beerficionado · 9 years
Nomade Indian Pale: You’re not fooling anyone.
Weekend’s over, so here we are once again! Another beer, another review... The BeerFicionado is ready for you, so get the coasters ready, ‘cause it’s time to drink up.
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Name: Nomade Indian Pale
Place of Origin: Independencia, Metropolitan Region, Chile.
Bottler: Cervecera Artesanal RC ltda.
Date of Bottling: August 27th, 2015.
Available on: Supermarkets, Bars, etc.
Type of Beer: American India Pale Ale
What do I think of it? And would I recommend it?
Well, having tried some other IPA’s and IPL’s previously, this one took me by surprise. Tho’ somewhat sweeter, it stings you on the back of the mouth with a small hint of bitterness. Not too much, tho’. For a brew claiming to be an IPA, it’s actually more mild than expected and that might dissapoint some people, specially if you’re used to more wild variations of this kind of beer.
Smell and colour-wise, it’s ok. Nothing to write home about, anyway. Small yeasty preception and no noticeable hops, so for the most part it’s decent but nothing to special. Pours a red-ish-to-copper-like color that’s easy on the eyes and looks quite nice, specially with the foam on top.
Truth be told, it’s more of an American Pale Ale but for those trying out something “new”, it might be one to consider. Over my end tho’, I wouldn’t drink more than one. Sorry guys, you need to work harder.
PS: What’s with the whole “Indian Pale” name? The style is “India”, not “Indian”.
Anyway, there you have it... Short and sweet, starting a new week. As always, comments and suggestions are always welcomed and be sure to follow us!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Guayacan Pale Ale. Not as Pale as you may think.
The weekend is finally here, so what better time to go ahead and crack open a bottle. The BeerFicionado is back on duty, so here we go!
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Name: Guayacan Pale Ale.
Place of Origin: Valle de Elqui, Region de Coquimbo, Chile
Bottler: Cervecera Guayacan SpA
Date of Bottling: N/A
Available on: Supermarkets, Specialty Shops
Type of Beer: English Pale Ale.
What do I think of it? Would I recommend it?
It's nice to see that more and more brewers are playing the “beer-field” in Chile, creating new products or trying their hand with a traditional style. And while sometimes, Lady Luck's on their favor, it appears that this around, she went home early.
A bit of a shame really, cause this particular brew has nice intentions at the beginning, but a weak finish, it's what sadly seals the deal. Pours a nice red-to-copper colour that's easy on the eyes and looks nice on the glass and with an off-white foam, so bonus points on that. The same goes smell-wise.. it's an interesting combination of caramel and olives in between that pairs ok but in the long run, is a bit overwhelming. Taste on the other hand, not really an interesting proposition. It stings and lingers for a while and then, all of the sudden, it's gone, leaving a watery aftertaste sensation. Not very good.
So, is it any good? Sure, a decent enough beer to try and all, but not what I would for if I'm looking for beer on this style. Guayacan needs to step up their game if they want to stay in the market for a longer period of time, but for the time being, I could not recommend this one. Keep trying!
Anyway, a slight shorter BrewReview this time around but with all the spirit behind. Time is flying by and there so much more out there to try!
‘Till next time around, here's the BeerFicionado signing off!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Cerveza The Clinic Red Ale. Middle-ground beer politics
When is time to drink, it’s time to drink! So here we are, once again! Starting a new week, with another BrewReview... This is the BeerFicionado!
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Name: Cerveza The Clinic “Red Ale”
Place of Origin: Malloco, Region Metropolitana, Chile
Bottler: Cervezas Artesanales S.A
Date of Bottling: August 28th, 2015
Available on: Supermarkets, “The Clinic” bar in Santiago.
Type of Beer: American Red Ale.
What do I think of it? And Would I recommend it? Again, another brew-review with a special beer made as a merchandising item. This time around, one that like it’s newspaper namesake, tries a bit too hard to play on your sense of humour. (For those who don’t know, “The Clinic” is actually a some-what satirical newspaper that for a few years now, has been a bit of thorn on the side of both the political spectrums that Chile has a country. The name, by the way, it’s an allusion to the British hospital where dictator Augusto Pinochet was being kept protected before returning to his homecountry while facing trial abroad. After a few years,the owners of said newspaper, decided to go into the restaurant business also, with a mixture of traditional chilean food and the ambience of a some-what upscale dive bar, but that’s another story)
But I digress. Is this a good beer of not? Well, let’s be honest. It’s not.
