beez-please Ā· 2 years
Associations of Dirt
I've determined these correspondences based on where the dirt I'd found and how the environment affected the vibe of the material
Labyrinth: many possibilities, mystery, confusion, misdirection, being lost
Cemetery: endings, deaths, rest, spirit work, spirit communication
Garden (Food/Herbs): practicality, self sustenance, food security, health
Flower Garden: aesthetic, glamor magic, beauty, self expression, outward beauty
Construction Site: change, industry, human made, structure, innovation
Home: hearth, nostalgia, childhood memories, familiarity, family
Potted Plant (Alive): nurturing, friendship, green energy
Dead Potted Plant: passing, goodbyes, incompatibility, negative energy
Campground: impermanent living, new scenery, exploration, discovery
Forest: earth energy, ancient knowledge, survival, practicality, communication with the planet
Orchard: plentiful food, success, romantic meetings
Shrine: deity work, communication with higher powers
Side of the Road: travel, commerce, trade
Farm: family, cooperation, teamwork, hard work, manual labor, animal energy
Crossroads: decisions, the cardinal directions, openings between worlds
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beez-please Ā· 2 years
Witchy things to do with your ash
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Put it above your door: If your ash comes from incense or an herb bundle, the ash shares the same correspondences and power as the herb. Iā€™ve met some who think itā€™s even stronger, as itā€™s been activated. You can either use the bundle to make a light mark above a door frame or it can be done with a finger. This can be powerful protection, luck bringing, or love inducing, depending on your intent and correspondence
Use it in spells: Why get rid of something so powerful? As mentioned, the ash still has power and energy. Your correspondence is based on what was burned. You can use it in place of that herb if youā€™re out, or in addition.Ā 
Use it in anointing: While itā€™s often used in conjunction with oil, ash has a long history of being used in anointing. Burning holy herbs, and then using a finger to swipe cooled ash onto someone being anointed is a powerful piece of the ceremony
Bury it: A lot of witches, including myself, find that burying the remnants of a spell is incredibly powerful. Itā€™s often seen as giving respect to the earth for the power it gives. The phrase ashes to ashes, dust to dust comes to mind. Itā€™s essentially the ending of a spell, returning the ash to the earth
Ward your home: Sprinkling protective herbs and ash around the perimeter of your home can help ward against negative energy and evil spirits.
Mix it in to art: Did you know you can make your art magic? Through sigils, colors, intention and more. But one possibility is to mix a bit of ash into your paints or use it as a charcoal substitute
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beez-please Ā· 3 years
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Why Bother?
Because right now, there is someone
out there with
a wound in the exact shape
of your words.
by Sean Thomas Dougherty
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beez-please Ā· 3 years
šŸŒæCultural Appropriation in Witchcraft šŸŒæ
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Cultural Approach to Deities in Closed Cultures
Cultural appropriation in Open and Closed Practices:
Cultural Appropriation in Modern Witchcraft:
The "G" Word isnt For You: How Gypsy Erases Romani Women:
Harmful History of "Gypsy":
Smoke Cleansing and Smudging:
Cultural Appropriation: Beginners Guide:
*All credits to original owners of articles and books*
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beez-please Ā· 3 years
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Yes, witch weather. I love that description, it's perfect.
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beez-please Ā· 3 years
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Light-Up Book Nooks
Miniature Decor Design on Etsy
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beez-please Ā· 3 years
essential oils are awesome witchcraft components! they can also fucking hurt you.
