A garden is a personal space with a collection, display of group of plants. A garden can be of many types. Indoor, outdoor, small and large, window garden, terrace garden, front garden and back garden. Gardens also are named according to the type of plants growing example fruit garden, vegetables garden, miniature garden,bonsai gardens
want to per day workings shedule like watering,cleaning ,bidding,manuring as per requirement,pesticides as per requirement, pruning, trimming of trees and shrubs weekly and monthly wise
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The idea of being able to grow 24 square feet of plants in a 4 square foot space by going up rather than out has a lot of appeal not only as a space-saver, but also to add a dramatic vertical element to the garden, or in my case, a dock.
What I wondered was whether, even with drip irrigation, the containers would dry out too quickly, making a stressful growing environment for the plants. Here’s what I discovered …
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There are many types of gardens, vast numbers of plants, and an unrelenting list of gardening terms that may be unfamiliar to the average person. With so much garden design info out there, how on earth does one begin to weed it all out? Well, for starters you can begin your search here. We provide gardening tips and information that is easy to understand. From various types of gardens to explanations about gardening terms and how tos, you are certain to find what you’re looking for. If not, let us know and we’ll be happy to add it.
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Types Of Gardens
The domestic garden can assume almost any identity the owner wishes within the limits of climate, materials, and means. The size of the plot is one of the main factors, deciding not only the scope but also the kind of display and usage. Limits on space near urban centres, as well as the wish to spend less time on upkeep, have tended to make modern gardens ever smaller. Paradoxically, this happens at a time when the variety of plants and hybrids has never been wider. The wise small gardener avoids the temptations of this banquet. Some of the most attractive miniature schemes, such as those seen in Japan or in some Western patio gardens, are effectively based on an austeresimplicity of design and content, with a handful of plants given room to find their proper identities.
In the medium- to large-sized garden, the tradition generally continues of dividing the area to serve various purposes: a main ornamental section to enhance the residence and provide vistas; walkways and seating areas for recreation; a vegetable plot; a children’s play area; and features to catch the eye here and there. Because most gardens are mixed, the resulting style is a matter of emphasis rather than exclusiveconcentration on one aspect. It may be useful to review briefly the main garden types.
Maymyo: botanical gardens
Botanical gardens in Maymyo, Myanmar.
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San Mateo: Japanese tea garden
Japanese tea garden in Central Park, San Mateo, California.
Flower gardens
Though flower gardens in different countries may vary in the types of plants that are grown, the basic planning and principles are nearly the same, whether the gardens are formal or informal. Trees and shrubs are the mainstay of a well-designed flower garden. These permanent features are usually planned first, and the spaces for herbaceous plants, annuals, and bulbs are arranged around them. The range of flowering trees and shrubs is enormous. It is important, however, that such plants be appropriate to the areas they will occupy when mature. Thus it is of little use to planta forest tree that will grow 100 feet (30 metres) high and 50 feet across in a small suburban front garden 30 feet square, but a narrow flowering cherry or redbud tree would be quite suitable.
Butchart Gardens: Italian Garden
Italian Garden at Butchart Gardens, Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Blending and contrast of colour as well as of forms are important aspects to consider in planning a garden. The older type of herbaceous border was designed to give a maximum display of colour in summer, but many gardeners now prefer to have flowers during the early spring as well, at the expense of some bare patches later. This is often done by planting early-flowering bulbs in groups toward the front. Mixed borders of flowering shrubs combined with herbaceous plants are also popular and do not require quite so much maintenance as the completely herbaceous border.
Groups of half-hardy annuals, which can withstand low night temperatures, may be planted at the end of spring to fill gaps left by the spring-flowering bulbs. The perpetual-flowering roses and some of the larger shrub roses look good toward the back of such a border, but the hybrid tea roses and the floribunda and polyantha roses are usually grown in separate rose beds or in a rose garden by themselves.
hybrid tea rose
Hybrid tea rose.
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Woodland gardens
The informal woodland garden is the natural descendant of the shrubby “wilderness” of earlier times. The essence of the woodland garden is informality and naturalness. Paths curve rather than run straight and are of mulch or grass rather than pavement. Trees are thinned to allow enough light, particularly in the glades, but irregular groups may be left, and any mature tree of character can be a focal point. Plants are chosen largely from those that are woodlanders in their native countries: rhododendron, magnolia, pieris, and maple among the trees and shrubs; lily, daffodil, and snowdrop among the bulbs; primrose, hellebore, St.-John’s-wort, epimedium, and many others among the herbs.
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Rock gardens
Rock gardens are designed to look as if they are a natural part of a rocky hillside or slope. If rocks are added, they are generally laid on their larger edges, as in natural strata. A few large boulders usually look better than a number of small rocks. In a well-designed rock garden, rocks are arranged so that there are various exposures for sun-tolerant plants such as rockroses and for shade-tolerant plants such as primulas, which often do better in a cool, north-facing aspect. Many smaller perennial plants are available for filling spaces in vertical cracks among the rock faces.
The main rocks from which rock gardens are constructed are sandstone and limestone. Sandstone, less irregular and pitted generally, looks more restful and natural, but certain plants, notably most of the dianthuses, do best in limestone. Granite is generally regarded as too hard and unsuitable for the rock garden because it weathers very slowly.
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These flowers signifies about the beauty of gardens and women's simile signifies the beauty of her heart , Flowers are not coloured with paints but nature colours them
Womens clothes don't makes her beautiful here behaviour makes here wonderful ,Roses are red and sky is blue but you are beautiful too
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