beenwishingon · 9 years
Great connection. Bad timing. Thanks life.
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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San Marcos🍃💕
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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"But I know that I'll see you again in the long run."☀ #thestaves
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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blood moon eclipse if you have missed it!
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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He said, "There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live." -Dalai Lama #sanmarcos
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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Bc I found this pic from a long time ago and I love your face💕 (at I like you, a lot☺)
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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Hey little dude🌻
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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"Me encanta verte, tenerte, abrazarte. Cuando estoy a lado de ti, todo lo bueno de mí florece, eres tú"💙🍃
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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"Your eyes are the brightest of all the colors. I don't wanna ever love another. You'll always be my thunder"☺💜⚡ #tb
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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It's weird to think that graduation is next week😁
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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"I know this is super cheesy, but I love you more than pizza and I'd love your hand-tossed into mine at prom?😊" Yes yes yessss☺❤ #iloveyoumorethanpizza 🍕❤🌹
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven." -Rabindranath Tagore #nature
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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"Y poco a poco olvidar, el tiempo y su velocidad...dame tiempo para darte todo lo que tengo"⚓
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beenwishingon · 9 years
there’s something very satisfying about buying office supplies but I’m not quite sure how to explain that feeling
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beenwishingon · 9 years
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| Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe it's about un-becoming everything that isn't really you | #ss #sundayfunday
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