so, Iā€™ve been selling smelly things for about a decade now (which is crazy, but there you go), and I get super wired whenever I see people using essential oils for witchcraft/devotional perfumes/what have you. I also get worried sometimes, because some of what I see people doing - particularly on tumblr - is kind of dangerous. (sometimes in a low-key way, sometimes seriously.) use essential oils for devotion and witchcraft because essential oils are awesome, but be careful with them, because plants are assholes and want to kill you sometimes. Check out the contraindications before using anything. There are basically no essential oils that are 100% safe to use in every single situation. Itā€™s important to double check even if youā€™re healthy, but particularly if you have a medical condition or are pregnant. (If youā€™re pregnant, be really fucking careful. Seriously. Essential oils are a minefield for you.)Ā  Donā€™t give yourself a fucking chemical burn. One of my favourite party tricks (I am so boring at parties) is to put a few drops of something like peppermint oil on a thin plastic take-out container. If you wait a couple of minutes and then poke it with a fork, the plastic will have melted a little. EXCITING. A lot of people seem to think that essential oils are ~~natural and gentle~~, but fuck, a lot of them are used by the plant to get rid of insects/fungi/etc. All essential oils need dilution before using them (okay, sure, tea tree and lavender are generally safe, but otherwise), and some shouldnā€™t even be used on the skin in normally-safe levels of dilution. If you have sensitive skin and put some cinnamon oil lotion on it, youā€™re fucked, youā€™re going to be red and sore and pissed off at cinnamon, which is a sad state of affairs. Related note: donā€™t try to dilute with water. Essential oils arenā€™t lipids, but theyā€™re still hydrophobic. Want to use essential oils in your bath so that you can focus on shit that isnā€™t all the stuff you have to do at work tomorrow? Awesome! My favourite is spruce, clary sage, and myrrh - that oneā€™s fucking great. Dilute it with bath oil or some salt first, though. Being super focused on how sore and itchy you are isnā€™t ideal. Related note: citrus oils are assholes. You know that wholeĀ ā€˜use sun and lemon juice to bleach your hair!ā€™ deal? That totally happens to your entire body if you use too much citrus oil in something thatā€™s going on your skin. Bergamot is one of the worst, but all of them are guilty as hell. Dilute well, donā€™t slather it on before going out in the sun, and keep an eye on how your own body reacts.Ā  Remember that essential oils are super concentrated. I fucking love putting essential oils on charcoal. Sometimes I mix them in with dried herbs, but sometimes I just drop them on the charcoal directly - too many drops and youā€™ll just have a hunk of sad wet charcoal, but itā€™s worth it for the billowing smoke that flows out over the rim of my charcoal-burning bowl and drifts along my altar. (SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR YOUR MAGIC.) Whenever I do that, though, I have to remember to be careful about how much I use, and how much of the smoke I breathe in. Inhaling ten drops of peppermint essential oil all at once is like eating more peppermint than anyone should or would want to eat, just fuckingā€¦ bowls and bowls of the stuff. When I used clove oil on charcoal to get rid of a plague of flies, it worked magnificently, but then I also had to air everything out and ended up googling the effects of clove oil overdose. I had one customer who accidentally dumped a bottle of lavender oil on their head; they washed it off, but still had some fun hallucinations (this is sarcasm) and spent a while at a walk-in clinic. Donā€™t let that be you.Ā  Essential oils go bad. This isnā€™t a safety tip, exactly, unless youā€™re dealing with an oil like jasmine that will make you cry and hate your life and the world if you smell it after itā€™s gone bad. Those oils are rare, though - your sadly ruined oil isnā€™t going to stink, itā€™s just going to stop smelling like anything and become an expensive bottle of nothing much. Store your oils in a cool, dark place - donā€™t set them out on your altar or shrine if thatā€™s on a sunny windowsill. Most oils will eventually lose their potency anyway (citrus oils continue to be assholes and only last about a year even in the best conditions), but some oils, particularly resins, will keep for decades and just get better with time if youā€™re nice to them.Ā  Be careful. Donā€™t burn yourself. Donā€™t overdose. Thatā€™s about it, really.Ā  ETA: Be careful about pets and other animals. This needs a whole post of its own, honestly, but if you have pets (particularly cats or birds), read up on how they react to essential oils. This shit is important. Essential oils can be deadly to some animals.Ā 
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
Hozier possesses me to walk into the woods to lay there and decay, naked. The Amazing Devil screams at me to run into the woods screeching and howling like a tormented animal, also while naked
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
How to Predict Timing with Tarot
When performing a Celtic Cross, there are three cards that can reveal when the event will happen: the advice, the outcome, and the card at the bottom of the deck. While your intuition will tell you which is most likely, it is best to acknowledge all three possibilities.
