How can students balance sports and studies
Sports have equal importance in students’ lives just like studies. Sports become a part of our school life and personal life and provide many benefits for our mental and physical health. They help develop the five c’s in children that are competence, confidence, character, caring, and connections. They boost your brain’s activity and make you smarter and brighter, irrespective of traditional beliefs. That’s why all schools give focus on developing a habit of sports in students. However, students face a dilemma of creating a balance between their sports and studies. In this blog, we will give you some tips and secrets on managing sports and studies. We will also tell you how students of the top school in North Delhi, the Modern School create a balance between sports and studies. 
Balancing Sports and Studies
If you are a teen or a schoolchild interested in a particular sport and have want of pursuing it further, you might find it difficult balancing your school and sports. If you want to create a career in the port, you need to plan it all perfectly to create a balance between sports and studies. Here are a few ways through which you can form a balance between your academics and sports:
Study whenever free
If you are already involved in some sport, you would know that sports take a better part of your day. You have to give a major part of your day practicing and polishing your skills. Not just this, it gets tougher during times of competition. So, when do you prioritize your studies? The answer is simple: Whenever you find yourself free, find a comfortable quiet spot, and study efficiently. You might get free time in-between classes, during recess, or during your wait time for the school bus. However, don’t over-exert yourself as this might lead to stress. 
Talking about stress….
Avoid stress
Building up stress will do you no good. It will just reduce your productivity and act as a hindrance to your growth. You need to plan your activities to avoid over-exertion and putting yourself in a stressful situation. Don’t become a nerd or a loner while managing your life. Form a balance between your sports life, your study life, and your personal life. Teachers at one of the best CBSE schools in North Delhi, the Modern school provide effective counseling to all children who find it difficult managing activities in their daily lives. 
Create a schedule
One of the first things you need to do is create a schedule and strictly follow it. You need to devote time to studies, and sports but cannot compromise on other important activities like sleeping, eating, relaxing, entertainment, etc. Thus, create a schedule and stay by it to avoid leading a life of confusion and never-ending stress. You can use tools like study planner or time management apps to help you map out the time you need to dedicate to studies and sports. Students of the best school in Delhi, the Modern School are taught techniques to create a balance between sports and studies and encouraged to participate in other extracurricular activities too. 
Manage time wisely 
You need to realize the importance of time and begin using it wisely. You need to stop wasting your time in idle activities and spend it more on activities that matter. Prioritize your studies, and sports, and make the most out of time as you can.
Balancing sports and school is a challenging task but can be done effectively with a great balance. Thus, map it all out and don’t let the competition between academics and sports be a healthy one. 
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Modern School Deepali forms as one of the best Nursery School in Pitampura. The school provides the first formal education to students of nursery and KG class. Being one of the best Kindergartens in Pitampura, the school focuses on development of self-esteem, social, psychological, physical growth of the kids. The school offers an interesting curriculum to make teaching interesting for teachers and learning fun for the students. It is one of the best preschool in Pitampura offering:
Fun ways of learning for students
Inhibits discipline amongst small kids
Building of a strong moral character
Enroll your kids in the best pre-school in Pitampura now.
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Many parents have a hard time finding the right boarding school for their children.  Modern school is ranked as one of the Best Boarding Schools in Delhi. It is a home beyond the home, as it provides a comfortable atmosphere very similar to that of homes. This CBSE School in Kundli has compassionate and kind faculty members and house wardens that provide the students around the clock care. The school has well secured dorms and efficient security systems to keep the students safe. Modern is the Best CBSE School in Sonipat with teachers available after classes and keeping a check of the stability of their grades. 
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Kundli Wellness program in schools
''What is very clear, is that education and health for children are inextricably entwined. A student who is not healthy, who suffers from an undetected vision or hearing deficit, or who is hungry, or who is impaired by drugs or alcohol, is not a student who will profit optimally from the educational process. Likewise, an individual who has not been assisted in the shaping of healthy attitudes, beliefs, and habits early in life, will be more likely to suffer the consequences of reduced productivity in later years."
—J. Michael McGinnis
The best schools in Delhi inculcate Wellness Programs in their schools for better health and well being for both students and the teachers. 
