beezleberry-breakie ¡ 23 days
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 10 months
Reactions to grief
Denial and Disbelief: Initially, a character may struggle to accept the reality of their loss. They might refuse to believe that their loved one is gone, clinging to hope or desperately searching for any signs of their presence.
Emotional Turmoil: Grief often brings intense emotional upheaval. Characters may experience profound sadness, despair, anger, guilt, or a mix of conflicting emotions. Their moods may fluctuate drastically, leading to outbursts of tears, frustration, or numbness.
Withdrawal and Isolation: Some characters might withdraw from social interactions, seeking solitude to process their grief. They may isolate themselves from others, finding solace in their own thoughts and memories.
- Physical Symptoms: Grief can manifest in physical symptoms such as loss of appetite, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, or other psychosomatic manifestations. These physical reactions can reflect the toll that grief takes on the character's overall well-being.
Immersion in Memories: Characters may immerse themselves in memories of the person they've lost. They might seek comfort in looking at old photographs, listening to recordings, or visiting significant places that remind them of their loved one.
Guilt and Regret: Characters may grapple with guilt and regret over things left unsaid or unresolved issues with the deceased. They may blame themselves for not being able to prevent the loss or feel remorse for any negative actions or words in the past.
Seeking Closure: Characters might actively seek closure by investigating the circumstances surrounding the loss or searching for answers. This could involve conducting their own inquiries, talking to people connected to the situation, or even pursuing spiritual or metaphysical avenues.
Attempting to Fill the Void: Some characters may try to fill the void left by their loss by immersing themselves in work, hobbies, or other distractions. This can be a way to cope with the pain or to create a sense of purpose in the absence of their loved one.
Rediscovering Meaning: Over time, characters may go through a process of reevaluating their own life's purpose and finding new meaning or direction. This can involve pursuing new interests, engaging in charitable acts, or dedicating themselves to causes that honor the memory of the person they've lost.
Healing and Acceptance: Eventually, characters may find a sense of healing and acceptance. While the pain of the loss never fully disappears, they learn to live with their grief and carry the memory of their loved one with them. This can lead to a renewed sense of purpose or a deepened appreciation for life.
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 10 months
Body type and shape
1. Lean: Having a slender and toned body with minimal body fat.
2. Muscular: Having well-developed muscles and a defined physique.
3. Slender: Having a thin and graceful body shape.
4. Curvy: Having an hourglass figure with well-defined curves, particularly in the hips and bust.
5. Athletic: Having a fit and muscular body, often associated with participation in sports or physical activities.
6. Petite: Being small and slender in stature, usually referring to height and overall body size.
7. Voluptuous: Having full and shapely curves, often emphasizing a larger bust, hips, and thighs.
8. Stocky: Having a compact and solid build with a sturdy appearance.
9. Thin: Having a slim and slender body shape with little body fat or muscle definition.
10. Well-proportioned: Having balanced and harmonious body proportions, with each body part in good proportion to the whole.
11. Toned: Having firm muscles and a defined physique resulting from regular exercise and strength training.
12. Chubby: Having a plump or rounded body shape, often with excess body fat.
13. Pear-shaped: Having a body shape where the hips and thighs are wider than the shoulders and bust.
14. Hourglass figure: Having a curvy body shape characterized by a well-defined waist and proportionate bust and hips.
15. Apple-shaped: Having a body shape where weight is primarily carried around the midsection, resulting in a broader waistline.
16. Broad-shouldered: Having wide and well-developed shoulders in comparison to the rest of the body.
17. Long-limbed: Having long and slender limbs in proportion to the body.
18. Stout: Having a sturdy and robust build, often characterized by a solid and thick physique.
19. Plump: Having a pleasantly full and rounded body shape, often indicating a higher percentage of body fat.
20. Tall and slender: Being tall in height and having a slim and elongated body shape.
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 10 months
Body language cheat sheet for writers
As a writer, understanding and incorporating body language into your storytelling can greatly enhance your characters and their interactions. Here's a cheat sheet to help you describe body language effectively:
Facial Expressions:
* Raised eyebrows: Surprise, disbelief, or curiosity.
* Furrowed brow: Concentration, confusion, or frustration.
* Smiling: Happiness, amusement, or friendliness.
* Frowning: Disapproval, sadness, or concern.
* Lip biting: Nervousness, anticipation, or tension.
Eye Movements:
* Eye contact: Confidence, interest, or honesty.
* Avoiding eye contact: Shyness, guilt, or deception.
* Narrowed eyes: Suspicion, skepticism, or concentration.
* Wide eyes: Shock, fear, or surprise.
* Rolling eyes: Exasperation, annoyance, or disbelief.
* Crossing arms: Defensiveness, disagreement, or discomfort.
* Nervous fidgeting: Anxiety, restlessness, or impatience.
