beaumains1 · 9 hours
atoms are made of positive parts, negative parts, and neutral parts. the positive parts are attracted to the negative parts and repelled by each other, like magnets. but there's a second force that attracts positive and neutral parts to each other. to have an atom, you need the two forces that govern the parts of the atom to attain celestial harmony, which means you need enough neutral parts to make the positive parts stick together in the middle.
sometimes an atom is permissible but celestially disharmonious, usually because it's too big. there's also an occult diagram that determines which forms of atom are harmonious, but it's usually because it's too big. when this happens, the angels take offense and break it apart. this makes atoms that aren't celestially harmonious into smaller atoms that are, and is where balloon gas comes from: the form of balloon gas is particularly favored by God.
that's all well and good, as such things go. there are rocks that make balloon gas because God thinks their atoms are too big. that's fine. we can use it for balloons. but there's another type of celestial disharmony, caused by a secret third force that does this, where a neutral part of an atom can break into a positive part, a negative part, and a secret third thing called an "anti neutrino", and the atom gets bigger. you can't use this to make explosions, that's a third thing, but you can use it to light exit signs. you probably can't use it to turn base metals into gold either; that's a fourth thing, which is maybe the opposite of the third.
it's really hard to make gold because there's only one kind that isn't so celestially disharmonious that it curses you to death with beams. we wouldn't like gold if it cursed us to death with beams. it does curse us to death, of course, but the harmonious kind doesn't do it with beams.
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beaumains1 · 12 hours
Someone anonymously messaged me to tell me that writing about detrans folks makes me a traitor to trans people, because all detrans people want to push conversion therapy on us and forcibly detransition us.
That’s precisely the kind of narrative that ends up pushing detransitioners into the arms of TERFs and the religious far-right.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with detransitioning. Sometimes people realize that transitioning no longer suits them, or never really did. And that’s fine.
When we systematically push them away regardless of their politics, we make people feel like the only places they can get support are among transphobes. That’s not a good thing. Building de/trans solidarity is an critical tool for disarming anti-trans movements.
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beaumains1 · 13 hours
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beaumains1 · 23 hours
Bitches love reblogging this post every Tuesday the 18th
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beaumains1 · 1 day
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beaumains1 · 1 day
✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨
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beaumains1 · 1 day
"constantly changing and shifting architectural landscape" really is one of my favourite settings for a story because it encompasses two similar but distinct niches of existential horror
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beaumains1 · 2 days
dam…….. that website “you feel like shit” (it’s like a questionnaire / troubleshooting guide for when you feel like shit) really works………………….. im not even all the way thru it and i even half-assed a lot of the suggestions and i already feel loads better
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beaumains1 · 2 days
Akira bike sliding on a horse
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beaumains1 · 3 days
Kestrel-dad not sure how to dad but he’s trying his best.
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beaumains1 · 3 days
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stumbled across some of my printer opinions that i don't recall writing but am correct about
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beaumains1 · 3 days
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Princess Peach X Hatsune Miku 🍑🎵
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beaumains1 · 3 days
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thought I was muted and just had this exchange with a coworker on a zoom call
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beaumains1 · 3 days
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beaumains1 · 5 days
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beaumains1 · 5 days
hese Hyalophora cecropia are the largest moths found in North America
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beaumains1 · 7 days
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73. Snake plant
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