Modern School certainly believes that students are the future. Modern is the Top school in Delhi that tries to contribute a major part to the growth and development of the child for all aspects- psychological, emotional, intellectual, etc. 
Students spend a majority of their time on school grounds, doing many activities- consuming food, playing sports, or even studying. For many parents, the basic concern is if the food is healthy and not junk. Modern School is the Best School in North Delhi to have already taken the necessary precautions to create and stimulate a healthy school environment, where the focus is laid on the proper nourishment of every child.
Anyhow supporting the security of the students, school health, and wellness programs can likewise help support scholastic execution. Studies have indicated that students who have a decent eating regimen can dynamically perform better in school. Indeed, even the easiest changes, such as having breakfast each day or having short in between class breaks, can assist students with staying focused on school and improve their classroom conduct.
Modern School outranks all the top 10 schools in Delhi, by having a well-curated the best plan based on the “Guidelines for Comprehensive School health programs”. The goals of a comprehensive approach are to:
Promote health and wellness.
Prevent specific diseases, disorders, and injury.
Prevent high-risk social behaviors.
Intervene to assist children and youth who are in need or at risk.
Help support those who are already exhibiting special health care needs.
Promote positive health and safety behaviors.
Fulfillment of these objectives requires an incorporated methodology that arranges different programs and techniques. 
School wellness policies have become mandated for all districts participating in the National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program. The success of students is exceptionally vital to the instructive experience for all students. Exercises that uphold physical, mental, and emotional prosperity are significant for learning and teachers ought to effectively advance in exercises that are helpful for subsequent growth.
The best wellness programs begin with an evaluation that instructs the teachers and students on their present condition. This causes them to comprehend where they can be more beneficial and what may occur if they don't make certain changes in their lifestyles.
Projects for well being effectively draw in students in exercises that ease nervousness, stress, and other emotional aspects that can affect the learning experience for students. 
Instructors are liable for furnishing students with aptitudes, information, and by and large well being for their bright futures in front of them, and expanding health projects can be viable for both; the teachers and the students.
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thought of the Day on Plants (Modern Deepali)
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”
Plants are extremely important for our planet as they provide us with all the ingredients necessary for life to exist on earth. It was only after our planet became surrounded by greenery that it became a place to sustain different types of life. Plants provide us fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh air, and in-take carbon dioxide that is a green house gas. They are not just important for humans but also for other living creatures on the planet. They act as the source of nectar to bees, food for herbivores, and help in cleaning water too. Thus, it is important to instigate their importance in the minds of today’s children. In this blog, we will be discussing the importance of plants, and how the students of the best nursery school in Pitampura, came to know of the importance of plants in our lives. 
Why are plants important?
We have already discussed the importance of plants for humans, animals and for the planets. Here’s how plants fulfill their roles as one of the most important beings on the planet:
Medicines- Plants act as the main source of medicine since the medieval times. Moreover, many plants help in the manufacturing of creams, nasal vaccines, and the malaria drug. They are the main source of ingredient for the Ayurveda Industry as most of their products are created with help from plants. 
Social Welfare- A society is considered as modern and optimistic if it has plenty of plants and greenery spread around. This is so because plants help spread positivity, fresh air, and radiate the presence of nature in everyone’s home. Moreover, it is said that being in the present of green color can help cure or better your eyesight. 
Climate control- Plants take in excess carbon dioxide and release oxygen that other living creatures breathe. Carbon dioxide is considered as the main reason for global warming. The more plants a place has, the less carbon dioxide concentration it would have. Thus, plants help in climate control too. 
Thought of the Day by Students
Plants are important of our being. They surround us all but we fail to notice their presence at times due to their inability to communicate with us. It’s said that good habits when taught early give blooming results. The teachers of Modern School are always finding fun and interesting ways to teach the students moral and important values. They do this to facilitate overall personality development in students instead of just focusing on their academics.
The teachers of the best kindergartens in Pitampura tasked the students to give a thought for the day so that they could speak and learn about importance of plants. The students took the task with zeal, and vigour and gave performances worth notice. 
The students not just spoke a few lines but also prepared props to support their lines. The activity was done to instigate the importance of plants in kids. The kids performed the activity with utmost dedication and enthusiasm. They put to use smart props to support their statements. 
