beautifuliisms · 5 years
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“ miss persephone? what a name, i’m, uh… julia, ” she chuckled, unsure if she should include her title also. at the mention of a child, JULIA momentarily got flustered. “ oh? oh, i don’t have a child. yet. or, no, um… i’m not a parent. ” she offered an awkward smile. the question threw her, for some reason. “ i’m not picking up a little one, at all. i’m neither parent nor guardian. i was actually just walking by.  ”
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"It's a little bit of a mouthful, I know, you can call me Miss. P." The kids certainly did. She had always found it odd how she preferred going by her surname to her first name. Kore just felt so...off for her sometimes, "Oh sorry...I just assumed." She didn't think it was a strange assumption that an adult near a school around closing time was picking up a kid. "Well it's nice to meet you, Julia."
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
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For a moment she remained still and allowed her thoughts to soften before her glare dimmed and she shook her head. “No, I do not have an appointment. I do not mean to waste your time.” Lucy started before she began to turn from her friend. At least until she stopped herself. She lifted her lips to a smile and took a small breath. “I apologize. My name is Lucy and you look like a dear friend of mine. May I know your name?”
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Mina raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, instead looking back at her papers. “Do you need to schedule an appointment? If you give me a name I can look up your--” She frowned at the woman’s comment. She wasn’t a patient at all, was she? Mina tried to summon her usual anger when a stranger walked into the office. In her opinion there was no good reason to be here, and those that were usually had aims to violate someone else’s privacy. And yet this woman was ...different. “I am Mina Harker, the office manager.” That was the title she used when she was trying to be imposing, “Can I ask what you are doing here if you don’t intend to make an appointment?”
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
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Adora poured the instant mix in the hot water, enjoying the way it slowly dissolved in the glass mug. The weather was just starting to get nippy, the perfect time for a hot chocolate, even if it was just from a mix. Her mind wandered to her job. While she was (of course) still packing and still had her badge, she was technically off duty. Well, not technically. She was supposed to be getting R&R after her last case. But it was so hard to focus on anything but work. Maybe that was why she was drinking instant cocoa instead of hanging out with friends like everyone else this season. 
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
betty, or rather detective betty, was just getting herself familiar with the layout of this building when she realized that the secretary was not in fact at lunch, like she’d been told, so with a smile on her face she adjusted her backpack. “oh! uh no i don’t i just seem to have gotten myself turned around.”
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Mina raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” She had very little patience for those who would sneak into the building, “Did you manage to miss the word asylum everywhere?” Whether this girl was a reporter, or just someone who wanted to see the patients was yet to be determined. So clearly she was interested in something. “Do you know why kind of person sneaks into a mental hospital, dear?” She looked her dead in the eyes and smiled, letting her fangs poke out so they hit her bottom lip. “The kind that actually belong here.”
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
coraline could practically hear her mothers voice in her ears, yelling about how it was raining and she should’ve stayed inside but instead she’d been running around in the rain, ducking into a building just to wring out her bright blue hair before getting ready to go back outside, only to manage to run into someone. someone who looked just like her. only with pink hair. “um. who are you? did the other mother send you?” she asked, narrowing her eyes to look at the other, before reaching up and poking her arm. “okay… so you’re real…”
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Persephone took a moment to reorient herself when someone who looked very similar to her started making accusations and then poked her in the arm. “Ow!” She shouted, jumping back. She poked the blue-haired her back in the arm. “Listen here, I have no idea who you are, but no one sent me except maybe the school board!” She crossed her arms, “Who the heck are you then?” 
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
amy was practically covered in paint, but she was smiling from ear to ear, so when she saw someone who looked just like her friend sophie she couldn’t wait to tell her about her new painting, though upon closer inspection this was not her friend, just someone who looked…. exactly, like her. “oh! well it’s not really that common, but it looks nice.”
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Rapunzel smiled at the other woman, unable to hide the thrill of the fact that this person was completely covered in paint. Was she also an artist. “Thank you so much.” She clasped her hands and let them fall in her lap, “I hope you don’t mind me asking, are you a painter?”
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
willow had her nose in a spellbook, still trying to figure out some of what had happened on halloween, which of course without giles she had no leads, so she looked on her own, and she was so focused on her demon studies that she didn’t even notice that someone was in front of her until she’d run into them. “i’m sorry!” she said, quickly crouching to pick up her book. “i’m fine- are you okay?”