Cheaply made, overly hyped (the same as the restaurant) and totally devoid of any soul or defining characteristic. No notable smell, taste is bland, tho’ it’s colour is somewhat pleasing on the eye. Maybe good for those times when there’s nothing else to drink, but definitely, not a brew I could recommend. Have one for curiosities sake but please, stay away from it, as far as you can.
It’s painful to say this, but for each home-brewer or micro-brewery that are playing hard and doing things the right way, there’s always somebody that screws everything up. Sorry guys, but please.. Just stick to what you know.
Anyway, our time today is short and sweet. So, ‘till next time, get the coasters ready cause the BeerFicionado is on duty! Drink up, smile up and cheers!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Duff Beer: Hmm, officially licensed merchandising....
It’s that time of the week again! Another beer, another brew-review at the BeerFicionado BrewReview. And today, we have a very special one for those who love  “The Simpsons”! So, come on down to Moe’s Tavern and enjoy one! PS: Watch for the pickled eggs on the counter!
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Name: Duff Beer
Place of Origin: Termas de Quinamavida, Colbun, 7th Region, Chile
Bottler: Embotelladora Metropolitana S.A
Date of Bottling: N/A
Available on: Supermarkets (Lider), Pubs and Online.
Type of Beer: American Adjunct Lager
What do I think of it?
Boy, oh boy... I’m actually surprised by this particular brew... And in a good way, I might add. Honestly, I didn’t expect much from a beer from this particular style and specially from a product that is mainly made to cater to “grown-up” fans of The Simpsons, but truth be told, I really enjoyed this one. Gets a solid, “hmmm, beer” rate instead of a D’oh!
A side note: This particular version of Duff, it’s the recently officially approved version by 20th Century Fox and Matt Groening. I’m aware that way back, some Duff-replicas were made without license and that in Mexico, there’s also a similar product but that one, has never been available in Chile. So there you have it, thanks to pirated products, we now have an officially licensed product! Way to go!
Would I recommend it? Sincerely, yes.
Decent carbonation, easy on the eyes and while the smell of it might not please a more refined nose, it’s surprising tolerable and makes you wanna drink one. The usage of adjuncts might not sit well with beer purists but for the general public, it’s a decent enough brew to share with friends and family and feel a bit like that bald, loud and overweight fella’ that makes us laugh from time to time.
PS: Makes me wonder why nobody has tried to brew a replica of Peter Griffin’s fav’ brew (Pawtucket Beer). Come on, beer geeks! Get to it!
Anyway, it’s time to clean the counter, re-stock the bottle pantry and go home! Don’t forget to comment and follow the blog! And if you want me to review another beers, let me know!
Read ya’ later, on the BeerFicionado Brew Review!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Tubinger Beer: Craft Beer, Chilean-Style
After a long time without posting anything new, we are back! Long story short? We ran out of money to buy beers. Simple as that. But hey, at least we’re still alive! That’s what matters.
Anyway, since we are back in business, it’s time for another BrewReview, so lets get this show on the road.
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·  Name: Tubinger Red Ale ·  Place of Origin: Pirque, Metropolitan Region, Chile ·  Bottler: Cerveceria Principal S.A. ·  Date of Bottling: August 05, 2015 ·  Available on: Supermarkets, Brew-pubs and Specialty Shops ·  Type of Beer: American Amber / Red Ale
What do I think of it? Well, it’s a bit of mixed bag kind-of-deal. Tho’ a bit bittersweet and pine-like in it’s smell, it’s a brew that has a lot of “repeated drink-ability”. I could have a bunch of it if I were in the mood, though I’m not really a fan of low-carbonated beers. I like mine with a bit more of air and foam. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but not really too impressive.
Would I recommend it? Sure, it’s a good example of Chilean-made craft beers and I liked the fact that they also include on the label, a small list of recommended food to accompanied it, so people starts learning something new in regards to that. Bonus points for the effort
Anyway, we kept it short and sweet this time around.So, have your tried this one too? Let us own in our ask-box and better yet, ring us a suggestion and perhaps, yours can be the next beer we try!