A student of nursery class gives thought of the day: “Good morning everyone. I will be giving thought for the day. Plants give us fruits and vegetables. Thank You!” The kid held a self-made picture of a mango and a carrot to give the thought a colorful feel. Such creativity and dedication from such small kids is rare. 
Another student stood in front of plants in his balcony and spoke the thought: “Good Morning Everyone. I will be giving thought for the day. Plants provide us with fresh air. Thank You”
A third nursery class student drew a picture of trees and spoke the thought: “Good morning everyone. I will be giving thought for the day. Plants provide us with tall trees. Thank You”
All the students took part in the activity and gave their thoughts with confidence, clarity, and enthusiasm way beyond their age. Moreover, they were able to learn and recognize the importance of plants through this activity. 
Modern school nursery admissions are currently live. Enroll your students now for the best schooling experience to kick-start their education and prepare them for further classes. 
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Deepali Wellness programs in schools
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will” – Mahatma Gandhi.
Children today are the torch bearers of tomorrow. And their mind has to be molded to adapt to any change relative to their growth.
Modern School is the best nursery school in north Delhi to have achieved the right knack to train these young, timid minds into great thinkers, and to surpass as leaders. The school environment is friendly, nurturing, respectful of differences, physically and emotionally safe, and conducive to learning with high expectations for academic success. It is the Best Preschool in North West Delhi supporting the gifts in the performing arts, sports, and scholastic. The school provides a stage for these youthful personalities to find themselves and settle on decisions for what's to come.
Wellness training of the students includes the physical, scholarly, social, emotional, and profound elements of health and well being- community health, consumer health, environmental health, family life, growth and development, nutritional health, personal health, prevention and control of disease, safety and injury prevention, and substance use and abuse.
The school incorporates several dimensions in the teaching of wellness:
Appropriate instructional strategies are chosen to achieve instructional goals.
Peer instruction is used to solicit active student involvement in instruction.
Active family involvement with health lessons is planned and implemented.
Efforts are made to compare the progress in the psycho social and physical health arenas with relevant educational goals.
Students are empowered to take a leadership role in the development and implementation of wellness programs to promote a healthy school.
Regular check-ups are scheduled with physicians and doctors as health drives for both staff and students to help them keep a track of their fitness. 
Modern School has achieved many feats to maintain the title of the Best Nursery School in North West Delhi. The training of the child is done with utmost patience and care, with trained and learned professionals from all backgrounds.
As per the guidelines laid down by the American School health association which is a valid approach to train students, the responsibilities and competencies for those providing health and safety education include:
Assessing individual and community needs for health education.
Planning effective health education programs.
Implementing health education programs.
Evaluating the effectiveness of health education programs.
Coordinating the provision of health education services and acting as a resource person in health education.
Communicating health and health education needs, concerns, and resources.
Modern school nursery admission is open now to register and enquire details of the forms to enroll your child here.
The main aim of conducting these student & teacher wellness programs are to:
Reduce Stress 
Increase Productivity
Boost Self-Confidence
Sense of security
The rules give an operational arrangement of practices and results that may serve neighborhood school regions as the reason for growing necessities appraisal devices, characterizing staff improvement needs, improving project arranging, and assessing the adequacy of nearby school well being programs.
It is likewise perceived, however, that other significant determinants of well being status. For example, hereditary qualities, the medical care conveyance, and financial, social, and ecological elements require a multifaceted way to deal with the upkeep and improvement of well being status. 
A far-reaching school wellness program must incorporate an expansive range of exercises and administrations which happen in schools and their networks that empower kids and youth to upgrade their well being, created to their fullest potential and build up gainful and fulfilling connections in their present and future lives.
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Why social and emotional learning is essential for students
Goleman defines emotional intelligence as “a basic flair for living … being able to rein in emotional impulse; to read another’s innermost feelings; to handle relationships smoothly” – as Aristotle put it, the rare skill “to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way.”
Over twenty years of research shows that teaching of social and emotional learning (SEL) gets results. Modern School is the Best School in Delhi to understand the discoveries that have come from numerous fields and sources, including student accomplishment, neuroscience, health, employment, psychology, classrooms, etc.
