beccastudying · 4 years
I dreamt that there was a new meme that went, “If I dids it, I dids it. If I didsn’t, I didsn’t.” There was a third line, but I forgot what it was.
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beccastudying · 4 years
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beccastudying · 4 years
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I need a 3D printer.
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beccastudying · 5 years
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beccastudying · 5 years
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beccastudying · 5 years
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beccastudying · 5 years
College tips from an average student
Background: I am fresh graduate with a degree in Accounting. I’m obviously not an A+ student, I’ve experienced failures and I have a short attention span. Here’s how I survived college (even if I got delayed)
How to stay motivated?
- Acknowledge that you cannot always be motivated. Inspirational quotes and simple cheers from you family and friends could help, but I tell you, it doesn’t work all the time.
-Motivation helps you to start studying but the true secret to keep going is DISCIPLINE. 
-By developing a routine and strictly following it is a good start to build discipline. I won’t give a specific tip for this since everyone has a different life. You need to figure out this yourself. 
For an example:
Majority of the classes I used to have were scheduled in the afternoon, so what I do is that I wake up very early (4-5AM). I eat my breakfast, do minor chores then off to study what I needed to for that day. How do I do it? I read and analyze the concept first. Then, if there’s some problems needed to solve, I try to do it (if I can) Whatever works for me may not work for you. Some people would say their best time to study is in the evening. 
How to study when you can’t? (due to personal circumstances)
-There are a lot of factors for this one. It’s probably you have a part-time job, or you have other responsibilities like taking care of a family member, etc. 
-The first thing you need to do when you can’t study (or you feel there are a lot of constraint to study) is to ACCEPT THE SITUATION WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW. 
-The next thing you need to do is to think of a game plan. For an example, your whole morning to afternoon is occupied for other important things, you should make time in the evening to study.
-Since you have limited time to study, absorb everything you can in class so you can thoroughly focus on topics you don’t know (or those with difficulty) on your free time.
How to study a topic that you don’t like
-Make notes for it, make it pretty and colorful to boost motivation. 
-Understand the concept thoroughly. You know you have understand the concept if you can explain it to another person.
-Do concept mapping; whatever it is that will help you: your own formula derived from what is given from the book, making charts, graphs, tables, etc. Story telling the topic helps too. 
How to deal with professors
-Treat them the way you want them to treat you.
-They are usually older than you so give them respect.
-Try not to argue with your professors, but if you feel violated tell the higher authority. 
-Ask questions if you need to since it’s their job to answer you. 
How to deal with classmates
-Distinguish the people who are true to you and those who are fake (who are just using you)
-Remember that college is temporary and majority of the people you’ll meet there are not for long-term.
-Group works are pain in the a** but yeah, don’t be that a**hole group mate.
-Even if friendships are temporary in college, you should engage communications with your colleagues since you need each other to go throughout college.
How to save money in college
-Learn to say no when a friend asks you out to hang out (but don’t do it too often, you might lose friends)
-Get a part-time job if you can
-Bring your own snacks and lunch
-Bring your own water bottle.
-Maximize your resources. Always check first if you really need to buy a specific thing before actually purchasing it. 
How to spend your time productively while commuting
-I like to divide my productivity into two parts: For studying and for leisure. Sometimes I study while commuting; I read e-books, power power point presentations, PDFs or even watch Youtube videos that are relative to the topics I need to learn.
-Sometimes I do the things I want for leisure during the commute so that when I get home, I won’t be too burnout too study. I listen to music, watch random videos, checking out Tumblr, and whatever floats your boat.
Other tips:
-Don’t drink too much coffee. PLEASE! (Alternatives; but take it in moderation: hot chocolate, milk tea (it works too, but caution: too much sugar), candy, apple)
-Don’t drink energy drinks if your body is not used to it. 
-Try to be-friend people from the Accounting department (or whoever processes promissory notes) just in case you can’t pay your tuition on time, they can help you with your promissory note.
-It’s okay to switch classes (if you can) especially if the professor is not that good.
-If the professor allows you to record the lecture, then do it. You can listen to it while commuting or re-writing your notes. (this will help you remember the lessons more)
-BE RESOURCEFUL. The internet is your friend. 
I hope these tips will help you. I know it’s not enough but nevertheless, I want to tell you that you can do it! You’ll survive college, don’t worry!
