beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
What is your favourite small, painfully human gesture?
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and also if we can just:
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Tango: I just have one question for you.
Grian: What?
Tango: [rips off his fake mustache in one dramatic swipe]
Tango: How did you know it was me?
Grian: Get out of here
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Grian: You alright over there?
Mumbo: I am a professio-
Grian: You inhaled redstone again
Mumbo: *Quietly coughs
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Joe: Franklin D. Roosevelt said there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Joe: but I believe that raccoons should also be feared
Joe: they are evil
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Gem: Potted plants are an exclusive form of weaponry.
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
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I am now watching Hermitcraft and it’s pretty funny. I first watched third life and last life but I can’t recall much from both other than sand duo in the first. Last life just went past my brain.
This tradition of drawing incorrect quote continues still and this time it’s from @incorrect-hermitcraft
the quote
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Mumbo: The world is so bright…
Grian: Well, you ARE looking at a light fixture.
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Mumbo: Scar, I’m 25, I don’t have a Christmas list anymore
Impulse: I do!
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Scar: Mumbo are you a vampire?
Scar: You know because you're tall and pale and eyes glow all red and stuff
Mumbo: haha no that's just the redstone poisoning
Scar: excuse me, the WHAT??
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Etho: This song is called “What I Want For Christmas”
Etho: [plays a note on the piano] Money
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Pearl: [is wearing silly Christmas antlers]
Grian: Pearl take those things off
Pearl: No! I shan’t. It’s Christmas!
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Bdubs: Merry Christmas. I’m your present.
Etho: Can I have the receipt
Bdubs, offended: WOW
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Mumbo: bitches will be like “i love animals” but hate themselves…… you are an animal girl.
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Grian: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?'.
Grian: Doesn't work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way.
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
grian: [makes mumbo a cup of tea but puts salt in it]
mumbo: [sips tea]
mumbo: [finishes tea]
grian: didn’t it taste bad?
mumbo: yeah, but i didn't want to hurt your feelings so i drank it all
grian, tearing up: oh, okay
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
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Eating while on shift is not permitted, staff are told. “If the system detects no keyboard stroke and mouse click, it will show you as idle for that particular duration, and it will be reported to your supervisor. So please avoid hampering your productivity.”
A training video about the webcam system, seen by the Guardian, says it “monitors and tracks real-time employee behaviour and detects any violations to pre-set business rules, and sends real-time alerts to managers to take corrective actions immediately”.
Capitalism is so exhausting
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beesmakemeveryhappy · 3 years
Why is he cute?
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