The Best Schools in Delhi recognize that social and emotional abilities can be educated, demonstrated, and rehearsed and lead to positive student results that are significant for accomplishment in school and throughout everyday life.
The Top 10 Schools in Delhi have derived many aspects to this:
Improvement in students' social and passionate aptitudes, mentalities, connections, scholastic execution, and view of the classroom and school atmosphere 
A decrease in students' nervousness, conduct issues, and substance use 
Long haul upgrades in students' aptitudes, mentalities, prosocial conduct, and scholarly execution 
Wise financial investment according to cost-benefit research 
Promoting Social and Emotional Learning and behavioral aspects in Classrooms:
Increasing social and emotional improvement for all students in study halls includes educating and demonstrating social and emotional abilities, giving occasions to students to practice and sharpen those aptitudes, and allowing students a chance to apply these aptitudes in different circumstances.
One of the most common SEL approaches at Modern School, the Best School in North Delhi includes preparing teachers to convey expression based exercises that show social and emotional abilities, at that point discovering open doors for students to strengthen their utilization for the day.
Teachers can likewise normally encourage abilities in students through their relational and student-focused instructional communications all through the school day. 
Senior students’ collaborations uphold SEL when they bring about student-teacher connections, empower educators to display social-enthusiastic abilities for students, and engaged commitment from the student’s side.
 “Social-emotional learning is a broad term referring to how students regulate their emotions, communicate with others, use compassion and empathy to understand the needs of other people, build relationships, and make good decisions.” ~Jennifer B. Rhodes
Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) continues to be a leader in the field of social-emotional learning. It has identified five competencies that comprise the concept:
Social awareness
Relationship skills
Responsible decision-making
Social and emotional learning influences the lives of students, instructors, guardians, and the bigger network improve connections and social orders overall. SEL doesn't occur without any forethought, yet schools and guardians that stay with the standards have distinguished various positive results that emerge after some time.
A significant segment of schoolwide SEL includes mix into multi-layered frameworks of help. The administrations gave to students by experts, for example, instructors, social specialists, and clinicians ought to line up with widespread endeavors in the classrooms and school.
Regularly through little gathering work, student upholds experts that fortify and supplement classroom-based guidance for students who need early medication or more escalated treatment.
Family and community can reinforce the effect of the school's ways to deal with increased learning at the home and neighborhood. Communities and associations can uphold study hall and school endeavors, particularly by giving students extra occasions to refine and apply different SEL aptitudes.
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With a motto to strive for excellence, Modern School Deepali is known as the best nursery school in Pitampura. Carving a niche as the premier institution in the country, they emphasize inculcating moral values and upholding responsibilities by building up modern, and responsible citizens of this country.
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Every parent wants their child to begin their studies in a great institution as schooling plays a vital role in their development process. Modern School Kundli is the Best CBSE School in Kundli providing students quality education with individual attention and helps them in solving their queries. It is a CBSE school in Kundli, affiliated by the best boards in the country. The school uses smart boards ensuring that the students understand the concept in an easier manner. Modern School is the Top School in Sonipat with an affordable fee structure providing hi-tech infrastructure. If you are interested then get enrolled now as it is the Best CBSE School in Sonipat
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How does Mobile Gaming affect School life
The best schools in Delhi are always researching the latest trends and happenings in the lives of adolescents and children. It is a very timid age where the parents, and especially the school should know what their areas of interests are. And lately, it has been mobile and computer games. Playing mobile games presumably doesn't hurt school life–as far as children don't play so much that they disregard school exercises and studies. Also, not as long as the games they play are age-suitable, and don't cause emotional difficulties.
Modern school in Kundli is the Best School in Delhi that takes care of the emotional needs of the students and advises what’s best for them. Given the popularity of the game, it's not astounding that parents and teachers have been stressing over conceivable unsafe impacts just as mental effects that computer games may have on the development of the child.
Ranked under the top 10 schools in Delhi has sorted down the pros and cons of this latest trend of mobile gaming, and how it affects their academic performance.
Better decision and improved judgment 
Faster reflexes
Ability to multi-task
Mentally flexible
Highly competitive
Aggressive behavior
Signs of depression
Anti-social behaviors
This Best School in North Delhi aims to inculcate the pros in the best way possible to engage in enthusiastic and emotional activities. Fun learning assignments that incorporate the pros and deplore the cons are formulated. 
