       My name is Mhay jean Onarosa ,I was born on the 10th day of month of may on the year On the snake 2001 , in Brgy sta Cruz Quinapondan Eastern Samar , I'm the second child in Family of 5 children that consists of 3 male and 2 female . My mother is OFW in Italy  Almost 12 years she's been working for us to give us good life  and a good future and My father is a driver and he staying in the province in Eastern Samar , supposed to be we're not living together.
        I'm almost 2years in Imus Cavite, First it was difficult for me to adjust and to make Friends with them , I don't know what to do .but I realized you must be socialize with them.I'm currently grade 12 in Gen Pantaleon senior high school and I have a lot friends they Comfort me if I feel sad they give me happiness when I with them, I'm so glad that I meet A good friends and they feel me that I important person thanks to them I didn't feel Alone and adjustment.
           When I'm pursuing college I want to be a Chef because when I Was a Young my hobbit is cooking its my my skills I love to experiment in different food For me Cooking is my strength and my only relieving stress and later on I understood That my heart belongs to cooking no matter what happened I will reach my goal to be a professional chef someday and build my own restaurant.
           Also There a lot of things I like to do when I'm happy, I like to have fun with my friends and my family ,I like to eat in different food,I like cooking ,I love watching K-drama and K-pop stars. I like to travel in different places and sometimes I tell jokes to my friends when my surrounding Is good. The things that I don't like is to be BORED!
           Life is a temporary, you should do the right things so can't regret in the end, And you should give important every single day in your life leave into the Max, don't waste your time for nothing just do your job as a human being because life is too short .It dont depend on us when we are gone in this world.
Biography: JUST TWO OF US
I should start by describing this person she's Jhaya Mae Diangzon, she's my childhood friends to me almost 15 years, she is like a real sister to me and she's always there for me through ups in down, she leave in my hometown province located in Eastern Samar, born on august 18,2001, she currently study in Quinapondan senior high school. Just like me she's dream to be chef someday.
       There's a lot of thing that we have similarity when in comes favorite food, hobby ,color Ideal man and dream goals. We have a lot of memories we have share , we have uncomfortable moments that we never forget it and I am very closed to their family I always at their house to Bond with them they look like my second family, even though we are not together in the same place but still we have communication through social media,we don't forget our friendships.
       She has a brave personality even she has many problems, she still not give ,and she's doing the right things. The really  I like her is funny ,trusted person she always there to comfort me and she had a positive thought , she's the person that tells me that I can do and she is one of those inspired me to be a good person.
       There are very a few words that can adequately his personality but I'm contented and I'm lucky enough to called her my bestfriend,when you first meet her she does seen a little odd ,maybe quite distant because she has a lack of confidence to socialize people surrounds her ,if you get close to her you will realize what a wonderful and charismatic person she is , It certainly did when I first meet her when we us a kid.
     Our friendship will never never end, as long we have love to each other.
I am going to share my travelogue with my family and my friends. Probably this is the most beautiful that I had in my life, after 5 years my mom came to the Philippines to celebrate my 18 birthday at that moment my mom decided to celebrate my birthday in our province in Eastern Samar. So all us prepare our things and we rent a van for our traveling almost 2 days. After 2 days we traveled we already here in Eastern Samar. I am so excited to see my friends and my father. After few days I visited my father in Balaggiga almost 1 year we had no communication. When I meet him I saw the tears in his eyes and he hug me tightly in that moment both of us is emotional.then I give him my invitation card, I want to see my father to attend on my special day. May 10,2019 all of us busy because of my birthday, I'm so excited and nervous . I can't believe that this day is my special day . Exactly 5 pm the program started .I saw my family, relative and my closest friends attend my birthday all of them happy to witness on my special day. The day of my 18 birthday has been awesome and unforgettable day for me and it was memorable . Thanks to my family,friends and relatives that they attend my special day. I honestly felt so blessed and thankful to have a such a amazing people in my life, people who truly love me for what I am. And my wish come true because my mom and my dad began their relationship again I'm so glad and happy to see both of them. When we got home I spent time with my family who made my day even more special. i'll never forget it. In another day my friends planning a Beach trip in Minasangay. The place has a long stretch of white sand , beautiful coral rock formations, the water is so cold , amazing view of sunset and they have also a can it such a beautiful place. We take a picture all of us . Even though the time we spend there was limited but we still enjoyed it. Traveling in your favorite place is the most unforgettable moment you could had in your life. I enjoyed the few weeks staying in Eastern Samar. I could it imagined every day I spent with my family and my friends we have a lot of memories we have share . Such a wonderful vacation I experienced in my life.
I woke up 4 am in the morning on October 20, because we have a trip to Zambales. I prepared everything from the smallest and important things I should bring. I cooked my packed lunch so I won't get hungry during the trip 5:30 am I left home and went to Cavite State University because is our meeting place some games during the trip .we are all tired after 8 hours of trip but we still manage to roam around the place! It was an ideal place to forget your problems. It was a pleasant area they have grass field many old style wooden, the place so quietly the place so amazing
 That day is may the best experience, we stay their in two days but that 2 days was the best and memorable experience .We buy and eat different food, we spend our time to go everywhere we go around after that we take a picture. To be part of a good memory I am so thankful that I've become part of this reach out. And the activities in here so good just like Bible activity, racing and etc. Then the people I met that day was very hospitable.
