beautyxnthefire · 2 days
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27 DRESSES (2008) dir. Anne Fletcher
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beautyxnthefire · 4 days
"Smart man." she commented offhandedly. Looking around at her options, Mia was not amused. God, she hated working out with people around... "My personal trainer has something going on so I'm making do alone." she said easily. "Group and open session workouts...not my scene." || @warnerstjames
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“You’ll get no arguments from me about that.” Warner laughed softly, a coy smile creeping across his lips as she checks her own reflection out in the mirror. He couldn’t deny her self observation. She was Victoria Secret level kind of hot. “Are you here for a class or just a quick workout by yourself?”
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beautyxnthefire · 5 days
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"we were telling him what to do." "i knew you had an earpiece!" (x)
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beautyxnthefire · 5 days
"We need to keep our options open." she confirmed. Mia enjoyed options; at least having them if not necessarily exploring them. There was a time she didn't have that luxury so now that she did she was going to make sure she at least took a moment to enjoy them. "Give it time." she chuckled. "It's part of my charm." || @missxrivera
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“ good point. A lady does need choices “ she noted with a small smile. She needed some advice on simple aspects like this sometimes cause as much as she hated to admit it, people did a lot of stuff for her when she was in New York and she was tired of it. She needed to figure out shit on her own. “ you don’t seem sour at all to me “ she noted “ but I will take the advice happily “ @beautyxnthefire
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beautyxnthefire · 6 days
Excusing herself from the group of coworkers she was with for the night, Mia chuckled to herself at the song playing. Apparently they liked her suggestion at Country Night and they were now playing it all the time; well, her genius always paid off. Even in country music.
Waving a final goodbye to them from the door, she looked for her keys while still under light. Her dad would kill her -if Gabriel didn't beat him to it- if she got killed by being careless in an empty parking lot in Aurora Bay of all places.
No, Mia liked the way her life was slowly bouncing back to how she knew it..but with a twist. LA had left her traumatized, but it had also changed her life. And today, Mia liked where she was. Some deaths, blood and pain aside. Okay, maybe it wasn't all great, but she was closer to her family now and she found Gabe again, and this time their relationship was going to be more honest. She had hope, which was kind of dangerous for a girl like her -at least it had been when she was growing up.
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"What the—?" Mia exclaimed rather than asked as the brick collided with glass. She was all for female rage manifestations, but she felt she walked in on something rather personal here. She huffed at the woman's cliche words. "Can you?" she asked approaching the scene of the crime; feeling bold and stupid at the same time. As luck would have it, her car was parked a couple of cars down from the object of the other's rage. || @robinsantos
CLOSED STARTER / @beautyxnthefire
Robin tested the weight of the brick in her hand, glancing conspiratorially up and down the empty parking lot outside of Oasis. Her night had took a turn for the worst—or the better, depending on how you looked at it—when somebody had requested Carrie Underwood from the DJ and Robin heard those familiar lyrics pouring over the speakers like a mantra.
I took a Louisville Slugger to both headlights Slashed a hole in all four tires Maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats
The song had resonated strongly with her, striking a chord and reverberating through her chest like thunder rumbling before lightning strikes. When she closed her eyes she was back in Los Angeles, having the rug pulled out from underneath her feet by Ravi, and feeling absolutely helpless.
Robin hated that feeling; hated Ravi for reducing her to a cliche like her mother by cheating on her.
The thunder in her chest had grown from a low rumbling to a deep boom, demanding to be heard. Robin couldn't ignore the call—the need—for vengeance, compelled to take action by her own whiskey fuelled hatred. Ravi wasn't her target tonight, however, he had managed to dodge a bullet on account of being out of the picture but Sola? Sola was in the firing line.
Robin took a step backwards from the food truck to avoid any glass raining down on her. Robin adjusted her grip on the brick and hurled it through the window of the driver's seat.
The window exploded. Lightning had struck.
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Then Robin heard a voice.
"I can explain."
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beautyxnthefire · 7 days
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beautyxnthefire · 7 days
"Sure, sure." she shrugged a shoulder easily while looking around at the flowers "But I'm keeping it real for you." Chuckling she shook her head. "Well" she pulled a serious face "If a tall, very handsome man, with blue eyes and a British accent ever comes your way with the same problem you just faced..." Mia said describing Gabe to him "..tell him to go for chocolate. And if flowers have to be involved, tulips will do." || @nick-keane
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"No, don't do that," Nick shook his head at her. "Don't tell me it's the winning bouquet and to take the win but also say it won't solve the problem! I mean I know flowers aren't going to save the world, but - a guy can hope right?". Nick sighed at himself knowing full well he was trying to solve a world's worth of problems in one little task. "Alright well I'll give this a shot and see where it takes me. How exactly do I thank you?".
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beautyxnthefire · 8 days
She tilted her glass in a cheers motion at that before taking a sip. "That's true." Mia offered, knowing the crowd wasn't ready for that level of pettiness yet. Female rage country music was something she could get behind and, well, most people could relate to it too. "Well, thank god for that." Mia chuckled. She had met a lot of weird guys, with even more weird ideas about gender roles and everything and if music gave them an inch, they'd take a mile. "I don't think I could listen to a guy bragging about owning a woman..a human..and causing harm on the radio without losing it." || @lorelailewis
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"Well, in that case, I already have Carrie in the mix. The drinks haven't been flowing long enough for Before He Cheats. Everyone needs to get more buzzed first." Lorelai scooped the sliced up pieces of fruit and dumped them in their respective containers, wiping her hands clean with a cloth. The brunette's observation of country song lyrics illicits a snort of amusement from Lorelai. "Somehow I don't think a guy singing about murdering a woman would hit just as hard as woman singing about murdering her husband."