The Fool ā€“ Whenever you are ready
The Magician ā€“ It has already begun
The High Priestess ā€“ You know exactly when
The Empress ā€“ During harvest season
The Emperor ā€“ It is almost done
The Hierophant ā€“ It is finished
The Lovers ā€“ As soon as you make the choice
The Chariot ā€“ In just a few moments
Strength ā€“ The minute you accept it
The Hermit ā€“ Only after you meditate on it
The Wheel of Fortune ā€“ During your first or next Saturn return
Justice ā€“ When you least expect it
The Hanged Man ā€“ When the circumstances change
Death ā€“ Whenever it is ready
Temperance ā€“ After the storm
The Devil ā€“ It is happening right now
The Tower ā€“ Soon, unexpectedly and suddenly
The Star ā€“ The more you believe, the sooner it will happen
The Moon ā€“ It cannot be determined at the moment
The Sun ā€“ In the summer or by sunrise
Judgement ā€“ Soon and inevitably
The World ā€“ In divine timing
Ace of Wands ā€“ One day
Two of Wands ā€“ Two days
Three of Wands ā€“ Three days
Four of Wands ā€“ Four days
Five of Wands ā€“ Five days
Six of Wands ā€“ Six days
Seven of Wands ā€“ Seven days
Eight of Wands ā€“ Eight days
Nine of Wands ā€“ Nine days
Ten of Wands ā€“ Ten days
Page of Wands ā€“ As we speak
Knight of Wands ā€“ End of November to most of December
Queen of Wands ā€“ End of March to most of April
King of Wands ā€“ End of July to most of August
Keep reading
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
Everyday Magic for the Green Witch
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Grow herbs on your balcony or in your backyardĀ 
If you live in an apartment, find good indoor plants
You can never go wrong with more succulentsĀ 
Water your plants from your water cup to bond with them
Write sigils on the pots of your plants to help them growĀ 
Bury a coin in the forest to welcome money into your life
Carry a book around to press flowers in
Illustrate or take photos of interesting plants you seeĀ 
If you cannot have real plants, get fake plants from a craft store and decorate your room
Wear clothing or accessories with plants and flowers on themĀ 
Tuck flowers into your hairĀ 
Bring leaves and flowers home as offerings for your deity
Help caterpillars cross the sidewalkĀ 
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
Ways to get Closer to Your Craft
Open your curtains in the morning and look outside
Always try to stay grounded. Observe life around you
Make a list of the correspondences of certain soaps or other products that you have. Use a product with intent
Draw sigils
Chant in your head
Walk, sit, or lie down outside. Watch the plants dance in the wind and listen to your surroundings
Carry crystals or objects that mean a certain thing to you
Take time for yourself
Smile at strangers and visualize sending positive energy their way
Listen to music that represents your intent
Pick your outfits using colour magic
Light a candle
Do something for your community. By putting good things out, the universe will repay you
Try interpreting a tarot card for each day
Be creative. Find the magic in every day objects
Practice energy work
Schedule days to go to the library and research plants, herbs, your religion, etc
Say thank you more often. Even when no one is there
Try to grow some plants
Have tea more often
Go outside!! I cannot stress this enough. Connect to nature. Go barefoot. Dance in the rain. Anything. Just go out
When hiking pick up things that call to you
Pick up trash. Give back to the planet
Take care and time for yourself
Be patient
Remember, its your craft. Do what feels right šŸŒ±
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
Some different herbs and their magickalĀ uses
Just so you know, these arenā€™t all the magickal herbs out there. These are just ones I have written down in my grimoire and that I typically use.
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Sea Salt: Purification and cleansing. (I like to sprinkle some at my doorway and windowsills).
Sage: Purification, banishing negative energies, and consecrating magickal tools and spaces. (This is an herb that I highly recommend all witches have in their possession).
Black Pepper: Banishing negativity, warding off evil, and protection.
Thyme: Invigorates the user and helps them move on from something that may be holding them back. Good for getting over losses.
Rosemary: Cleansing, purifying, and deals with matters of the heart.
Chamomile: Attracts money, luck, and helps reverse hexes.
Bay Leaves: Psychic matters and divination, success, money, and making wishes/intentions.
Basil: Domestic harmony, home protection, purifying, and warding off negative influences. (Iā€™ve actually used this around my own home before. Iā€™d say it works).
Parsley: Divination, psychic advancement, and protection.
Cinnamon: High levels of spirituality, psychic ability, and works in matters of lust and love. (This is a personal favorite of mine).
Cloves: Drive away negativity, cleansing, and bringing prosperity.
Ginger: Adds strength to any magickal working and can draw in new experiences.Ā 
Oregano: Joy, strength, vitality, and energy.
Peppermint: Cleansing, peaceful sleep, bringing about change, and abundance.
