Aurelia helped her up. "I'm so sorry! You're Elena Gilbert, everybody knows you, i don't know if we have met before. I'm Aurelia, it's a pleasure." Aurelia smiled at the brunette, she couldn't believe she met Elena Gilbert, she knew so much about her. When she saw the injuries on her face she asked softly "Who was that?" 
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Amara was falling on the floor. She stood up and looked at the blonde haired woman in front of her. “It’s fine.” She said with her rough voice, she was in a bad mood and now something like that happens. The Girl looked so familiar to Amara. “Do i know you? You look so familiar to me.” 
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Aurelia was back in Mystic Falls, she wasn't there for like 200 Years. She walked to the Mystic Grill, she wasn't paying attention and ran into somebody. She looked up "Sorry, i wasn't seeing you." She said with a smile.
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