* Pointing: Assertiveness, emphasis, or accusation.
* Open palms: Honesty, openness, or sincerity.
* Hand on chin: Deep thought, contemplation, or evaluation.
Posture and Movement:
* Slumped shoulders: Defeat, sadness, or fatigue.
* Upright posture: Confidence, attentiveness, or authority.
* Pacing: Restlessness, agitation, or contemplation.
* Tapping foot: Impatience, annoyance, or frustration.
* Leaning in: Interest, engagement, or curiosity.
* Hugging: Affection, comfort, or warmth.
* Handshake: Greeting, introduction, or agreement.
* Patting on the back: Encouragement, praise, or camaraderie.
* Clenched fists: Anger, determination, or frustration.
* Brushing hair behind the ear: Nervousness, coyness, or flirtation.
* When two characters unconsciously mimic each other's body language, it indicates rapport, connection, or empathy.
* A subtle nod can convey agreement, understanding, or encouragement.
Crossed legs:
* Crossed legs can indicate relaxation or a casual, nonchalant attitude.
Tapping fingers:
* Impatience, anticipation, or nervousness can be expressed through rhythmic finger tapping.
Hand on the chest:
* Placing a hand on the chest can convey sincerity, empathy, or a heartfelt emotion.
- Tilting the head:
* Tilting the head to the side can suggest curiosity, attentiveness, or interest.
Rubbing the temples:
* Rubbing the temples can indicate stress, fatigue, or a headache.
Chin stroking:
* Stroking the chin while in thought can portray contemplation, decision-making, or intellectual curiosity.
Arms crossed behind the back:
* This posture can indicate authority, confidence, or a composed demeanor.
Tilted body posture:
* Leaning slightly towards someone can suggest interest, attraction, or engagement in a conversation.
Biting nails:
* Nail-biting can reveal anxiety, nervousness, or tension.
Foot tapping:
* Rapid or impatient foot tapping can show agitation, restlessness, or eagerness.
* Squinting the eyes can signal suspicion, doubt, or an attempt to focus on something.
Shifting weight from foot to foot:
* Shifting weight can imply discomfort, unease, or anticipation.
Covering the mouth while speaking:
* This gesture can indicate hesitation, embarrassment, or the desire to hide something.
Remember that body language can vary across different cultures and individuals, so consider your character's background and personality while describing their movements. Additionally, body language is best used in combination with dialogue and internal thoughts to create a more nuanced portrayal of your characters.
Happy writing!
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 10 months
voice out
out of the blue
all at once
without warning/notice
in a flash
out of nowhere
in an instant
like a shot
on spur of moment
by surprise
before you know it
with one's guard down
set eys on
eyed out
these are just some words that are often redundant in texts but of course, these synonyms would still depend on the context of what you are writing. i will add more if i can !! you guys can also add more if you want to.
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
Want to see some NSFW Doodles? Upcoming Full Color Artwork, Lore Drops and other characters? Be a Beta Tester? If you're interested, I have Patreon!
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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OMG! Look at them! Thank you, thank you! You’ve improved so much and you are fucking ROCKIN’ IT! friggen proud of you @sammeez! I for sure want trade you somehow! Fanfic of your OC x favorite guy, maybe?
Freddy belongs to @heart-hunted, this beautiful drawing belongs to @sammeez
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Disclaimer: I do not own Frederick the great, Jacki, or the VN: Heart Hunted. Theeeey belong to @heart-hunted-vn ; who has been unfortunately cursed to see my 1 am unproof read cringe story and 8th grade fan art.
They’ve been at the amusement park for ten fucking hours. Fred’s battery had wobbled down to absolute zero and he was THIS close in carrying his companion like a potato sack towards the exit. Yet the last time he off handley mentioned this desired act, Daisy threatened with calling Jacki to join in their day out. The two together were an endless source of energy, seemingly recharging the other up. He swore you had to be twins separated at birth with some of the bullshit he had to put up with during communications on missions. You both always seemed to find how if one had an awful awful awful idea the other picked up on it without even speaking. Was down right freaky. Yet he had to assume this was something of the norm working in the field.
“Hey! Hey Freddy!”. Oh shit. He drifted off, disassociated himself. Daisy on the other hand, dragged them both to stand under a small food cart’s umbrella. Her face literally an inch from his, breasts pushed up against his sternum as her dark forest eyes gleamed with concern, her hands had fortunately wandered a way to his jean’s back pockets. Was it to keep them warm, he didn’t know, his brain was just fried right now.
Frederick, you ok?”, she tilted her head, a pout resting on her lips. This was a date, or she thought it was a date, better have been a date. Couldn’t be too sure as Fred always seemed to have some sort of work related excuse when she would ask, or his sarcasm reached such depths that she had to quickly text Jacki to ask about Freddy lingo and if she royally screwed up somehow.