Spearmint: Healing, sleep protection, and vitality. (Iā€™ve found that combining this with peppermint really helps me get to sleep).
Poppy Seeds: Heightened awareness, luck, and helps with insomnia.Ā 
Cayenne Pepper: Helps deal with separation, and can speed up any magickal working.
Orange Peel: Love, divination, money, luck, and emotional peace. (They also make great air fresheners!)
Paprika: Adds and extra boost to any magickal working.
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
21 Crystals and Their Meanings From a Long Time Crystal Witch
I tried really hard to make the descriptions as short as I could, but obviously, some are a lot longer than others. I have been working with crystals for seven years, and I want to share my knowledge with you about some well known stones that are mostly easily attainable.Ā 
Agate ā€“ Comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors. This means that agate can typically have many different properties, though most of them are grounding.Ā 
Angelite ā€“ To communicate with angels and the more etheric higher realm. This is connected with the Crown Chakra.Ā 
Amber ā€“ A potent healing crystal for the Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Crown Chakras. This crystal is also a powerful protector, aligning your everyday self to higher spiritual realms. It is a valuable tool for tapping into ancient wisdom, recalling past lives, and breaking negative patterns.Ā 
Amethyst ā€“ Connects to the third eye chakra. It enhances psychic protection, psychic abilities, and is particularly good for empaths who are easily affected by otherā€™s energy.Ā 
Aquamarine ā€“ Associated with the Throat chakra, Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking, and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types. Its element is water, and is also associated with intellect.Ā 
Beryl ā€“ Is great for healing and strengthening the bodyā€™s entire vibrational field. It activates and opens the Root and Heart Chakras, creating the perfect balance of love, compassion, and creative force. Also great for scrying and decision making.Ā 
Bloodstone ā€“Ā  Bloodstone is a stone of courage and wisdom, and is thought that the red dots in it symbolize the blood of Jesus after his crucifixion. It stimulates the urge toward Christ consciousness, and is also great for the Root Chakra and also wards away bullies.Ā 
Carnelian ā€“ Carnelian encourages acceptance of the cycle of life and helps remove the fear of death. As an ancient stone, it was used to protect the dead on their journey to the afterlife. It gives courage and promotes positive life choices. This is associated with the Sacral Chakra.
Celestite ā€“ is a gentle but powerful crystal of celestial connection, expanding the consciousness to receive wisdom from the Divine Source as well as communication and protection from the angelic realm. It strengthens the Throat Chakra and aids in fear of public speaking and shyness.Ā 
Citrine ā€“ is an excellent crystal for those who are overly sensitive and extremely vulnerable to outside energies and influences. This is also a stone that transforms anxiety into positive energy and happiness. This is a great stone for depression, and aids the Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras. This crystal will also ward away bullies.Ā 
Fluorite ā€“ Comes in different colors and is a highly sought after stone. This crystal can aid the Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and crown chakra depending on its color. Fluorite is a multi-dimensional crystal manifesting the highest aspect of the mind: attunement to Spirit. It heightens intuitive powers, and awakens one to the purity and perfection of the universe and how each individual fits into that perfect plan. This crystal is used in astral projection and communication with aliens and interdimensional beings.
Lapis Lazuli -Ā  Activates the psychic centers at the Third Eye, and balances the energies of the Throat Chakra. Lapis is one of the oldest spiritual stones known to man, used by healers, priests and royalty, for power, wisdom and to stimulate psychic abilities and inner vision. It represents universal truth. Lapis quickly releases stress, allowing for peace and serenity. Placed over the third eye, Lapis expands awareness and conscious attunement to the intuitive self, stimulating enlightenment and enhancing dream work. Also increases intelligence.Ā 
Moldavite ā€“ one of the most rare and powerful stones. It is easy to find fake ones, and real ones come at a very high price and are easily broken. This is a tektite (a stone from meteor impacts) This stone stimulates the Third Eye, Crown, and Heart chakras, which are the three most spiritual chakras. Moldavite is a talisman sent to Earth for spiritual awakening, transformation and evolutionary growth. It facilitates strong, clear, and direct connection between oneā€™s consciousness and the Universal Source. With its own cosmic oversoul, Moldavite has an ability to connect with Ascended Masters and cosmic messengers (aliens, multidimensional beings), and draw into the Earth plane those thought patterns and light vibrations which are most beneficial for ascension and illumination.