Read ya’ later, on the BeerFicionado Brew Review!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Beer Terminology of the Week: Reinheitsgebot
Reinheitsgebot The German purity laws, established in 1516 allows only malt, hops, yeast and water in beer. The law was at odds with EU trade regulations and so is no longer in force, though many brewers still adhere to its tradition (x)
The more you know! Because knowledge is power! Stay crafty!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Bier in Germany: A history lesson via Wikipedia
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Via Wikipedia
.get yo asses to Germany if you want a beer that will be good even if it is under 2 Euros. Also come here if you want to see a lot of drunk people all the time / at 8 in the morning.
Beer is a major part of German culture. Up until 1988 German beer was brewed in adherence to the Reinheitsgebot which only allowed water, hops and malt as ingredients. It also required that beers not using only barley-malt such as wheat beer must be top-fermented.[2]. Since 1993 the production of beer has been governed by the Provisional German Beer Law which allows a greater range of additives.[3]
The Germans are behind only the Czechs and the Irish in their per capita consumption of beer.
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beerficionado · 9 years
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Water.  Barley.  Hops.  Yeast.  Long ago, the four ingredients brewed together in harmony.  Then everything changed when the Adjunct Nation Attacked.
 Reinheitsgebot- The Last Beerbender
Special thanks to qhrumphf and my sister on this.
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beerficionado · 9 years
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What better way to epend the free hours during our annual company retreat, than tasting some beers here and there?
I would like to give thanks to the guys of Cerveza Antares, for the wonderful time I had on their brew-pub in Bariloche, Argentina! Great ambiance, awesome food and the brews I tried were incredible! 
Next time I’m in Argentina, I’m gonna go visit their factory and do the tour!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Kunstmann Schokolade: Winter is Here.
Get your coasters ready, 'cause the BeerFicionado is on duty! Time for another beer and another BrewRevie
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Name: “Cerveza Especial de Temporada” Kunstmann Schokolade
Place of Origin: Valdivia, River District, Chile
Bottler: Compañia Cervecera Kunstmann S.A.
Date of Bottling: May, 2015. (Specific date N/A)
Available on: Supermarkets, Selected Pubs and Restaurants in Valdivia.
Type of Beer: Porter / English Porter
What do I think of it? Not being truly a fan of specialty-flavored beers, I approached this one with caution. After all, for most people, the idea of a “chocolate beer” seems like destroying the ideals behind a more traditional brew.
With that said, I think they hit the jackpot on this one. Seriously, if you are looking for a special beer to try with friends and family during the winter months, this one is a perfect selection. Let me tell you why:
Taste? Like a full-bodied chocolate that melts in your mouth and not your hands. A warm sensation that makes you feel better and happy.  Smell? Right on the spot. Think of all the sweet things in life and make a beer out of them. Colour? Dark as a stormy winter night. Porter beers in general, have a dark brown to black color and it shows straight away.
One small thing though: Carbonation is high but the foam goes away quickly. Serve, and enjoy. A bit of a shame though, since a “crown” on top would make it more easy and approachable on the eyes. Is only up to you.
Would I recommend it? Certainly. Not as a “let's-drink-a-bunch-and-get-drunk” kinda beer. It's more of a “let's-sit-down-and-talk” beer that can be the perfect accompanying element to special items of food like cakes or white meats with sauce, as a way of increasing a pleasant sensation when you are having a really good time. As for me, not quite the kind of beer I'm used to but non-the-less, a welcomed addition to the family of products that this brewery has. Again, it's all about an acquired taste.
Well, that's all for today! Do you have a comment, suggestion or critique to make? Go ahead! I'm open to all of your comments and ideas! Want me to review a particular beer? Send me your suggestions on my ask box and if I can, I will review what you wanted! Nice and easy! Read'ya all next time around!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Kunstmann Sommer Pils: A refreshing Surprise.
Gather 'round, everybody and get your beer glasses ready, 'cause the BeerFicionado is here!
Another beer, another review
 so let's get down to business right away!
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Name: “Cerveza de Temporada” Kunstmann Sommer Pils
Place of Origin: Valdivia, River District, Chile
Bottler: Compañia Cervecera Kunstmann S.A.