The emphasis on academics is as important as the non-academic ones. These non-academic subjects must be sporty and interesting enough to divert the students’ attention from mobile gaming to some physical activity. The school has its prime focus to develop each child. Even if there are barriers to do it physically, the school has switched to do this virtually. More than anything, enabling the children to concentrate on their work, assignments, and studies, rather than spending a fortune of their time playing games can be brought to control. 
The benefit of video games is that the child’s brain is extremely active, helping them improve their performance in academics, but this can be only true if the school also engages with the students. The studies and online classes have to be made fun of for all this to drive smoothly.
Lastly, we will say that anything done to an extreme will always have negative consequences. Too much of anything can be bad, especially mobile games. While mobile games initially offer benefits such as increased attention span, and fast working of mind, too much of gaming can cause addiction. This addiction can distract your focus from important things and cause unhealthy habits like late sleep or no sleep, etc. Well, the main thing here is self-control. Once you learn that, you can conquer over anything. 
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How to crack JEE Mains 2021
Best Nursery School in Delhi
Anything can be achieved with right plan in action. The same goes for JEE Mains. More than 12 lakh students appear for the JEE Mains each year while only approximately 2 lakh get selected for JEE Advance. If you want to be one amongst the 2 lakh, you need to have a plan, and follow it accordingly. In this blog, we will be discussing how you can crack JEE mains and how the best CBSE schools in Delhi assist their students for the big exam of JEE.
Preparing for JEE Mains
1. Begin Early
 Clearing the Mains paper can be easy if you have a plan in action. Begin with around one year gap and divide the twelve months into three sections. The beginning months are those in which you will have less stress, and less motivation to study but you need to follow a routine and study with full dedication and enthusiasm. Begin with problem-solving and basic concept building. Create notes, read NCERT’s, and study from just one help book. You can focus on your speed later on. The next four months take mock tests and analyze your weak points. Now’s the time to focus on your speed. Spend the last four months taking the tough online tests and make sure to give the concepts a revise twice a week. 
2. Eat-Sleep-Study-Repeat
Studying some extra one day and skipping studies the next day is not going to work out for you. You need to have a strict routine and follow it accordingly. The former president of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam used to say, “Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident” You need to make a strict schedule and give equal time to studies and other aspects such as entertainment, eating, sleeping, and other important activities.
3. Be Motivated
One major problem when it comes to studying is motivation and self-doubt. Students undergo self-doubt and consider that they might not get selected for the next exam. Avoid such blues, and remain motivated. Some of the best motivators are hearing songs, calling a friend, or going out for a walk. You need to keep your mood in check if you want to avoid stress, and keep the process going. Students of the best school in Delhi, the Modern school keep their children motivated through word of mouth and advices from teachers. 
4. Study Smart
Students of one the Top 10 schools in Delhi, the Modern School are taught to study smart while preparing for JEE Mains. Outsmarting more than 10 lakh people can be really easy if you study in a different flow, in a different pattern than other kids. Focus on your habits and try to be more productive. Study for 3 hours and take a break of 30 minutes to re-fresh yourself. Organize your study space by keeping it clean, and make sure to study in a distraction free environment. 
There’s a reason why many students from the best school in Delhi, The Modern School qualify for the JEE Advance and succeed in it too. They are taught to follow a pattern and routine and discipline themselves from distractions and negativity. The above was a simple guide that you can follow to crack JEE mains. Study smart, study hard and rise to the top. 
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Discover the place of education and growth of these famous personalities
We all get excited when we hear that a famous personality has been a part of our school. Don’t we? Famous personalities ain’t simply born, they are nourished in a good environment. Schooling plays an important role in building up a personality that charms the world and creates an individual identity all over.
Here is a list of few famous personalities which have been a part of Modern School Kundli which is the Best School in North Delhi providing world-class education to their students. Modern Kundli has a technologically advanced infrastructure and has a history of producing alumni who have developed innovative products, written some inspiring words, discovered new treatments and excelled in their careers with success in all the fields such as business, law, politics, defense, education, medicine, humanities, science, etc.
So, let’s dive into the list of famous personalities born out of their education from the Modern School Delhi.