Moonstone ā€“ Connected to the Crown Chakra, Moonstone is moonstone was the stone of the gods and goddesses in India, of hope and spiritual purity through denial of the ego. It combats materialism and strengthens the faith of religious people in all cultures. This is a stone that connects you to lunar and angelic realms.Ā 
Onyx ā€“ A grounding crystal that is connected to the Root Chakra. Onyx teaches the appropriate use of power and focusing oneā€™s energy and will into a positive force to avoid corruption. It is an excellent tool for grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth, as well as facilitating alignment with Higher powers for guidance and strength.
Quartz (clear)Ā ā€“ Because Clear Quartz has the prismatic ability to vibrate its energy at all of the color frequencies, it not only harmonizes all of the chakras, but can teach us how to vibrate our seven chakra centers simultaneously while maintaining perfect alignment with the light. Clear Quartz crystal is unique, each with its own personality, lessons, and experiences. The crystals attracted into oneā€™s life are stones that will in some way help facilitate personal growth and awareness. They may work subliminally in unawakened minds, and it enhances your subconscious desires, which can be disastrous with people who have not done shadow work. For those spiritually attuned to the universe, Quartz crystals are like beacons of light and positive energy to be used in daily thoughts, feelings, words and actions and integrated onto the earth.Ā 
Rose Quartz ā€“Ā  Is connected to the Heart Chakra. Rose Quartz is feminine in tone and one of the stones of the Great Mother. It not only activates the human Heart Chakra, it also links with the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. Its vibrations can penetrate down to the cellular level and reprogram cells for joy and longevity rather than despair and death. It encourages the dissolution of anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, and brings the Light of healing, the rebirth of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe. This stone can also be used to heal wounds from past lovers and is useful in love magick. Pregnant mothers also use this stone to calm and send love to their baby.
Selenite - Ā Resonates with the Crown Chakra located at the top of the head. Selenite brings divine light into everything it touches and stimulates the clearest state of mind attainable, where all thoughts entering the consciousness come from the Source and are direct reflections of pure spirit. It is one of the best crystals available for clearing congested energies or negativity from oneā€™s physical and etheric body, and for helping one consciously connect with the Higher Self. This crystal has such pure light energy that you do not need to cleanse it, and it will cleanse other crystals around it.Ā 
Tigers Eye ā€“ Stimulates the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras. Tigerā€™s Eye resonates with the frequencies of the Earth and provides a warm, stable energy for prayers and meditation, and stimulating contact with the vibrational realm of Christ consciousness. It engenders peacefulness and beauty, and connects with the spiritual power of the sun as nourishment for the soul. Tigerā€™s Eye enables the ability to remember dreams and to use dreamtime for spiritual advancement, sparking imagination, intuition, and opening up psychic talents in earthy people through Third Eye activity. This crystal has masculine energy and promotes self control and self evaluation.Ā 
Tourmaline ā€“ Is devoted to grounding spiritual energies, bringing a clearer expression of Light into the world and into the lives of those drawn to its powers. It furthers the ability to remain radiant in the darkest of circumstances, and to maintain a spiritual consciousness while living among those who are not always in the Light and do not understand the love of the universe. This is a highly protective stone against negative entities and repels negative energy.Ā  Turquoise ā€“ In traditional thought, Turquoise unites the earth and sky, bringing together male and female energies. Spiritually, Turquoise heals and cleanses both the energy centers and the physical body. It acts to induce wisdom and understanding, and to enhance trust, kindness, and the recognition of beauty. It helps resolve arguments, particularly between you and your partner. This is associated with the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
witchy resources !!
want access to a ton of witchy resources? want to talk to experienced practitioners with decades of time in the craft?
come join the ARCHIVES, the biggest and highest quality collection of resources - with summaries and helpful notes for all resources posted
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we are baby / new witch friendly and have special guides and beginners sections for those who aren't sure how to begin!
join here!
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beez-please Ā· 4 years
šŸ²Kitchen WitcheryšŸ²
In Lisa Chamberlainā€™s book called ā€˜Wicca: Kitchen Witcheryā€™ I found some good informations for kitchen witchery and I would like to share it with you so it may will be useful for someone!
