sweets part. Just make sure to watch your cholesterol," the medical professional in her chimed in with a wag of her finger in his direction. "I was just running some errands and was on my way to get coffee." Her lips thinned with his words, though she could think of way worse days, she could understand the sentiment behind it. Or rather, she thought she could considering she didn't have anyone to feel that way about. "You're welcome to join me for coffee if you like." @tylerxday
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He hurried, standing at her side so they could talk to each other better. "I have a problem." he looked back at Seaside Sweets. "Between the amazing muffins and the owner, I am stuck for that place," he said with a smile and wink. "What about you?" he looked around, wondering what she was too. "it's the worst day for me; I am off, and she's not," he sighed, so he was trying to find something to keep himself busy. @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 1 month
Starting working in Kismet Harbor had been giving Beatriz a fever dream feeling. Often times she was far too busy to look at patient names in advance before going into the room. It had led to her surprising people she had known from her childhood and being surprised herself. On the flip side she also surprised people she had never met before when she came into the room and they were expecting another doctor. "He did," she smiled as she stepped into the room and was greeted by the other woman, "I'm the Physician Assistant hired in replacement." She held out her hand, "Beatriz Souza. What bring you in today? According to your chart, it's been a while." @teaganweatherford
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𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 @beatrizxsouza
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If there was anything Teagan had grown to hate over the years, it was doctor's appointments. She'd never been one to keep up with annual appointments, but she'd made a promise to her father she'd take better care of herself, and that was a promise she intended to keep. Besides, it had been a bit since she'd been in to see the doctor anyways, so, might as well go ahead and get it over with. As she walked in, she checked in with the front desk and made her way into a chair, letting herself wait, but only for a moment before her name was called. Once she was placed in an exam room, she waited, only to be greeted by a face she didn't recognize. "Oh, hi." Teagan smiled. "I'm going to guess Dr. Schaffer finally retired. Its wonderful to see a new face around here."
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beatrizxsouza · 1 month
She didn't aim to run into Camila - figuring it was best to avoid her considering their last run in with each other. There was nothing that she could do to right the wrong she had made. The mistake was colossal and one that Bea would have to live with for the rest of her life. She wouldn't blame Camila if she never forgave her, certainly she would never forgive herself. "I -uh, sorry," Beatriz stumbled over the words, "this was the only open seat. Once I finish my drink, I'll go." She offered, ducking her gaze as she folded her hands in her lap. @camilaquintanalopez
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Camila hadn't been at the university today. That was usually her go-to place to work, even when she didn't need to be on site like today. She had no participants today, as the data collection continued now that she had all her participants. Well, maybe not all but enough. The data needed to be analysed but she didn't need any fancy equipment for that part, just her laptop, which she took to a café to switch things up a bit. She'd spend most of her day between there and her desk at home. Once she'd considered she'd make enough progress on her research and the article she was writing with Francisco, she'd closed her laptop and decided to go out. Which is where Bea found her, having a cocktail at the bar. She sighed. "Beatriz..." Now that things were better with Francisco, albeit marginally, she had to deal with this. "What a surprise," she said, taking a sip of her drink. @beatrizxsouza
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beatrizxsouza · 1 month
Beatriz had the day off and had been running errands. She didn't have anything special to do, dropped a few things off at the dry cleaners and had returned something at the boutique store. Bea was leaving the store, figuring that getting a coffee was in order when she heard her name. She stopped to turn on her heel, spotting a familiar face. Since coming back to town, she had run into him a handful of times and a friendship had begun. "Hey, Tyler," it was nice to see a friendly face, one that wasn't absolutely pissed about seeing her back in Kismet Harbor. "What brings you out, today?" @tylerxday
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Tyler had just finished visiting Bridget at Seaside Sweets, and he had stopped in to see how she was doing at work after grabbing himself a muffin and coffee to go. No real plans for now, it was one of the rare days that Tyler had off work and Bridget had work to be done for the rest of the day. He was sad to leave her. He really didn't want to. But he knew he could not spend all day in the shop waiting for her and nothing for her.
So he walked out and looked around for a second to try and think of what to do next where to go? He wasn't too sure, so he turned to the left for luck as he thought in his head and walked. He had no plans, just going till he saw ahead of him someone he knew as a friend. "Beatriz" he called out, hoping that she heard him.
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beatrizxsouza · 2 months
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CAMILA MENDES as ISABELA MUSICA (2024) dir. Rudy Mancuso
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beatrizxsouza · 2 months
Since returning to Kismet Harbor, her free days were spent on the beach. She had missed the beach. In New York, traveling to any sort of beach near the water was never as satisfying as the beaches of Kismet Harbor. Those beaches were dirty, people leaving their trash behind without a care in the world, not respecting the world around them. That was not the case here in Kismet Harbor and it brought Bea a sense of joy, her toes sinking into the sand as she walked along the edge. The cold water often splashed against her, bringing relief from the high noon sun. Beatriz was focused on walking when she heard her name. Looking up, she lifted her hand to shield the sun from her eyes to see who had said it. "Cisco?" Confusion sported her own tone, "I didn't - you're back in town, too?" @franciscofontenelle
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closed starter for: @beatrizxsouza location: kismet beach
His posture was slumped and proved lingering tiredness, that exceeded the physical. Cisco began to truly regret his decision to return to what he had come to accept as his hometown. Kismet Harbor had changed - that much was evident, even upon first glance. Stripped of its glamor, it looked plain and strangely pale, compared to the pictures hung up in the house of memories he lived in. A state of constant longing. For how things had once been. For easier times.
Meandering aimlessly, he kept his overcast gaze focused on the sand. The sound of blue waves crashing on the sandy shore. The brisk winds blowing from the open sea, carrying with it the scent of salt and something like freedom. The sound of seagulls, drawing circles into the air. It was as close as he could get to stilling the need for some semblance of ease. As close as he could get to that feeling he missed.
It was a brief glance and pure happenstance, that his eyes were hoisted in that very instant to spot her. A familiar sight. What was she doing here? "Bea?"
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beatrizxsouza · 2 months
starter for @camilaquintanalopez
location: wingman's pub
Beatriz's day was spent going down to the nursing home to do physicals on patients that could not make it in. Some of them were as sweet as candy while others made her skin crawl. She knew that they were older and probably didn't know what they were doing but there were a handful of inappropriate comments that sent her straight to the bar after work. She had found an empty seat at the bar, squeezing in before someone else decided to take her seat. Once she sat down, she looked for the bartender, catching a glimpse of who was next to her, "Oh, Camila," guilt immediately crossed her face, feeling glued to the seat she had sat in.
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