Fred gave a sigh before slowly rolling his neck, one hand placed at the base. His body was rigidly relaxed (was that even possible?) as he felt the push of Daisy’s chest with each breath she took. He cleared his throat, refusing to make eye contact with her. Daisy gave a defeated huff. Hands extracting themselves from his back pockets as she stepped back. Ok. So. She misinterpreted.
She thought they were having fun. They drove together early in the morning to the park, Fred being nice enough to take her to breakfast at a small mom and pop shop on the way to their destination. Daisy spoke to Fred excitingly over bacon and eggs, asking him questions about his life, hometown, and family, while she would interject her own experiences of growing up. He seemed well interested about her, their chatter not once lingering in an awkward moment. When they arrived at the theme park, they rode every roller coaster, he had even won her a polished snake, Fred even cracked a joke that made her snort with laughter. She died a little on the inside when that happened. Hell! He ate some fries off her plate when they decided lunch at the parks burger spot, though she almost tackled him when he held her wrist to try some of her ice cream. Thought she would have to call 911 with how red her face burned. Maybe. He was just being friendly? I mean overtly friendly at best. Was he playing her? No, Fred was always a brutally straight forward guy, this was very unlikely.
Daisy shook her head another huff of air leaving her lips. There was no point in wondering, even if she prayed for best case scenario. This was teaming up to be another incident of pushing into romance too quickly. Something that her mentor, Jacki, warned her about. Repeatedly teaching her that something like that could end up being dangerous for everybody. He’d be very disappointed in her right now. Closing her eyes, Daisy had decided to bite the bullet and end this obvious awkwardness that developed between them.
“Look Fred, I’m sorry if I came on too stro-“.
“Daisy. Stop. I really like you”.
Well. Brain fart. Any words she conjugated together for embracing a bitter end to the day just died in her throat. He liked her?
“Daisy I really want to lie down”, Fred ran his fingers through his hair, energy now completely zapped, “Go to a hotel at least. We’ve been here since 10 this morning. For Gods sake woman it’s 2 am and we’re going on ‘Shiekra’ for a fifth time!”
Daisy puffed her cheeks in embarrassment, “I really like this ride though”. Fred groaned, one of his hands reaching out to grasp hers. “It’ll be here next time we come back”, freakin boundless energy this one.
“Next time?”, she asked softly, questioningly while she intertwined their fingers together as they began their trek back to the car. She wasn’t sure if she should get her hopes up at the thought, but she crossed her fingers none the less. Fred tugged her closer to his side, eyebrows furrowed in concentration so to not end up on the other side of the park again. Of course he was going to bring her back. At some point he thought this work crush was only one sided, nice to know it wasn’t.
“Yea next time”, a yawn escaped, the cheerful screams and talks of the people around him fading out slowly. “I took a couple of days off, so either here or anywhere really”. Daisy smiled, her eyes catching Fred’s in a brief moment before she walked in front, tugging his frame towards the park exit.
“Well lucky for you. I know this great pizza place in town”
“Not this again woman. You’re not converting me to pizza”
“Well burgers ain’t everything Frederick and you have yet to prove me otherwise”, she stuck her tongue out in defiance, Fred rolled his eyes in response.
“Your tastebuds are just shit”
“Well I like you. Does that mean you’re shit?”
“Daisy. No”.
My medication is making me woozy ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ. Truly hoping I didn’t bug her anything/anyone >.>
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
heheheheHahahahahahahaha!!! LE’S FUCKING GOOOOO!
Br<3ken Colors Demo
Br<3ken Colors demo is out now^^ Here's the link but REMINDER! This game isn't for minors so please wait till you're over 18 and remember to read the warnings first. https://holyschnitzel.itch.io/broken-colors
But people who are adults, we hope you enjoy it^^
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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Got me a commission from @hotpinkmoon that made me sob at the beauty.
I do not claim this artwork. I am far from being this talented. For commissions I beg you to check out @hotpinkmoon. She be the bees knees
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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• Please read the Terms and Conditions before messaging me.
• Please respect my Do's and Don't.
• I will ask permission to post the commission on my Tumblr and Twitter as well as tagging you, If you're okay with it. If you want to stay anonymous, or want to post it on your account that's fine too. Please tag me, and do not claim it as your own.
• I will send progress photos with watermarks. After the commission is done, I will send it to you without watermarks.
• If you have any questions or concerns, please ask me about it.
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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Hello! My name is Nastya Litepla (you can call me "litepla"). I am an illustrator from Ukraine. I create illustrations and everything related to them and I'll be glad to see new subscribers! :)
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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Been doodling Chainsaw Man stuff all week, so I tossed some colors onto this one.
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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beezleberry-breakie ¡ 1 year
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