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"Oh, yeah," Persephone crossed her arms. She wasn't sure why but she was getting great vibes off of this person. It was like she was wearing some amazing perfume, there was just an aura about her. Slightly disoriented by her sudden liking to this person, Persephone smiled, “I’m alright, don’t worry.” 
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
hermione had taken to studying near the fountain, they found the sound of the water comforting, today as they flipped through their weathered copy of ‘A History of Magic’ they heard someone talking, seemingly to themselves. what hermione saw was rather interesting, a young woman with incredibly long hair, hair so long that it could only be that way because of magic. shutting their book, hermione approached. “well- most people have likely never seen anything as… magical as that.”
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"Well that's weird." Rapunzel raised an eyebrow, "because there's like toms of magic everywhere and my hair isn't magical at all--indestructable, sure, but I think that's probably just weird medical condition or something." Rapunzel had never thought of her hair as magical in any way. It was really more of an inconvenience.
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
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❛  ( SAORISE RONAN )  ◈  dude, shut up ! ADORA GRAYSKULL from SHE-RA is on screen. their fans swear they’re just CAPABLE & COURAGEOUS, but we’ve all seen their RIGID & OVERWHELMED side ! according to TRUMAN WIKIA, they’re TWENTY THREE years old, LESBIAN, & identify as FEMALE ( SHE/HER ). they’re currently a POLICE OFFICER & are ENTHUSIASTIC about life in truman. luckily they have THEIR SWORD AND RED JACKET with them & can visit THE WHISPERING WILDS whenever they want. penned by PARVA.
Adora is currently a police detective. She has memories of growing up on the island, having parents and going to school. In her memories she always wanted to be a police officer and is currently living her dream. 
In reality, she is a somewhat new addition to the show. So while she thinks everyone knows her as a local officer most people probably wouldn’t recognize her. Someone who has frequent run-ins with the law may be surprised to see her. 
Despite “living her dream” she has felt dissatisfied lately. She feels she is not doing enough to make the world better, or that she is not fighting evil in the exact way she should. 
So Adora is throwing herself into her work, trying to solve as many cases as she can. 
Also an awkward lesbian who cannot pick up on any signals. Flirt with her at your own risk.
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
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In the shadows was where she belonged but the curiosity of familiarity caused her feet to move a bit closer than perhaps she would’ve ever allowed. However memories and desires of what used to be flowed through her head and tormented her form. Her feet were then in front of her oldest friend but words weren’t able to pass her lips. No matter the question, no matter the apologies, Lucy couldn’t bring herself to even greet her. Suddenly all her senses came to a stop and her focus was on how friend looked and anger grew deep in her breast. “He turned you too?” She glared, revenge mounting a list in her head as she vowed now to kill him.
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Mina looked at her best friend. Lucy was as effervescently beautiful as ever. Her golden hair seemed to shine even in the florescents of the office. Mina could only just summon her name and warm memories of her. “I’m sorry,” She said, trying to ignore the discomfort of not knowing who this was. “Do you have an appointment? I didn’t catch what you said.” Well she had, but the implications were difficult to consider. Did this person know who she was before the island? 
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
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sam supposed he wasn’t even used to being around the island anymore - it was.. too small, compared to the crowds of new york and.. even if he had come back for sansa, he was starting to feel.. trapped. he was starting to feel like he wasn’t meant to be here and.. well, that was never a good feeling.. was it? on his way to work, he noticed a few people staring at a girl - a girl with very, very long hair and.. he supposed it was normal here, considering there were people who.. had actually died and had been brought back. ah.. as if. he couldn’t imagine that.
dying? not for him. grinning at the girl, he shook his head. “well.. until this day, i hadn’t. you totally rock the look, though. whatever these people are saying.. they’re all idiots. ignore them.”
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“Oh I mean I don’t know if they’re idiots.” Rapunzel laughed, feeling flattered by his words, “But thank you.” She pulled her brush through her hair once more, enjoying how smooth and soft it felt. Each individual strand was impossible to cut, and together it was even stronger. So she didn’t have to worry about split ends, but it was also impossible to get knots out, 
She turned her attention back to the kind stranger. “I’m Rapunzel, it’s nice to meet you.”