I've never forget that place, because it's my first time to came here and to participate this kind of activity. For me this place is so perfect for me all the stress was gone when God brought me in this kind of place. It was simple and all fresh green surrounding , tall
Tress to lay on it, I can see the birds flying in the sky. It was like a paradise with me I wish that I live there but didn't . And in my last night in that paradise I mean Zambales. I meant to be not fall asleep to watch and see the view for the last time every moment that I have in that place . It was a treasure for me , I cherish that simple memories that I have . Even that it is not perfect for them but for me It was a rare and special experiences.
 #Personal Narrative
Reflective essay: Realization and Changes
When I was in high school, I am just a typical student have a lot experience in comes in rebellious. I'm the type of person who is willing to take a risk and experience things I never did throughout my life . I can still remember my first day. "Good morning sister teacher and schoolmate Praise be Jesus and Mary and we shouted,after the morning activity. That greeting had been our routine everyday its already part of our everyday living, aside from making the sign of the cross holding the rosary bids.
After that I entered my classroom I set down on my chair in the middle. I keep my eye rolled it and looking at them and also to observed after that we started by getting to know each other with our new adviser. Over 4 years I have been here I have already friends we've a lot similarity when in comes hobbit and etc. I have a lot of experience or worst either just like cutting class, vandalism, fighting with my classmates and 10 times of guidance those things I've done. I just didn't want to have fun even though it was a bad thing I knew it wasn't right but I still choose that path.
As a young teenager myself. I don’t fell worry about my purpose or meaning in this world. Living without a purpose or meaning create me incompleteness of my thoughts and my feelings . When I meet Father Edgar Abucijo he taught me good things he make me realize and give me a hope . He taught me life is important no matter how I did He told me every single of my life . I'm so grateful that I Found him . I found myself especially God. I had to reflect and accept accountability of my past action and to Letting go my anger and insecurity of myself I was greatly encourage again to fight but now I’m ready to see what Is right and learn of my last mistake.
 #Reflective Essay
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Facial recognition: Rhonna Inghog
She's Rhonna Inghog. She's close friend to me She has pretty  face with bright brown eyes and a big mouth. She has long black wavy hair but she sometimes wears it in a ponytail. She is  beautiful, especially when she smiles. She always seems to be in a good mood. We have nearly the same hobbies and sometimes the same opinions. She always brings out the best in me by being positive and cheerful She is like a part of my family. I trust her as much as I trust her .My close family member. ; she always there for me to support what I do. It can be useful sometimes her face is angelic .whenever I see her face all of my problems and negative feeling vanishes .
That's why I always love to see her everyday . A lot of people admired her face because her face is simple and innocent. The most favorite part in her face his her eyes . The shade of her eyes brown , her eyes reflect a typical color of indian and her eyes is glamorous For me their something especial in her eyes that can attract people by looking her eyes and that her eyes is her assit . Her eyes describe anything about her.
 #Facial Recognition
Literary Journalism: NLEX - SLEX
NLEX-SLEX connector introduced as new remedy to aid traffic in EDSA
Senator Grace Poe have introduced the completion of the North Luzon Expressway - South Luzon Expressway would mean more trains through Metro Manila, cosntruction of elevated walkways, and this alleviate the traffic in EDSA.
The said 8-kilometer connector, running through Caloocan City to Santa Mesa, Manila will connect SLEX and NLEX, traversing commuters who's going from North to South and vice versa, thus taking a portion of EDSA traffic.
Another factor that will lessen up the traffic in EDSA would be the increasing number of trains in MRT3 Project, which would also increase the capacity of the commuters it can accommodate, while upgrading the train's operating speed and power, Poe also added.
Highlighted and conventional walkways connecting buildings are also expected to lesson the congestion in the Metro.
The Metro Manila Subway Project is expected to break ground in the final quarter of the year, and would also be huge help on traffic.
For years, traffic it's always been a bane for motorist and drivers and unfortunately, the problem is getting worse every day. In a NEDA Report in 2017, 3.5 Billion Pesos are lost everyday due to traffic
When I'm 9 years old I'm already aware that my parents not okay. They always fight in front of their children me and my siblings always cried and worried about our. When are they argued we tend to hide so that we won’t hear there. So my mother decided to work abroad. Honestly when my mother go abroad are house become silent but you can see our face by being loneliness. We become independent and be responsible daughter and son. Despite of that we need a mother to guide, care us if we sick and comfort us if we feel lonely.
After we getting high school we still waiting for my mother came home every moment and every events like Christmas, new year and birthday. Almost 5 years we waited until my siblings tired and disappointed.
Until we found out that they are already separated long time ago that's why whenever I asked my father he won't respond me and he always change the topic. My heart aching and angry both of them I experienced mental health and being depressed also my siblings become a rebel just to sake my parents but they know that they are doing the wrong thing but because they want attention they still keep doing it.
 The effect of having a broken family is very dangerous because the children might have trauma and by that, they will isolate their selves. There should be a counseling for marriage so that the complete relationship will be stronger and more they will have a better communication with each other. As for the children, they should also undergo counseling.
Reaction of  Personal Narrative
When I read that Rhonna's personal story about her birthday and being a school achiever she was excited to share it with her parents and Rhonna was excited when she found out she was on top.
Rhonna's face was so happy with a smile and when she returned home she was surprised of her mother  and  she did not think she had a birthday celebration in her house .when she gave a  present  she was happy and glad and a say thank you to her mother and hugged her tightly.
When I repeated her personal narrative . I’m proud of her  as she was able to keep up with his grades of her classmates. And I believe in his ability and all that he does have a good results that he will continue to do. Just don't be discouraged because he can handle everything he just trusts herself. God always their to guide her .
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