Date of Bottling: Summer, 2015. (Specific date N/A)
Available on: Not available anymore, due to it being a one-off “Seasonal Beer”. May still be found in some supermarkets and specialty shops
Type of Beer: Pils / Pilsener.
What do I think of it? : I was a little bit prejudiced in regards to this beer. Pils or “Pilsen” (as it is known here in Chile) is not precisely my favorite kind of beer, specially when the most despised beer in my home-country (I won't even say the name but you can figure it out easily
) claims to be from this type. So, in my mind, every Pils was pretty much the same.
Boy, I was wrong. And honestly, I'm glad I decided to try this one. For real.
Pours a nice yellow to gold-ish colour that can be very attractive to the eyes and right away, pulls you in to drink it. In regards to the aroma and smell, it gives a flowery and hoppy feel (According to packaging,  it's made with Hellertau, Magnum and Cascade hops. I'll explain the differences in a future post, don't worry) and the taste, while sour and softly bitter at the beginning, ends up in a salty note that stays in the mouth and throat. Points for effort on that regard.
Would I recommend it? Well, here's the deal. This beer in particular, was a special “Seasonal Beer” produced for and during the past-summer season in Chile, and while it proved to be quite interesting in the general market, it didn't had the success that was expected of it, so probably it won't come back anytime soon
 which it's a shame really. Wish more people could have tried it while it was more openly available.
So, before the shelves are cleaned up for the winter season, make sure to at least grab a couple of bottles and enjoy it.
Farewell, Sommer Pils. We hardly knew ya'.
And with that, we close up the counter for this BrewReview. As always,  your comments, suggestions and critics, are always welcomed! Now, clean the coasters and glasses! It's time to say goodbye until another beer is popped-open by the BeerFicionado! C'ya around!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Polar Imperial Lager Especial: Lager? Yes. Special? Not quite.
It’s a Saturday afternoon and you know what that means. It’s time for another Brew Review! Today: Polar Imperial.
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Name: Polar Imperial Lager Especial
Place of Origin: Punta Arenas, Chile
Bottler: Cerveceria Austral S.A.
Date of Bottling: March 06, 2015
Available on: Supermarkets, Pubs & Restaurants (not widely though)
Type of Beer: Euro Pale Lager
What do I think of it? Having never tried this particular brew before, I have no point of comparison in regards to quality of the brand. So far, seems quite refreshing though and for what its worth, I liked the design on the label.
Quite a yeasty aroma, with a hint of bread and vanilla in between. Pleasant, yet somehow boring. Taste though, its very special. Bits and bobs of hops and malt complete a fairly simple yet effective beer. It doesn't want to play on the big leagues of beer and in a way, that's good. In comparison to other Lagers I've tried, it's very good.
According to the label, it claims to be brewed according to the “German Purity Edict Law of 1516” (The Reinheitsgebot) but for the general public, that doesn't ring any bell. I'll discuss that topic on a future post.  
Would I recommend it? Well, let's be honest here. It's not an “in-your-face” kind of beer, so for those wanting something light and nice, it might be a good choice. At least, it's better that some mass produced lagers that we have in Chile. Grab one, and taste for yourself.
Short and sweet, for a Saturday like today. Another review by the BeerFicionado, straight from the kitchen.
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beerficionado · 9 years
Cusqueña Golden Lager: Not all that shines is gold itself.
Get the pints and bottlecap openers ready, the BeerFicionado is here!
Now that the waters are calm and the coast is clear, it’s time for another BrewReview.
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Name: Cusqueña Golden Lager
Place of Origin: Lima, Peru
Bottler: Cervecerias Peruanas Backus S.A.A
Date of Bottling: N/A
Available on: Most supermarkets, restaurants and pubs that cater to Peruvian/Bolivian food
Type of Beer: Euro Pale Lager
What do I think of it? Not as good as I remember it, let me tell you that. The first I tried it was at a Peruvian-style restaurant in Santiago, Chile about 7 years ago and at that time, I thought it was an “ok” beer, nothing out of the ordinary but not too bad also. Now-days? Well, to be honest, it’s still an “ok” beer, but the flavour and texture has changed a lot.