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beccastudying · 5 years
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beccastudying · 5 years
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Ig : @habujo_
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beccastudying · 5 years
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All 18 EA swatches
Custom Thumbnail
Feel free to recolour, tag me if you do! (Just don’t include the mesh)
Do not reupload without permission/or to any paysites
Not hat compatible
Message me if you find any bugs!
Has Specular and shadow maps
Has all proper LOD’S
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beccastudying · 5 years
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Hi everyone! A couple of weeks ago I got a request to make a version of my Zelda Hair 2, without the braid, so I made it real quick! I hope you like it!
Information and Download Below
The hair comes in EA’s 18 colors, is BGC, and hat compatible!
This hair will also work with the clip accessories I made for Zelda’s longer hairstyle in Breath of the Wild. You can download the hair clips in my original Zelda post!
Download [Mediafire] [SimFileShare]
Credit to EA for the meshes and textures. Made with Sims4 Studio.
TOU: Please do not reupload my meshes and claim them as your own. Please feel free to recolor, just don’t include the meshes. And if you want to tag me if you use it I would love to see your beautiful sims!
And if you have any issues please let me know.
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beccastudying · 5 years
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After receiving so much positive feedback from people saying they’d love to join me in my latest quest to improve my speaking, I’ve decided to create an official langblr challenge: #SpeakingIn20
Background: I’ve always neglected my speaking skills in Norwegian, and I decided that for the remainder of the year I want to try to do 10 minutes dedicated speaking practice 6 days a week, clocking a total of an hour a week, and thus have 20 hours under my belt by the end of the year. I recorded an intro with the intention of rerecording a similar intro at the end of the year and seeing how much I’ve improved in that time.
Because this was born from the goal of using the last 20 weeks of 2019 to do 20 hours of dedicated speaking practice, so that in 2020 I’ll actually feel like I can speak Norwegian to some (small) degree, I felt like #SpeakingIn20 worked!
The goal of this challenge is to get in a set amount of speaking practice every week, and see how much you’ve improved by the end of the year.
The Rules Of This Challenge Are:
Start by picking a challenge level:
Chill - do the challenge 1-2 days a week
Medium - do the challenge 3-4 days a week
Hardcore - do the challenge 5-7 days a week
Pick a time goal for each day. (Eg 2 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins etc - this is totally up to you!)). You’re going to try to speak for that amount of time every day you do the challenge! Note: you don’t have to do it all in one go - if you can’t talk for 5 minutes straight, it’s okay to break it down into 5x1 minute sessions.
Record a little introduction. You don’t have to share it with tumblr if you’re too self-conscious; you just want to have a record of your starting point, so you have something to compare to at the end of the year. It can be as long or as short as you like!
You can talk about whatever you want, however I will be posting prompts at the start of every week and will keep a masterpost with all the previous prompts, so if you get stuck you can look to that for inspiration.
You can use notes if you want (eg vocab lists, things you want to mention, other visual prompts), but try to avoid just reading out something you’ve pre-written if possible. (It’s totally okay to write something out to start with so you can get an idea of holes in your vocab, just condense it down to notes before you try speaking!)
You can also do pronunciation drills such as repeating words you find difficult, practising tongue twisters, reciting the alphabet etc.
Record yourself speaking if possible. Again, you don’t have to upload anything if you don’t want to - you can just post about how you’re getting on - but you can if that helps to keep you accountable! Once you’re done, make sure you listen back to your recording and make a note of what you did well and what you need to work on still.
Use the hashtag #SpeakingIn20 so we can find each other. You can also hashtag with the level you’re doing and the language you’re learning like so: eg #SpeakingIn20Chill #SpeakingIn20German etc
If you want to do multiple languages, go for it! Just try to be consistent with what you do (ie don’t start skipping out on one language)
Anyone can join at any time! So if you miss the start now, or if you fall off the wagon, you can still (re)join later
Please reblog and spread the word! Speaking’s so difficult, it’d be awesome to have as many of us as possible cheering each other on!
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beccastudying · 5 years
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26/6/19 | i survived exams! hello summer :’)
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beccastudying · 5 years
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The Aristocats (1970) dir. Wolfgang Reitherman
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beccastudying · 5 years
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pink makes me happy 🌷
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beccastudying · 5 years
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beccastudying · 5 years
gay person: hands
all the other gay people online:
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