beej-honnecticutt · 5 days
I need everyone who hasn't watched M*A*S*H to know that this is genuinely the straightest man on the show
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beej-honnecticutt · 5 days
mulcahy holding up his catholic cross like it's the universal symbol of peace (ha!) when meeting people who he assumes do not speak english vs. hawkeye doing the same thing with the red cross.
i can give hawkeye a margin because hawkeye actually does save lives whereas mulcahy thinks he's saving souls and that that's equal to or greater than what doctors do (HA!). but hawkeye's race and uniform are still symbols of western imperialism and people have a right to fear and doubt him.
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beej-honnecticutt · 11 days
BJ “I only hurt everyone around me” Hunnicutt and Hawkeye “that’s the beauty of it, you can’t hurt me I’m already broken” Pierce
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
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had the thought that i should put these two scenes next to each other and now i'm unwell
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
Eddie Diaz 🤝 B.J. Hunnicutt
Showing up part-way through the series married to a wonderful woman, only to turn out to be in love with your boy best friend and deciding to grow a fruity lil mustache about it.
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
If Hawkeye goes to California isn’t real why does BJ wave his San Francisco sign shaped like an arrow at him when he promises to see him again
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
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bruh are these not the same pictures 🤨🤨
like their outfits literally match up too like what is going on am I going crazy
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
Crazy how fast BJ “I have more composure than you” Hunnicutt went from 0 to I’ll Break Your Neck when that patient took a swing at Hawkeye
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
Crazy how fast BJ “I have more composure than you” Hunnicutt went from 0 to I’ll Break Your Neck when that patient took a swing at Hawkeye
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
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I love when they're spicy and annoyed at each other. It makes the gazing so much more lethal.
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
BJ “good dad” Hunnicutt and Hawkeye “daddy issues” Pierce
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
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He makes me sick. Man who rejects the concept of a final goodbye in their present because he's already excitedly planned out their next hello in their shared future. What if I exploded.
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
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beej-honnecticutt · 22 days
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@spaceprince-jupiter ask and ye shall receive.
( Both are short and sweet :) so if you’re looking for angst or h/c this is not the post lmao. Maybe some other day I’ll rec some other ones! )
Fanfic n1 is:
You were meant for me by @onekisstotakewithme , which I consider one of the best ( if not THE best ) M*A*S*H author out there.
It’s a punnihawk story where SITR is the detonator of a very important realization. She’s written enough to keep me happy for years!
Fanfic n2 is:
The Baby Grand Piano by @radarsteddybear
This is a SITR fic, pre-canon Don/Cosmo!
Now technically the author hasn’t written and published anything for M*A*S*H, but I’ve been following their blog for so long I feel as if I’d been reading through their posts.
Enjoy, and check out their fics! They’re soooo good!!
If I had a nickel for every time I realized the author of one of my favorite mash fics also wrote smth related to singin’ in the rain I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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beej-honnecticutt · 29 days
RIP Darry Curtis
He ain't dead but he deserves to have a little rest in peace. It's hard being a single mother to 6 kids.
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beej-honnecticutt · 29 days
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BJ is just like me bc he just wants to sleep & yet so often he is prevented from being able to sleep
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beej-honnecticutt · 2 months
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#just mash things
part 62
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