Seems more “carbonated” in a way. Like a fizzy drink instead of a beer, though the colour it pours on the glass looks remarkably attractive. No noticeable hops but malt can be felt during and after drinking it. That my friends its the only thing that saves this brew from being a complete mess
Would I recommend it? For a hot summer day or during a family BBQ, it might be an interesting proposal but in general, not one of my fav’ brews so far. Bit of a shame though.
Well, time to clean the glasses and rest, but fear not, my faithful readers. I’ll be back soon with more. Till next time, this has been another BrewReview, straight from the BeerFicionado’s kitchen!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Rothhhammer Brutal Hops. Hardcore in every way
The BeerFicionado is back on track. And once, again ready for all of you!
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Name: Rothhammer Brutal Hops
Place of Origin: Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile
Bottler: Handwerk Brewers
Date of Bottling: January 05, 2015 (According to bottle)
Available on: Supermarkets (Unimarc, as far I know); no idea if it’s sold on restaurants. Might have to look into it.
Type of Beer: IPA (India Pale Ale)
What do I think of it? Houston, the flavour has landed! What we have here, it’s a very special type of IPA beer, very different from other varieties of this beer that I have tasted in the past. A somewhat pine and eucaliptus-like smell, reminds me of my childhood days here in Southern Chile, but the bitterness brings me to my teenage days of enjoying my first beers with my dad. It’s a mixture of sensations that can be as strong as you want and of course, specially made for those wanting to try something different.
Would I recommend it? Totally! Rothhammer Brutal Hops has proved to be a pleaseant surprise and more than worthy option in the whole landscape of beers in Chile. Try it, enjoy it but be careful! The after-sensation can be strong for those not accostumed to more bitter beers.
So, this has been another of my BeerReviews! Stayed tuned for next week, for another post, straight from my kitchen, right to your beer-steins! C’ya around!
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beerficionado · 9 years
Rothhammer Meantime. A well deserved stop in the game of life.
Better take the beer out of the fridge, ‘cause the BeerFicionado is here. Another brew, another review. Sit down, pour one yourself and lets dive in!
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In a previous post, I talked about Handwerk Brewers “Rothhammer” Beer. A particular set of products that are in a way, taking my homecountry by surprise. And indeed, a surprise it’s what I got with this brew right here. So, let’s get down to business:
Name: Rothhammer Meantime Special Blonde Ale
Place of Origin: Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile
Bottler: Handwerk Brewers
Date of Bottling: January 14, 2015 (According to bottle)
Available on: Supermarkets (Unimarc, as far I know); no idea if it’s sold on restaurants. Might have to look into it.
Type of Beer: Golden Ale / Blonde Ale 
What do I think of it? To put it on layman’s terms: I’m conflicted. Having tasted their “Good Vibrations” Golden Ale, I was expecting something interesting; challenging, a “dance party” of flavours in my mouth. What did I get? A fairly standard mixture of elements, but nothing to praise about. Small notes of citric fruits with a noticeable smell of barley but the aftertaste it’s mild and it’s lost after a couple of minutes. 
It’s the kind of beer you would drink in a somewhat sunny and warm day during Summer. Which it’s ok BTW, but in their spirit of bringing something new to the table, the element of amazement was lost along the way. Not a bad beer but nothing too special either. 
Would I recommend it? Yeah, sure. For what it’s worth, it’s more than an interesting alternative to our regular Pilsners or Lagers to accompany fresh food or a nice chat, but on it’s own, it’s more of a one-shot-deal. Improvements must be made, but so far everything its going ok
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beerficionado · 9 years
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This glassware guide from Hail to the Ale and Lakeshore Beverage is a great primer to the vast variety of vessels available for the multitude of beer styles out there. Check out the full size infographic here.
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beerficionado · 9 years
New study reveals that you’ve never tasted craft beer the right way:
The results of a new study published by Dr. Richard A. Steely suggest that the ideal way to drink beer is through a crazy straw. The findings are controversial given the long insistence in the craft beer community of using the correct, specific glassware for each style of beer.
Dr. Steely’s study found that the glass was entirely irrelevant to the perception of taste. Instead, the beer is best conveyed from bottle or glass to the mouth via a straw with “two or more curving vectors”. This allows the beer to be adequately aerated by the time it hits the tongue. 
Read the full results of the study here.
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