1.     Mr.Khushwant Singh (Batch 1930)- was born in 2nd February 1915 & was one of the best known Indian authors for writing about the India-Pakistan partition & about the evolution of cities like Delhi. He was awarded Padma Bhushan in the yearly and later in the year 2007 was awarded by Padma Vibhushan award which is the second-highest civilian award. Khushwant Singh is one of India’s most recognized and respected writers. His writings are famous not just in India, but throughout the world.
2.     Dr.VinayKumaran has 23 years of experience with a successful track record in liver transplants and leads the team in the KokilabenDhirubaiAmbani Hospital. He has also won the American Federation of Medical Research Travel award. He was also awarded the modernites excellence award by Modern school.
3.     Pratap Chandra Lal- He was born on 6th December 1916 in Ludhiana and was the chief of air staff of the Indian Air Force. He led the Indian Air Force as it won the most decisive victory in the year 1971. He has also won distinguished awards like Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan and was formerly the Air India Chairman and MD.
4.     BhupinderNathKirpal- He was born on 8th November 1937 and was the Chief Justice of India. He actively took part in sports and he was an alumnus of the Modern School, St. Stephens College, Delhi University. He began his early career as an advocate in year 1962 and later became the Judge of Delhi High Court in November 1979.
Hence these were a few famous personalities who were a part of Modern School Kundli which is considered to be one of the Best Schools in Delhi providing quality education with great tutors who understand every child and motivates them to become future leaders. Modern School Kundli is one of the Top School in Delhi if you want to make a difference in life, learn and grow in all aspects of life, academically & socially then great schooling is the key to success.
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School plays an important role and builds a base or the foundation in a child’s life making them punctual, organized, and to manage time efficiently. Modern School is one of the Best School in Kundli providing a state-of-the-art campus and hi-tech infrastructure ensuring that every student learns and enjoys their school life. It is the finest Nursery School in Sonipat taking care of every little detail of the children; from social, emotional, and cognitive development to development of personality. If you are interested to enrol your child for quality education, Modern School Online Admission Form is available on the website. Enroll your child now and see the change yourself.
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School plays an important role and builds a base or the foundation in a child’s life making them punctual, organized, and to manage time efficiently. Modern School is one of the Best School in Kundli providing a state-of-the-art campus and hi-tech infrastructure ensuring that every student learns and enjoys their school life. It is the finest Nursery School in Sonipat taking care of every little detail of the children; from social, emotional, and cognitive development to development of personality. If you are interested to enroll your child for quality education, Modern School Online Admission Form is available on the website. Enroll your child now and see the change yourself.
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Top benefits of Organizing a Virtual tour for Students
What is a Virtual tour?
Learning can be a process of fun, joy, and excitement that helps you discover lots of new things and valuable information. Virtual tours are quite common nowadays with surges of technological advancements. It is generally a type of tour in which panoramic images are stitched together the viewer can watch the culture of that place and pay a visit through videos and pictures which helps in creating a great virtual experience of a location while remotely sitting at home.
Benefits of Virtual Tours
1.     Endless Discovering -Virtual tours allow the students to witness and explore the world from far off locations like Antarctica, to outer space in the comfort of their homes.  Nursery school students benefit as they have no time and distance constraints virtually.
2.     Interactive experience-Virtual trips create a highly interactive experience. The modern school Kundli is among st the Best schools in Delhi and generally organizes virtual trips and makes studies a fun learning experience.
3.     Helps in understanding the theoretical knowledge- Virtual trips help in the easy understanding of the theoretical knowledge or the studies as the students tend to relate it with the practical life or the outside world.
4.     Budget Friendly-Virtual trips do not require a huge amount of investment. They are easier to access and cost-effective.
5.     Provides More Safety-Traditional field trips are always a concern of Safety & security as there are high chances that a student could get hurt or lost. Virtual trips eliminate these risks.
6.     Provides a rich source of Information- Virtual trips are a great source of instant material that is diverse and latest hand information from various resources and points of view.
7.     Motivates the students with technology-In the 21st Century, we all use tech products in our daily lives. Virtual trips help in bringing out better productivity, positive & encourages them to use technology the right way.