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beautyxnthefire · 9 days
💄 LIPSTICK — have you had any romantic or sexual experiences that made you realize something about yourself?
" I mean I guess I learned that being in love was a good thing? My parents were not in love and were not good for one another so that sort of set the tone. I tend to not give a shit about most things like this, but there have been two people in my life that made me realize that I need to not close myself off. They had varying degrees of success @beautyxnthefire @robinsantos
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beautyxnthefire · 9 days
👀+ do you want kids ?
" I used to never really think about it, because my life had been work for so long, but the more I think about it and the more I reconnect with Mia, the more I realize that the quiet life with her and maybe some kids is what I want. We've dealt with so much noise, we deserve some peace"@beautyxnthefire
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beautyxnthefire · 9 days
Love Letter: quiet night in or night out?
"I'm a quiet night in kind of girl." she smiled. "If I go out it's mostly for dinner and drinks..but I prefer the inside. I don't know if @is-it-gabriel prefers it with the way I cook but..that man either loves me enough to grow a steel stomach or I'm not half bad..."
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beautyxnthefire · 9 days
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what song lyrics do you think most accurately describe you? your journey through life? who you are as a person?
"Well...we can range from 'you want her but she's so mean' to the entirety of Can't Hold Us Down or Miss Jackson..Mother's Daughter and even The Man" she listed. "Take you pick..."
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beautyxnthefire · 10 days
👀 + top five most bang'able people in Aurora Bay
"I' feel like this is some sort of a trap to get me in trouble with my exes and besties. I'm not playing. Also the list would suck considering I literally haven't considered anyone "bangable" in a long time aside from Mia. So Mia five times."
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beautyxnthefire · 10 days
👀 + top five most bang'able people in Aurora Bay
"Oh my gosh... I don't know if bang'able is the right word... but there's definitely some gorgeous people in town. Off the top of my head? Um...Emira Dursun, Chelsea Abel, Echo Galaeus, Mia Avila and Clementine Lewis."
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@emiradursun @chelsabel @ecchs @beautyxnthefire @lemielewis
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beautyxnthefire · 11 days
🧪 TEST TUBE — if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what is one thing you absolutely have to resolve and/or do before then?
Mia sighed. "I would..." she dragged out the answer a little, trying to gain a moment of clarity so she could choose better. "say goodbye." she decided. "It sounds trite, believe me, I know but..." she shook her head a little "not getting to say goodbye leaves..unfinished business for those who stay. I mean, I never got to say goodbye to my mother when she died" she listed using a finger before moving to the next "and when I thought Gabriel died..that was..." Mia let out a breath "Hell, I'd even have a few words for Juan." Waving her hands for a second, she settled. "So, I'd say goodbye; to Tina, to Gabriel, my stepdad..to people I love."
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beautyxnthefire · 11 days
Mia had never been one to sit and do nothing. Back in LA she was constantly running, trying to catch up to her own expectations and here, she was running to fill her mother's shoes. She loved Tina, she was her baby too, but she didn't know how to be a mother; she hadn't reached that level. There was one constant though; thinking about Gabe. There was a lot that needed to be said, she knew, she had no delusions on that, but what she couldn't say enough was how much she had missed him.
Breathing the same air as that man —oh that man!— again was giving her a whole other reason to wake up in the morning. She didn't realized just how dark her days had become since she thought she lost him... But this was no time to think of it, she mentally scolded herself as she fixed her dress one more time. Mia hummed smiling at him "Lets see how we feel about it after the drinks." she chuckled thinking back to LA, how many of their nights started with a drink and moved to a diner instead of a club so they could talk. Oh how she missed talking to him... || @is-it-gabriel
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Closed for @beautyxnthefire
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There were still so many things that Gabe needed to fill Mia in when it came to his life. And also a lot of stuff that was sort of hitting him all at once now that he was at home as well. Robin was in the back of his mind and he needed to explain that some people might be just as mad at the real him as they were at the fake him in LA.
But for tonight he wanted to avoid any of that and take Mia out for some fun which he felt like both of them deserved for so long. He had so much time to make up for and so much he wanted to do with her now that they were back in one another’s lives. This was their second chance after all. “ are you hungry before we go grab drinks? Or do you wanna eat after at the diner? Something casual maybe?”
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beautyxnthefire · 11 days
Normally, Mia would wave a hand but she wasn't risking her precious bottles so she chuckled instead. "I normally don't bother either but sometimes I want options." she offered, still looking around. "Well, I'm sour as a person too so..." she winked jokingly. "Come on, I'll hook you up." || @missxrivera
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Ramsey had to admit she was kind of a disaster when it came to drinks and mixing but she was more than open to the suggestions in place “ I didn’t even think of that. I’m a disaster with drinks to be honest. I need better life skills “ she joked a bit as she started to look for some bottles “ yeah, wouldn’t that be a little sour or is it just the flavor versus the whole sour energy? @beautyxnthefire\
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