bederosa · 10 years
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Reading this book and feeling incredibly empowered and optimistic! #TakingCharge #Fertility
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bederosa · 11 years
    This post has been going around the internet lately and has kind of become a big deal. It has angered a lot of people, and has spoken ever so softly to others. I just wanted to share it, and share my thoughts on what the author is talking about.
    I believe that humans are happiest when serving others, and a huge way that we can serve is by showing/giving love. Matt and I are going into our 6th year of a happy, healthy, loving marriage. I know in the grand scheme of things that isn’t long, but I feel pretty accomplished.  Matt and I are happy. We love each other and we take care of eachother. We both put the other first and it’s crazy how well it works. When I’m taking care of his needs, and he, mine we are never left feeling un-appreciated, un-loved or lacking in anything.
    Some of the comments made me sad, there were a lot of people, women especially who really thought she was preaching male dominion in the home. This is not the case. Read it again. Everyone has heard it said that marriage is work, and takes two co-operative parties to work and it’s true. One-sided marriages don’t work. Divorce is 50-50, marriage is 100-100, all in. I just really loved this post because although I don’t have children yet, and we haven’t been married for long— I still needed the reminder that after a long day, and no matter how I look, he loves me. I’m his, and he’s mine. He needs to be able to show me love, and he needs to know just how much I love him.
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bederosa · 11 years
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Here we go. This will be part of my new daily regimen. Trying out some natural remedies to help with "infertilty". I place it in quotes because no one has actually told me or diagnosed me fertility issues, yet. The tea is supposed to help strengthen and tone my uterus. Yay. ;) The Vitex and Evening Primrose Oil are supposed to help regulate my hormones and create better cervical mucus. Too much information? Too bad. I also bought a supplement that is supposed to help boost the overall quality of Matt's specimen. I'm sure that's really TMI. Oh well. Wish us luck.
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bederosa · 11 years
Something I struggle with a lot, and something I’m sure I’m not done struggling with is Faith. It’s not something I talk about openly because it’s such a personal struggle, and I almost feel like if I say it out loud then I’m admitting I don’t have it anymore, which is not the case. Last Sunday at church, one of the speakers in sacrament read a scripture that I’ve heard at least 100 times but apparently not the same way I heard it at that moment.
Alma 32:21  And now as I said concerning faith—- faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.
I don’t know everything about my religion, and I have lots of questions. There are many things that I can’t wrap my brain around, and lots of things that don’t seem, at this point in our time/knowledge base to “add up”. But, and here’s where it hit me, we don’t have to have a perfect knowledge of things, we just have to hope. Faith=Hope, not knowledge. I follow my church’s teachings to the best of my ability because I hope. I hope that life doesn’t end when we’re done here. I hope that I will see my family members in the next life. I hope that Matt and I will get to spend eternity together. I even hope (although it’s not as important to me as those previously listed) that my body will be smaller in the next life ;) . If having to give up cute printed and colorful undies, not drinking a glass of wine with my dinner every night, loving my fellow man etc., etc., gets me all my hopes, then count me in.
I understand that this outlook just won’t do for some people, but it works for me. Following the teachings of this Gospel, whether its true or not doesn’t make me a bad person, in fact it makes me want to be better, and that’s something the world could use more of.
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bederosa · 11 years
Politics and Religion.
'Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today...'
When I was younger, I did not grasp the point John Lennon was trying to make with this song. In fact I missed it entirely. I used to think it was his way of pushing an atheist agenda on the rest of us. Boy was I naive. And maybe a little dumb. As I've grown up, I've adopted a kind of live and let live lifestyle (and discovered the actual point of this beautiful song). Of course I still have my personal beliefs, I'm rather religious and yet I don't feel the need to force others to live by my beliefs religious or otherwise.
Lately, a huge topic of debate nationwide, and especially in Utah has been the topic of same sex marriage. In this Mormons' humble opinion I think it's high time it's legalized, and I'm not sure why it was ever illegal. I can't understand how some people honestly believe that it is acceptable to allow a majority to vote on the civil rights of a minority. I've heard the argument that it's not a civil rights issue but I don't buy it. Inter-racial marriage was a civil rights issue and I fail to see the difference. Not to mention, if the government wants to regulate it with licenses and spousal entitlments then it should definitely fall under constitutional protection. This brings me to my next point which is the separation of Church and State, something Utah can't seem to grasp. I was given free agency, and so was everyone else. It is not my responsibility to make sure that nobody else "sins". My responsibility is to myself, the covenants I've made, and the commandments I should be following, none of which tell me to police and judge others. I have been told however, to love my fellow man unconditionally, as Jesus loves me. I struggle with that one enough on crowded mornings on the freeway, without having to add an entire group of people who just want the same rights as me, to the list.
So, this is my opinion, live and let live. Love and let love. Let's focus our energy on bringing about peace, ending starvation, and pollution. There are a million more important things that require our attention. Let's move on.
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bederosa · 11 years
My good friend Michelle at trustmeimamom.com came up with a great idea to reinvent the Elf on the Shelf and it really inspired me. Rather than blackmailing your children with the "naughty" list, write letters of positive reinforcement to them. Love this idea so much I'm sharing it everywhere so I remember!
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bederosa · 11 years
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Just #nerding out re-living my childhood. #faerietaletheatre #shelleyduvall #uhmazing ;)
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bederosa · 11 years
A Thought from a Different Perspective
I’m going to air a pet peeve of mine. A few of my good friends have already heard this but I want it written down. As most of our friends know, Matt and I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year. It’s probably pretty obvious that something is going on since we have not successfully gotten pregnant. We have seen a doctor and are working through some minor things. Do I get frustrated and have the occasional pity party for myself? Sure. Who wouldn’t? Does the fact that we have been unable to get pregnant really entitle me to be the last one to know when a close friend or family member is pregnant? I’m all for being cautious so as not to hurt feelings but have I ever given anyone a reason to think my feelings would be hurt? No. I could absolutely never, ever, get upset at someone that I cared about (and even total strangers!) for having the good fortune to conceive. What hurts my feelings the most is that people I love and care about think they need to tiptoe around me so they don’t upset me with their happy news! It will happen for me when it’s supposed to, and if it doesn’t then we’ll go from there. In the mean time, unless you’re a total stranger or someone I don't see regularly (I don't have the expectation that I should be the first either) then don’t let me be the absolute last person to know on purpose. I love all my friends and only want happiness for them. End rant.
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bederosa · 11 years
A Place of My Own
I've started this tumblr as a place where I can write down my thoughts and ideas away from my family blog. What I'm hoping is that this can be a sort of journal since I'm so bad at writing my thoughts with pen and paper. Not sure if I'll tell anyone about it yet or not. I'm not altogether sure what I'll be writing about exactly but I imagine it'll be boring to everyone but me. :) We'll see how this goes.
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