Studies are fun when technology gets involved. In the 21st century, Virtual tour creates an interactive, stimulating, and enriching experience for the students. A virtual tour helps in the easy understanding of course material and concepts for all age groups. Modern school Kundli is the Top School in Delhi and cares about every little detail to make studies more interesting. In these difficult times of Covid19 pandemics, they recently organized a virtual trip to the Thar desert in Rajasthan, to enhance the students’ knowledge of the desert and displayed various kinds of crops, different vegetation’s, dunes, oasis, camel rides. The virtual tour helped students gain valuable insights into the new place, explore something new, and have fun while doing so. Modern School Kundli ensures to make studies a great learning experience and is the best school in Delhi providing quality education. Virtual tours help nursery kids learn better as kids are more attracted to images than they are too bland, boring texts. They create an experience worth remembering and make the kids feel excited and enthusiastic
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The Modern School Barakhamba Road carries 100 years of legacy of making every student shine bright and prosper in their future.  Known to be the Best CBSE Boarding School in Delhi, Modern School provides the best conveniences and accommodations. The school follows the education board and its policies strictly. Boarding House residential facilities are created on the school campus and make a feel of a Home Beyond Home for its students. It is the Best Boarding School in Sonipat with avant-garde pedagogy and a full-fledged experience in teaching with a team of avid teachers who are compassionate. Every parent dreams of making their child independent, and be able to stand tall. Modern School is the perfect place of education for your child’s mental, social, and emotional growth!
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Importance of games and activities for children
Games are essential for the fun and development of the children. They help build the cerebral part of the brain and keep the body engaged, and fit. Games and other co-curricular activities provide plenty of benefits for kids. Nowadays, children can choose from a variety of outdoor games like badminton, cricket, football, etc and indoor games like playing PlayStation games, Xbox games, mobile games, and other board games as well.
 Why are games and activities important for growing children?
Each activity plays a vital role in development of child. Games and other co-curricular activities are an essential part of the learning process indirectly and helps students in the learning process. Here’s a few benefits of games and activities in students:
 1. new knowledge- Whenever a child plays a game, they tend to use their mind that enhances their learning abilities and helps them to learn something new. It helps in developing a problem-solving attitude.
2. Helps in making them creative- Playing outdoor games will make kids feel closer to nature that will boost their imagination and creative ability. The modern school is the Best School in Kundli that provides acres of lush green campus for the children to utilize their time and become a confident individual.
3. Physical development- physical activity not only strengthens the stamina and immunity but also helps in building stronger bones and muscles that lowers the risk of diseases like diabetes, obesity, etc. The Nursery School in Sonipat named as the modern school provides the children and focuses to make them a better individual in terms of physical & academic development. They have coaches that train the students according to their interests in the respective sports/games. Modern school is the Top school in Sonipat providing the best sporting facilities to students.
4. Social skills & development- Many might disagree to this fact but games do help in the development of social skills as they meet new people, make new friends, they tend to communicate that will make their communication strong, gives them a surge of confidence to speak or say what they want. The modern school provides a multi-cultural environment for students all across India, from different states, cities, and towns, and is the best school in Sonipat
 5.  Positive attitude –When the child plays games & grows busy with so many activities, it general creates a positive attitude of the child towards life.
6. Personality development- Another important aspect not to forget is that it helps them in boosting their personality; modern school is a Nursery School in Kundli that teaches the students and helps them to build confidence in their skills and talents.
7. Motor skills development –Playing games also helps in better balancing and coordination of the growing age children.
 8.A Healthier lifestyle- Playing games provides the children with a boost of hunger that will initially increase their diet and intake of nutritious food.
 9. Cognitive skills- Development of cognitive skills also take place while playing any game. The child thinks about the outcomes of their actions. For instance- playing of ludo, PlayStation games, or Xbox games can enhance the thinking capabilities of a child and make them mentally strong. The modern school also provides with a play area/ games room having the latest indoor and outdoor games. It is one of the best CBSE School in Kundli with a high focus on games and other activities for students.
Games & activities have an important role in the development of the children. It not just entertains the kids for fun purposes but also provides knowledge, develops a personality, etc. Better schooling, infrastructure, and campus will provide the school kids with all-around development and hence it is necessary to choose the school wisely.
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