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
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       ✳︎   /   𝙰𝙽𝚇𝙸𝙴𝚃𝚈  𝙲𝙻𝙸𝙼𝙱𝚂  𝚃𝙷𝙴  𝙻𝙰𝙳𝙳𝙴𝚁  𝙾𝙵  𝙷𝙴𝚁  𝚂𝙿𝙸𝙽𝙴 —— she does what she can to distract herself , twiddling her fingertips beneath the shoulder of the check in desk. if there’s anything she hates more , it’s new therapist jitters. it’s a dance she’s done one too many times before , but it never gets any easier. ❛ elizabeth saltzman , ❜ she answers , a sense of dreaded routine in her voice. ❛ the next lost cause on your roster. ❜
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Mina’s face softened immediately and it became clear that her attention was completely trained on the woman in front of her. “In all my years working here, I have never met a lost cause.” She said in her businesslike voice, “And I don’t see one now. In fact all I see is someone willing to take the first and hardest step towards getting better.” She gestured to the comfortable chairs in the waiting room. “Please have a seat Miss. Saltzman and if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.” 
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
Peter was absolutely amazed by the hair of the girl in front of him.  “I mean I for sure haven’t!  How do you keep it from not getting knots in it?  Is it super heavy?”  Peter was super curious how it felt to carry it around on your shoulder
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Rapunzel found it hard to be mad at the boy in front of her. He was just so earnest! “Um...well I brush it a lot and try to keep it in a braid. It is very heavy, but I’ve been growing it since I was a kid.” She made an annoyed face but then went back to smiling, “What is it like to have short hair?”
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
Misty smiled, genuinely touched that she thought it was nice.  “Thank you, I put a lot of hard work in here.  As I’m sure your mom did too.”  Misty touched the flowers in front of her lovingly as she thought of how much cares for them.  Just then she could swear she saw the other touched some around her and made them bloom a bit more.  Misty locked eyes with her and smiled slightly.  “I do!  But honestly for a fellow plant lover I’d just be happy that they go to a good home.”
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“She really did.” Persephone chuckled, thinking of her long hours on the farm. Persephone didn’t know where her powers originated from, but it seemed like the right thing to make Misty’s garden a little happier. “Oh don’t worry about it, I just thought I’d support you if this is a business. But if you ever want to see my garden I’d be happy to share notes.”
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
ben had just been taking a walk, in order to clear his head from everything that had happened and everything he was still slowly, slowly remember, when he passed some kind of school. he could remember.. at least, he could remember that the school back in derry had been his favorite place in the entire town and.. the only place he felt safe in, when.. when he wasn’t with his friends. he had been so lost in thoughts that he barely noticed he was about to bump into someone - right until he did. “not your fault, it’s mine.. i wasn’t watching where i was going. i’m alright - you?”  he asked, running a hand through his hair.
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Persephone reoriented herself and brushed her dress off. The man she’d bumped into was unfamiliar which always put her on edge at school. Although he definitely gave off hot dad vibes, not that she was supposed to say that out loud. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” She said, realizing she was supposed to respond. “Are you here for pick up? Which class is your child in?”
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
when it came to the strange things that laurie had seen since coming to the island, ridiculously long hair wasn’t necessarily the most… bizarre thing she’d come across. though it did rank fairly high up there. she tried not to stare… unlike some others in the crowd, she focused her attentions on the open book in her hands. “i can’t say that i have personally,” she admitted when she heard the other speak, shaking her head, “people don’t need to stare though, it’s rude and… kind of weird.”
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“I completely agree.” Rapunzel smiled at the woman coming towards her. “I mean, I was taught that it’s rude to stare.” Well, she’d picked up on that on her own, not exactly taught. She tossed her remaining locks behind her shoulder. “I’m Rapunzel, it’s nice to meet you.”
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beautifuliisms · 5 years
“Then you will see soon enough you will grow tired of those morals and really just want to have some fun, see what boundaries can be pushed and which can’t. You have the abilities that others do not. Don’t let that hold you back from being what you truly are.” 
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“Oh why do men always say that?” She of course meant the predatory male vampires who were always preaching hedonism as though they’d invented it. “This is who I really am.” She rolled her eyes. “Having abilities others do not does not mean I should crush all others beneath my feet.” 
open starter | klaus
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