A Dragon made of Fire?
Harry POV
As I looked around I saw a witch and a dragon made of... Fire? I quickly made a pool of water rain onto the dragon, expelling it from life. I also made the house protected from fire, so the Weasleys, including my precious Draco, wouldn’t burn. Next, the hard part, the witch. The witch and I were spelling curse after curse, seeing who’ll die first. I hit a crucio way too fast and she was too late to block it. I took away her wand and put a special collar that deletes your magic as long as you have it on. Did I mention you can’t take it off? The person that gave it to you has to take it off. (Thanks, Hermione!) I opened a hole so the Weasleys and Draco could escape, but I saw something I wish I didn’t see. 
Happy Chinese New Year! Sorry for the late post! Signing off, beautifulgoateeblizzard! <3
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When I say “goodbye”
Harry POV
I invited Draco over to see me, but I didn’t expect this...
I was waiting in the living room when I got a patronus? ( please help me correct this)
I saw Draco’s face.
“Harry hurry to the Borrow! There’s something outside that is slowly burning the house! All the exits are blocked!”
I quickly get up, chast a spell to make me in robes, not pajamas.
I got to the burrow by apparation. 
Then I saw the most ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.
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W-wait what? Part 1
Draco POV
I go to my husbands office. I wanted to show him my gift to him for pride month. I was about to knock on the door when, I heard my husband’s voice. I already knew I was cheated on.... 
Harry POV
I got a call from... Draco! I thought he was cute ever since he told me the truth about his past an how he had no choice but to bully me. I answer the call quickly to hear Draco crying. “Draco, what is wrong?!” “Harry, you know when I said I was gay?” “Yeah....?” “My husband just...” “WHAT?!” 
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