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šŸŒæBasilĀ šŸŒæ
General Magical Uses: fosters loving vibrations, protection, wards off negativities in a home
šŸƒBay LeafšŸƒ
General Magical Uses: protection, purification, healing, strenght, good fortune, money, success
General Magical Uses: love, luvck, prosperity, success, raises spiritual vibration
General Magical Uses: divination, interacction with spirit world, wishes
General Magical Uses: money, prosperity, good luck, protection
General Magical Uses: peace, deepening love relationships, releasing old relationships
General Magical Uses: protection, money, luck, lust, strenght, vitality
General Magical Uses: love and lust spells, promotes healthy rest
General Magical Uses: longevity, wishom, protection, dispels negative energy
ā­Star Aniseā­
General Magical Uses: luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magical power
General Magical Uses: attracts lovalty, affection, psychic abilities
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Magical Attributes: passion, courage, strangth, intense emotions
Used in Magic for: love, physical energy, health, willpower
Example Foods: apple, tomatoe, pepper, cherry, strawberry
Magical Attributes: energy, attraction, vitality, stimulation
Used in Magic for: adaptability to sudden changes, encouragement, power
Example Foods: squash, pumpkin, cantaloupe, carrot
Magical Attributes:Ā  intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge
Used in Magic for: communication, confidence, divination, study
Example Foods: lemon, corn, golden beet, banana
Magical Attributes: abundance, growth, wealth, renewal, balance
Used in Magic for: prosperity, employment, fertility, health, good luck
Example Foods: avocado, pepper, kale, lettuce, chard, zucchini, broccoli
Magical Attributes: peace, truth, wisdom, protection, patience
Used in Magic for: healing, psychic ability, harmony in the home, understanding
Example Foods: blueberry, blue corn, purple potatoes (turns blue when cooked)
Magical Attributes:Ā  spirituality, wisdom, devotion, peace, idealism
Used in Magic for: divination, enhancing nurturing qualities, balancing sensitivity
Example Foods: eggplant, purple carrot, purple cabbage, plum
Magical Attributes: peace, innocence, illumination, purity
Used in Magic for: cleansing, clarity, establishing order, spiritual growth and understanding
Example Foods: onion, mushroom, rice, youghurt, all milks
šŸ BlackšŸ 
Magical Attributes: dignity, force, stability, protection
Used in Magic for: banishing and releasing negative energies, transformation, enlightenment
Example Foods: black beans blackberry, chia seeds, rice
Magical Attributes: endurance, peace, innocence, illumination, purity
Used in Magic for: balance,Ā concentration, material gain, home, companion animals
Example Foods: lentil, rice, wheat, grains, dark chocolate
Magical Attributes: affection, friendship, companionship, spiritual healing
Used in Magic for: romance, spiritual awakening, partnerships, childrenā€™s magic
Example Foods: beet, rhubarb, ginger (when picked), raspberry
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Magical Goals:Ā Abundance, health, security, kinshipĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā  Luck, money, divination, decision-makingĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā Spirituality, peace, relationshipsĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā  Moon magic, joy, health, completion of goals
Magical Goals:Ā  Fertility, mysticism, Goddess magicĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā Health, happiness, love, lust, sex, purification, wisdom, stabilityĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā  Love, spirituality, sustenance, motherhoodĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā  Money, fertility, protection, good luckĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā  Protection, grounding, purificationĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā  Love, affection, banishing gossipĀ 
Magical Goals:Ā  Purification, protection, cleansing (white vinegar)
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Magical Energies:Ā Ā Stability, discipline, prosperity, abundance
Tools:Ā Ā Plates, spoons, baking pans, cutting board
Example Food: grains, flour, root, vegetables, cheeses, maple syrup, peanuts
Magical Energies:Ā  Intellect, communication, imagination, harmony
Tools:Ā Forks, knives, blender, oven fan
Example Food: honey, bamboo, shoots, rice, bananas, dandelions, corn
Magical Energies:Ā  Passion, illumination, transformation, enthusiasm
Tools:Ā Skillet, oven, oven burners, grill, toaster
Example Food: hot peppers, salsa, basil, radishes, sunflower seeds
Magical Energies:Ā  Emotion, sensitivity, intuition, empathy
Tools:Ā Cups, bowls, pots, sink, dishwater
Example Food: all beverages, lemons, lettuce, cucumbers, plums
Magical Energies: All
Tools: All
Example Food: All
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