beetaylora · 2 months
How a person reacts to your sadness says a lot about how long they’re going to be in your life.
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beetaylora · 2 months
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Ada Limón, “To Be Made Whole”, On Being with Krista Tippett
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beetaylora · 2 months
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Sophia Lornie, On Anger in Flatline
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beetaylora · 3 months
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 Andrea Gibson, You Better Be Lightning
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beetaylora · 5 months
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beetaylora · 5 months
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beetaylora · 9 months
I feel so alone all the time but I have no one to blame but myself bc I never let anyone get close
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beetaylora · 9 months
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beetaylora · 1 year
Shadow Work Prompts
With my last post being about shadow work, I thought I’d give y’all some prompts to use.
How does the feeling of envy show up in your life?
What do you need more of in your life?
What do you love most about yourself?
If you could get rid of one bad memory, what would it be and why?
In what ways are you inauthentic?
What irrational fears do you have and how do they hold you back?
Do you hold grudges against others that could be let go? What’s your motive for holding onto them?
What do you hate about others? Why? What might that say about yourself?
What do you need to stop running away from?
What do you need to let go of?
What should you attract into your life?
How do you feel about “love”?
Why do you think you don’t deserve love?
What do you minimize about yourself? What do you flaunt?
How do you deal with criticism?
How do you perceive pain?
Why haven’t you dealt with your past before?
What don’t you like about your life? Why? How can you change it?
How often do you lie to yourself and what about?
What emotion(s) do you try to avoid? Why don’t you want to feel those ways?
Write a letter to someone who hurt you and then burn it.
How does your inner child see you?
How are you deceiving yourself?
What does success mean to you? How are you standing in your own way?
What is going on in your life that you are actively ignoring?
What keeps you motivated?
What inspires you?
Who or what is making your life difficult? How can you deal with it constructively?
How have you been betrayed in your life? What did it teach you?
How has your voice been stifled in the past?
What areas of your life do you excel in?
What are the most important/integral things you have learned over the past few years?
In what ways are you too defensive? Why?
How are you pessimistic in your own life?
Why do you not trust others?
What hardships have you overcome? How has it changed you?
What are you doing to pursue your dreams?
What do you still need to forgive yourself for?
What did that relationship teach you? (you know the one… that one)
How can you maintain your individuality?
In what ways can you be more true to yourself?
In what ways are you lying to yourself? Why?
How can you lead with your heart in your life?
How have your dreams fallen short of reality?
What is your relationship with your mother like?
What is your relationship with your father like?
Write a letter to your inner child. Maybe apologize for what has happened to them and that you couldn’t protect them, tell them how far you have come and how much you have done. Say whatever comes to mind.
How have you been a martyr/victim in your own life?
I’ll keep this post updated with more prompts when I find them
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beetaylora · 1 year
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beetaylora · 2 years
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Let our soul meeting
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beetaylora · 2 years
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Anh biết chuyện dũng cảm nhất trong tình yêu là gì không?
Là em biết trước kết quả giữa em và anh là không thể, nhưng em vẫn chọn ở bên anh, đi cùng anh trên một đoạn đường dù rất ngắn.
Tất cả những giác quan của em đều biết rõ là không nên đâm đầu vào, nhưng em vẫn chọn yêu thương anh, bầu bạn với anh và vẫn chọn ôm anh vào lòng.
Em nghĩ đây là ván cược lớn nhất em từng đặt, nhưng mà anh lại không để em thắng.
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beetaylora · 2 years
Musim berubah tapi kamu tidak
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Dari macam-macam musim yang ada, musim apa yang paling kamu sukai dan kamu tunggu-tunggu kehadirannya?
Musim apapun yang kita lalui berdua. Sayang, musim sungguh berubah-ubah. Namun entah mengapa aku selalu berbahagia dan siap menyambut musim apapun yang tiba ketika aku dibersamai dengan tokoh utama yang kuharap menjadi ujung cerita.
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beetaylora · 2 years
“It’s all messy: the hair, the bed, the words, the heart. Life.”
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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beetaylora · 2 years
*glares at uterus* there better not be a cyst bursting in there right now...
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beetaylora · 2 years
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One of the most fun characters for me to draw. She has such a fun design.
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beetaylora · 2 years
Fucked up that society conditions us to be ashamed of bladder and bowel problems. Like those are organs. Nobody is embarrassed if their kidneys don’t work right.
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